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Grade 12 Advanced Functions, MHF 4U

Test 4


1. The test should be finished within 3 hours.

2. There are 6 questions; each question’s mark has been shown in the

question, the full mark for this test is 50.

3. Non-programmable calculators may be used, but not shared.

4. Provide complete and well-organized solutions for all questions.

5. This test will weight 15% of the final mark.

KU T C A Total

25 25 25 25 100
1. (8 marks) (K, T, C, A)

a. Convert degree to radian.

b. Convert radian to degree.

2. (6 marks) (K, T, A, C)
A clock is hanging on a wall, with the centre of the clock 2.5 m above the floor. Both
the minute hand and the hour hand are 10 cm long. The second hand is 6 cm long.
For each hand, determine the equation of the cosine function that describes the
distance of the tip of the hand above the floor as a function of time. Assume that the
time, t, is in minutes and that the distance, D(t), is in centimetres. Also assume that
t=0 is midnight.
3. (6 marks) (K, T, A, C)
A rung on a hamster wheel, with a radius of 25 cm, is travelling at a constant speed. It
makes one complete revolution in 3 seconds. The axle of the hamster wheel is 27 cm
above the ground.
a. Write the equation that models this situation
b. Sketch a graph of the height of the rung above the ground during two complete
revolutions, beginning when the rung is closest to the ground.
c. Determine when the hung will reach a height of 10 cm.
4. (6 marks) (K, T, A)
The percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere varies over the course of the year, as follows:

d. Determine the days when the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
5. (8 marks) (K, T, A)
6. (10 marks) (K, T, A)


7. (6 marks) (K, T, A)
a) prove: (tan θ + sec θ - 1)/(tan θ - sec θ + 1) = (1 + sin θ)/cos θ
b) Find the minimum value of 5cosA + 12sinA + 5

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