Limitations Quick Chart A320family

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Crosswinds (OM-B Sec 2.

1) All values include gusts Door: 7377/# /0511# Cargo Door 40/50 1 Dest Alt: Req’d unless flt <6hrs & 2 RWs wx: ETA ±1hr
best of: BKN 2000+’ or circ+ 500’ & Viz ≥ 5km
Runway State Max x-wind Variant A319 Doors/Taxi 65
2 Dest Alts: if wx at dest forecast below minima
for T/O & Ldg MTOW 64, 66 ,68 Tyres 195
Dry/Damp/Wet 38kt MLW 61.0 Window 200 ERA: in circle radius 20% of total flt dist centre greater of
Frost, Compacted Snow (OAT ≥-15°C), ≤3mm(⅛’’) of Slush, Dry/Wet Snow 29kt MZFW 57.0 Wipers 230 25% from dest or 20%+50nm
Slippery when wet, Compacted Snow (OAT ≥-15°C), ≥3mm/⅛’’ Dry Snow 25kt ‘Equivalents’- Wet: x, <3mm Std Water(SW), <2mm Slush(Sl), <4mm Wet Snow(WS), <15mm Dry Snow(DS).
(max 130mm/5”) or Wet Snow (max 30mm/⅛’’) Water (6.3mm): < 6.3mm SW. Water (12.7mm): <12.7mm SW. Slush (6.3mm): x, 12.7mm WS, < 50.8mm DS.
>3mm/⅛’’ Dry Snow (max 12.7mm/½”) or Wet Snow (max 12.7mm/½’’) 20kt Slush (12.7mm): x, <25.4mm WS. Compacted Snow: x. Icy: x.
Ice (cold and dry) 15kt
F/O Limits: xwind 20kts (inc gusts), T/O RVR 400m, No autolands, w/shear, narrow, contam or Autopilot: Min Oil (Qts): 9.5+0.5/hr Wake Turb: Visual Cct: Low Viz Circ:
slippery RWs. CatI ILS, NPAs - Published Minima, Circ 5k viz. 3*: No Planned T/W or Fl 3 Ldgs T/O (10.6+0.45/hr NEO) Cooling: T/O aft A380: (Conf 1, Activate Conf 3, Gear Dn, FPV.
No T/O: >12.6mm standing water, >25.3mm wet snow, > 101.5mm dry snow, compacted GA:100’, 1 min OK but 3 min if full rev 3min/4min(int) App, FD Off, FPV). At Minimums: VS Push
snow or icy R/W. NonPrec: used (CFMs)
MDA, HVY: 2min/ Abm Thrsh: Start lvl off. Turn 45° off for
*1. Damp or wet:<3mm water. 2. R/W covered with slush 3. R/W covered with dry snow. 4.
A320 Sharklets Diffs: 3min(int)(757 Clk 15s/500’±1s/kt, 30s post wings lvl. F
R/W covered with standing water with risk of hydroplaning or wet snow. 5. Icy r/w or high MDA–100’, Wingspan 35.8m, 15kt x- is MED). Land Flap 2, turn base, spd. Abeam Thrsh:
risk of hydroplaning. PAR: 250’, wind for auto rollout, Max aft SMALL or Gear Dn, Flap 3, Activate Sec Flt Plan,
Loading: A319 Max 150 bags CP4 & 5 (max 50 CP5). Overflow CP1, <100 bags use CP4. ILS Cat fuel imbalance at t/o MED: 3nm, Flap Full, Ldg Cx. Start Clock, 3s/100’
A320 85 CP1, rest CP4 (Use CP3 with high bag loads). LMCs +10/-20 pax. ZFWCG 1/II: 500kg, Max 1 static wick 757: 4nm (UK),
changes >2% require recalc. If LMC a) neg – no action. b) pos but <250kg, reduce flex by 160’/80’, (Min Wx: 5km viz, ±1s/kt, turn base, Flap
missing. Yaw damper fail- HVY: 5nm, Ceiling 2500’aal) Full, Cx
1°. c) TOGA originally or >250kg change or ZFWCG> 2%, recalc with new TOW Other:500’
alternate law, gear down A380: 7nm
Engines: CFM: NEO: APU max of 3 Engine Starter Motor Ice: AI Fuel Use:4%, Eng: 7%. A/C surfaces clear of snow, EO Strat (PER-OEI-GEN-10&15)
Prk Brk Max Pwr 75%N1 starts,1 min apart 4 consecutive cycles, frost and ice for T/O. Thin hoarfrost ok on upper surfaces of All cases: MCT, ATHR Off
Warm Up (Min) 3 (3warm,5cold) then 60 min wait each of max 2 min, 20 fuselage. Underside of wing tank area: max layer of 3mm (1/8 Standard: 300/0.78, Op Des
Min Oil Pressure 13 PSI inch) of frost will not penalize t/o perf. After cold soak: probe/ Obstacle: Green Dot, Op Des
Batt start: 25000’ sec between cycles then st
Stable Parameters 2,4,6,3 2,5,7,3 window heat on, off after 1 engine start. ‘Icing Cond’ if viz Fixed Speed : ETOPS only
Eng start: 20000’ 15 min break. N2 ≤ 20%.
moisture (<1nm/1.5km) + OAT(gnd+t/o) or TAT(in flt) ≤ 10°C
Oxygen Min for all crew members 1 Pack: 22500’ Altimeters (3.4.34): or stdg water, slush, ice or snow on taxiways or r/w. On gnd
Stab App: G/A 1000’ unless Ldg Conf,
2 Packs: 15000’ Gnd PFDs 25’ of a/f datum, 20’ <VAPP+30kts, 500’- VAPP -5/+10kts
on ‘Normal’ in Emer Descent: 13 CFM: >30mins (60mins NEO) -70%N1 for 30 secs/30mins. Fz
Fuel (kg/min) (Call “Speed”), V/S <1200’/min (Call
min. Ref Temp: On Gnd: (OAT+Cpit of each other, ISIS 100’ of Ra,Fg,Dz,+Sn: 70%N1/10mins Climb/Cruise: Eng AI on if “Sink Rate”), Bank <15° (Call “Bank”
Temp)/2, In Flt: Cabin Temp – 10°C ENG:12, APU: 2. any ADR SAT > -40°C + icing cond Desc: Eng AI on in icing conditions >7)°, Correct lat/vert fltpath. (Also call
C -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° Radar: no use IRS: 5kts G/S rapid align, regardless of temp. Ice accretion: Min Spd Clean: VLS+15, “Pitch” if <2.5°ND or >10°NU) Circ:
2 656 681 706 731 756 781 Conf Full: VLS +5, Ldg Dist x1.1. Conf 3 (or less): VLS+10, Bank <15°@400’, ± 30° of CL. Min Conf
3 861 893 926 959 992 1024 ±135° or ≤5m 15kts once only, 21kts u/s 3/Gr Dn <1000’ ATDZE
Ldg Distx1.15. (NEO+gnd fog, inspect eng if no t/o in 120min)
Speeds/Hts: A/C: 350/0.82. Flaps (20kft): 230, 1+F:215, 2:200, Min CC: 4 (3 if max To shed ice in +SN, FZ RA, DZ or FG: Momentary run-ups to EcoFlow Hldg:A319 @ 1500ft, 58t
3:185, Full:177 Gear: 25kft, Ret 220, Ext 250, Extended 280/0.67 150 pax & i/b base) 70% at least once every 10mins <130 pax 2200 Kgs/hr or 40kg/min
Brakes: max T/O temp fans on: 150°C, fans off: 300°. u/s if diff on 2 bks same F/Os: T/O RVR 400m, Ldg X-wind(>20kts)/Tailwind T/O: Full fwd stick to Turb Spds: <20k’ 250 (260 NEO),
gear >150°C & either brk ≥600°C or ≤ 60°C, diff between av temps on LH/RH Cat 1, x-wind 15kts, no w/s, 80 kts, set 50% then 70% N1 & inc thrust so >20k’ 275(280 NEO)/0.76
gears ≥ 200°C, any brk > 900°C, a fuse plug melted. LDA 1700m Flex/TOGA set by 40kts GS (>15kts GS NEO)
RWY Ops: Max Tailwind: 10kts, Mean runway slope: ±2%, Max runway alt: 9200ft, Maintenance Intervals: Cat A – as stated, Cat B – 3 days, Cat C - 10 days, Cat Min spd Full Rev: 70kts, autobrake 20kts.
Nominal runway width: 45m (Exceptionally 30m) D – 120 days. ‘Maint’ – disregard all but AIR BLEED On snow rev stowed by 25kts
Thrust Setting/EGT Limits – TOGA: 950°c, (5 min 2-Eng, Fuels: JET A1,JP 8,JET A,JP 5,RT,TS-1,JET B or JP 4. Jet A1 Fuel Temps: Min -43°C Fuel: If a/c may land < reserve fuel –
10 min S-Eng), MCT: 915°C, Starting: 725°C Max+54°C,Imb:Inners:1500-2250kg (> as inners empty) Outers:530kg, Min T/O:1500kg ‘Minimum Fuel’, if a/c will land < final
Oil: Max Continuous Temp 140°C, Max Transient Temp (15 mins): 155°C, Min Hyd – 3000 psi, RAT 2500 Deflated Tyres turning: Max 7kts with 1/gear, reserve fuel – ‘Mayday’. In both cases,
Starting Temp: -40°C (-29°C NEO), Min Temp for T/O: -10°C (19°C NEO) psi, PTU 500 psi diff 3kts with 2/gear report time to tanks dry in minutes.
ECAM: Affected system underlined, Unboxed title – Independent Failure, Boxed title – Primary Failure, Starred System – Secondary Failure.
R/W Change: (Departure) DRAPES – Departure, Radio Aids, Altitude Req’d, Perf, Engine-out SID, Sec Flt Pln. (Arrival) ARMD - Arrival, Radio Aids, MDA, Dest Data.
RVSM: FL290-410. Need 2 ADR, 2 DMC, 2 PFD, 1 Txpdr, 1 FCU channel, 1 AP, 1 FWC. Changing level no under/overshoot >150’, every hour check 2 main indications ±200’
‘German Corner’ – KRH/270/12 Pax Wts (kgs): P 85, CC 75, AM 93, AF 75, C 35, I 0, Adults 89 Bags(kgs): Int 13, Dom 11, Hand 5 ΔQNH -1°C Flex/2HPa, -5°C ENG AI
RFF Cat 6 (2 below ok). Alternates: T/O - 320 nm, Cruise - 380nm (A319), 400nm (A320) Tl strikes: 319:13.9°/15.5°, 320:11.7°/13.5° Ht12.17m,L33.8m Sp 34.1m U/CTrk 7.59m
NEO: ROW <500’ to Brk, ROP Brk to Stop. ROW: <400’ & wet LD > LDA ‘IF WET: RWY TOO SHORT’’ on PFD. If dry LD >LDA, ‘RWY TOO SHORT’ on PFD + <200’ aural ‘RUNWAY TOO SHORT’. ROP: Likely overrun,
‘MAX BRAKING’ & ‘ MAX REVERSE’ on PFD. If no full brk pedals, aural ‘BRAKE, MAX BRAKING, MAX BRAKING’. If no full reverse, ‘SET MAX REVERSE’ (lower priority).

Produced by Angus Hogg – Version 11.1 dated 7 August 2017

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