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Nguyễn Minh Anh_10230039_I19S5

We have just done our last presentation about “Current account”. At first, we had difficulty in
understanding the definition of current account; however, after searching carefully on the
Internet, we finally understood and done the first two part quite well. We also had trouble in
finding out the example for this topic, and we forgot to include transactions between countries in
the example. And during the process while everybody all contributed to our group’s presentation,
only Tran Hanh Khanh Linh didn’t do anything. She didn’t even ask us which part of the
presentation she had to give and she only knew it because one of our group members texted her
the day before the presentation.
After this presentation, I have learned to improve some of my skills such as teamwork or
searching for information. I will apply those skills for future presentations.

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