Module 2 - ScopTel 201 Configuration Server-Network 1

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ScopTel 201

Setup of network Command line (backend)
Logging onto the Linux CLI for the first time
• Username will be root
• The default password for root is
• At this point it is best practice to change
the default password, this can be done
by typing “passwd”
• This will prompt you to enter a new
password and to confirm your entry
Setup of network Command line (backend)
DHCP enabled network
By default the server will get a DCHP ip
address from the network DHCP server. To
get this ip of the server you can run
“ifconfig” from the command line.

To access the server you can use a

program called PUTTY to be able to get to
the server backend. PUTTY can be
downloaded at this links:
Setup of network Command line (backend)
Once you have installed putty
• Host Name (or IP address) with be the ip
address that was assigned to the server
from the DHCP server. Then click Open
• Username will be “root”
• Password will be the newly created
password you assigned. The password
will be invisible for security measures
Setup of network Command line (backend)
DHCP disabled network
Since there is no DHCP server on the
network you will need to assign a Static IP
address to the server and how you do that
is by using the “setup” command ion the
command line.
Then enter the Network configuration
Setup of network Command line (backend)
• Enter Device configuration
• You will then be able to select which
interface you will be setting to static.
Defaults are that eth0 is set for Data and
eth1 for the Voice Vlan
• Press enter on the eth0 device to setup
the ip for that device
Setup of network Command line (backend)
• Untick Use DHCP by tabbing to the Use
DHCP option and pressing the spacebar
• Static IP is the desired IP of the server
• Netmask is the subnet that use with the
server to be part of
• Default gateway IP is the gateway/firewall
IP that controls internet access
• Primary and Secondary DNS server IP
addresses are important as the server will
require DNS to run correctly
• Spacebar on OK
Setup of network Command line (backend)
• Spacebar on Save
• Spacebar on Save&Quit
• Spacebar on Quit to exit the setup tool
• You will need to restart the network using
“sevice network restart” from the
command line
Setup of network Command line (backend)
After static network assignment you can use
PUTTY to access the servers command line
• Host Name (or IP address) with be the ip
address that you assigned. Then click
• Username will be “root”
• Password will be the newly created
password you assigned. The password
will be invisible for security measures
GUI(Graphic User Interface) first login
To log onto the GUI you will browse to the
IP address of the server followed by ::5555”
(this is known as a port number)

On the first login you will use the default

administrator login details
Username : admin
Password : admin
GUI(Graphic User Interface) first login
You will then be requested to change the
default admin user password

• Enter the old password

• Enter new password
• Confirm new password
• Click Continue
Password reset for CLI
You can also change the GUI admin
password from the command line using
scopserv_passwd [newpassword]

Once you have updated the password you

will be able to log in with the new password
Downloading ScopTel license
There are two ways to download the
1. Download the license using the getkey
2. Add the Serial number to the General
tab on the GUI

• After which you will need to fill in the End-

User registration information
• Then click the download license button
Server Configuration
Date and time setup
• Click Edit on the General tab to setup the
Time Zone and to enable Use Time
• Time Server tab is where you can setup
the time server for the server to get time
from and to enable the ability for the
server to act as a time server
• You can also restrict to act as a time
server for a specific network
Server Configuration
Package Manager
• The Module that is used to update the
server from the GUI
• You can click update now to update the
server to the latest versions
Server Configuration
Updating server from the command line
• Login to the command line
• Type “scopserv_yum update”
• You will be prompted to download now?
• Press “y” and then enter
• Once complete best to run the update
again just to confirm that all packages are
up to date.
Server Configuration
Confirming package versions on GUI
• Under Packages Manager click Version
• All the status should be now Ok
Setup of network GUI
• Click Network → Network
• Click Edit
• Edit Hostname
• Confirm DNS
• Click Save
Setup of network GUI
• Click Interfaces tab
• Click Edit for eth0
• Change Type to Static
• Enter IP information
• Click Save
Setup of network GUI
Note it is important to click commit to confirm all the changes that you have made

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