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Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with an article that was posted in
your newspaper. The author claimed that all town city centers in Uzbekistan look identical and I
disagree with that.

I want to start off by saying that I enjoyed some aspects of that article. The photographs taken by a
famous local photographer were great at describing our beautiful cities visually. The interesting part,
however, is that those illustrations disproved the authors points. The city centers look so different and
memorable in all pictures.

I am from Samarkand, and I found some of the remarks the author has made ridiculous. Our town
center was built to show off our authentic culture and history. With ancient buildings, masques and
tourist attractions, Samarkand’s city center differs a lot from others. For example, in Tashkent’s city
center there are no historical buildings. It is a nice walkable area with many trees and facilities.

I guess some of those assumptions about are cities were mainly made out of ignorance. The writer
clearly has not been to most of the cities he wrote about. I could provide an educational tour to increase
his knowledge about Samarkand.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, Sivana

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