The 7 Figure Performance Manual Gary J Allman

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By Gary J Allman
I am here to give you my blueprint to
optimal health. Since my transformation,
I have become obsessed with helping
high-performing individuals improve
their performance, by improving their

I have consumed countless hours of con-

tent, taken online courses, and coached
clients all over the world. Every key area
I have learned is now available to you in
this guide.

I hope you enjoy it!

Gary J Allman

To transform my health and live a more fulfilling life...

Once teetering on the edge of despair, 40lbs overweight, and in the

throes of burnout and depression, I stood at a crossroads. 11
Surrender to my misery or seek transformation?

The revelation of harnessing my genetics to optimize my health be-

came my lifeline. After a difficult three-year journey, not only did I
revitalize my health, but uncovered a universal truth: Our pathway
to optimal health is as unique as our DNA, obliterating the one-
size-fits-all myth.

These molecules are the gatekeepers of brain change (neuro plasticity); they dic-
tate whether or not your brain can change thoughts, behaviors, skills, anxiety, and
trauma, especially after the age of 25 when the brain stiffens significantly.

Our neurons get cemented in place by glial cells, no longer do we have plastic
brains, meaning trillions of neurons that can move around & connect freely with
one another, all the time, with every experience, like when we were children!

Children can learn multiple languages quickly etc.; now, only very positive or very
negative experiences change us, which we can mimic with artificial neuroscience
activation and deactivation protocols.
Acetylcholine = FOCUS
Adrenaline = ENERGY/ALERT
Dopamine = LIFE FORCE
Serotonin = RELAX/CALM

Plasticity doesn’t mean anything unless we make adaptive changes during that
window of time; adaptive plasticity.

When plasticity is unveiled/opened, we have 60-90 minutes to make adaptive

changes to thoughts, behaviors, skills, anxiety, and trauma as adults.

Emotional news, movies, video games, music, substances, pursuit of sex &
sex, anger, playing hard, etc., are causing your plasticity to open randomly due
to very positive or very negative experiences meaning neurochemical levels are
rising very high.

We must have a good idea of what opens our plasticity so we can focus on mate-
rial/skills that will add value to our lives during that small window of time; adap-
tive plasticity/adaptive change.

My top priority daily is to increase the odds of my plasticity being unveiled by

following specific rules backed by scientific literature which I mention

At least once per day to take advantage of a 60-90 minute window of time, so
that I may become more attractive to the observer, and more valuable to the
world at a rapid rate.
Raise adrenaline/alertness/stress

Adrenaline activates systems in our brain and body designed for movement by
increasing blood flow to those areas, and decreasing blood flow to other areas.

Luxury systems like digestion, reproduction, socializing, etc., are deactivated,

meaning adrenaline cuts off the blood flow to these systems, the reason why your
throat feels dry when highly stressed, etc.

Adrenaline controls blood flow, biases movement, and also helps mark neural
tissue for change, those neurons there, they need to change.

Acetylcholine and adrenaline work together like a little gang to mark neural tissue.
The change occurs while we sleep or consciously while engaging in a neurosci-
ence protocol called NSDR, which I describe further down.

Reduce adrenaline/reduce alertness/destress

Maximise serotonin. This is the molecule of calmness and relaxation.

Blood flow is restored to luxury systems when we use deactivation protocols.

We become more attractive to the observer because our social system comes
back online if transitioning from a highly alert/high adrenaline state.

We have control over how quickly this occurs in real-time. We don’t have to be-
come neuroscientists, but we will be in a much better position by understanding a
small amount of scientific mechanism.
Example: The physiological sigh, which you will learn how to perform below,
because of the double inhale, activates a brain region called the parafacial nucle-
us. Parafacial nucleus activates the neurons that control our face, voice, vision,
digestion, reproduction, etc (parasympathetic nervous system).


Also, the double inhale of the physiological sigh is what reinflates the millions of
collapsed alveoli (ael-vee-ole-ee). When highly stressed, millions of tiny lung sacs
collapse within our lungs trapping C02/panic in our bloodstream.

I’ve yet to see self-help gurus, yoganistas, and whimhoffers explain this to people

People skip the double inhale because they are not aware of the scientific mecha-
nism involved.

Long traditional exhales don’t activate the calming system or help offload C02 from the blood-
stream at nearly the rate of just 1-3 physiological sighs.

The neurons that control your facial expressions and voice quality are part of the
calm system, which gets deactivated by adrenaline when adrenaline is too high.

Adrenaline controls blood flow by constricting or dilating blood vessels and says,
“no, you may not right now” to luxury systems.

“We do not need to socialize, mate, use the restroom, etc. in this situation; we
need to survive.” This is Adrenalines main drive.

When you ACTIVATE, know that you can DEACTIVATE; I describe how below
with real-time tools grounded in physiology and neuroscience.

Most people do not know how to deactivate accurately and rapidly in real-time.
The mind is not good at calming the mind.

Meaning we can’t think our way to lower adrenaline levels. The common phrase
when frustrated, “I need time to calm down/de-stress.”

Deactivation protocols reduce the total time required to “cool off” significantly
and allow for alert but calm focus within stressful scenarios.

Deactivation/serotonin also protects the dopamine/life force system by resetting

its threshold; dopamine can hit a ceiling which causes us to
feel burnt out.

Serotonin/deactivation guards our motivation, drive, pursuit of dreams, goals, and

hard work throughout the lifespan by resetting dopamine.

THE IDEAL STATE IS ALERT & CALM; with neuroscience protocols, we can drive
our internal state to the ideal state regardless of how sleepy or how alert we are
as long as we are following specific rules daily.

The non-negotiable protocols are anchoring consistent states of alert and calm.

when our brain highlights/marks particular neurons that it plans to change.


When changes occur to thoughts, behaviors, skills, anxiety, and trauma. The brain
changes the neurons that were marked/highlighted by the particular neurochem-
icals released from focus and artificial activation protocols/adrenaline protocols,
which you will learn about below;


1. Light Viewing Protocols

2. NSDR ~ Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocol

3. Fitness

If a protocol is labeled non-negotiable, that’s because that protocol is critically

important for the cells, tissues, and organs of our body.

The 3 non-negotiable protocols balance our hormones, chemicals, mood, ability to

learn, ability to be creative, energy, sleep and wake times, sleep quality, etc.

I will explain these protocols and how to utilize them on the next page.

Your thinking will most likely be poor within the first 2 hours of waking because
adrenaline/alertness levels are lowest at this time.

Boring/mundane/reflexive tasks will be best to accomplish.



If not very cloudy: 10 minutes outdoors

Very cloudy: extend out to 20-30 minutes.

Accomplish before 9 am, especially 10 am (circadian deadzone)


SUNGLASSES, but prescription lenses are fine.


Day 1: 1.5-3 hour weight vest hike; work up to weight

Day 3: Heat and cold exposure (20min)/Cold(2-5 min) x 3
Day 4: Zone 3 cardio (30 min)
Day 5: Core resistance training
Day 6: Zone 4/5 cardio (20 min)
Day 7: Arms, calves, neck

Movement primes us for intense focus by generating adrenaline/energy.


Great for ADHD/improving focus

Focus on the area just above your nose, and refocus on that spot
when thoughts arise; the refocusing is what is training your ability to focus.


Avoid a midday crash by allowing your adenosine/sleep drive to filter through

your brain receptors in the morning, before blocking that process with caffeine.

Your sleep drive aka adenosine will just build up while caffeine is parked in their
receptors and crush you midday when caffeine finally leaves those parking spots if
you wake up and drink caffeine right away.

Waiting 90-120 minutes before ingesting caffeine is essential. I would rather feel
tired right when I wake up vs. during prime time.

It is essential to understand caffeine timing to guard your sleep and energy.




BEST time of day to LEARN (adrenaline levels)

Focus on a/learn a motor movement to open plasticity before learning a cognitive skill

Anything that requires your brain or body to adapt to. IE; A movement or learning
pattern you don’t know that well. Or even a brain training app such as Lumosity.


Have a why; why is it essential you are learning this information? Move imme-
diately into a cognitive skill-building session following the motor movement skill
session for 60 minutes.

Example: 5-30 minutes of brain training straight into a high level meeting.

(Optional) Immediately raise adrenaline/ACTIVATE after learning; you have 15

minutes max to raise adrenaline/to activate, which will enhance your learning
even further; many PROTOCOLS increase adrenaline/ACTIVATE us. Check with
a doctor to see if it’s right for you. Learn how to activate below.

Don’t get super activated with caffeine, stimulants, music, etc., before learning or
working hard; this will inhibit learning and lower your desire to do similar work in

Activating/raising adrenaline immediately following cognitive or motor skills to

enhance those skills/place them into long-term memory. The amount of informa-
tion retained is the difference in the level of adrenaline immediately after focus
compared to adrenaline during focus. Adrenaline will help place information into
long term memory aslong as there is an increase immediately following normal
levels during focus. Meaning don’t raise adrenaline before learning, raise it imme-
diately after!

Example: If you were hiking and fell into a cold body of water, your brain would
want to remember the path that led to the cold water. The information after isn’t
as important to remember. Adrenaline helps place our experience of life that
occurred 90 minutes prior to adrenaline rising into long term memory, but chronic
adrenaline inhibits learning. It’s all about short acute increases that we control
with activation and deactivation protocols. Adrenaline up, clamp it off. We are
snipers, not machine gunners.

Separate pleasure from the time you need to do hard work to continue enjoying hard work!
This has to do with how DOPAMINE TRACKS TIME. Dopamine is the molecule of motivation,
drive, craving, movement, and time perception.

Example: music, anger, nicotine, social connection, pre-workout, stimulants, phone, pursuit of
sex, video games, emotional videos, etc. ALL INCREASE DOPAMINE significantly and deacti-
vate your ability to generate motivation for yourself during hard work!

Only dopamine stack 1 X per week if at all; place pleasurable experiences outside of 90-minute
time bins/focus windows that you designate each day for hard work/skill building.


Time + positive thought + engagement + often separating

pleasure(dopamine layers) from hard work = your ability to enjoy hard work and maintain be-
havior throughout your lifespan. (DOPAMINE 101)

IMPORTANT: You will be able to FOCUS for 90-minute windows (ULTRADIAN WINDOWS)

Use NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) Protocol between focus bouts to reset your quality of focus
so that you can quickly get into yet another 90-minute intense focus bout. You will learn about
NSDR in the deactivate section of HLAB Simplified.

In the middle/latter half of your day, complete tasks that require less focus than the previous
hours of the day

Example: answering emails, responding to texts, etc., small amounts of time/focus needed to
complete the task and more reflexive than the tasks during primetime.

CAFFEINE after 2 pm, especially 4 pm, will significantly disrupt the transition to sleep and sleep
quality for most people

Caffeine parks in adenosine receptors for approximately 8 hours for a majority of people. This means that caf-
feine blocks sleep drive for roughly 8 hours. Be careful with caffeine intake during the afternoon, we want to
avoid anything that disrupts sleep transition & architecture on a regular basis.

NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) Protocol:

Perform NSDR approximately 9-12 hours after waking. Control light, posture, and
breathing during NSDR Protocol.

Perform physiological sigh protocol when the NSDR script instructs you to
breathe which you will learn about in the deactivate section below. Physiological
sigh and panoramic view are the only two tools that can push back on adrenaline
levels in real-time.

• Search NSDR script on YouTube & download the app VIRTUSAN

• Search Made For NSDR Script on YouTube for an alternative NSDR


1. Accelerates learning significantly.

2. Restores cognitive function to important brain regions.
3. Can be used to transition us to sleep at night.
4. Can be used to reset our ability to focus.
5. Protects the dopamine system, which allows us to continue being motivated.
6. NSDR is a powerful way to prime creativity!
8. Adrenaline level lower
9. SEROTONIN levels rising

Ready to get your performance blueprint?

Schedule your free consultation HERE!

Definition of creativity- taking what we already know and playfully shuffling

it, rearranging it in a way that is truly robust and novel, more attractive to the ob-
server. Creative thinking happens best when we are calm, relaxed, and somewhat

Example: Go for a walk, bring a journal and pen or take voice notes on a device;
write down thoughts as they arise during walking or voice record your thoughts.

Your brain will be most creative when calm, relaxed, and somewhat sleepy. NSDR
(non-sleep deep rest) protocol is a powerful way to shift our internal state, prim-
ing us for a wonderful 60-90 minute creative session approximately 8-14 hours
after waking.

Narrow vision will deactivate creative thinking. Using your phone is an example of
your vision being zoomed in which may distract you and stop creative thoughts
from randomly coming to mind.

Panoramic/horizon views are ideal to generate creative thought. Try sitting in

silence and letting the mind drift while maintaining a broad, panoramic gaze, also
known as open-monitoring meditation if you can’t go outdoors for a walk.

You will learn about panoramic view protocol in the deactivation/serotonin sec-

Do not zoom in on one particular thing for too long. Write down ideas as they randomly arise.
Keep the stakes low, not too serious! :)

Try to view the sun within 1 hour of sunset for 10 minutes. Extend time to 20-30
minutes if very cloudy.

No blue or yellow artificial light after 10 pm, especially 11 pm! Light after 10 pm,
especially 11 pm can significantly disrupt our dopamine/life force system for 72
hours and removes the anchor from our melatonin and cortisol pulses which
changes our sleep and wake times etc.

No light after 10 pm protocol is critically important for high performance.

Red light is fine. If you are viewing light after 10 pm try to make those lights red


• Increase the burn rate of your neurons by meeting their metabolic needs,
increasing total calories out/total calories capable of being burned.
• Vitamin D supplement or 20-30 minutes outdoors; don’t get burnt if your
skin is as fair as mine!
• Omega 3 supplement
• 1-4 servings of fermented food per day. Eg: Kefir, Yoghurt, Kombucha
• Robiotic + greens supplement = Athletic greens or Jocko greens are great!
• Selenium (3-5 Brazil nuts for your daily intake)
• lodine (splash of iodine salt in water/food or high quality kelp supplement)
• 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (when trying to build muscle)
Protein will absorb best in the early part of the day
• 1⁄2 body weight in ounces of water + 125-150% of weight lost in ounces
after a workout, work day, or sauna
• LMNT electrolyte packets are great

1. Greens w/ quality probiotic;

• Athletic Greens
• Jocko Greens

2. Omega 3

3. Vitamin D

4. Metabolic Foundation (mentioned on the previous page)

5. Electrolyte (LMNT Brand)

6. Protein

7. Creatine

8. Sleep Supps;

• Magnesium Glycinate
• Theanine
• Apigenin
• 5 - HTP

Fast until 11AM to help cultivate adrenaline for the ability to take action and
acquire energy. Make protein and fats the main portion of lunch (tyrosine->dopa-
mine). Ketoish lunch will help cultivate motivation and drive to attack the day and
store dopamine

Example: Steak and a salad. Low carb to avoid feeling sluggish.

Google foods high in tyrosine to synthesize large amounts of dopamine so that

you have more ready to be deployed. (Learn more about dopamine on the next

Try making carbs the main portion of dinner 2-3 hours before bed
(tryptophan>serotonin) This will help us transition into sleep and unwind.

Carbs make us feel like we have everything we need; avoid them during
the day unless your workout is extremely intense. Most workouts will not even
come close to draining your carb storage. Refill the glycogen storage before bed-
time after tasks have been accomplished. If we have goals and tasks to pursue, we
want to stack adrenaline and dopamine; they work together like a gang to help us
accomplish our daily tasks.

When building muscle, I start the day with 60 grams of protein and ingest protein
every 4 hours. This is what has personally worked for me to maintain by weight of
215lbs at 6’ 3’’ with a BF Percentage of 14.2%

It takes up to 2 weeks to decrease hunger when changing a diet.

It takes up to 72 hours to change your neuron’s attraction to highly sugary/highly

savory food; after 72 hours, broccoli with seasoning will taste good again. A serv-
ing of glutamine can suppress sugar cravings, mix it with a protein shake, in with
food, etc. It is a tasteless white compound.
DOPAMINE = LIFE FORCE: It is your desire to pursue things, feeling like you
don’t have what you need, your general desire or willingness to do anything at all.
You only have so much dopamine readily available, it takes time to stock back up,
and it gets deactivated when you mix/layer behaviors, activities, and substances
that raise dopamine within the time bin of hard work.


Limit dopamine stacking to 1X per week to maintain a behavior throughout the

lifespan. All amounts of pleasure have an equal amount of pain; keep that in mind.

ADRENALINE = ENERGY: adrenaline is critically essential. It helps us take action.

This is why when we get motivated by someone or angry we work hard! It also
helps mark neural tissue for change so that we can increase skills and change our
thoughts, behaviors, or trauma.

All of this is neural information, and the older you get, the more difficult it is to
change this information. Our neurons get cemented in place by glial cells at or
around 25, which significantly limits our ability to change in response to expe-
rience. Now our change is dictated by levels and timing of neural chemicals like
adrenaline (energy), acetylcholine (focus), and dopamine (life force).

ACETYLCHOLINE = FOCUS: acetylcholine is your spotlight of attention. When

acetylcholine levels are high, fewer things in the outside world can distract you.
This molecule works best in 90-minute windows and is one of the gang members
that helps mark/highlight neurons that need to change. Narrow Vision protocol
will increase levels of acetylcholine. Try staring at a small object for 30-90 sec-
onds before focusing for 60- 90 minutes. 1 X per week,

SEROTONIN = CALM /RELAXED: feeling like you have everything you need. The
molecule of calmness, relaxation, bliss, and delight. We get serotonin from deac-
tivation protocols. Serotonin helps push back against adrenaline/stress levels and
allows us to maintain motivation and drive by protecting dopamine.
NSDR 9-10 hours after we wake is a NON-NEGOTIABLE protocol.

Deactivation is critical for high performance and mental health. When socially
isolated for too long, a sinister molecule called tachykinin builds up, which causes
fear, paranoia, irritability, etc. Serotonin from social connections with people, pets,
or things you truly find delightful and trust will reduce these tachykinin levels.


These protocols are always step one because they benefit all of us and have
detrimental effects on our physical and mental health if we do not perform them
correctly. After all, we all share the exact hardwired biological mechanism when it
comes to viewing light. Cells in our eyes need to sense 10,000-100,000 lux worth
of blue and yellow light at certain times of day and not sense blue and yellow light
at other times.

A particular brain region known as suprachiasmatic nucleus (the master clock or

SCN for short) is waiting for your eyes to sense that amount of light so that it can
pulse to trillions of cells, tissues, and organs in our bodies.

This has significant effects on mood, health, etc because light anchors and balanc-
es our chemicals, hormones, etc. these protocols truly set the stage for every-
thing else. Change requires consistent levels of chemicals, stored and ready to be
utilized. Light and sleep are the main contributors to these levels being accessible
to us on a daily basis so that we can make changes at a rapid rate.

Example: light after 10 PM especially 11 PM significantly disrupts our dopamine

system/life force for 72 hours following;

• Sleep and wake times

• Mental acuity
• Sleep quality and duration
• Learning
• Creativity
• Lower risk of chronic disease

KEY POINT: Master technique before adding weight to significantly prevent injury. I highly rec-
ommend consuming any information that involves Dr.Andy Galpin when it comes to fitness.


• Between 5-30 repetitions per set (can’t miss)

• Close to muscular failure each set with occasional failure
• At least 2 minutes of rest between sets
• 48-72 hours of rest for individual muscles targeted per workout
• 5 sets per week maintains the size of a muscle
• 12-25 sets per week grows the size of a muscle
• 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight when trying to grow muscle
• 30-80% of one rep max
• Target individual muscles vs. move weight across the entire body
• Focus on muscle
• You can build muscle without getting significantly stronger


• Strength doesn’t require rest days unless very tender, you can squat 2 x per
day and get stronger, it takes TIME to develop tissue, strength is a nervous
system thing, not a tissue development thing.
• 85% + of 1 repetition max
• You can get stronger without building a significant amount of muscle
• Move weight across the entire body vs. target individual muscles
• Don’t focus on 1 individual muscle
• 3-5 minutes of rest between sets
• 3-5 exercises per workout
• 3-5 reps per set

Critically important for lifespan because muscle fibers die when we don’t use them with resis-
tance & full range of motion due to age related decline. Once these little guys are gone, they
don’t come back, they are gone forever. Movement + resistance is key to quality lifespan.

• Speed x Force = POWER

• Move the weight across your body as quickly as possible
• It will not feel like you worked out when you train for power
• 5 reps per set
• 3 -10 sets
• 30% or less of 1 rep max, depends though, I suggest the Andy Galpin You-
Tube videos about power to fully understand it
• 2-3 minutes of rest per set
• This will make your movement pattern faster, more explosive, more powerful

Example: Power clean and shoulder press a light amount of weight as quickly as
possible for 5 reps. You will not feel like you did much work, but this is how you
train to become more powerful. Do this in the beginning of your workouts before
strength or hypertrophy training if you want to work several adaptations. If you
believe you moved the weight quickly, you will become more powerful. Intent


• 70-80% of max heart rate/intensity

• 30 minutes total time
• Between 4-12 minute pace, pick a number between 4 & 12
• You should feel pretty fatigued at the end of each set
• Rest between sets until you are fully reset, ready for more work
• Use real-time deactivate protocols between sets and deactivate for at least 5
minutes immediately following, NSDR is a great way to do this

Example: If I choose running for 4 minutes, it should be difficult to maintain that

pace for 4 minutes, this is what will ensure that I am near the correct % of heart
rate maximum. Rest until reset, then another 4 minutes of work. 30 minutes total
time 1x per week.

• 1x per week
• 20 minutes of total work
• 90-100% of max heart rate/intensity
• 1 set = 20-90 seconds of work max effort
• Rest between sets however long you need so that you are reset
• Use real-time deactivation protocols in between sets and immediately after-
wards, NSDR is a great to do after to clamp off the adrenaline
• When you feel the burn, breathe through it, not a time to quit breathing
• This adaptation is important for longevity and the cardiovascular system
• Most of the protocols you would use activate you can use for this, just repeat
them over and over for 20 minutes total time with rest in between
• See ACTIVATE/ADRENALINE protocols above

Example: An assault bike will get you to max heart rate in 30 seconds at max
effort. 30 seconds on, 2 minutes off, repeat 20 minutes total. Rest between sets
will vary between individuals.

You can use physiological sigh and panoramic view between sets and perform NSDR immedi-
ately after the workout for at least 5 minutes to speed up recovery. Control posture. Don’t do
these all at once; pick and choose; they all essentially do the same thing, max effort, get the
heart rate going Consult with a doctor before adding activation protocols.


• Make inhales more vigorous and/or longer in duration than your exhales
• Repeat 25-30 cycles
• Breath hold 15 seconds between sets with lungs empty
• 3 sets total
• At the end of the final set, I hold breath until I have a strong desire to
breathe, with lungs full of air.

• Stare at a small object in front of you for 30-90 seconds without

breaking focus


• 30 seconds
• This is a great way to activate. I highly recommend the assault bike for zone
4⁄5 cardio or anytime after a learning session
• The fastest way to reach max heart rate


• 30-45 seconds


• 60 seconds


• 30-45 seconds


• It takes roughly 20 minutes to get activated from ingesting caffeine.

• I usually drink my caffeine at the tail end of a learning session to enhance the
placement of my experience into long-term memory.
• I stay away from synthetic sources of caffeine such as soda, juice, chewing
gum, candy, and energy drinks
• My favorite source of caffeine is unsmoked loose leaf yerba mate and high
quality ground coffee.
• 2 espresso shots is a great way to get activated. Around 60-70mg of caffeine.
• Activation can be difficult for anyone that suffers from anxiety, bipolar etc.

Learning how to deactivate before activating is critically important.

Congratulations! On completing the first step towards reclaiming your true iden-
tity and unleashing your full potential. I have done my upmost to provide you with
years of my knowledge, research, and hands-on experience into actionable strate-
gies specifically designed for ambitious high performers like yourself.

Success isn’t just about financial achievements, but also about regaining con-
trol, finding purpose, and experiencing genuine fulfillment in your life. Many high
achievers just like you, feel like they have reached the pinnacle of their career, but
lost their sense of self along the way.

They find themselves merely drifting through each day, working tirelessly, and col-
lecting their paycheck without truly living. Their health, relationships, and personal
well-being take a backseat, leaving them feeling isolated and disconnected.

But here’s the secret: it’s all in your brain.

I’m truly passionate and committed to helping my clients achieve their health and
performance goals. My network of experts includes sleep specialists, nutritionists,
and fitness professionals who work together to provide you with the best possible
support and guidance.

I’m dedicated to my mission of helping to transform your energy, avoid stagnation

in your business through better productivity, so you operate at the highest possible

If you’re ready to take control of your health and increase your productivity, get
your performance blueprint today by scheduling your free consultation HERE!

Many thanks,

Gary J Allman - Peak Performance Coach


The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and only

for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published or
redistributed without the prior written consent of GJA.

The opinions expressed are in good faith and while every care has been taken in
preparing these docu-ments, GJA makes no representations and gives no warran-
ties of whatever nature in respect of these documents, including but not limited to
the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained

Always seek the guidance of a medical professional before making substantial

changes to your health.

Guide designed by

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