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Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator:

Advancing Development Efficiency


Name- ID No:

Krish Parakh 2021AAPS4085H


Petasense Technologies - Bengaluru

A Practice School-I Station of


(May-July, 2023)

Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator:
Advancing Development Efficiency

Name(s) ID.No.(s) Discipline(s)

Krish Parakh 2021AAPS0485H ECE

Prepared in partial fulfillment of the

Practice School-I Course Nos.



Petasense Technologies - Bengaluru

A Practice School-I Station of


(May-July, 2023)

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for
their valuable support and assistance during the project:

- Petasense Tech. for providing me with the opportunity to work on this project.

- Mr.Aquib Razack, Mr.Prajyot Garabadu for their exceptional guidance and support as web
developer mentors.

- Mr.Rajat Gupta for his valuable insights and guidance as our manager.

- Dr. Raja Vadhana P for being the faculty in charge of PS-1 and providing me with valuable

Their contributions have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project.

Practice School Division

Station: Petasense Technologies Center: Bengaluru

Duration: 6 Weeks Date of Start: 31st May
Date of Submission: 21st June
Title of the Project: Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator
Name(s) ID.No.(s) Discipline(s)
Krish Parakh 2021AAPS0485H ECE
Name(s) Designation(s)
Aquib Razack Web Developer
Prajyot Garabadu Web Developer
Rajat Gupta Embedded Developer
Name(s) of the PS-Faculty: Dr. Raja Vadhana P
Key Words: Web development using Python.
Project Areas: Web Development
Abstract: This project develops a Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator system for industrial
machinery, enabling the generation of simulated defect signals and random signals for testing.
Integration with the Petasense web application and technologies like Scipy, Numpy, and Docker
enhances development efficiency, facilitates testing, and improves product credibility through live
data feeds.

Signature(s) of Student(s) Signature of PS Faculty

Date Date

The Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator project aims to enhance the
development efficiency of Petasense Technologies. It involves creating a system that can
simulate defects found in industrial machinery and generate measurements accordingly. By
integrating the defect simulator with the measurement generator, the project aims to
improve the capabilities of Petasense's web application.

The project's main objective is to enable thorough testing of new analytical features by
generating simulated defect signals and measuring their impact. This will ensure the
stability and compatibility of the system. Additionally, the system will provide a live data
feed for sales demo accounts, showcasing its ability to generate and analyze defect signals,
thereby increasing the product's credibility.

To achieve these goals, the project will use Python and various libraries such as Scipy,
Numpy, Matplotlib, and Tkinter for signal generation, visualization, and user interface
design. Integration with GUI

By addressing the limitations in defect simulation and measurement generation, the project
will significantly improve the development processes at Petasense Technologies. It will
provide technicians and practitioners with a comprehensive testing and demonstration tool,
leading to improved defect analysis, faster product development cycles, and enhanced
customer satisfaction.

Problem Statement:
The current development processes at Petasense Technologies lack efficient defect
simulation and measurement generation capabilities. This poses challenges in testing new
analytical features and demonstrating the credibility of the product. The limitations hinder
the ability to thoroughly validate the system's performance and provide real-time data feeds
for sales demo accounts.


To address the challenges identified, the project proposes a robust system that integrates a
defect simulator module with an existing measurement generator. The defect simulator
generates simulated defect signals and corresponding time waveform graphs using Python
libraries such as Scipy and Numpy. The integration with the measurement generator allows
seamless generation of random signals based on user-provided parameters. The system also
integrates with the Virtual Device Service, utilizing Docker for real-time device simulation.

Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator:

1. The Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator system enhance development

efficiency at Petasense Technologies. The defect simulator accurately mimics
various industrial machinery defects, utilizing Python libraries like Scipy and
Numpy. It generates time waveform signals for each defect, allowing practitioners to
test analytical features.
2. The defect simulator employs the Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) to create defect
signals based on user-defined parameters. By selecting representative defects, it
generates time waveform signals that capture specific defect characteristics.
Visualization using Matplotlib facilitates defect analysis.
3. The measurement generator complements the defect simulator by generating random
signals based on user-provided parameters. These signals are uploaded to Petasense
servers, accessible via the web application. Integrating with the defect simulation
flow ensures a seamless workflow.
4. The measurement generator creates signals resembling real-world measurements
from Petasense devices. Uploading signals to Petasense servers enables real-time
access and data analysis. The system supports spectrum and time waveform analysis,
aiding in defect identification and understanding.
5. The defect simulator and measurement generator enable thorough testing of
analytical features, validating system performance. They provide live data feeds for

sales demos, enhancing credibility. This integration enhances development
efficiency at Petasense Technologies.

Creating GUI for the simulator-

1. During the project, significant efforts were dedicated to learning and mastering the
Python Tkinter library for developing the graphical user interface (GUI) of the
defect simulator. Tkinter, being a powerful GUI toolkit, played a crucial role in
enhancing the overall user experience and usability of the defect simulator.
2. The learning process involved understanding the fundamental concepts of Tkinter,
including widgets, layout management, and event handling. By familiarizing
ourselves with these concepts, we were able to design an intuitive and user-friendly
interface for the defect simulator.
3. The utilization of Tkinter significantly improved the user experience by providing a
visually appealing and interactive interface. It allowed us to create various GUI
elements, such as buttons, checkboxes, and entry fields, enabling users to interact
with the defect simulator effortlessly. Additionally, Tkinter's layout management
capabilities facilitated the arrangement and organization of these elements in a
coherent and logical manner.
4. The seamless integration of Tkinter with the defect simulator not only enhanced the
visual appeal but also improved the usability of the application. Users could easily
navigate through the different functionalities and options, making the defect
simulator more accessible and user-friendly.


1. Logic Development: A significant contribution was made in developing the logic for
the defect simulator script. This involved implementing the Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) and generating defect signals. The resulting script accurately simulated
various defects and plotted their spectrum and time waveform.
2. Bug Fixes: Several bugs in older scripts provided by mentors were identified and
resolved. This involved debugging and ensuring the smooth functioning of the
measurement generator script, which generates random signals based on
user-defined parameters.
3. Integration: The defect simulator was successfully integrated into the measurement
generator script. This integration allowed for a seamless flow of generating
simulated defect signals alongside the random signals. The combined functionality
enhanced the overall capabilities of the system.
4. GUI Development: Significant efforts were dedicated to creating a graphical user
interface (GUI) for the defect simulator. The GUI design focused on improving user
input flexibility, allowing users to customize parameters for generating defect
signals. This additional feature enhanced the usability of the defect simulator,
making it more versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.
5. Whitenoise Simulation: An additional feature implemented in the defect simulator
was the inclusion of whitenoise simulation. By incorporating whitenoise signals, the
defect simulator was able to create a more realistic environment for testing and

analysis. This added realism improved the accuracy of defect detection and analysis
algorithms, providing more reliable results.

These contributions significantly improved the defect simulation and measurement generation
capabilities of the system, making it more robust and efficient. The efforts made during the
project played a vital role in advancing the development efficiency of Petasense

Challenges Faced:
1. New Concepts: One of the initial challenges was grasping the concepts related to
vibrations and defects, which were crucial for understanding and simulating
industrial machinery defects accurately. This required learning and familiarizing
oneself with the fundamentals of vibrations through resources such as
2. New Software Services: The project involved working with new software services,
such as BitBucket, which provided Git repository hosting and version control.
Learning to effectively utilize these services required guidance from mentors and
adapting to new workflows and processes.
3. New Python Libraries: The project required utilizing Python libraries, such as Scipy
and Numpy, to generate defect signals and handle numerical computations.
Familiarizing oneself with these libraries and understanding their functionalities
posed a challenge initially. However, through research and practice, proficiency was
gained in utilizing these libraries effectively.
4. GUI integration: Integrating the graphical user interface (GUI) with the existing
defect simulator presented several challenges. One of the key challenges was
ensuring seamless integration between the GUI and the underlying functionality of
the defect simulator. This involved carefully mapping user inputs from the GUI to
the corresponding parameters in the defect simulator script. Additionally, handling
communication between the GUI and the defect simulator to enable real-time
updates and synchronization posed a technical challenge. Error handling and
validation of user inputs within the GUI.

The Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator project at Petasense Technologies aimed

to enhance development efficiency by addressing existing limitations. The project

successfully developed a defect simulator using Python libraries like Scipy and Numpy.

The integration of the defect simulator with the measurement generator improved the

system's capabilities.

The developed system has practical applications, including manual feature testing and live

data feed for sales demos. By generating simulated defect signals and measuring their

impact, practitioners can thoroughly validate new features. This enhances the product's

credibility during sales demonstrations.

Despite challenges in understanding vibrations, learning new software services like

BitBucket, and familiarizing with Python libraries, the project team overcame these

obstacles. Contributions were made in developing the defect simulator logic, fixing bugs,

and integrating the components.

Moving forward, the project included creating an GUI for the simulator, further enhancing

the system's capabilities for real-time device simulation and data generation.

Overall, the Defect Simulator and Measurement Generator project significantly improved

development efficiency at Petasense Technologies. It aligns with the objective of

comprehensive testing, feature validation, and showcasing the system's capabilities. By

building upon these achievements, the project contributes to the company's growth and





1. Defect Simulator: Generates simulated defect signals for industrial machinery. It

utilizes Python libraries like Scipy and Numpy to create time waveform signals
corresponding to different types of defects.
2. Measurement Generator: Generates random signals based on user-provided
parameters. It is integrated with the defect simulator to generate both simulated
defect signals and random signals for testing and analysis purposes.
3. Webapp: The web application or centralized dashboard of Petasense, where
generated signals and defect analysis can be viewed and accessed.
4. IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) Layers: Components involved in the IIOT
ecosystem, including physical devices, connectivity, data processing, and application
layers. The project integrates with these layers to enable real-time device simulation
and data generation.
5. BitBucket: A web-based platform for Git repository hosting and version control,
facilitating collaboration and code management.
6. Virtual Device Service: A Petasense service simulating real-time devices using the
measurement generator, including the defect simulator. It is used for demo accounts
and showcasing product credibility.
7. FFT (Fast Fourier Transform): A mathematical algorithm for transforming a
time-domain signal into its frequency-domain representation. It is used to analyze
the frequency components of the simulated defect signals.


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