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[AS AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD SAB cesses AEROSPACE ams 4152. Pratarriityr iia MATERIAL bial ‘orcimesnnsindwi wrsins FSEESET — SPECIFICATION | Jesued 7 nor toa fevised 1 APR 1903 Superseding ANS 4152 ALUMINUM ALLOY BerRUsTONS 4.46 = T.3M5 D600 (2024-73) Soluticn Heat Trested uns ag2024 1. score: Ll Form This “specification covers an aTuntnun alloy sn the form of extruded bars, rods, wire, shapes, and tubing. 1.2 Application: These products have been used typically for parts requiring good strength and whose Fabrication dees not involve welding, but usage ts net‘T imleed to such ‘ppt icat tans: 1.2.1 Cortain processing procedures may cause these products to becone susceptible to stress-corroston cracking; ANPEZ3 recommends practices to iministze such conditions. 2. APPLICABLE ODcUMENTS: The fel owing publications form a part of ths spectttcation to the extent tpect fied ateln. hs test Yetanot Se pubviat tone shalt apply. ‘ihe applicable stun of ether publications shall be the tssue’ in effect on the dake oP the purchase srder! SAE Pubt eattons: AvaHable from SAE, 400 Conmonweat th Ortve, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. 2 AMS 2205 Tolerances, Aluninus Alley and Magnes\un Al1oy Extrusions aH 2205 Tolerances, Metric, Alunimum AI Toy and RagnestunATyoy etriatone| {45 fect sees er Res ie “TD pa at SAE wen pn a nec oe SEES RE esata eyelet nay eae eye 09 Sy Aamo En, ss 41621 SHE ans 4152, 5.2.2 for dtrect U.S. Military procurement, packaging shall be in accordance with G3" ASIH-B'S6, “Comercial Vere, unss’Lovel A ts specified nthe vaguest or procuranont. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ‘A vendor shal] ment lon thts spect fication number and tts reviston letter in aii quotations and whan acknowledging purchase orders, 7. REQECTIONS: Extrustong not conforata te ths specification, or to maditteations author zed by purchaser, will be sibjact to regection, 2. WoTes: 8.1 Marginal Indicta: The (R) synbot te used to indicate tachnfcaT changes from the provious fesue OF UME speettscatton ° ” 8.2. Dinenstons and properties In, Inch/pound units are primary; dinens tons and propertins in Si units ara shown ag the approximate’ equivalents” of the primary nits and are presented’ only for information 8.3 For direct U.S. Military procuremont, purchase documents should specify not ess than the followin Title, aunber, and date of this spectftcatfon Form and size’ or section Identification muaber of extrusions desired Quantity of extrusions desired Lever Apackaging, 4 raquired (See §.2.2) 8.4 Similar SpoctFicat ons Federal QQ-A-200/3, Texper 14, 1s listed for information only and shalt not be congtrand as an'accepable’ alternate unless ai] requtronants af ths AME \irements of this specification have boon 8.8 Extrusions meeting the 1 dural Supply Classification (150) 4710. classified under federal 8.6 Key Words: Bars, rods, wire, shapes, tubing PREPARED UNDEK THE JURISDICTION OF AMS COMMITTEE * 6- as an521 is 41521 Acceptance ertterta for extrusions excenng the Hnltations of 2.4.) shal be-as° agreed upon by purchaser and Vendor 3.5. Tolerance Shar conform to aT) applicable requtrenents of ANS 2208 or MAM 2205, 4, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS: 4,1. Responsibility for Inspection: The vendor of extrustons shalT supply a11 samples for vendor's tests and sha] be responsible Tor performing 211 required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to’ sample and te perfor any conflematory tecting deaned necessary to ensure that the axtrustons conform to the requirements. oft spect Fleation. 4.2 Classification of Tests: 4.2.1. Acceptance Tests: Tests for composstion (9.1), tensiTe properties (3.3.1), titrazonie Irapecston (4: 4c1) when speett ‘ed, dng tolerances: (88) sre fccoptance tests and shail be parforned on eich Tot, Tests for hardness (2.3.2) are periodic tests and shal? be Vendor unless Fraquency of testing 12.2 Portedse Tests: harauess performed ata trequency selactad by 4s" specified By purchaser. 4.3. Samplieg and Test ina ‘ShaTl be in accordance with AHS 258 oF NAM 2356, Reports: ‘The vendor of extrusions shal furmish with each shipnent a report stat tng thatthe extrusions conform to the chanted] apposition nd showing. the Yasults of tests to determing conforeance to the other acceptance test Fequirenents,” This report shal! include the ourchase order nunber, tot hnumber, ANS 4352U, size oF soet lon! Tonk t#iexeson nimbar, and ausnesty 4.5. Resanpling and Retesting: ShaT? be tn accordance with ANS 2355 or MAN 2355. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY: EL dmtiticatton: smaTi be in accordance with ANS 2811 5.2 Packaging: 2-1 Extrusions shale prepared for ahigaoat tm acordance with comorctit 8)" practice’and in comph tance with appl cable utes. snd regulations pertaining {othe hand tng, packaging, and transportation of the extrustons to ensure carrier acceptance ond s9fe delivery. ws a121 she ans 41821 Tubing: 7 TABLE 24 Wininun Tenstle Properstes, Inch/Pound Units Nomina? watt Tensile Yield strength Elongation tr nsckness, Inches Strength ‘ae 24 offset” 2 Inches or 4D ‘and Bea kst ks 4 Up to 0.249, Snel, cI] areas 57.0 2.0 10 ver 0,249 to 0.949" incl, SIT areas 60:0 ao 16 Over 01749 to 1480; incl, 211 areas 65.0 6.0 1” Over 11493 ‘ved up to 26 sq in., inc) 79.0 42.0 10 ‘area over 25 to 32.34 in.) incl 68.0 6.0 8 TROLE 30 - Mininum Tensile Properties, SI Units Nomina) al) Tensile Yéeld Strength Elongation In Thickness, HITT intors. Strength "at ae offset” S0sfen or 40) ‘nd Area., Wea ha. g Up to 6.32, tcl, 212 areas 93 200 10 4 over 6.32 to 19/02) ined! SIT areas 14 308 10 ver 19:02 to 38,07, tel SH areas 448 317 10 Over 38:07 fea yp to 161 ext, Incl 483, 3a 20 ‘Area over 18) to 206 en incl 468 37 e Tonete property requirements for sizes other than those, shown in Tables 2'ant 3 shall be as agreed upon by purchaser and vendor: 3.3.2 ardnass:_ Should be not Tawar than 100 MB/10/500 or 106 H8/10/1000, but extrusions shall not be rejectes on the basts of hardness 1 the apflicable Yensiie property requtrensnts are met. 3.4 quality: Lxtrustons, a§ recnived by purchaser, shel} ine uniform, tn gual Sty. and condition, sound, and free from foreign eaterials and’ from snperfect ions Gelrinents1 to usage of the extrusions. 3.4.1 When specified, extrusions shal} be subjected to witrasonfc inspection in ecordtnce with ASIH 8.894,” Exbrsions 0-50. inch (12.7 ma) and over tn fominal thickness, heving & maximum thickness to width ratio of 10:1, and Weighing not over’ 600 patnds (272 ky) per plece, shall meet Class W. Ns 41521, SHE Ms. 41521, 3.2 Condstion: Extruded, solution heat troated in accordance wtth MIL-H-6088, stretch straightened, and raturally aged. 3.2.1 Extrusions shalt be supplied with an as-extruded surface finish: 14aht polshing to vrenove minor surface imperfections. 43: permissible provided Sitch tmperfections can he renoved within the dimenstonal tolerances. 3.2. Properties: Extrusions shalt conform to the Following requirenants, determined in accordance with AHS 2355 or HAH 2355: 3.3.1 Tensile Properties: shall be as spectfied tn Table 2, Table 3, and 33. Bars, Reds, Wire, and Shapes: BLE 24 ~ Nintmun Te Te Properties, Inch/Pound Units Nominal Dianeter or Tensile Yield Strength Elongation in “Thickness, inches strength at 24 Offset. 2'Inehes.or 40 ‘and Area ist ks ‘« Up to 0.249, tne), all areas 57.0, 2.0 2 Over 0.248 40 0:749; ine), all areas 69:0 a0 n Over 0.749 ta 1-499, nel, al} aveas 65.0 46.0 0 Over 11499 ‘roa up to 28 54 in., incl 70.0 32.0 10 ao 2800 a rea over 28 to 32 sq 4nc) Incl ‘TABLE 22 - Hinfmim Tense Properties, ST Unite Nomina? Ofaveter er Tensile Yiold Strength Elongation tn Thickness, MIT ineters Strength "ab 2-0ffset —50.8'mm_ or 40 and Area Ha pa Up to 6.22, ine), al] areas 399 290 2 over 6.32 to 19102) jrel, all areas 414 503 a Svar 18.03 to 30°07; Incl S11 Sress AAD 7 10 Over 38:07 Area up to 161 exf, ined 483 359 10 Area over Gl to 206 en", Incl 458 33 8 MS 41824, 2.1. SAE Publications (Continued) 1S 2955 Qualsty Assurance Samting and Testing Aluminum and Mees Niloys, Wroupt Prodicts, Excopt Forging Stock, and Rolfed, Forged, or Flash lslded Rings YM 2095 Quali8) Aestrince Sapling and Testing, Aluninon and Mamastun Alloys, rout Prouicts, except forglg Stocks "and olled, forged, or Fish Hotdee Rings, trig (3) Units ‘ANS 2011 Ident Sficatior, ‘Musinum and Hagnes um ATYoy Wrought Products Anpa2s " Mininizing strégs-Corrion Cracking tn roght Heat-Treatable ‘iuntnis’A1}o) Products, 2.2 ASTM Publicatfonst ‘AvaSTable from ASTH, 1616 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1187, 2 for ASTM B 594 Uitrasonte, Examination of Aluntaun-ANoy Hroueht Prod! Aerospace Applications ASTM B 660 Packaging/Packing of Aluminum and Magnesium Products 2.3. ULS. Goveraant, Publications: Avat lable from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Rotbins ‘Avenue, PiTadelphia, PR ID111-£054. IL-¥-6008 Hat Treatment of Aluntnum AYloys 3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 3.1, Composition Shall conform to the percentages by weight shown in Table 1, doterained in accordance with ANS. 2355 or Hi 2385, TABLE 1 ~ Compost tion Crenent win ax Copper $8 49 Hagnes tun 12 ia Manganese 5 a3 irk S 50 Bean 5 acee , a8 Tinian ois Chron = 210 Sther Impurities, each 8105 ther Inpuritses, tots) O18 Alustnum remainder }

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