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Name (Optional) : _________________________________________

Track/Strand: _____________________________________________
Age: __________________
Sex: __________________

Have you used any AI –related lods, software, or application for academic
purposes in the past year?

( ) yes ( ) no

Would you consider integrating AI-based technologies in your academic

research or Studies?

( ) yes ( ) no

Do you perceive potential benefits in incorporating AI into academic


( ) yes ( ) no

Instructions: Put a check mark under the column to indicate your level of agreement
or disagreement in the following statement.
5 – strongly agree
4 – agree
3 – neutral
2 – disagree
1 – strongly disagree

5 4 3 2 1
In corporating AI in educational tools significantly
improves students learning capabilities?
AI-powered educational resources bridge that gap in
access to quality education for students from diverse
Increased reliance on AI for learning diminish the
important of direct interaction between teachers and
AI-driven personalized learning systems cater to
individual student’s needs more effectively than
traditional teaching methods
Ethical consideration regarding data privacy and AI
bias significantly affect the acceptance and
effectiveness of AI in education.

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