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Knowledge Assessment (Task 1 of 3)

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones


Unit code, name and release number

SHBHCLS003 Provide full and partial head highlighting treatments (1)
SHBHCLS004 Neutralise unwanted colours and tones (1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing (Release 1)

Version: 20230929
Date created: 25/09/2023.
Date modified: 29/09/2023

Purpose of Unit Assessment

This document is for the student and provides all the assessment tasks that need to be completed to be
deemed competent in this unit. The document also provides instructions and information to assist the
student in completing each assessment task. Students must respond to all questions and submit the
assessment to their Assessor.
This document was developed by VET Resources © 2021.
No part of these resources may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical
including photocopying or recording or by any information retrieval system without written permission from
VET Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their copyright through
unauthorised copying.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 1|Page Unit Assessment
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
Pre-assessment checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the
checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to
the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they
are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

• Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
• Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
• Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
• Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the
assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
• Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
• Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task
• Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can
be granted by the Trainer/Assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your
request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this
assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments
• If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form
included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration
• I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as
included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.

Student signature Date

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 2|Page Unit Assessment
Assessment task instructions

Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to consult with
clients for the following:
 analyse existing hair colour and condition and provide full and partial head
highlighting treatments using foil techniques.
 analyse unwanted natural or artificial hair colour and tone, and to select and
apply colour correction products to neutralise or change existing base colour
and tone.
 use single or combined colour, high lift tint or bleach products to create
highlights, lightened sections of the head or multiple colours in the hair. hair
characteristics and condition.
Assessment Event 1 of 3
Instructions for this  This is a written assessment assessing you on your knowledge of the unit.
assessment  The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of thirty-one (31) written questions.

Submission instructions  Student must answer all questions to the required level, e.g., provide the
number of points, and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor to be deemed
satisfactory in this task. Answers must demonstrate an understanding and
application of relevant concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
 Students must respond to all questions for this assessment in a concise manner,
providing only information that is relevant.
 On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it or hand it to
your trainer for marking.
 Ensure your name is on the coversheet of this assessment.
 It is important that you keep a copy of all assessments submitted to Campbell
Institute and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the
 Students must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not
devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of such
attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference,
age and/or any other basis. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly
from other sources materials.

Applicable conditions:  This knowledge test is untimed and is conducted as an open-book test (this
means students can refer to textbooks during the test).
 Student must read and respond to all questions.
 Students may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
 Student must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the
task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 3|Page Unit Assessment
 Trainer /Assessor must assess the student’s written skills and knowledge as
he/she completes this assessment task.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment
task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
Resources Required to  Computer
complete the assessment  Internet
 MS Word
What do I need to do to To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions must be answered
achieve a satisfactory correctly.
What do I need to Training materials and other research you have completed to refer to while completing
provide? the answers.
What the assessor will  If completing in class or workshop, computer with internet access to complete
provide? electronically and upload the assessment.
 Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly
from other sources materials.
 Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify
students when results are available.
Due date/time allowed You should allow a minimum of three hours to complete this assessment. You may
need additional time for preparation, research, or revision related to your
This assessment must be submitted by the due date noted in the Unit Assessment
Assessment location This assessment is to be completed outside of the classroom.
Supervision Your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your
submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you.
Assessment feedback, Appeals are addressed in accordance with the Assessment Guidelines for Campbell
review or appeals Institute
 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
Resubmissions and resubmission attempt will be allowed.
reattempts:  Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in
completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as
an oral assessment).
 For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.

 This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):

Learning Management System Classroom
Simulated learning environment Workplace
Other: ____________________________________

 Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding

the location for completing this assessment task.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 4|Page Unit Assessment
Knowledge Assessment 1
Question 1a: In your own words describe the significance of the colour wheel in Satisfactory
hairdressing (30-50 words) response
Question 1b: How are warm and cool tones achieved using the colour wheel (30-50 1a. Yes No
1b. Yes No

Question 2: Provide a description of the following elements of hair design and how they can Satisfactory
be used in achieving hair effects (80- 150 words): response
P1. Line Yes No
P2. Shape
P3. Direction
P4. Size
P5. Texture
P6. Colour

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 5|Page Unit Assessment
Question 3: Provide a description of the following principles of hair design and how they can Satisfactory
be used in achieving hair effects (80- 150 words): response
• balance Yes No
• gradation
• repetition
• contrast
• harmony
• dominance
• unity

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 6|Page Unit Assessment
Question 4a: Explain the function of hair (30-50 words)? Satisfactory
Question 4b: Explain the structure and cellular features of hair (50-80 words)?
4a. Yes No

4b. Yes No

Question 5a: Describe the hair growth cycle (30-50 words)? Satisfactory
Question 5b: Provide some characteristics of normal and damaged hair (30-50 words)?
Question 5c: What factors determine hair colour (30-50 words)? 5a. Yes No

5b. Yes No

5c. Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 7|Page Unit Assessment
Question 6: Identify the physical and chemical effects of the following on skin and hair (50- Satisfactory
80 words)? response
P1. Hydrogen peroxide Yes No
P2. Permanent colour
P3. Tints
P4. Heated hairdressing equipment

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 8|Page Unit Assessment
Question 7: What are contraindications and what are some ways to determine them? Give Satisfactory
at least five examples (50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Question 8: Research and provide any three products that can be used to neutralise Satisfactory
unwanted colour: response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 9|Page Unit Assessment
Question 9: Provide a response to the following questions about skin and glands: (50-100 Satisfactory
words) response
P1. List five layers of Epidermis Yes No
P2. Types of epidermal cells
P3. Structure of skin
P4. Structure and functions of any two glands of the skin
P5. Description and function of Sebum

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 10 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 10: In your own words describe the relationship between porosity, texture and Satisfactory
condition of hair and the success of colour treatments (30-50 words): response

Yes No

Question 11: Explain the following terms (30-50 words)? Satisfactory

• Neutralisation
• pH Yes No
• acids and bases
• bonds

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 11 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 12: Discuss any hair and scalp treatment product and discuss its: (50-100 words) Satisfactory
P1. Formulation
P2. Product purpose and efficacy Yes No

P3. Physical effects on the hair and scalp

P4. Application instructions
P5. Processing times

Question 13: Discuss any colour correction product and discuss its: (80-150 words) Satisfactory
P1. Formulation

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 12 | P a g e Unit Assessment

P2. Product purpose and efficacy Yes No

P3. Physical effects on the hair and scalp

P4. Application instructions including taking correct measure
P5. Processing times
P6. Disposal process (if any)

Question 14a: Give two examples of preparations you would make for equipment when Satisfactory
doing a foiling treatment (10-30 words). response
Question 14b: How would you loosen or remove foils in case of long hair (10-30 words). 12a. Yes No

12b. Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 13 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 15: Give two examples of preparations you would make for equipment when doing Satisfactory
a colour correction treatment (10-30 words). response

Yes No

Question 16: Briefly discuss the various levels of bleach (50-150 words) Satisfactory

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 14 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 17: Briefly explain any three different application methods and when you would Satisfactory
apply them (30-50 words each) response

Yes No

Question 18: List any three (3) aspects of local government, state or territory health Satisfactory
regulations applicable to providing hair colouring services (50-100 words)? response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 15 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 19: How would you ensure that you are catering to client comfort and service Satisfactory
requirements, including monitoring client scalp comfort (50-100 words)? response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 16 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 20: Why is it important to ensure a salon product does not come into contact eyes Satisfactory
and what can be done to avoid such contact (50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Question 21: True or False. A barrier cream is a cosmetic used to protect the skin from Satisfactory
coming into contact with any contaminants? response

Yes No

Question 22: True or False. Inhalation of fumes can be avoided by wearing a scarf on your Satisfactory
face response

Yes No

Question 23: What is the importance of using correct posture and adjusting client chair Satisfactory

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 17 | P a g e Unit Assessment

height when applying colouring procedures (50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Question 24: What steps/actions would you take to minimise colouring product wastage Satisfactory
(50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 18 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 25: Outline the waste disposal procedure you would follow for recyclables, sharps, Satisfactory
general and hazardous waste (50-100 words)? response

Yes No

Question 26: Describe a step by step process that you would employ to determine the Satisfactory
appropriate colouring service for the client (50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 19 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 27: Describe the steps you would take to ensure proper application of a colour Satisfactory
product (50-80 words)? response

Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 20 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 28: After getting a colouring service done a client has come back and complained Satisfactory
that they are missing some colour pigments. What would you do in this case (10-30 words)? response

Yes No

Question 29: Provide a response to the following (10-30 words each). Satisfactory
• Importance of heat acceleration in colouring
• Benefit if using tepid water to remove residual colour product Yes No
• How to remove after treatment conditioners
• How to confirm client satisfaction with lift, colour and tone

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 21 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Question 30: Explain the role, use and basic content of safety data sheets or any workplace Satisfactory
documentation that interprets safety data sheet content (50-80 words). response

Yes No

Question 31: Assuming a client comes to you asking for the lightest blonde colouring Satisfactory
without the use of a bleach. Which commercial product would you recommend to them (10- response
30 words)?
Yes No

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 22 | P a g e Unit Assessment

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 23 | P a g e Unit Assessment
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)

Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)

Feedback to Student First attempt:

Second attempt:

Student Declaration  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used
as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and
plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that
all work I submit must be verifiable as my own.
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 24 | P a g e Unit Assessment

the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature


Trainer/Assessor Name

Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
 Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The
assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare
that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment. I have
provided feedback to the above-named candidate.

Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System
on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 25 | P a g e Unit Assessment

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