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WHere did they originate from and their lifestyle?

● Scientists are uncertain about whether the initial Siberian settlers originated from Europe or
Central and Eastern Asia. The first inhabitants in America were the eastern Siberians.
● Around 1,000 BC, Turkic, Iranian, Mongol, and Chinese individuals migrated to Southern
Siberia from Central and Eastern Asia. These early migrants, living in small groups, either
nomadic, hunters, or gatherers, as well as pastoralism (Life based on herding animals). In the
200 bcs the siberians were attacked by various groups. These groups were the first to
conquer parts of Siberia's land and add to their empire.

Russian Siberia:
● Russian benefitted from the fur of the Siberians. THis caused Russian traders to
build forts and trading posts. It created towns and Siberians welcomed the Russians.
By the 1700s Russian control extended to the pacific ocean.
● To help the vast distance and lack of transportation methods the Trans-Siberian
railroad system was constructed. This railway project helped with transportation and
communication across siberia.]
● In attempt to increase the population of siberia, the Russian Czars ( rulers of Russia)
offered free land to settlers who were willing to move to the region.

Revolution and development:

● When the Czar was overthrown in 1917, some Siberian leaders resisted, but the
Communists eventually gained control of Siberia, making it part of the USSR. This
led to industrial work, resulting in widespread forced labor, and the
establishment of Gulags and labor camps. The beginning of collectivization,
where small farms were consolidated into government-run farms also began.
● During World War II, to protect the government-run farms from German German
attacks, many of them were relocated to Siberia. The industry continued to
nurture after the war. Such instances can include the production of oil helping
maintain steady income for the government.

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