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Cockney, as a London urban accent, has several sound changes in pronouncing vowels.

changing seems quite significant to distinct it from RP accent. The noticeable feature of the
Cockney pronunciation system is diphthongs. Building on Adele's discussion in the video
mentioned above, the table below provides a detailed comparison of the diphthong differences
between RP and traditional Cockney accents.

I've listened to Adele and I'm pretty sure that she doesn't say light, she says late
The diphthong o turns into something like au. So we have
The word light, cockney accent is
The diphthong au turns into a very long open a
The dipthong oi in rp accent is boy, and boy more tense in cockney english

With the illustration and example above, it could be seen that the Cockney diphthongs have some
transformation compared to RP. Furthermore, the three following pictures would demonstrate the
positions of closing diphthongs and centripetal diphthongs of Cockney accent with the
corresponding sounds.

It is discernible that the closing diphthongs [æʊ] and [ʌʊ] have a clockwise movement in
connection with [aʊ] and [əʊ] in RP, for example “mouth” [mæʊf] and boat [bʌ̥ ʊʔ], whereas
other closing ones [ʌɪ], [oɪ] and [ɔɪ]̝ show anti-clockwise movement with respect to [eɪ], [aɪ] and
[oɪ] in RP system, as in the words “paint” [phʌɪñ ʔ], “pint” [phɑɪñ ʔ], and “point” [phɔɪñ̝ ʔ]. For
the reason that the price diphthong with significantly more retracted starting point than the
counterpart in RP cross over the mouth diphthong with fronter starting point, the diphthong in
these word might become [ɑɪ] and [æʊ] or [æə] respectively, this is known as the price-mouth
crossover phenomenon.
The two diphthongs [ɑɪ] and [ʌɪ] in unstressed word like “my” or suffixed “-day” tend to reduce
to [ɪi], for instance, “my pants” [mɪi ˈpæ̃nʔs], “Friday” [ˈfɹ̥ ɑɪdɪi]. Additionally, the unstressed
[ʌʊ] of Cockney would become schwa in less careful speech, thus, “pillow” is pronounced as
[ˈphɪlə] and “follow” is [ˈfɒlə].

The three centripetal diphthongs [iə], [eə], and [ɔə] is pronounced with glide insertion in some
cases, especially when they are in the final position. For example, “more” and “poor” would be
[ˈmɔwə] and [ˈpɔwə], respectively.

In conclusion, although the Cockney accent is assumed as a distinctive form of English, changes
in both vowel and consonant that can make statements unintelligible to the listener, it still brings
an attraction about cultural characteristics in the East End London. through Adele's interview,
insightful examples were presented to illustrate the unique features in both written and spoken
forms of the Cockney accent, which makes it easier for international students to acquire this type
of English. Nonetheless, according to Kerswill this dialect is said to vanish from London in the
next 30 years due to Multicultural London English and would be replaced by a new hybrid
language. Therefore, it is necessary to raise special care and preservation for the Cockney

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