Business Communication-1

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Credibility is crucial for converting leads into clients. Although you may have the superior
product or service. However, if you lack perceived or actual credibility, it's likely that you won't
make the sale or your potential customer will go to a competitor. So how do you establish your
trustworthiness in the eyes of prospective clients? Contrary to popular belief, credibility is
established by meeting potential customers where they are, determining what they want and
need, and then alleviating their frustration by resolving their issues.


When trying to compete against established players on the mobile application market, it can be
difficult to establish your credibility. However, there are numerous steps that can be taken to
increase market credibility. The following are some of the measures:

Conduct a thorough analysis of your competitor's application: Before launching the

application, it is essential to analyze every aspect of the application of your competition. This
will assist you in identifying the application's strengths and weaknesses and allow you to make
the necessary improvements. You can conduct a user survey to collect information regarding
your competitor's application and utilize the results to improve your own.

Focus on user experience: A mobile application's success is heavily dependent on the user
experience. Focus on creating a seamless or user-friendly experience for your customers to
increase your credibility. This can be accomplished by testing the application with actual users
and integrating their feedback into the development process.

Highlight your unique selling point: You can distinguish your application from the competition
by emphasising its unique selling proposition. It might be a feature that your competitor's
application lacks, or an improved user experience. Effectively communicating the unique selling
proposition can increase your market credibility.

Leverage social media: Social media is a potent instrument for establishing credibility and
interacting with customers. You could use social media to promote your application, interact
with customers, and collect feedback. Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram can assist you in reaching
a broader audience and increase your market credibility.

Offer incentives: To encourage customers to test out the application, you can provide discounts,
free trials, and referral bonuses. This can aid in luring consumers to check out your application
and establishing your market credibility and trustworthiness.

Invest in marketing: Marketing is essential for establishing credibility in the marketplace. You
can invest in a variety of marketing channels, including search engine optimization, pay-per-
click advertising, email marketing, or content marketing, to raise awareness of your application
and establish its credibility.

Provide excellent customer support: Providing superior customer service is essential for
establishing market credibility. You must be responsive to customer inquiries, provide concise
and straightforward responses, and offer solutions to any problems that may arise.

Obtain customer testimonials: Customer endorsements are a potent tool for establishing
credibility. You can obtain consumer reviews by contacting your current customers or asking
them to describe their experiences with your application. You can use these endorsements on
your website, social media platforms, or other marketing channels to increase your market

Continuously improve your application: To increase your market credibility, you must
continuously enhance your application. This can be accomplished by incorporating customer
feedback, monitoring market trends, and utilising the most recent technology.

Encourage User Reviews: Existing users' opinions that your app is a worthwhile download or
that it offers an exceptional user experience are "testimonials" that inform other potential users
that your app is worth installing. This can also increase your app's visibility in the app store.

You might well be tempted to acquire fake reviews in order to boost the overall attention your
app receives. However, if the app store discovers that you employed this strategy, your app may
be suspended indefinitely. Because you, as the developer, can also learn from genuine user
reviews, they are significantly more beneficial to your app. The user feedback help other users
understand your product, but it can also notify you of any issues that need to be addressed.
Therefore, send requests to the variety of influential individuals. Popular YouTubers and
prominent tech website reviewers with a large readership are excellent targets for ones requests.
Mention in your press releases that you are looking for feedback. In some instances, the media
outlets you've sent them to May already have someone on staff whose sole responsibility is
reviewing apps.

Sharpen Your Keywords: So far, we've learned a great deal about ASO; now, we'll discuss how
to optimise your app for search engines. Suppose you have an app titled "Modern Finance." You
should include the word "finance" as frequently as possible in just about any relevant copy and
descriptions discovered by search engines when selecting your keywords. What additional terms
do you believe users search for when seeking a need that your app satisfies? Perform keyword
research to determine which phrases generate the most traffic. You can also use the standard
Adwords Keyword Tool to search for additional keywords. Lateral keywords are those suggested
by Google once your app has been located. However, keep in mind that you shouldn't choose any
keyword simply because it has a high search volume. Any keyword you employ should be
relevant to ones app and target audience. If you stuff your app's descriptions with irrelevant
keywords, your app's credibility could suffer and your downloads could decrease.

Credibility enhancement on the mobile application market necessitates a comprehensive strategy.

By focusing on user experience, emphasising your unique selling proposition, leveraging social
media, offering incentives, making investments in marketing, providing excellent customer
support, obtaining consumer reviews, or continuously enhancing your application, you can
establish credibility and effectively compete with established market players.


The most prevalent arrangement is chronological. It is preferred by recruiters because it places

the most emphasis on your work history. If you have performed similar tasks in the past, it is a
strong indicator that you will be successful in your new position! The functional resume is the
least common and is typically used by those without work experience who wish to emphasise
their skills. However, because dates with in job history section are frequently omitted, it is also a
good format for those who have been out of the workforce for an extended period. Different
resume formats highlight various facets of your experience. Choose a resume format if you wish
to emphasise your impressive career progression. With between 3 and 10 years of work
experience, the combination resume format is your best option.

A chronological resume is just a type of resume that lists a candidate's employment history in
reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position and working backwards. This
type of resume is helpful for people with a stable employment history who really are applying for
jobs in fields where experience is essential. In this exercise, we might very well create a
chronological resume for just a mid-career professional who is applying for a position with a

Name: John Smith

Contact Information:

Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown USA

Phone: (555) 555-5555


Summary: A highly skilled and motivated professional with over ten years of experience in the
technology sector. Demonstrable ability to create and manage great campaigns, in addition to a
talent for building or leading effective teams. Looking for a challenging position with a respected

Work Experience

Senior Project Manager

ABC Tech Company, Anytown USA

January 2023 – Present

 Manage a group of ten developers to create and send out software goods on schedule but
within budget constraints.
 Collaborate to cross-functional teams to guarantee achievement of project objectives.
 Develop the project plans, budgets, or timelines.
 Identify and reduce project dangers
 Encourage a productive and encouraging team environment.

Project Manager

XYZ Software Company, Anytown USA

June 2018 - December 2022

 Managed projects ranging from minor upgrades to comprehensive software development.

 collaboratively defined project goals and requirements with clients
 Developed project schedules and plans.
 Managed project finances and assets
 Regularly updated clients or internal stakeholders with information

Senior Developer

PQR Tech Solutions, Anytown USA

January 2012 - May 2015

 Designed and managed software applications for clients in a variety of industries

 Developed software solutions in collaboration with cross-functional teams.
 Resolved technical issues or provided clients with technical support
 Coached and instructing junior developers


LMN Technologies, Anytown USA

June 2009 - December 2011

 Designed and managed software applications for customers in a variety of industries
 Contributed to the design and creation of software solutions
 Resolved technical issues or provided clients with technical support


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Anytown University, Anytown USA

September 2005 - May 2009


 Project management
 Agile methodology
 Software development
 Team leadership and management
 Cross-functional collaboration
 Risk management
 Client relationship management

Justification for chronological resume format:

A chronological resume seems to be the most suitable format for this individual at the juncture in
their career because it emphasises their stable employment history and advancement within the
technology industry. By listing their employment history in reverse chronological order, a most
current and pertinent experience is highlighted first, which is crucial for attracting the attention
of prospective employers. In addition, a chronological resume highlights the applicant's career
advancement and increasing responsibilities over time. This can be especially beneficial for mid-
career experts who are seeking senior-level positions. By highlighting the applicant's
professional growth, a chronological resume illustrates that he or she possesses the skills and
experience required for higher-level positions.

When to Use a Chronological Resume Format

There are three primary resume formats: chronological, functional/skills-based, and combination.
The format you choose will depend on the job you are applying for and your level of experience.
In the majority of instances, the chronological resume is the obvious choice. It is prevalent,
emphasises the right sections, and also is preferred by recruiters over other formats. However,
this does not mean you should immediately eliminate the other options, especially if the work
experience is limited.

Consider both your experience and the position you're applying for when deciding which format
to use. For instance, you may have an extensive, consistent professional history that is typically
presented in chronological order. However, the job you're applying for may place a greater
emphasis on your demonstrated skills and abilities; in this case, you may want to use a
combination format to emphasise what's most important to the employer. Pay attention to the
criteria stated in the job posting for hints as to what the employer values most.

Your resume should contain relevant information for the position for which you are applying.
You may also include accomplishments and interests, but only at the conclusion of your resume,
if they are relevant. If your resume is longer than one page, consider eliminating these sections to
make that as brief, concise, or readable as possible.

The primary difference here between chronological resume and other formats is how the
experience section is organised. In this format, your most recent experience will come first.
When writing the specifics of each experience, users should consult job descriptions that pique
your interest to determine which keywords are being used by employers. These phrases can serve
as a guide for how to describe your personal experiences. The placement of one’s professional
experience or education sections depends on your career stage and the applicability of your
education to your chosen field.

A chronological resume is an excellent choice for a mid-career tech professional seeking a

challenging position with a reputable organisation. This format highlights an individual's
strengths by emphasising their work history and career development, making them an appealing
prospect to potential employers.


Proofreading is the final step in the writing process before an article is submitted for publication.
It is the stage of verification, either by the author or by a third party. Consequently, it's not only
important to check spelling and grammar mistakes, but it is also highly recommended to ensure
that the writer's or author's intent matches what he or she wishes to convey to the audience. In
other words, the article/work is written specifically for its intended audience.


Proofreading is an essential step in the creation of any written communication, regardless of

whether it's a business message, a report, or another type of document. It helps to guarantee that
the finished product is error-free and the message is clear and simple to comprehend. In this
regard, careful review is crucial, as even minor errors can have a significant impact on the
credibility of the author and the message they are attempting to communicate. This article will
discuss four tried-and-true methods for improving the accuracy or clarification of your business

Take a break before proofreading

Taking a break before beginning to proofread thier work is one of the most effective methods.
This allows you to return to your writing with a fresh perspective, increasing your likelihood of
spotting errors you may have previously missed. Ideally, you should wait several hours before
beginning to proofread, though a brief break can be beneficial.

Read the document aloud

Reading the document aloud is a great way to catch errors that would otherwise be difficult to
detect. This method compels you to slow down and focus on each word, sentence, or paragraph.
Additionally, it can assist you in recognizing awkward phrasing or grammatical errors that you
may have missed when reading silently. In addition, reading aloud can help you identify areas of
the document that could be enhanced to increase its overall impact.

Use spell-check and grammar-check tools

Spell-checking and grammar-checking tools are standard in the majority of word processors and
are incredibly useful for detecting spelling and grammar errors. These tools are not perfect, so it
is still necessary to proofread your work thoroughly, but they can assist you catch errors that you
might have otherwise missed.

Get a second opinion

Finally, getting a second opinion on your work can be beneficial. This could be a coworker, a
friend, a member of your family, or even a professional editor. Someone else can provide a new
perspective on your writing, as well as catch errors you overlooked. They can also provide
feedback just on overall effectiveness of thier document or make suggestions for improvements
that will help you convey your message more effectively.

Proofreading is a crucial step in creating credible and effective business communications. Using
these four tried-and-true techniques, you can significantly enhance the precision and clarity of
your writing. By taking a break prior to proofreading, reading a document aloud, utilising spell-
check or grammar-check tools, and obtaining a second opinion, you can ensure that ones
documents are error-free and effectively communicate their intended message.


In addition to improving mobile responsiveness and resizing web pages, having mobile-friendly
content entails optimising your entire website for mobile devices. You must optimise all of your
assets, whether they are text, videos, slideshows, or something else, so that they add value to
your content advertising approach or target audience. To enhance the user experience and
achieve marketing objectives, marketers must begin creating and optimising content for mobile

In today's digital age, an increasing number of individuals access content via mobile devices. In
order for your content to be easily accessible or readable on a wide range of screen sizes, it must
be mobile-friendly. Here are some crucial considerations to make your content mobile-friendly:

Responsive Design: A responsive design has the ability to adapt to various screen sizes without
sacrificing functionality or aesthetics. This indicates that your website or application should be
able to adjust its size based on the device being used. Use a responsive layout or scalable images
that really can adjust to various sizes of screens to ensure a responsive design.

Simplify Ones Content: When developing content for portable devices, you must prioritise
simplification. This involves keeping your writing concise, utilising straightforward language,
and dividing your content into smaller chunks. Use key points, subheadings, or lists instead of
lengthy paragraphs to make your content extra scannable or easier to read.

Navigation: Mobile navigation is essential for mobile users. Ensure that your site's navigation is
user-friendly and intuitive, with clear labels and accessible menus. Utilize a menu bar to collapse
and display menus compactly. This will aid users in quickly locating the information they seek
and ensure a pleasant experience for users.

Font Size and Type: The font type and size that you select for your mobile applications can
have a substantial effect on its readability. Ensure that the font size is readable without the need
to zoom in on the screen. In general, a minimum font size of 16 pixels would be recommended.
Use mobile-friendly fonts, such as Arial, Verdana, and Helvetica, which are compatible with the

Contrast: Mobile content requires high contrast. Ensure that the text on your website has
sufficient contrast with background to facilitate reading. It is optimal to use dark text on such a
light background and light text on such a dark background.

Image optimizations: Images load more slowly on portable devices than they do on desktops, so
optimising them for mobile use is essential. This involves compressing your images, utilising
responsive images, and ensuring that they don't consume too much screen space.

Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are essential for any website or
application, but they're especially crucial for mobile devices. Ensure that your call-to-action
(CTA) buttons are huge enough to be able to easily click on mobile devices and prominently on
the screen.


Consider the following before dismissing some of these strategies as "too difficult": There is
currently more traffic from portable devices than from desktop computers. And if you're a local
business, the proportion of mobile users is even greater, as more mobile searches are location-
based. In other words, optimising content for portable devices requires additional effort.

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