Ti 20190723 E2 Sdi Modbus M2f&e2 Protocol v10 en

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Revision Editor Date Section Comments

1.01.00 joo.yoo - Document 1st Release

MODBus_Protocol Fan Operation Info. [Option] Add on Rack Information.
1.01.01 joo.yoo 2017.06.22
Reference System Alarm Rack Voltage Imbalance Stop -> System Stop
Add Average Voltage description on active partial operation.
Some confused words are modified for clear.
1.01.02 joo.yoo 2017.07.18 Reference
Reference Address Number change to Register Number.
Add the Partial Operation Fuction's Description.

1.01.03 joo.yoo 2017.09.06 Protocol Summary 2. Frame(HEX) example's CRC Code missmatch modify.
Charge Current limit -> Charge limit
1.01.04 joo.yoo 2017.09.07 MODBus_Protocol
Discharge Current limit -> Discharge limit
1.01.05 joo.yoo 2017.11.21 Reference [Setting Function] Partial Operation Function Description modify.
Reference [Register: 30031] System Alarm Status Description modify.
1.01.06 joo.yoo 2018.02.12
MODBus_Protocol [Register: 40004] PCS Target Voltage and description add.
System heartbit -> System heartbeat
Reference [Register: 30006] System Mode Modify (DC On Feedback Signal [Option] add).
1.01.07 khoony.nam 2018.03.07
MODBus_Protocol [Register: 30011] Partial Operation Information [Option] add.
[Register: 30095] Rack heartbeat [Option] add.

[Register: 30012] Fault Reset Disable Setting Value add.

[Register: 30006] DC (On -> Close) Feedback Signal [Option]
[Register: 30002] System Voltage Description modify.
[Register: 30064] System Alarm Description modify.
[Register: 40004] PCS Target Voltage and description Remove.
[Register: 30012] System Configuration [Option] Status add.
1.01.08 joo.yoo 2018.08.16 [Register: 30004] System SOC Priority Change 0 -> 100 -> Avg
[Register: 30029] Service SOC Priority Change 0 -> 100 -> Avg
Accumulation Amount Modify. (kWh, MWh, GWh -> Wh) [Merge with V1.02.03]
Accumulation Amount. (kWh, MWh, GWh) [Branch to V1.02.00]
fuse or dcsw sensing fail [Option] Add. (Alarm, Protection)
MODBus RTC Read(0x04)/Write(0x10) Add. [Option]
afe pin open [Option] Add. (Alarm, Protection )
1.01.09 jskr.park 2018.10.02 Reference [Register: 30012] E-Stop Protection Enable [Option] add.

1.01.10 jskr.park 2018.10.17 Reference [Register: 30006] [E-Stop]SPD/[E-Stop]Protection Description Change.

guration definition of Document Version Information

1. SDI_Modbus_Protocol_Vx.yy.zz
1) x: Platform. (1: MW, 2: MW-2String, 3: UPS)
2) yy: Project Code.
3) zz: Version.
4) All version information are used decimal value.

2. SDI_Modbus_Protocol_Vx.yy.zz_Appendix_"Item"_Va.b
1) "Item": Sub Platform or External Device Protocol (Ex. HVAC or PCS)
2) a: Major Version.
3) b: Minor Version.
4) All version information are used decimal value.

■ Configuration definition of RS485 Protocol

1. Definition
1) Baud rate : 19200bps (Default)
2) System BMS RTU ID : 0x27(Default)
3) 1 start bit, 8 data bit, Even parity, 1 stop bit
4) SDI's system BMS always work as a slave.
5) Read function : 0x04 - Read input registers
6) Write function : 0x06 - Write single registers

2. Frame(HEX) example
1) Request
Slave ID FC start address
27 04 00
2) Response
Slave ID FC length
27 04 02

■ Configuration definition of TCP Protocol

Header Frame
Unit Transaction ID Protocol ID Length
0 2 4
BMS(RESPONSE) Header Frame
Transaction ID Protocol ID Length
0 2 4
A : It indicates the sequence number of work related to Query / Response and is incremen
B : 0x0000(Fixed Value)
C : Length after the 'Length Field' to the end of the frame (unit bytes)
D : Unit ID has 0x01 value as default value.
E : As the function code, the Read Input Command has a value of 0x04.
F : Byte Count of Register Value is Word Count x2 value. (Unit Byte)

ex) 0000 0000 0006 27 04 0000 0001 → 0000 0000 0005 27 04 02 1E91 (7825)

■ CRC16
start address length CRC
0C 00 01 F6 CF

data.. CRC
00 5D 71 0E

e Data
UID FC Reference number Word count
D E 0x0000 0x????
6 7 8 9 10
e Data
UID FC BC Register Value
D E F 0x????
6 7 8 9
ponse and is incremented by 1 on request.

1E91 (7825)
[Setting Function] Partial Operation Function Description
Type Example case Descript

※ The number of minimum operation rack determines ho

to turn on the system.
1) Determine the reference rack among total racks. It is s
2) Determine the number of racks that the rack voltage is
value(10V in example).
System has 10 racks. 3) If the number of racks(including reference itself) within
Setting the system can be turned on.(Otherwise not)
and [Partial Setting Values]
Example Minimum Rack Number Setting : 7 racks Note_1 : During operation after turning on, even if some
Rack Voltage Gap Setting : 10 V off) then becomes smaller than minimum setting rack co
racks still works . PCS should determine the turning off th

Note_2 : During operation after turning on, even if some

ex.10V), the system will not give any system operation al
gap can't occur inrush current.

[Register: 30002] System Voltage Description

Type Calculation Method Descript

※ It has only one option in inactive partial operation func
Partial Average Average of rack voltage values.(Except protection racks)

Average Average rack voltage value of available partial operation r

Median rack voltage value in available partial operation ra

Active Median If the Racks to calculate are even, the average of the two
Setting Maximum Maximum rack voltage value of available partial operation

Minimum Minimum rack voltage value of available partial operation

[Register: 30006] System Mode Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Charge Mode When System BMS detect over (3A x Rack count) current, t
14 Discharge Mode When System BMS detect over (-3A x Rack count) current,
13 [CMD]Main SW ON When the host controller send the Main Switch ON comman
12 [CMD]Main SW OFF When the host controller send the Main Switch OFF comma
11 DC Close Feedback Signal [Option] When number of service rack is smaller than number of ava
Active Partial Setting
When all the DC switches are in the OPEN state, If a fault o
10 Off-line
operable racks set in the system, this bit set.(Priority 3)
9 Idle If the system can be operated by partial operation but the
8 Ready When more than one DC switch is CLOSE. (Priority 1)
Inactive Partial Setting
10 Off-line When one or more faults occur, DC Switch regardless of th
9 Idle There is no rack what the fault occurred, and the DC switc
8 Ready There is no fault in the rack, and at least one DC switch is
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved
2 [E-Stop]SPD [Option] This bit is set when the system stop of system alarm is cau
1 [E-Stop]Protection [Option] This bit is set when the system stop of system alarm is cau
0 [E-Stop]Partial [Option] This bit is set when the system stop of system alarm is cau

[Register: 30012] System Configuration Status Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 E-Stop Protection Enable [Option] This bit is set when System BMS is configured to use this fu
2 E-Stop SPD Enable [Option] This bit is set when System BMS is configured to use this fu
1 Fault Reset Command Reject Enable [Option] This bit is set when System BMS is configured to use this fu
0 Fuse or DC Sensing Fail Enable [Option] This bit is set when System BMS is configured to use this fu

[Register: 30015] Protection #4 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 fuse or dcsw sensing fail [Option] Fuse or DC Contactor Sensing Fail. [Option]
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 afe pin open [Option] Cell Voltage sensing error. [Option]
2 dcsw count fail Rack's DC Switch count fail.
1 module pcb ot Module Sensing Board Over Temperature.
0 module pcb ut Module Sensing Board Under Temperature.

[Register: 30016] Protection #3 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 cell dchg operation limit Cell Discharge Operation Limit.
14 cell chg operation limit Cell Charge Operation Limit.
13 additional protection fail Additional Protection Fail.(Auxiliary protection operation)
12 fan fail [Option] Fan Operation Fail. [Option] - For fan use products only.
11 dcsw2_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Fail.
10 dcsw1_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Fail.
9 dcsw2_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Sensing Fail.
8 dcsw1_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Sensing Fail.
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30017] Protection #2 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30018] Protection #1 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 permanent uv Permanent Under Voltage Fail.
14 rack fuse fail [Option] Rack Fuse Fail. [Option] - For fuse use products only.
13 rack I senser fail Rack Current Senser Fail.
12 rack V sensing diff Rack Voltage Sensing Difference.
11 rack OV Rack Over Voltage.
10 rack UV Rack Under Voltage.
9 rack DchgOC Rack Discharge Over Current.
8 rack ChgOC Rack Charge Over Current.
7 R-S comm fail Rack <-> System Communication Fail.
6 R-M comm fail Rack <-> Module Communication Fail.
5 module T-imb Cell Temperature Imbalance.
4 module V-imb Cell Voltage Imbalance.
3 module OV Cell Over Voltage.
2 module UV Cell Under Voltage.
1 module OT Cell Over Temperature.
0 module UT Cell Under Temperature.

[Register: 30019] Alarm #4 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 fuse or dcsw sensing fail [Option] Fuse or DC Contactor Sensing Fail. [Option]
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 afe pin open [Option] Cell Voltage sensing error. [Option]
2 dcsw count fail Rack's DC Switch count fail.
1 module pcb ot Module Sensing Board Over Temperature.
0 module pcb ut Module Sensing Board Under Temperature.

[Register: 30020] Alarm #3 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 cell dchg operation limit Cell Discharge Operation Limit.
14 cell chg operation limit Cell Charge Operation Limit.
13 additional protection fail Additional Protection Fail.(Auxiliary protection operation)
12 fan fail [Option] Fan Operation Fail. [Option] - For fan use products only.
11 dcsw2_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Fail.
10 dcsw1_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Fail.
9 dcsw2_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Sensing Fail.
8 dcsw1_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Sensing Fail.
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30021] Alarm #2 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30022] Alarm #1 summary Description

Bit Name Descript
15 permanent uv Permanent Under Voltage Fail.
14 rack fuse fail [Option] Rack Fuse Fail. [Option] - For fuse use products only.
13 rack I senser fail Rack Current Senser Fail.
12 rack V sensing diff Rack Voltage Sensing Difference.
11 rack OV Rack Over Voltage.
10 rack UV Rack Under Voltage.
9 rack DchgOC Rack Discharge Over Current.
8 rack ChgOC Rack Charge Over Current.
7 R-S comm fail Rack <-> System Communication Fail.
6 R-M comm fail Rack <-> Module Communication Fail.
5 module T-imb Cell Temperature Imbalance.
4 module V-imb Cell Voltage Imbalance.
3 module OV Cell Over Voltage.
2 module UV Cell Under Voltage.
1 module OT Cell Over Temperature.
0 module UT Cell Under Temperature.

[Register: 30023] System Discharge Limit Description

Type Calculation Method Descript
※ These are calculated by include protection racks.
Power Limit Setting (Minimum value of rack voltage values x Minimum value of
Inactive [10Watt/Unit]
※ These are calculated by include protection racks.
Current Limit Setting
Minimum value of rack discharge current limit absolute val

※ These are calculated by except protection racks.

※ Until to minimum operating rack count of partial option
Power Limit Setting
(Minimum value of rack voltage values x Minimum value of
Active [10Watt/Unit]
※ These are calculated by except protection racks.
Current Limit Setting ※ Until to minimum operating rack count of partial option
Minimum value of rack discharge current limit absolute val

[Register: 30024] System Charge Limit Description

Type Calculation Method Descript
※ These are calculated by include protection racks.
Power Limit Setting (Minimum value of rack voltage values x Minimum value of
Inactive [10Watt/Unit]
※ These are calculated by include protection racks.
Current Limit Setting
Minimum value of rack charge current limit absolute value

※ These are calculated by except protection racks.

※ Until to minimum operating rack count of partial option
Power Limit Setting
(Minimum value of rack voltage values x Minimum value of
Active [10Watt/Unit]
※ These are calculated by except protection racks.
Current Limit Setting ※ Until to minimum operating rack count of partial option
Minimum value of rack charge current limit absolute value

[Register: 30030] Digital Input Status Description

Bit Pin# Pin Name Descript
None -
15 -
None -
None -
14 -
None -
None -
13 -
None -
None -
12 -
None -
None -
11 -
None -
None -
10 -
None -
20 GND Set(1), Release(0)
19 DIGITAL_IN_9 If "[E-Stop]SPD" function use, the digital input#10 does not
18 GND
8 Set(1), Release(0)
16 GND
7 Set(1), Release(0)
14 GND
6 Set(1), Release(0)
12 GND
5 Set(1), Release(0)
10 GND
4 Set(1), Release(0)
3 Set(1), Release(0)
2 Set(1), Release(0)
1 Set(1), Release(0)
0 Set(1), Release(0)

[Register: 30031] System Alarm Status Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -

[When Partial Operation is available]

1) When available rack count is less than recommended rac
2) System BMS will be immediately set Charge Limit / Disch
3) System BMS do not open the DC Contactor at this Protec
4) When this bit set, PCS or EMS have to reduce power(or c
[For only safety enhancement products]
1) [If use E-Stop Partial Function] When available rack coun
11 System Stop
2) [If use E-Stop SPD Function] When SPD or Surge input po
3) [If use E-Stop Protection Function] When critical rack's p
4) System BMS will be immediately set Charge Limit / Disch
5) When this bit set, PCS or EMS have to reduce power(or c
6) If system current is 0A, System BMS open all rack's DC Co
7) If system current exceeds 0A, System BMS open all rack's
8) This bit is released only after System BMS's power reset.

[When Partial Operation is available]

10 Rack Voltage Imbalance Alarm Not connected more than one rack with pcs.
System BMS do not open the DC Contactor at this Alarm.

9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -

[When this function is set]

7 Disconnect TCP(602) Fault System <-> External Device TCPIP(Port#2) Communication
System BMS open all rack's DC Contactor at this Protection

[When this function is set]

6 Disconnect TCP(602) Warning System <-> External Device TCPIP(Port#2) Communication
System BMS do not open the DC Contactor at this Alarm.

[When this function is set]

5 Disconnect TCP(502) Fault System <-> External Device TCPIP(Port#1) Communication
System BMS open all rack's DC Contactor at this Protection

[When this function is set]

4 Disconnect TCP(502) Warning System <-> External Device TCPIP(Port#1) Communication
System BMS do not open the DC Contactor at this Alarm.

[When this function is set]

3 Disconnect RTU Fault System <-> External Device RTU Communication Error Prote
System BMS open all rack's DC Contactor at this Protection

[When this function is set]

2 Disconnect RTU Warning System <-> External Device RTU Communication Error Alarm
System BMS do not open the DC Contactor at this Alarm.

1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30057] Rack#1 Protection #4 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 fuse or dcsw sensing fail [Option] Fuse or DC Contactor Sensing Fail. [Option]
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 afe pin open [Option] Cell Voltage sensing error. [Option]
2 dcsw count fail Rack's DC Switch count fail.
1 module pcb ot Module Sensing Board Over Temperature.
0 module pcb ut Module Sensing Board Under Temperature.

[Register: 30058] Rack#1 Protection #3 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 cell dchg operation limit Cell Discharge Operation Limit.
14 cell chg operation limit Cell Charge Operation Limit.
13 additional protection fail Additional Protection Fail.(Auxiliary protection operation)
12 fan fail [Option] Fan Operation Fail. [Option] - For fan use products only.
11 dcsw2_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Fail.
10 dcsw1_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Fail.
9 dcsw2_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Sensing Fail.
8 dcsw1_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Sensing Fail.
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30059] Rack#1 Protection #2 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30060] Rack#1 Protection #1 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 permanent uv Permanent Under Voltage Fail.
14 rack fuse fail [Option] Rack Fuse Fail. [Option] - For fuse use products only.
13 rack I senser fail Rack Current Senser Fail.
12 rack V sensing diff Rack Voltage Sensing Difference.
11 rack OV Rack Over Voltage.
10 rack UV Rack Under Voltage.
9 rack DchgOC Rack Discharge Over Current.
8 rack ChgOC Rack Charge Over Current.
7 R-S comm fail Rack <-> System Communication Fail.
6 R-M comm fail Rack <-> Module Communication Fail.
5 module T-imb Cell Temperature Imbalance.
4 module V-imb Cell Voltage Imbalance.
3 module OV Cell Over Voltage.
2 module UV Cell Under Voltage.
1 module OT Cell Over Temperature.
0 module UT Cell Under Temperature.

[Register: 30061] Rack#1 Alarm #4 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 fuse or dcsw sensing fail [Option] Fuse or DC Contactor Sensing Fail. [Option]
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 afe pin open [Option] Cell Voltage sensing error. [Option]
2 dcsw count fail Rack's DC Switch count fail.
1 module pcb ot Module Sensing Board Over Temperature.
0 module pcb ut Module Sensing Board Under Temperature.

[Register: 30062] Rack#1 Alarm #3 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 cell dchg operation limit Cell Discharge Operation Limit.
14 cell chg operation limit Cell Charge Operation Limit.
13 additional protection fail Additional Protection Fail.(Auxiliary protection operation)
12 fan fail [Option] Fan Operation Fail. [Option] - For fan use products only.
11 dcsw2_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Fail.
10 dcsw1_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Fail.
9 dcsw2_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#2(-) Sensing Fail.
8 dcsw1_sensing_fail Rack's DC Switch#1(+) Sensing Fail.
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30063] Rack#1 Alarm #2 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 Reserved -

[Register: 30064] Rack#1 Alarm #1 Description

Bit Name Descript
15 permanent uv Permanent Under Voltage Fail.
14 rack fuse fail [Option] Rack Fuse Fail. [Option] - For fuse use products only.
13 rack I senser fail Rack Current Senser Fail.
12 rack V sensing diff Rack Voltage Sensing Difference.
11 rack OV Rack Over Voltage.
10 rack UV Rack Under Voltage.
9 rack DchgOC Rack Discharge Over Current.
8 rack ChgOC Rack Charge Over Current.
7 R-S comm fail Rack <-> System Communication Fail.
6 R-M comm fail Rack <-> Module Communication Fail.
5 module T-imb Cell Temperature Imbalance.
4 module V-imb Cell Voltage Imbalance.
3 module OV Cell Over Voltage.
2 module UV Cell Under Voltage.
1 module OT Cell Over Temperature.
0 module UT Cell Under Temperature.

[Register: 30085] Rack#1 Rack Switch Control Info. Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 Reserved -
0 grid sw Rack Grid Switch On Command Control Information.

[Register: 30086] Rack#1 Rack Switch Sensor Info. Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 Reserved -
1 dcsw2_on Rack's DC Switch#2(-) On.
0 dcsw1_on Rack's DC Switch#1(+) On.

[Register: 30087] Rack#1 Rack External Sensor Info. Description

Bit Name Descript
15 Reserved -
14 Reserved -
13 Reserved -
12 Reserved -
11 Reserved -
10 Reserved -
9 Reserved -
8 Reserved -
7 Reserved -
6 Reserved -
5 Reserved -
4 Reserved -
3 Reserved -
2 add_feedback1 Additional Feedback Signal.(Auxiliary protection operation
1 Reserved -
0 fuse1_on [Option] Rack Fuse On(Normal). [Option] - For fuse use products onl
Description Remarks

ation rack determines how much rack within voltage gap is required at least

among total racks. It is selected the rack that has a voltage of median.
s that the rack voltage is within reference rack voltage + - voltage gap

ng reference itself) within gap is same or greater than minimum rack number,
herwise not) The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
urning on, even if some operation racks get protection(DC contactor switch Manager during installation.
minimum setting rack count, the system will give system stop alarm but other
termine the turning off the battery system with that alarm.

urning on, even if some operation racks has voltage gap(over setting value.
any system operation alarm. In parallel system during all switch on, voltage

Description Remarks

ve partial operation function.(Average Only) The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
Except protection racks) Manager during installation.

ailable partial operation racks.(Except protection racks)

lable partial operation racks.(Except protection racks) ※ It has three options in active partial.
n, the average of the two Racks near the median. The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
Manager during installation.
vailable partial operation racks.(Except protection racks) Also, "calculation method" can change through the
during installation.

vailable partial operation racks.(Except protection racks)

Description Remarks
x Rack count) current, this bit set. -
A x Rack count) current, this bit set. -
Main Switch ON command to the System BMS, this bit set. -
Main Switch OFF command to the System BMS, this bit set. -
maller than number of available rack, this bit set. -
he OPEN state, If a fault occurs due to exceeding the minimum number of
this bit set.(Priority 3)
partial operation but the DC switch is all OPEN (Priority 2)
The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
CLOSE. (Priority 1)
Manager during installation.
The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
Manager during installation.
C Switch regardless of the state. (Priority 1)
curred, and the DC switch is all OPEN. (Priority 2)
at least one DC switch is CLOSE. (Priority 3)
op of system alarm is caused by the E-Stop SPD(DI#10) detect the input signal.
See the "System Stop of System Alarm Status Desc
op of system alarm is caused by the E-Stop Protection.
for Detail about E-Stop.
op of system alarm is caused by the partial operation.

Description Remarks

configured to use this function.
configured to use this function. See the "System Stop of System Alarm Status Descrip
configured to use this function. for Detail about E-Stop.
configured to use this function.

Description Remarks

. [Option] If one of the protection bits of all Racks is set, the

System protection Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]
If one of the protection bits of all Racks is set, the
System protection Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]



Description Remarks

ry protection operation)
fan use products only.

. If one of the protection bits of all Racks is set, the
System protection Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

If one of the protection bits of all Racks is set, the

System protection Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]
Description Remarks

use products only.

If one of the protection bits of all Racks is set, the

System protection Bit will be set.
ail. [See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

. [Option] If one of the alarm bits of all Racks is set, the cor
alarm Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]


Description Remarks

ry protection operation)
fan use products only.

. If one of the alarm bits of all Racks is set, the cor
alarm Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

If one of the alarm bits of all Racks is set, the cor

alarm Bit will be set.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

use products only.

If one of the alarm bits of all Racks is set, the cor
alarm Bit will be set.
ail. [See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks
e protection racks.
alues x Minimum value of rack discharge current limit absolute values) / 1000

e protection racks.
current limit absolute values. [0.1A/Unit]
The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
Manager during installation.
t protection racks. Also, "calculation method" can change through the
ck count of partial option set. If over setting count, value is zero. during installation.
alues x Minimum value of rack discharge current limit absolute values) / 1000 ※The charge limit and discharge limit settings ar

t protection racks.
ck count of partial option set. If over setting count, value is zero.
current limit absolute values. [0.1A/Unit]

Description Remarks
e protection racks.
alues x Minimum value of rack charge current limit absolute values) / 1000

e protection racks.
rent limit absolute values. [0.1A/Unit]
The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
Manager during installation.
t protection racks. Also, "calculation method" can change through the
ck count of partial option set. If over setting count, value is zero. during installation.
alues x Minimum value of rack charge current limit absolute values) / 1000 ※The charge limit and discharge limit settings ar
Also, "calculation method" can change through the
during installation.
※The charge limit and discharge limit settings ar

t protection racks.
ck count of partial option set. If over setting count, value is zero.
rent limit absolute values. [0.1A/Unit]

Description Remarks

digital input#10 does not work. It works for E-Stop SPD only.

Normal Open Setting or Normal Close Setting can

SDI Project Manager during installation.

Description Remarks

ss than recommended rack count, this bit set.
y set Charge Limit / Discharge Limit to zero.
Contactor at this Protection.
ave to reduce power(or current) then open all rack's DC Contactor.
When available rack count is less than recommended rack count, this bit set.
hen SPD or Surge input port signal on, this bit set.
The "Partial Operation" function can available thr
on] When critical rack's protection bit occurs, this bit set.
Manager during installation.
y set Charge Limit / Discharge Limit to zero.
System Stop Protection has not open the DC Conta
ave to reduce power(or current) then open all rack's DC Contactor.
BMS open all rack's DC Contactor immediately.
ystem BMS open all rack's DC contactor after wait 10 seconds.
ystem BMS's power reset.

k with pcs.
ontactor at this Alarm.


(Port#2) Communication Error Protection.

ntactor at this Protection.
The "TCPIP Comm.Fault Time" function can availa
Project Manager during installation.
(Port#2) Communication Error Alarm.
ontactor at this Alarm.

(Port#1) Communication Error Protection.

ntactor at this Protection.
The "TCPIP Comm.Fault Time" function can availa
Project Manager during installation.
(Port#1) Communication Error Alarm.
ontactor at this Alarm.

ommunication Error Protection.

ntactor at this Protection.
The "RTU(RS485/RS422) Comm.Fault Time" functio
through the SDI Project Manager during installatio
ommunication Error Alarm.
ontactor at this Alarm.


Description Remarks
. [Option] When the battery protection is activated, the rela
the corresponding bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]



Description Remarks

ry protection operation)
fan use products only.

. When the battery protection is activated, the rela
the corresponding bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

When the battery protection is activated, the rela

the corresponding bit.
When the battery protection is activated, the rela
the corresponding bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

use products only.

When the battery protection is activated, the rela

the corresponding bit.
ail. [See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

. [Option] Before the battery protection is activated, the re

the corresponding alarm bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]
Before the battery protection is activated, the re
the corresponding alarm bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]



Description Remarks

ry protection operation)
fan use products only.

. Before the battery protection is activated, the re
the corresponding alarm bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

Before the battery protection is activated, the re

the corresponding alarm bit.
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]
Description Remarks

use products only.

Before the battery protection is activated, the re

the corresponding alarm bit.
ail. [See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Description Remarks

When the Rack Switch On command is received, c

When the Rack Switch Off command is received, c

ntrol Information.

Description Remarks
When receiving the feedback signal of the switch,
to the corresponding bit.

Description Remarks

When receiving the non-switch feedback signal, w

the corresponding bit.

ary protection operation)

For fuse use products only.


on" function can available through the SDI Project



on" function can available through the SDI Project


ns in active partial.
on" function can available through the SDI Project
ethod" can change through the SDI Project Manager


on" function can available through the SDI Project

on" function can available through the SDI Project

p of System Alarm Status Description " on Reference



f System Alarm Status Description " on Reference



tion bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding

it will be set.
Map" for details.]
tion bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding
it will be set.
Map" for details.]


tion bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding

it will be set.
Map" for details.]


tion bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding

it will be set.
Map" for details.]

tion bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding

it will be set.
Map" for details.]


bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding System

Map" for details.]

bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding System

Map" for details.]


bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding System

Map" for details.]

bits of all Racks is set, the corresponding System
Map" for details.]


on" function can available through the SDI Project

ethod" can change through the SDI Project Manager

and discharge limit settings are set together.


on" function can available through the SDI Project

ethod" can change through the SDI Project Manager

and discharge limit settings are set together.

ethod" can change through the SDI Project Manager

and discharge limit settings are set together.


g or Normal Close Setting can change through the

during installation.

on" function can available through the SDI Project
ion has not open the DC Contactor.

ault Time" function can available through the SDI

ing installation.

ault Time" function can available through the SDI

ing installation.

422) Comm.Fault Time" function can available

ect Manager during installation.

otection is activated, the related items are set to
Map" for details.]


otection is activated, the related items are set to

Map" for details.]


otection is activated, the related items are set to

otection is activated, the related items are set to
Map" for details.]


otection is activated, the related items are set to

Map" for details.]


protection is activated, the related items are set to

larm bit.
Map" for details.]
protection is activated, the related items are set to
larm bit.
Map" for details.]


protection is activated, the related items are set to

larm bit.
Map" for details.]


protection is activated, the related items are set to

larm bit.
Map" for details.]

protection is activated, the related items are set to

larm bit.
Map" for details.]


ch On command is received, corresponding bit set 1.

ch Off command is received, corresponding bit set

feedback signal of the switch, write On (1) / Off (0)
g bit.


non-switch feedback signal, write On (1) / Off (0) to


※ [Option] : Only for products that support the corresponding item fun
Category Function Register Address Data
Code (Hex)

0x04 30001 0000 Modbus Protocol Information Code

0x04 30002 0001 System Voltage

0x04 30003 0002 System Current

0x04 30004 0003 System SOC

0x04 30005 0004 System SOH

0x04 30006 0005 System Mode

0x04 30007 0006 Maximum Cell Voltage of System

0x04 30008 0007 Minimum Cell Voltage of System

0x04 30009 0008 Max Cell Temperature of System

0x04 30010 0009 Min Cell Temperature of System

0x04 30011 000A Partial Operation Information [Option]

0x04 30012 000B System Configuration Status [Option]

0x04 30013 000C Reserved

0x04 30014 000D Reserved

0x04 30015 000E Protection #4 summary

0x04 30016 000F Protection #3 summary

0x04 30017 0010 Protection #2 summary

0x04 30018 0011 Protection #1 summary

s 0x04 30019 0012 Alarm #4 summary
0x04 30020 0013 Alarm #3 summary
r 0x04 30021 0014 Alarm #2 summary
i 0x04 30022 0015 Alarm #1 summary

0x04 30023 0016 Discharge limit

0x04 30024 0017 Charge limit

0x04 30025 0018 Watchdog response

0x04 30026 0019 System heartbeat

0x04 30027 001A Connecting Status

0x04 30028 001B Service Voltage(Connected)

0x04 30028 001B Service Voltage(Connected)

0x04 30029 001C Service SOC(Connected)

0x04 30030 001D Digital Input Status

0x04 30031 001E System Alarm Status

0x04 30032 001F Accumulation Charge Amount(MSB)


0x04 30033 0020 Accumulation Charge Amount(MID)


0x04 30034 0021 Accumulation Charge Amount(LSB)


0x04 30035 0022 Accumulation Discharge Amount(MSB)


0x04 30036 0023 Accumulation Discharge Amount(MID)


0x04 30037 0024 Accumulation Discharge Amount(LSB)


0x04 30038 0025 Reserved

0x04 30039 0026 Reserved

0x04 30040 0027 Reserved

0x04 30041 0028 Rack Voltage
c 0x04 30042 0029 Reserved


n 0x04 30043 002A Reserved
0x04 30044 002B Reserved
n 0x04 30045 002C Reserved

0x04 30046 002D Rack Current(Real)

0x04 30047 002E Reserved

0x04 30048 002F Reserved

0x04 30049 0030 Rack Current(Average)

0x04 30050 0031 Rack Mode

0x04 30051 0032 Rack SOC

0x04 30052 0033 Rack SOH

0x04 30053 0034 Reserved

0x04 30054 0035 Reserved

0x04 30055 0036 Reserved

0x04 30056 0037 Reserved

0x04 30057 0038 Protection #4

0x04 30057 0038 Protection #4

0x04 30058 0039 Protection #3

0x04 30059 003A Protection #2

0x04 30060 003B Protection #1

0x04 30061 003C Alarm #4

0x04 30062 003D Alarm #3

0x04 30063 003E Alarm #2

0x04 30064 003F Alarm #1

0x04 30065 0040 Maximum(#1) Cell Voltage Value

0x04 30066 0041 Maximum(#1) Cell Voltage Position

0x04 30067 0042 Maximum(#2) Cell Voltage Value

0x04 30068 0043 Maximum(#2) Cell Voltage Position

0x04 30069 0044 Average Cell Voltage Value

0x04 30070 0045 Minimum(#2) Cell Voltage Value

0x04 30071 0046 Minimum(#2) Cell Voltage Position

0x04 30072 0047 Minimum(#1) Cell Voltage Value

0x04 30073 0048 Minimum(#1) Cell Voltage Position

0x04 30074 0049 Maximum(#1) Cell Temperature Value

0x04 30075 004A Maximum(#1) Cell Temperature


0x04 30076 004B Maximum(#2) Cell Temperature Value

0x04 30077 004C Maximum(#2) Cell Temperature


0x04 30078 004D Average Cell Temperature Value

0x04 30079 004E Minimum(#2) Cell Temperature Value

0x04 30080 004F Minimum(#2) Cell Temperature Position

0x04 30081 0050 Minimum(#1) Cell Temperature Value

0x04 30082 0051 Minimum(#1) Cell Temperature Position

0x04 30083 0052 Discharge limit of Rack

0x04 30084 0053 Charge limit of Rack

0x04 30085 0054 Rack Switch Control Info.

0x04 30086 0055 Rack Switch Sensor Info.

0x04 30086 0055 Rack Switch Sensor Info.

0x04 30087 0056 Rack External Sensor Info.

0x04 30088 0057 Module Communication Fault Position

0x04 30089 0058 Fan Operation Info. [Option]

0x04 30090 0059 Reserved

0x04 30091 005A Reserved

0x04 30092 005B Reserved

0x04 30093 005C Reserved

0x04 30094 005D Reserved

0x04 30095 005E Rack heartbeat [Option]

0x04 30096 005F E-Stop Protection [Option]

0x04 30097 0060 Reserved

0x04 30098 0061 Reserved

0x04 30099 0062 Reserved

0x04 30100 0063 Reserved

0x04 39084 237B System BMS RTC Value(MSB) [Option]

0x04 39085 237C System BMS RTC Value(MID) [Option]

0x04 39086 237D System BMS RTC Value(LSB) [Option]

0x04 39087 237E Reserved

0x04 39088 237F Reserved

0x04 39089 2380 Reserved

0x04 39090 2381 Reserved

0x04 39091 2382 Reserved

0x04 39092 2383 Reserved

T 0x04 39093 2384 Reserved
F 0x04 39094 2385 Reserved

0x04 39095 2386 Reserved

0x04 39096 2387 Reserved

0x04 39097 2388 Reserved

0x04 39098 2389 Reserved

0x04 39098 2389 Reserved

0x04 39099 238A Reserved

0x04 39100 238B Reserved

0x04 39101 238C Reserved

0x04 39102 238D Reserved

0x04 39103 238E Reserved

※ Control Command Set - Frequent command transmissions can cause c

0x06 40001 0000 All Switch Control Command

( .. / .. / .. / Grid On )
Writing command

All Fault Reset Command


0x06 40002 0001

( .. / .. / Protection / .. )

0x06 40003 0002 Watchdog Query

0x10 40048 002F System BMS RTC Value(MSB) [Option]

Writing command

0x10 40049 0030 System BMS RTC Value(MID) [Option]

0x10 40050 0031 System BMS RTC Value(LSB) [Option]

rt the corresponding item function.
Signed / Scale
Description Unit Range
Unsigned Factor

0(Application Code).00(Customer Code).00(Version info) Unsigned 1 dec 0~59999

Don’t care on customer side.

See the "System Voltage Description" on Reference. Unsigned 0.1 V -

Summation of rack current values.(Except protection racks) Signed 1 A -

[These 3 Items are calculated except protection racks]

Priority 3 : Average of rack soc values. Unsigned 0.1 % 0~100
Priority 2 : If any one of the rack SOC values is 100, system SOC is 100.
Priority 1 : If any one of the rack SOC values is 0, system SOC is 0.

Minimum of rack SOH values.(Except protection racks) Unsigned 0.1 % 0~100

See the "System Mode Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

Maximum cell voltage among all cells in system. Unsigned 1 mV -

(Include protection racks)

Minimum cell voltage among all cells in system. Unsigned 1 mV -

(Include protection racks)

Maximum cell temperature among all cells in system. Signed 0.01 -

(Include protection racks) ℃

Minimum cell temperature among all cells in system. Signed 0.01 -

(Include protection racks) ℃

MSB: Partial Minimum Rack Count Unsigned 1 dec 0~128

LSB: Partial Differential Voltage Unsigned 1 V -

See the "System Configuration Status" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

Reserved - - - -
Reserved - - - -

See the "Protection #4 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Protection #3 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Protection #2 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Protection #1 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Alarm #4 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Alarm #3 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Alarm #2 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Alarm #1 summary Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Discharge limit Description" on Reference. Unsigned 10 W -

Unsigned 0.1 A

See the "Charge limit Description" on Reference. Unsigned 10 W -

Unsigned 0.1 A

It responds by inverting the watchdog query(on Control Command Set) Unsigned 1 dec -
request value.

It increases by 1 every one second using the internal timer. Unsigned 1 dec 0~999
When the maximum value reaches 999, it starts at 0 again. (0 ~ 999)

MSB: Number of Racks in Service.

Number of Racks in [Rack Mode - Online] state. Unsigned 1 dec 0~128
LSB: Total Rack Count.
It's count value set in the System BMS. Unsigned 1 dec 1~128

[This is calculated include only [Rack Mode - Online] state Racks] Unsigned 0.1 V -
Average of rack voltage values.
[This is calculated include only [Rack Mode - Online] state Racks] Unsigned 0.1 V -
Average of rack voltage values.

[These 3 Items are calculated only [Rack Mode - Online] state Racks]
Priority 3 : Average of rack soc values. Unsigned 0.1 % 0~100
Priority 2 : If any one of the rack SOC values is 100, system SOC is 100.
Priority 1 : If any one of the rack SOC values is 0, system SOC is 0.

See the "Digital Input Status Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "System Alarm Status Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

Summation of rack accumulation charge amount values.

(Include protection racks) Unsigned 1 Wh -

Summation of rack accumulation charge amount values.

(Include protection racks) Unsigned 1 Wh -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

The sensing value of the final output voltage on the battery side of rack. Unsigned 0.1 V -

Reserved - - - -
Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

The sensing value of current on rack. Signed 0.1 A -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

During 3sec, average value of current on rack.(Moving average method) Signed 0.1 A -

Decimal Value 0 : None

Decimal Value 1 : Initialize - During booting sequence Unsigned 1 dec 0~3
Decimal Value 2 : Offline - DC Switch Off (Ready to DC Switch On)
Decimal Value 3 : Online - DC Switch On (Charge and discharge possible)

Rack State Of Charge Unsigned 0.1 % 0~100

Rack State Of Health Unsigned 0.1 % 0~100

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

See the "Protection #4 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]
See the "Protection #4 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Protection #3 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Protection #2 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Protection #1 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Alarm #4 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Alarm #3 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Alarm #2 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

See the "Alarm #1 Description" on Reference for check items. Unsigned 1 bit -
[See the "Protection Map" for details.]

Maximum cell voltage among all cells in Rack. Unsigned 1 mV -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Second maximum cell voltage among all cells in Rack. Unsigned 1 mV -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Average cell voltage of in Rack. Unsigned 1 mV -

Second minimum cell voltage among all cells in Rack. Unsigned 1 mV -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Minimum cell voltage among all cells in Rack. Unsigned 1 mV -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Maximum cell temperature among all cells in Rack. Signed 0.01 ℃ -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Second maximum cell temperature among all cells in Rack. Signed 0.01 ℃ -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Average cell temperature of in Rack. Signed 0.01 ℃ -

Second minimum cell temperature among all cells in Rack. Signed 0.01 ℃ -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

Minimum cell temperature among all cells in Rack. Signed 0.01 ℃ -

MSB : Module ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

LSB : Cell ID Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~ 255

[default][Power Limit Setting] - System Limit Info Option(0) [10Watt/Unit]

(rack voltage x rack discharge current limit) / 1000 Unsigned 10 W -
[Option][Current Limit Setting] - System Limit Info Option(1) [0.1A/Unit] Unsigned 0.1 A
Rack discharge current limit
[default][Power Limit Setting] - System Limit Info Option(0) [10Watt/Unit]
(rack voltage x rack charge current limit) / 1000 Unsigned 10 W -
[Option][Current Limit Setting] - System Limit Info Option(1) [0.1A/Unit] Unsigned 0.1 A
Rack charge current limit

See the "Rack Switch Control Info. Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Rack Switch Sensor Info. Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -
See the "Rack Switch Sensor Info. Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

See the "Rack External Sensor Info. Description" on Reference. Unsigned 1 bit -

The ID of the module whose communication is disconnected among the Unsigned 1 dec 1 ~64
modules in Rack.

Fan Operation Info. (0: Off, 1: On) Unsigned 1 dec 0~1

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

It increases by 1 every one second using the internal timer. Unsigned 1 dec 0~255
When the maximum value reaches 255, it starts at 0 again. (0 ~ 255)

When Rack's E-Stop Protection Set, it will be set to notify to the system. Unsigned 1 dec 0~1
(0: Off, 1: On)

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -
MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Year ] - YY
Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Month ] - MM

MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Date ] - DD

Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Hour ] - hh

MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Minute ] - mm

Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Second ] - ss

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -
Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

Reserved - - - -

and transmissions can cause communication problems by overloading on the syst

0xABCD : A( - ), B(-), C(-), D(Grid On)
Value : 0x5(On), 0x3(Off), Others(No Function)
0x0003: All rack's switch OFF Unsigned 1 hex -
0x0005: All rack's switch ON
Others : No Function
0xABCD : A( - ), B( - ), C(Protection), D(-)
Value : 0x5(Reset), Others(No Function) Unsigned 1 hex -
0x0050: All rack's protection reset
Others: No Function

When this value is requested, the value which is inverted in "Watchdog Unsigned 1 dec -
Response" is written.

MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Year ] - YY

Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Month ] - MM

MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Date ] - DD

Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Hour ] - hh

MSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Minute ] - mm

Unsigned 1 dec -
LSB : System BMS RTC Value [ Second ] - ss
Data Definition

Modbus Protocol Information Code

System Voltage

System Current

System SOC

System SOH

System Mode

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Maximum Cell Voltage of System

Minimum Cell Voltage of System

Max Cell Temperature of System

Min Cell Temperature of System

Partial Minimum Rack Count

System Configuration Status [Option]

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7


Protection #4 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #3 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #2 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #1 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #4 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #3 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #2 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #1 summary

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Discharge limit

Charge limit

Watchdog response

System heartbeat

Number of Racks in Service

Service Voltage(Connected)
Service SOC(Connected)

Digital Input Status

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

System Alarm Status

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Accumulation Charge Amount(MSB) [Option]

Accumulation Charge Amount(MID) [Option]

Accumulation Charge Amount(LSB) [Option]

Accumulation Discharge Amount(MSB) [Option]

Accumulation Discharge Amount(MID) [Option]

Accumulation Discharge Amount(LSB) [Option]




Rack Voltage




Rack Current(Real)



Rack Current(Average)

Rack Mode

Rack SOC

Rack SOH





Protection #4
Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #3

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #2

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Protection #1

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #4

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #3

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #2

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Alarm #1

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Maximum(#1) Cell Voltage Value

Module ID

Maximum(#2) Cell Voltage Value

Module ID

Average Cell Voltage Value

Minimum(#2) Cell Voltage Value

Module ID
Minimum(#2) Cell Voltage Value

Module ID

Maximum(#1) Cell Temperature Value

Module ID

Maximum(#2) Cell Temperature Value

Module ID

Average Cell Temperature Value

Minimum(#2) Cell Temperature Value

Module ID

Minimum(#1) Cell Temperature Value

Module ID

Discharge limit of Rack

Charge limit of Rack

Rack Switch Control Info.

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Rack Switch Sensor Info.

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Rack External Sensor Info.

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7

Module Communication Fault Position

Fan Operation Info. [Option]






Rack heartbeat [Option]

E-Stop Protection [Option]




System BMS RTC Value [ Year ] - YY

System BMS RTC Value [ Date ] - DD

System BMS RTC Value [ Minute ] - mm

















oading on the system BMS.

All Switch Control Command
( .. / .. / .. / Grid On )
All Fault Reset Command
( .. / .. / Protection / .. )

Watchdog Query

System BMS RTC Value [ Year ] - YY

System BMS RTC Value [ Date ] - DD

System BMS RTC Value [ Minute ] - mm


Information Code






Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

oltage of System

oltage of System

rature of System

ature of System

Partial Differential Voltage

on Status [Option]

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


#4 summary

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

#3 summary

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

#2 summary

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

#1 summary

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

ge limit

e limit



Total Rack Count


put Status

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

arm Status

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Amount(MSB) [Option]

Amount(MID) [Option]

Amount(LSB) [Option]

Amount(MSB) [Option]

Amount(MID) [Option]

e Amount(LSB) [Option]



















tion #4
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

tion #3

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

tion #2

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

tion #1

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

m #4

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

m #3

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

m #2

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

m #1

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

ell Voltage Value

Cell ID

ell Voltage Value

Cell ID

Voltage Value

ell Voltage Value

Cell ID
ell Voltage Value

Cell ID

Temperature Value

Cell ID

Temperature Value

Cell ID

mperature Value

Temperature Value

Cell ID

Temperature Value

Cell ID

mit of Rack

it of Rack

Control Info.

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Sensor Info.
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Sensor Info.

Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

ation Fault Position

Info. [Option]






eat [Option]

tion [Option]




System BMS RTC Value [ Month ] - MM

System BMS RTC Value [ Hour ] - hh

System BMS RTC Value [ Second ] - ss

















trol Command
/ Grid On )
C 5
et Command
tection / .. )

og Query

System BMS RTC Value [ Month ] - MM

System BMS RTC Value [ Hour ] - hh

System BMS RTC Value [ Second ] - ss

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