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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

South La Union Campus

Agoo, La Union


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Discuss the meat preparation techniques
b. Identify the different meat preparation techniques
c. Perform the different meat preparation techniques.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Meat Preparation Techniques
References: Integrated Learning and Living in the 21st Century Worktext 10
Tools/materials/equipment: Laptop, Google Meet, PowerPoint

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation
Let's play a game, it is called find the different
Are you familiar with this game class? Yes sir

Here is the mechanics, there are five numbers

you see on the screen, behind those numbers
are images but there’s one image that is
different. Just tell me what number is that.
Don’t worry class, I will show it once but in
quick manner.

(The students will perform the activity)

C. Lesson Proper

Did you enjoy the game class? In

connection to the game we played, do you
have any idea on what was our topic? Yes sir

Yes Mr.
Sir meat preparation
How about the others?
Yes Mr ... Sir it is something related to shape and slice
of the meat
Very Good!
It's all about meat sir

So, our topic for today is about Meat

Preparation Techniques

Anyways, what comes to your mind when

we say Meat Preparation techiniques?
Sir it is how meat is being cut/slice before we
Okay, Very Good! What else? cook

Very good Sir it is a way of making the meat into small

pieces with equally proportional shape
So what is meat preparation techniques?
May I call … to please read
So meat preparation techniques, experienced
butchers in meat markets are so skilled in
cutting a carcass into wholesale and retail

So butchers are able to established their own

techniques of cutting and producing neat and
well-trimmed retails cuts spareribs with some
meat intact. For Instance, pigue or pork ham
with its rounded shape that looks smooth and
clean all over.

The pigue is also known as the leg or ham

cut because joints of ham, including the
spiral ham which is the boneless version,
are made from this cut.

Another one is Pork lion that is uniform from

end to end

Who wants to read? Pork lion is large, wide and thick, and it's
generally sold as a boneless roast to make it
easier to slice after cooking.

this is a cut of pork lion

It is also versatile cut of meat that is best for

quick roasting, grilling, and braising.
Next is pork tenderlion

A pork tenderloin is a long, narrow, boneless

Kindly please read... cut of meat that comes from the muscle that
runs along the backbone pork loin is wider
and flatter, and can be a boneless or bone-in
cut of meat.

Pork tenderloin is one of the leanest and most

tender cuts of meat on the market, so it can
also be a little spendy.

This is a pork tenderloin cut

Steps on meat preparation technique

It's very important to prepare food safely to

help stop harmful bacteria from spreading and
growing. Some meat preparation techniques
that every aspiring chef should learn are the

Number one is boning, So what comes to your

mind when you hear the word boning? Sir it is the process of removing the bone

Very good! What else

Removing bones
So may I call… to please read the definition
Removing the bones from spareribs or pork
ham or pigue is quite heavy job as one has to
manipulate a big chunk of meat in the

So in boning, using the chef’s knife, worker

will scrape the surrounding meat around the
bone as he moves from the top to where the
bone is attached. One hand is use to hold the
bone and the other hand is use to carefully
and skillfully work through the meat until the
bone is completely remove.

Next is cutting
When you hear the word cutting, what comes
to your mind? And what specific cut of meat It is about the size shape of the meat sir
do you prefer in cooking?

Very good, Kindly read the definition This process requires skills as well as the
proper knife. Neat and uniform cutting is
important as this attracts custumers.
When we talk about cutting is something to
do with the size of how small or big the cut is
because the cut of a meat is beneficial in
cooking, as the meats cut it also tenderized at
the same time.

Take note that the butcher's knife or the

clever is use for meat with bones, whereas the
chef's knife is used for all other meat portions.

Butcher's knife chef's knife

This is the butcher's guide in cutting a


These are the example of a meat cut, we have

barbeque cut and a pork chop cut
Did everyone understand of what is cutting Yes sir

If that so, we will move on to the next

technique which is trimming

So again when you hear the word trimming

what comes to your mind? From the word itself trim, removing the
excess fat
Okay very good, whatelse?
Making the cut of meat clean
Kindly please read the definition
This is removing the extra fat, bones, and
connective tissues that give a wholesale
cut and retail cuts a neat and clean finish.

So in this technique, it saves on labor in

removing extra trimming in the kitchen and at
the same time, it gives the cooked product an
aesthetically pleasing look.

Next up is weighing and proportioning, kindly

read Weighing is done upom recieving the
delivered meat. It is also done before the
meat is cooked, that is, when is is cut into
serving portions.

In weighing and proportioning, it ensures that

every customers gets the same amount of
food for the same price. Weighing may be
done after cooking in which each serving
portion can be weighed in a dietetic scale or
volumetric measure using standard measuring
cups and If you don’t have available
measuring cup you can use spoon as a
substitute, remember that 1 cup is equivalent
to 16 table spoon.

This is the insertion of strips of fats in loin

Next is Larding, kindly read the definition meat to give it malinamnam flavor as they
say in Tagalog, an example recipe of this is
Morcon is one recipe in which stripes of fat
are place in a thin slab of beef with other
ingredients before it is rolled lumpia style, tied
and cooked in broth.

Making the meat tender sir

Next up is Tenderizing, so when you hear the It is about marinating the meat to make it
word tenderizing what comes to your mind? tender

Very good, whatelse? This is an important technique that facilities

the easy penetration of meat by teeth and
the ease in which meat breaks into smaller
So will you please read the definition fragments when chewed.

Generally, meat from older animals are

tougher than meat from younger ones but
tough meat can be tenderized by
A. Mechanical means such as grinding, slicing
into thin slabs, and cutting into small pieces Sir vinegar

B. Marinating the meat in acid solutions

Sir lemon juice
Give an example of acid solution that is use in

Very good, whatelse ?

Thank you for sharing, juices from calamansi,

lemon or vinegar and wine can be used also in
tenderizing the meat. And

C. Using proteolytic enzymes, Proteolytic

enzymes are enzymes that break down
protein. An example of proteolytic enzymes
are papain from papaya and bromelien from Yes sir
Did everyone understand on how we can
tenderdized tough meat ?
These preparation techniques used in some
meat recipes which invove putting fillings into
If that so, we will move on to the next slabs such as carne rellenado and macon.
preparation technique which is stuffing and
tying, so may I call... to please read

Filling consist of ground meat mixed with

meat products such as deli products, sausage,
ham, bacon then mixed with vegetable, egg
and seasonings. Once the fillings are arranged
on top of each other on the meat slabs then
will carefully rolled horizontally, starting from
the end where the fillings are arranged toward
the other end, with both hands to ensure
uniformity. It is then sewed with a needle and
thread to keep the roll intact and secure. Then
the roll is wrapped in aluminum foil and This technique is used in barbecues and
cooked in broth. kebabs. The meat is cut into cubes, thicker
for kebabs and thinner for barbecue.
And ofcourse we have the last preparation
technique, skewering, may I call... to please

Ofcourse in making kebabs beef is used while

pork is used in barbecues. The meat is
marinated then skewered in metal skewers for
kebabs and bamboo sticks for pork barbecue.

This is an example of marinated pork

barbecue in which the meat pieces are
arrange in such a way to allow even cooking.

In kebabs, vegetables such as onions, bell

peppers, and carrots are skewered in between
the diced beef.

None sir
So that ends our lesson, so do you have any

IV. Generalization
It seems you all understand our lesson, so
let's have a short recap of what we
discussed earlier, what are the different
meat preparation techniques that we
discussed earlier?
1. Boning
2. Cutting
3. Trimming
4. Weighing and Portioning
5. Larding
6. Tenderizing
7. Stuffing and tying
8. Skewering

Very good, so in marinating, what are the acid Lemon juice

solutions that we may used in tenderizing the Wine
meat. Calamansi

Very good, so how about in skewring, what is Sir, kebabs used beef meats while in
appropriate meat to use in kebabs? And barbecue is pork

That is correct.

VI. Evaluation

In a ½ sheet of pad paper, Answer the following questions.

I. Multiple Choice
1. It is the insertion of strips of fats in a lion meat and marcon is one of the best
A. Trimming
B. Larding
C. Wheighing and Portioning
D. Boning
2. What is the type of knife that is use when cutting a meat with bones?
A. Butcher's knife
B. Chef's knife
C. French Knife
D. Knife
3. A meat that is used in making kebabs?
A. Chicken Meat
B. Beef Meat
C. Pork Meat
D. Turkey Meat
4. A meat that is used in making barbecue
A. Chicken Meat
B. Beef Meat
C. Pork Meat
D. Turkey Meat
5. What technique is done when removing the extra fat, bones and connective
A. Cutting
B. Boning
C. Skewering
D. Trimming
6. The following can tenderdized meat except?
A. Vinegar
B. Papain
C. Lemon juice
D. Salt
7. A knife that is used for all other meat portions?
A. Butcher's knife
B. Chef's knife
C. French Knife
D. Knife
8. It is use in skewering a pork barbecue?
A. Metal skewered
B. Bamboo sticks
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
9. A technique that put fillings into slabs such as carne rellenado and macon?
A. Weighing and Portioning
B. Stuffing and Tying
C. Larding
D. Trimming
10. The following are the acid solutions that used in tenderizing meat except?
A. Lemon juice
B. Vinegar
C. Calamansi
D. Bromelien powder
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
South La Union Campus
Agoo, La Union


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Discuss the meat preparation techniques
b. Identify the different meat preparation techniques
c. Perform the different meat preparation techniques.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Meat Preparation Techniques
References: Integrated Learning and Living in the 21st Century Work
Tools/materials/equipment: Laptop, Google Meet, PowerPoint

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Students' Acti

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation
Let's play a game, it is called find the different
Are you familiar with this game class? Yes sir

Here is the mechanics, there are five numbers

you see on the screen, behind those numbers
are images but there’s one images that is
different. Just tell me what number is that.
Don’t worry class, I will show it once but in
quick manner.

(The students will perf

VII. Assignment

Your assignment will be posted on our Google Classroom



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