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Practical Assessment (Task 2 of 3)

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones


Unit code, name and release number

SHBHCLS003 Provide full and partial head highlighting treatments (1)
SHBHCLS004 Neutralise unwanted colours and tones (1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing (Release 1)

Version: 20230929
Date created: 25/09/2023.
Date modified: 29/09/2023

Purpose of Unit Assessment

This document is for the student and provides all the assessment tasks that need to be completed to be
deemed competent in this unit. The document also provides instructions and information to assist the
student in completing each assessment task. Students must respond to all questions and submit the
assessment to their Assessor.
This document was developed by VET Resources © 2021.
No part of these resources may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical
including photocopying or recording or by any information retrieval system without written permission from
VET Resources. Legal action may be taken against any person who infringes their copyright through
unauthorised copying.
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
Pre-assessment checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The Trainer/Assessor
must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the assessment task. If any items of the
checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the Trainer/Assessor must provide relevant information to
the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they
are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it.

Information for students

• Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
• Please make sure your Trainer/Assessor has clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
• Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure you know your rights and the complaints and appeal process.
• Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the
assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
• Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).
• Please ensure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit Assessment Task
• Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can
be granted by the Trainer/Assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your
request for an extension to submit your assessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date of this
assessment task.

Reasonable adjustments
• If student has requested a reasonable adjustment, then complete the reasonable adjustment form
included in the unit information pack.

Student declaration
• I confirm that Trainer/Assessor has provided all the information related to the assessment task as
included in the information for student section and I am ready for the assessment.

Student signature Date

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 1|Page Unit Assessment
Assessment task instructions

Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge to consult with
clients for the following:
 analyse existing hair colour and condition and provide full and partial head
highlighting treatments using foil techniques.
 analyse unwanted natural or artificial hair colour and tone, and to select and
apply colour correction products to neutralise or change existing base colour
and tone.
 use single or combined colour, high lift tint or bleach products to create
highlights, lightened sections of the head or multiple colours in the hair. hair
characteristics and condition.
Assessment Event 2 of 3
Instructions for this  This is a practical assessment assessing you on skills and knowledge related to
assessment performance criteria and performance evidence of the unit.
 This is the second (2) unit assessment task that student has to successfully
complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
 Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant
concepts, critical thinking, and good writing skills.
 The student must complete all the provided templates (if any).
Submission instructions  The student is required to complete following activity having sub-tasks:
 Activity 1: Head highlighting treatments
o Sub-task 1:
 Client 1: 6 x Part-line Weaved Bleached Foil-Coarse weave
o Sub-task 2:
 Client 2: High lift-coloured foils using permanent colour
o Sub-task 3:
 Client 3: Spliced meshes
o Sub-task 4:
 Client 4: Alternate Tinted Coloured Foils
o Sub-task 5:
 Client 5: Full Head of Bleached foils (perform Toning procedures)
o Sub-task 6:
 Client 6: 1/2 head Weaved Bleached foils (fine or medium weave
foils, client’s agreement
o Sub-task 7:
 Client 7: Darker Tinted Spliced foils
o Sub-task 8:
 Client 8: Bleach Foils and Tint colour
• The student must attempt all criteria to the required level, e.g., Assessment
criteria mentioned in the performance checklist to be deemed satisfactory in
this task.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 2|Page Unit Assessment
 On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it or hand it to
your trainer for marking.
 Ensure your name is on the coversheet of this assessment.
 It is important that you keep a copy of all assessments submitted to Campbell
Institute and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the
 Students must use non-discriminatory language. The language should not
devalue, demean, or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of such
attributes including gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference,
age and/or any other basis. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly
from other sources materials.

Applicable conditions:  The student must complete the task independently.

 Student must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the
task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s practical skills, technique, and
knowledge as he/she completes this assessment task.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask the student relevant questions on this assessment
task to ensure that this is his/her own work.
Resources Required to  Computer
complete the assessment  Internet
 MS Word
 Printer or e-printer
 Adobe acrobat/reader
 Learning management system
What do I need to do to To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment student must complete all the
achieve a satisfactory activities of this assessment task
What do I need to Training materials and other research you have completed to refer to while completing
provide? the answers.
What the assessor will  If completing in class or workshop, computer with internet access to complete
provide? electronically and upload the assessment.
 Assessors must not accept responses/answers that have been copied directly
from other sources materials.
 Trainer/Assessor is required to provide feedback within two weeks and notify
students when results are available.
Due date/time allowed You should allow a minimum of three hours to complete this assessment. You may
need additional time for preparation, research, or revision related to your
This assessment must be submitted by the due date noted in the Unit Assessment
Assessment location This assessment is to be completed outside of the classroom.
Supervision Your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your
submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you.
Assessment feedback, Appeals are addressed in accordance with the Assessment Guidelines for Campbell
review or appeals Institute

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 3|Page Unit Assessment
 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
Resubmissions and resubmission attempt will be allowed.
reattempts:  Student may speak to their Trainer/Assessor if the student has any difficulty in
completing this task and requires a reasonable adjustment (e.g., can be given as
an oral assessment).
 For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.

 This assessment task may be completed in (tick the relevant box):

Learning Management System Classroom
Simulated learning environment Workplace
Other: ____________________________________

 Trainer/Assessor will provide the student with further information regarding

the location for completing this assessment task.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 4|Page Unit Assessment
Learner attendance sheet (Log Sheet)
You, as the student, are responsible for ensuring the attendance sheet is signed by the supervisor at the
completion of each of the shift/activity.
Start date: / / Finish date: / /

Date Time Started Time Finished Total Hours (excluding Supervisor signature
Lunch Break)

Student’s Name:


Student’s signature:

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature:

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 5|Page Unit Assessment
Task Instructions:
In this task, you will act as hairdressers or barber. You will be provided with the paying clients with full and
partial head highlighting requirements that require the individual to work with commercial speed, timing and
The student needs to consult with at least eight clients, each with different hair highlighting treatment needs,
and complete the at least four of these types foiling techniques cumulatively across the suite of treatments:
 coarse, medium or fine woven meshes
 spliced meshes
 alternated coloured and lightened woven meshes and unwoven natural hair meshes
 single or multiple colours and tones
 bleached meshes
 whole or partial head effects
During the above treatments cover both of the following techniques:
 combing and brushing colour or bleach products onto predetermined areas of the hair
 colouring and bleaching single strands or meshes
The student is required to use the following products cumulatively during hair treatments on eight clients:
 bleach products
 permanent colour
 high lift tints
Create a hair colour history for new clients or update the following details of the colour service in the history
for each client serviced:
 pre-service hair analysis
 contraindications
 reaction to skin tests or products
 colour, high lift and bleach products selected
 brand and colour selection, where applicable
 application techniques, processing methods and times
 lift, colour, tone and hair condition outcome
 recommended home care products.
The tasks will be performed with commercial speed, timing and productivity. The student will be required to
manage the contingencies associated with the job role. These activities can be performed with different clients
in different work periods.
If the RTO is unable to provide the simulated setup for the salon with the required resources, you will be
required to perform this task in the workplace in the presence of the supervisor.
The student will be required to complete four different activities as provided below.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 6|Page Unit Assessment
Activity 1: Head highlighting treatments

Your task As a hairdresser, the student will be required to perform the sub-tasks given below
related to head highlighting treatments on eight different clients at different
Sub-task 1:
Client 1: 6 x Part-line Weaved Bleached Foil-Coarse weave
(Perform Toning procedures)
Timeframe: 2 hours
Sub-task 2:
Client 2: High lift-coloured foils using permanent colour
6 x Part-line Weaved Bleached foil- Fine/Medium weave
(Perform Toning procedures)
Timeframe: 2 hours
Sub-task 3:
Client 3: Spliced meshes (client agreement ranging from approximately 2-6 Fine or
Medium, can be placed anywhere on the head, please specify)
(Perform Toning procedures)
Timeframe: 2 hours
Sub-task 4:
Client 4: Alternate Tinted Coloured Foils
Alternate Tinted foils (Student needs to choose two non-bleach colours and apply
alternately) Part-line
Timeframe: 2.5 hours
Sub-task 5:
Client 5: Full Head of Bleached foils (perform Toning procedures)
Timeframe: 3.5 hours
Sub-task 6:
Client 6: 1/2 head Weaved Bleached foils (fine or medium weave foils, client’s
Timeframe: 2.5 hours
Sub-task 7:
Client 7: Darker Tinted Spliced foils (client agreement ranging from approximately 2-6
Fine or Medium, can be placed anywhere on the head, please specify)

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 7|Page Unit Assessment
Timeframe: 2 hours
Sub-task 8:
Client 8: Bleach Foils and Tint colour
Part-line Bleached Weaved foils and Tint Colour (Two Tone)
(Client agreement ranging from approximately 6-8 bleached foils, Fine or Medium,
please specify)
Timeframe: 3.5 hours
The student needs to complete the activity according to the following policy and
• client comfort and safety
• work health and safety for providing hair highlighting treatments
• waste minimisation
• disposal of hazardous and other waste.
• Please refer ‘salon policy and procedure’ document to locate the above policy
and procedure.
The student is required to obtain information from the client’s hair history and their
priorities for providing hair colour services based on their hair conditions and
understand what clients are looking for. The student can access the client hair colour
history for the existing clients (the client history can be obtained from the
salon/workplace where the student is providing the services), and based upon that,
the student can recommend the services and select the products. The student also
needs to complete the client history for the new clients as per salon procedures.
The student will also analyse principles of hair design and identify any contradictions
to proceed with colour treatments. The selection of product must be based on
product instructions, hair analysis and salon procedures.
There should be safe selection, preparation, application, processing and removal of
colour and lightening products without residual scalp stain. The performance must be
aimed at achieving target colour results that satisfy clients in designated salon
Throughout the task, student needs to observe client and operator safety precautions
and environment protection practices.
The student will be required to perform the following tasks:
Consultation and Assessment of hairs:
 Conduct a pre-treatment hair analysis and establishes client expectations
regarding the colour result. (Follow salon procedures/templates or template
provided below, if required)
 Evaluate client’s current and prior reactions to colour chemicals by referring
to client history .
 Create client history for new colour clients as per salon procedures.
 Analyse client characteristics through physical and visual examination.
 Consult clients to identify their preferences and satisfaction with current
 Confirm client’s desired base colour and tone through discussion and

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 8|Page Unit Assessment
reference to product colour charts.
 Discuss factors of effective colour treatment including lifestyle and self-care
 Recommend appropriate colour based on principles of hair design and obtain
consent from client.
 Analyse the client’s history and perform pre-service skin tests to identify
client’s reaction to chemicals.
 Perform strand test wherever necessary as indicated by analysis.
 Recognise contraindications to the colour service and inform client according
to salon policy.
Prepare for the service:
 Analyse hair biology and cosmetic chemistry concepts applicable to client’s
hairs to select the products and use chemicals safely.
 Select high lift and bleach products according to manufacturer instructions
and salon procedures.
 Select and prepare highlighting and foiling equipment according to
manufacturer instructions and salon procedures.
 Interpreting and consistently apply product colour charts, instructions and
safety data sheets
 Observe client and operator safety precautions to prevent own skin stain and
allergic reactions to colour chemicals
 Follow salon procedures and product instructions to measure the required
quantity of product
Application of product:
 Apply wraps and towels to ensure client protection and safety, according to
salon procedures
 Follow stages and methods of foiling and colour and lightening products’
application according to manufacturer instructions within salon timeframes
 Follow product safety data sheet, and salon procedures to ensure client and
operator comfort and safety at all stages of the colour service.
 Crosscheck for even coverage and ensure processing and removal of colour
without residual scalp stain
 Monitor and plan processing time according to manufacturer instructions
observing the achievement of desired colour tone.
 Apply heat acceleration, according to salon procedures, to assist processing.
 Loosen foils or plastic caps and gently remove when processed, using tepid
running water to avoid stretch or damage to the hair.
 Remove residual product at the end of processing time according to
manufacturer instructions without stretching or damaging hairs.
 Apply after treatment products such as after colour conditioners and remove
the same as per manufacturer’s instructions.
 Follow relevant salon procedures for environment protection, energy and
water utilisation and waste disposal.
Review service:
 Follow up with the client and confirm client’s satisfaction with the outcome.
 Check lift, colour and tone appearance and conduct post colour analysis

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 9|Page Unit Assessment
 In case of any client’s concerns, design and propose remedial actions for
resolving the issues.
 Confirm whether the client agrees with the solution proposed or any more
changes are required.
 Provide colour care advice including sun protection strategies
 Promote home care products from the salon range such as shampoos and
 Update and add the service details and outcomes on client history. It can
include the following: (not limited to):
o pre-service hair analysis
o contraindications
o reaction to skin tests or products
o colour, high lift and bleach products selected
o brand and colour selection, where applicable
o application techniques, processing methods and times
o lift, colour, tone and hair condition outcome

(Follow salon procedures/templates or template provided below, if required)

You are also required to obtain consent from clients regarding pre-treatment analysis
performed and recommended treatments. Obtain the signatures of clients and
supervisor on client record form to proceed with the treatment and update the same
for outcomes achieved, after all the treatments are performed.
Resources required Your Trainer and Assessor will provide you with the following resources to complete
this activity:
• Organisational procedures for:
o client comfort and safety
o work health and safety for providing hair colour and lightening
o waste minimisation
o disposal of hazardous and other waste.
• A ventilated product preparation area with:
o preparation benches
o product storage areas including secure storage for hazardous
o washing up sink with hot and cold running water for cleaning
o operator hand washing facilities:
 basin with hot and cold running water
 liquid soap
 single use towels or hand dryer
o A diverse professional range of hair colour and lightening products to
 bleach products
 permanent colour
 high lift tints
• A hairdressing or barbering services workstation with:
o one mirror per workstation
o one adjustable client services chair per workstation

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 10 | P a g e Unit

o clean client gowns or wraps
o clean client towels
• One operator trolley per workstation stocked with:
o client skin stain prevention products
o liquid measure
o plastic bowls
o tint brushes and combs
o personal protective equipment:
 apron
 disposable safety masks or safety goggles
 rubber or disposable gloves
 skin barrier cream
• Product:
o colour charts
o instructions
o Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or plain English workplace documents or
diagrams that interpret SDS content
• Template client history records
You will be You need to complete the practical demonstration, and the trainer will observe you
required to while performing the task and complete the following performance checklist.
Timeframe You will be required to complete this demonstration in the required timeframes as
mentioned within task instructions.

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record-Client 1

Name of client Client contact details
Served by
Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

Natural hair type:


Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 11 | P a g e Unit

Natural base colour:
Artificial base colour:
Hair colour tone:
Percentage of white hair:
Presence of lightening agents or artificial hair colour treatments on hair:
Existing chemical services: Kuene colour range
Skin tone:
Length of hair:
scalp condition:

Reaction to skin tests or products

Colour, high lift and bleach products


Application techniques, processing methods

and times

Colour and hair condition outcome

Recommended home care products

Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 2

Name of client Client contact details
Served by Email

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 12 | P a g e Unit

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 3

Name of client Client contact details

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 13 | P a g e Unit

Served by Email
Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 4

Name of client Client contact details

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 14 | P a g e Unit

Served by Email

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 5


Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 15 | P a g e Unit

Name of client Client contact details
Served by Email

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 6

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 16 | P a g e Unit

Name of client Client contact details
Served by Email

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 17 | P a g e Unit

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 7

Name of client Client contact details
Served by Email

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:
Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 18 | P a g e Unit

Client pre-treatment and post-treatment Record -Client 8

Name of client Client contact details
Served by Email

Type of
Service details Results

Pre-service hair analysis:

natural hair type, texture, porosity, density and

natural base colour
artificial base colour
hair colour tone
percentage of white hair
presence of lightening agents or artificial hair
colour treatments on hair
existing chemical services
skin tone
length of hair
scalp condition
Reaction to skin tests or products
Colour, high lift and bleach products
Application techniques, processing methods
and times
Colour and hair condition outcome
Recommended home care products
Signature of client:

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 19 | P a g e Unit

Signature of Supervising hairdresser

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 1

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain
as well
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 20 | P a g e Unit

including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 21 | P a g e Unit

colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 22 | P a g e Unit

• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 23 | P a g e Unit

creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
• ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 24 | P a g e Unit

• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 25 | P a g e Unit

30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 2

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 26 | P a g e Unit

services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 27 | P a g e Unit

8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 28 | P a g e Unit

growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 29 | P a g e Unit

• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 30 | P a g e Unit

lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 31 | P a g e Unit

areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 32 | P a g e Unit

• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 3

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 33 | P a g e Unit

4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 34 | P a g e Unit

12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 35 | P a g e Unit

• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 36 | P a g e Unit

24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 37 | P a g e Unit

• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 38 | P a g e Unit

time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 4

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 39 | P a g e Unit

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 40 | P a g e Unit

6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 41 | P a g e Unit

13.6. hair porosity
13.7. sunlight or heat affected hair
13.8. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 42 | P a g e Unit

• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 43 | P a g e Unit

providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 44 | P a g e Unit

colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 45 | P a g e Unit

remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 5

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 46 | P a g e Unit

the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 47 | P a g e Unit

8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 48 | P a g e Unit

16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 49 | P a g e Unit

21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 50 | P a g e Unit

instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 51 | P a g e Unit

colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 52 | P a g e Unit

• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 6

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 53 | P a g e Unit

5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 54 | P a g e Unit

amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 55 | P a g e Unit

documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 56 | P a g e Unit

particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
• ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 57 | P a g e Unit

• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 58 | P a g e Unit

per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 7

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting


Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 59 | P a g e Unit

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,
density and elasticity
4.2. natural base colour
4.3. artificial base colour
4.4. hair colour tone
4.5. percentage of white hair
4.6. presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 60 | P a g e Unit

7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment
11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 61 | P a g e Unit

15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach
products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 62 | P a g e Unit

20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product
23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 63 | P a g e Unit

chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application
• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
• ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 64 | P a g e Unit

• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour
29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 65 | P a g e Unit

outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task:

Client 8

Trainer/ Assessor to complete

Does the candidate meet the following criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments

1. 2. Consulted client for hair highlighting

2.1. Asked open/closed probe
questions to the clients about the
service they need
2.2. Provided information about the
services provided by the salon
2.3. Used active listening
2.4. Listening carefully to what the
client is saying
2.5. Provided feedback about the
services that the client can attain as
2.6. Checked client expectations from
the services and satisfaction with
the current colour
3. 4. Completed a pre-treatment hair analysis
covering the following characteristics to
recommend appropriate colouring
4.1. natural hair type, texture, porosity,

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 66 | P a g e Unit

density and elasticity
4.2.natural base colour
4.3.artificial base colour colour tone
4.5.percentage of white hair
4.6.presence of lightening agents or
artificial hair colour treatments on
4.7. existing chemical services
4.8. skin tone
4.9. length of hair
4.10. scalp condition
5. Reviewed client history record as per salon
6. Created client history record for new
customers as per salon procedures
including the following:
6.1. client contact details
6.2. date of service
6.3. operator
6.4. previous client reaction to any skin
6.5. contraindications
6.6. pre-service analysis
6.7. brand and colour selection
6.8. application techniques and
processing times
6.9. service outcome
6.10. recommended home care products
6.11. products purchased.
7. 8. Confirmed client’s desired lift, colour and
8.1. Discussed the impact of lifestyle
factors such as diet, smoking.
8.2. referenced to product colour charts
to discuss client’s colour
8.3. Discussed and considered the
principles of hair design
8.4. balance
8.5. gradation
8.6. repetition
8.7. contrast
8.8. harmony
8.9. dominance
8.10. unity
9. Identified client’s preferences and
recommended suitable colour treatment
10. 11. Obtained consent for pre-treatment

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 67 | P a g e Unit

11.1. Obtained parent/guardian consent
in case client is minor
12. 13. Determined contradictions
13.1. Identified if the client has any
reactions to colour chemicals
13.2. Asked relevant questions from
client to obtain information about
experienced reactions in past
13.3. Conducted pre-service skin test
13.4. Performed strand test, wherever
required, to check results on small
amount of hairs.
13.5. Recognised any possible
contraindications from the
following to proceed with hair
colour treatments
13.5.1. hair or scalp damage
from previous chemical
hair treatments
13.5.2. existing metallic based
colour on hair
13.5.3. hair porosity
13.5.4. sunlight or heat
affected hair
13.5.5. client allergic reactions
14. 15. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of hair biology (not limited to):
15.1. main functions and role of hair
15.2. main factors contributing to hair
15.3. structure and cellular features of
hair and hair follicles
15.4. process of hair growth and the hair
growth cycle
15.5. characteristics of normal and
damaged hair
16. Used chemicals safely based on following
principles of cosmetic chemistry (not
limited to):
16.1. bonds
16.2. molecules
16.3. chemical compounds
16.4. chemical change
16.5. neutralisation
16.6. acids and bases
16.7. pH
17. 18. Selection of colour, high lift and bleach

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 68 | P a g e Unit

products based on following factors:
18.1. Considered the following factors
• colour chart system
• formulation
• product purpose
• action on the hair
• mixing and application
• processing and developing
• role and basic content of
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or
plain English workplace
documents or diagrams
that interpret SDS content
18.2. Selected suitable products from
following: (trainer to tick)
• tint products from the
salon range
• high lift tint colour
products from the salon
• bleach products from the
salon range
• peroxides of varying
• permanent colours
19. 20. Prepare highlighting and foiling equipment
for the treatment:
20.1. Checked if the treatment room was
20.2. Checked if the equipment was
• pre-cut and folded foils
• tail combs
• tint brushes
• sectioning clips
20.3. Checked if the equipment and
resources were sterilised and
20.4. Placed the towels in the room (one
of couch length, one to dry hands,
one for head end)
21. Placed all products on the trolley
22. 23. Followed practices for personal protection
23.1. avoiding product contact with
client or operator’s eyes
23.2. avoiding inhalation of fumes whilst
mixing product

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 69 | P a g e Unit

23.3. wearing operator protective gloves
and apron during product
24. 25. Measurement and preparation of products
25.1. measured, mixed and applied
colour products in correct
25.2. managed preparation and
processing times effectively
26. 27. Followed industry practices and
organisational procedures
27.1. client comfort and safety with
particular emphasis on:
• using gown and towels to
protect client clothes
• application of barrier
creams to face and
• avoiding product contact
with eyes
• monitoring client scalp
comfort and condition
27.2. work health and safety for
providing hair colouring
treatments, with particular
emphasis on:
• avoiding inhalation of
fumes during product
• using correct posture and
adjusting height of client
chair to avoid fatigue and
27.3. minimising wastage of colour and
lightening products
27.4. waste disposal with particular
emphasis on environmentally
sound disposal methods for
hazardous and other hairdressing
28. 29. Application of colour treatment products
29.1. interpreted colour charts, product
instructions, safety data sheets
29.2. Referred to and correctly
interpreted relevant salon
29.3. Followed Stages and methods of
head on scalp product application

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 70 | P a g e Unit

• natural untreated hair
• regrowth
• roots and then ends
• roots, mid lengths and
finally ends
• ends and then roots.
29.4. Used relevant techniques
29.4.1. Applied foiling and
colour and lightening
products using relevant
technique from
following: (trainer to
• coarse, medium or
fine woven
• spliced meshes
• alternated
coloured and
lightened woven
meshes and
unwoven natural
hair meshes
• single or multiple
colours and tones
• bleached meshes
• whole or partial
head effects.
29.4.2. Used relevant
highlighting techniques
as required: (Trainer to
• combing and
brushing colour or
bleach products
areas of the hair
• colouring and
bleaching single
strands or meshes
29.5. Ensured even coverage of hairs
ensuring proper sealing to avoid
colour bleed
29.6. Avoided re-growth overlap, stain or
damage to client scalp or hairline.
29.7. Correctly calculated processing
time based on manufacturer’s
instructions and desired colour

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 71 | P a g e Unit

29.8. Applied heat acceleration using:
heat lamps
29.9. Loosened foils/ plastic caps at right
time and gently removed the same.
29.10. used tepid running water to avoid
stretch or damage to the hair.
29.11. Removed residual colour without
residual scalp stain
29.12. Applied relevant after-treatment
toning products
29.13. Removed after-care products as
per manufacturer’s instructions
29.14. Completed the task within the
stipulated time
30. 31. Reviewed service
31.1. Discussed with client about the
colour outcomes and asked
question about client’s satisfaction
31.2. Proposed remedial action to
resolve any issue faced by client
after colour treatment
31.3. Asked open-ended questions and
confirmed client’s satisfaction with
remedial action
31.4. Offered advise on colour care
shampoos, conditioners and hair
colour sun-protection strategies to
31.5. Updated client history to record
treatment practices and its
outcome. It can include following:
(not limited to):
• pre-service hair analysis
• contraindications
• reaction to skin tests or
• colour or lightening
treatment products
• brand and colour selection
• application techniques,
processing methods and
• colour and hair condition
• recommended home care

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 72 | P a g e Unit

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 73 | P a g e Unit
Unit Assessment Result Sheet (UARS)
Outcome of Unit First attempt:
Assessment Task (UAT)

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)

Second attempt:

Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)

Feedback to Student First attempt:

Second attempt:

Student Declaration  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used
as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation and
plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that
all work I submit must be verifiable as my own.

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 74 | P a g e Unit

 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal
the assessment process, and either re-submit additional evidence
undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed.
 All appeal options have been explained to me.
Student Signature
Trainer/Assessor Name
Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills

 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake

 Ongoing professional development in VET
I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this candidate’s submission. The
assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid, and reliable. I declare
that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment. I have
provided feedback to the above-named candidate.
Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management System
on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________

Highlighting Treatments and Neutralising Colour & Tones 75 | P a g e Unit


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