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Title: The [Unequivocal] Abolition of the union of North America plan and the [Unequivocal]

Abolition of Modern Slavery, formal policies of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United
States (CIA) and INTERPOL with supportive recommendations from the United Nations (UN)

[Sole] Author: Shawn Dexter John, Master of Arts

Universities of Affiliation: Howard University (Washington, District of Columbia) and Saint

Thomas University (College of Law - Miami Gardens, Florida)

Sole Location of the Author's [Agency] Employment: Florida, United States

Author's Sole Location of Residence: Florida, United States

Indefinite stature: author not under legal/audit inquiry or penalty (with none required by law or

Date of Updated Re-transcription: 11/02/2023

Central Intelligence Agency (Work Paper)


We have convened as a team of managers and associates and former trainers and
co-operatives from various sectors of the federal government of the United States (U.S.) and the
international community for holding proper discourses on the matter of our integration project
with America being a philosophical and conventional benefactor of reasonable suppositions.
We are all settled on the formation of a politico-economic Union of the Americas in two decades
as the supreme authority of hemispheric issues and we are all settled on the abolition of all
projects pursuing a North American Union, North American Association, North American
Community or such - no political or economic construct addressing, via immediate governmental
correlation, any North American regiment will be supported or allowed by our coalition of
intelligence and development agencies spanning the hemisphere. The Americas plan is quite
exceptional, has a firm foundation of political competence (the OAS), and is culturally viable
beyond an immediate doubt or failure of supposition.

The following provides legal tenets which ought to be adhered to by North American sporting
federation(s) and other social/cultural regional concept(s) conceived and implemented for
instating the proper/appropriate course of action which ought to be taken:

1. There shall be no construct of multiple or singular member(s), of any set or instance(s) of

political societ(ies), nation(s), territor(ies), constituent-state, or province(s), which
accords any organ, power, force, concept, or association any freedom, right, provision,
or power which precludes or inhibits the fundamental right(s) enumerated within the
national/federal Constitution of any nation State or subordinate political jurisdiction,
including the Constitution of the United States, or the national/federal laws and policies
and compliant lower/subordinate laws and policies of the respective
State/territory/dependency/constituent-state of present activity,
2. There shall be no ordinance, rule, policy, protocol, agreement, regulation, code, or such
formed by the administration or organ of any regional institution of or in North America or
formed by or between members within, of teams, clubs, financial groups, businesses,
organizations, entities, or such, which precludes or inhibits the fundamental right(s) and
freedom(s) enumerated within the national/federal Constitution of any nation-state,
including the United States Constitution, or
province/territory/dependency/constituent-state or the the federal/national laws and
policies and compliant lower/subordinate laws and policies of the respective
State/territory/such of present activity,
3. No Member State or organ of the Organization of American States (OAS) or its future
incarnation as the Union of the Americas shall prohibit any region from forming regional
sporting or social/cultural organization(s) or system(s) not breaching the political
hemisphere's official political and economic treaties of constitutional competencies (or
peaceful accords and constitutional arrangements),
4. No Member State or organ of the Organization of American States (OAS) or its future
re-inception as the Union of the Americas shall prohibit any team, club, business,
corporation, entity, or other actor membered within any institution, system, league, or
organization (or such) from withdrawing from its membership or moving to alternate
systems or such for conducting lawful operations; the operation of labor unions shall not
be prohibited or obstructed where in correspondence with the laws of the respective
State of operation/activity (or political/economic and pluralized jurisdiction of partnered
5. Women and girls shall be equally protected in participating in such regional concepts, all
others, and all types of integrationist constructs of political and/or economic
competencies; social clubs, fraternities, and such which require logical differentiation not
imposing breaches of human, political, economic, cultural, or social rights shall be
protected reasonably, meaning without breaching such rights; all social demographic
groups enumerated as federally/nationally/constitutionally protected and such others
expressed shall be protected in such a manner (not inconsistent with fundamental
human, political, economic, cultural, or social rights [not assertive in asserting a lack [or
minimalism] of ethics]),
6. No group of citizens or residents, registered as a corporation, association, or not, shall
aim to obstruct the operative employment and proper application of the political Union of
the Americas upon its inception (within two decades, approximately 18-20 years) or its
predecessor the Organization of American States (OAS); the treaties of correspondence
are intended as laws only alterable by the procedural determination of the collective of
national legislatures, those clearly constitutional, not via the singular or exclusionary
act(s) of any single or set of Head(s) of State or Government, Minister(s), Secretar(ies),
Delegate(s), and/or such.

The meeting conducted for hosting discourses related to the above also ensured that we
invested in protocol(s) which would not communicate an enslavement of women, girls, minors in
general, athletes, workers, or any other group in humanity. The following tenets provide detailed
tenets for imposing legality and prudence in the operation of government or private entity (or

1. No law or policy of any State or Territory ([internal] province, dependency, or such in

subordination) or policy, rule, agreement, arrangement, code, or regulation of any
association, organization, league, system, or such shall respect, impose, communicate,
or clearly suggest the practice of slavery, sexual or not, meaning hardship imposed
against the free will of an individual for the benefit of another/others without proper and
appropriate [lawful] compensation (and respect for legal constraints imposed toward
ensuring the respect of human rights, the ethical integrity of an individual, civil liberties,
economic rights, and/or such protections, and/or protection[s] against conditions
associated with indentured servitude, that identified by the United Nations General
Assembly [UNGA] as abusive or oppressive),
2. No professional trade of any athlete or employee to any other association, system,
league, or such shall communicate the ownership or leasing of the individual indefinitely
or of any specified tenure, whether of a race or other social [demographic] group
traditionally associated with slavery or not,
3. There shall be no condition of slavery or indentured servitude within government,
Regional Governance, Continental Governance, or World Governance or any concept of
community, society, neighborhood, household, religious congregation, tribal group,
reservation, or such,
4. There shall not be allowed cruelty or negligent abuse in sports/athletic activities and
such; though the conventional and commonly understood practices and actions within a
specific sports culture, as regulated prudently, are accepted generally, where
imprudence, cruelty, severe infliction of pain or injury, or such are detected as chronic or
imposing of great risks concerning any particular action, the respective administration
and the superintending government shall attend to rectifying the regression and
elimination of such action(s) indefinitely, and
5. No team, club, athlete, coach/manager, executive, or such within any association,
partnership, league, system, or confederation of entities/actors shall be precluded,
prohibited, or inhibited from receiving standard compensation, including salary, from their
[lawful] employer, financier of such relations, or appointed estate manager in being
employed; this protects all immigrants, of all constitutional statuses including resident,
foreign ethnicities, and other social [demographic] groups from receiving expressed,
lucrative, and insured contracts, those not lawfully and ethically impeded by lawful
standard practices conducted generally, broadly, peculiarly, or throughout.

*As of 11/02/2023: I haven't left the United States mainland since 2015 and when I did travel
outside the country preceding this date, it was for the purpose of vacation and/or family visits in
Canada, Puerto Rico, and Antigua and Barbuda - these were assigned by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL. I have never worked for a government not American
or any entity abroad, overseas, or foreign. There are no ticket(s) or itinerar(ies) printed out,
purchased, or being prepared for leaving the United States of America, especially the mainland.
I am currently in Central Florida. I communicate assertively, without abuse, that I am not leaving
my country (USA).

*Usain Bolt, Jamaican athlete and current ambassador, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Greek athlete
in the National Basketball Association (NBA), Bubba Wallace, stock car driver of the NASCAR
Cup Series, and Kansas Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes Jr. were hired by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) to cover for me as both Shawn Dexter John and [soon] Khaled
Hassan as the lead operative of the Central Intelligence Agency, aside being its Chief Manager,
for serving the integrationist paradigm with those athletes believing in multiculturalism,
multiracialism, and multi-nationalism, with all conducting their respective craft astutely and
exceptionally. INTERPOL has agreed to arrange unbreachable security for maintaining their
psychological, emotional, physical, and financial health. We are responding to credible
complaints that (1) Giannis Antetokounmpo was being auctioned off to a newly developed
African basketball league, jovially or as a threat, by certain American athletes and executives
due to his foreign-born stature as a Greek of African parents and his growing dominance in the
league, in response to Shawn Dexter John's [policy] support of him and the African Union's
ascendance (as a profound American globalist) and that (2) Eastern Europe concertedly banned
Black star athletes from their leagues and ordered operatives to the United States for coercing
and negotiating bigoted and hidden deals to support the prominence of White European athletes
in the United States.

*The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL, in responding to formal and hidden
complaints from myself, Associates, and loved ones, have rejected arguments communicating
that only American-born citizens may be rewarded or awarded lucrative contracts with the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Agency is preparing to activate my respective contract
imminently, timely - I am no longer obligated to wait on the obscure calculation of my aggregate

Name of [Work Paper] Series Author: Shawn John

Highest Level of Degree Earned: Master of Arts
Institution Issuing Degree: Howard University
Degree being prepared: Juris Doctorate (J.D)
Preparing New Degree: Yale School of Law
Position Being Prepared: [Inaugural] President of Yale Law Journal
Agency of Contracting: Central Intelligence Agency
Institution of Agency Affiliation: Howard University
New Agency Identity Being Assumed: Khaled Hassan
Agency Position: Chief Manager of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and INTERPOL
Last four digits of [U.S.] Social Security Number: 6640
Religion of Shawn Dexter John: Roman Catholicism (Christianity)
Purpose of Publication: Public Briefing
Author's Concentration: Law and Government; Ethics
Author's: Race/ethnicity: Black/African-American
Citizenship and Nationality: the United States of America (USA)
Sole country of Residence and Location: the United States of America (USA)
Country of Allegiance and Loyalty: the United States of America (USA)
Language of Direct Communication: American English
Handicap/dysfunction status: no medical, physical, or mental handicap/dysfunction (present or
in the past)

Sole author of Communicated Re-transcriptions: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn
John or Shawn D. John)
Sole conceptualist and author of all original, re-transcribed, and revised publications of relation
(meaning writings presented as authored by Shawn Dexter John): Shawn Dexter John (also
identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)
Sole transcriber and typist of all published literary works presented as authored by Shawn
Dexter John: Shawn Dexter John (also identified as Shawn John or Shawn D. John)

Author's Re-incorporating and Revised Organization: ARSI International Research Policy

President: Shawn Dexter John (also known as "Khaled Hassan" for lawful Agency purposes)

States of Author's former residence: Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, and New York
Countries/territories of former residence (all INTERPOL-related): the Commonwealth of
Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, the constituent-state of Aruba (of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands), and the territory of Puerto Rico (of the United States)

Author's biological parents: Clay Crispin John (father, currently located in Canada) and Anita
Phillip (mother, currently located in Antigua and Barbuda)
Author's former legal guardian: Tess Mann-John (step-mother, currently located in Charlotte,
North Carolina, United States)
Author's Professional Affiliate: Karl Lawrence Chen (uncle by marriage, currently located in the
United States)
Author's assignment complement: Chad Shem John (biological and accustomed brother,
currently located in Florida, United States)
Author's contact in the state of Louisiana for familial and special professional purposes:
Emerlyne John-Jones (biological and accustomed aunt, currently located in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, United States)
Author's identified dependent (with contract in mind): Keisha John (biological daughter,
commonly known as Keisha Williams for security purposes, currently located in the United

Author's favorite artist(s): Nat King Cole and Black Eyed Peas

Nature of the Author's Series of Publications: Non-fictional

Purpose of Author's Series of Work Papers: to be formally and effectively applied by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the [managerial] superintendence of Shawn Dexter John and
complimentary Associates
Professional blog-site hosting the [series] publications:

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