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Laplace Transform

You should be able to:

1.Understand the concept of Laplace transform and its significance in
solving differential equations.
2.Apply Laplace transform to transform ODE into the s domain
(algebraic expressions).
3.Demonstrate ability to compute the Laplace transform of functions
such as time functions.
4.Utilize properties such as linearity and time shifting to simplify
expressions in the s domain.
5.Apply techniques to solve differential equations using Laplace
6.Solve practical engineering problems using Laplace transform.
Let’s Practice
Practice exercises
1) Find the laplace transform of these functions
(a) ? , = 1 &' + cos 6, − 1 &' cos 6,

(b) ℎ , = 3 sinh 2, + 3 sin 2,

(c) ? , = +( , − 2 sin(D , − 2 )

0 ,<1
(d) " , = F $
, − 2, + 2 ,≥1
Solutions - Practice exercises
1) Find the laplace transform of these functions
(a) ? , = 1 &' + cos 6, − 1 &' cos 6,

(b) ℎ , = 3 sinh 2, + 3 sin 2,

Solutions - Practice exercises
1) Find the laplace transform of these functions
? , = +( , − 2 sin(D , − 2 )

0 ,<1
" , = F $
, − 2, + 2 ,≥1
Practice exercises
2) Find the inverse laplace transform of these functions

(a) % $ = ( !)*()+

+ &
(b) I $ = &( ! )#$
+ ( ! "*,

(c)J $ =
( ! )+()$#
Solutions - Practice exercises
2) Find the inverse laplace transform of these functions
(a) % $ = ( !)*()+
Solutions - Practice exercises
2) Find the inverse laplace transform of these functions
+ &
(b) I $ = &( ! )#$
+ ( ! "*,
Solutions - Practice exercises
2) Find the inverse laplace transform of these functions
(c)J $ = ( ! )+()$#
3) Solve the following IVP using Laplace transform

a. +%% (,) + 4+% (,) + 20+(,) = 0 , + 0 = 2 , +% 0 = 4

b. K %% − 10K % + 9K = 5, , K 0 = −1 , K % 0 = 2

c. K %% , − K % , + 5K , = 4 + +$ , 1 *"$' , K 0 = 2 , K % 0 = −1
d) +%% , + 4+% , + 20+ , = 0 , + 0 = 2 , +% 0 = 4

e. K %% − 10K % + 9K = 5, , K 0 = −1 , K % 0 = 2
Solutions - Practice
3) Solve the following IVP using Laplace transform
a. +%% (,) + 4+% (,) + 20+(,) = 0 , + 0 = 2 , +% 0 = 4
Solutions - Practice
3) Solve the following IVP using Laplace transform
b. K %% − 10K % + 9K = 5, , K 0 = −1 , K % 0 = 2
Solutions - Practice
3) Solve the following IVP using Laplace transform
c. K %% , − K % , + 5K , = 4 + +$ , 1 *"$' , K 0 = 2 , K % 0 = −1
Next steps of the solution
• Check this link:
Solutions - Practice
d. +%% , + 4+% , + 20+ , = 0 , + 0 = 2 , +% 0 = 4
Ans: u , = 21 "$' cos 4, + 21 "$' sin(4,)
Solutions - Practice
e. K %% − 10K % + 9K = 5, , K 0 = −1 , K % 0 = 2

-. - &#
Ans: y , = +# + , , + +# 1 ,' − 21 '
• 6.1: The Laplace Transform - Mathematics LibreTexts

• Laplace Transform Properties (

• 9.8: Applications of Laplace Transforms - Mathematics LibreTexts

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