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1.2:Definitions of the key Terms "Jurisprudence" and "Psychology"?

According to Britannica define Jurisprudence as the Science or philosophy of law. Jurisprudence may be
divided into three branches: analytical, sociological, and theoretical. The analytical branch articulates
axioms, defines terms, and prescribes the methods that best enable one to view the legal order as an
internally consistent, logical system. The sociological branch examines the actual effects of the law
within society and the influence of social phenomena on the substantive and procedural aspects of law.
The theoretical branch evaluates and criticizes law in terms of the ideals or goals postulated for it.1

While According to Verywell Mind define Psychology as the study of mind and behavior. It
encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how
people think, act, and feel.It's difficult to capture everything that psychology encompasses in just a brief
definition, but topics such as development, personality, thoughts, feelings, emotions, motivations, and
social behaviors represent just a portion of what psychology seeks to understand, predict, and explain.2


The relationship between Jurisprudence (science of law) and Psychology(science of Human mind and it's
functions) as two different fields but on performing their functions they show how they related,how
they are intermingling and how they interact.Due to the following reasons:-

2.1:Psychological Jurisprudence;

Criminological jurisprudence is the outcome relationship of jurisprudence & Psychology. This branch is
called Psychological Jurisprudence. Both these develop a lawyer’s mind to understand a criminal’s mind
as these two subjects deal with mind and behavior. Knowledge of psychology helps in finding answers
for motive behind a crime, criminal personality, reasons for crime, etc. Mens Rea and Actus Rea, these
two are the most important things in criminal law. Mens rea is all about intention and intention is
connected to the human mind. Psychology deals with the human mind. Psychology also helps in
deciding punishment like crime due to anger, crime due to pleasure, crime to create fear all these. There
is a whole series (Mindhunter) based on this on Netflix. This series is based on true events.3

Under the case of DEOGRATIUS DEEMAY GURTU Vs REPUBLIC [2018]TZCA298.This case prescribes the
element of Crime under Mens rea as the feature Psychological Jurisprudence were The appellant herein
was arraigned before the High Court sitting at Babati charged with the offence of attempted murder
contrary to sections 211 (b) and 380 (1) of the Penal Code [CAP 16 R.E. 2002] (the Code). It was alleged
by the prosecution that on the 9th day of March, 2012 at Utwari Village within Babati District in
Manyara Region, the appellant attempted to murder one JOSEPH S/O LAURENCE (PW4). The appellant
denied the charge where after the trial; he was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen (15) years
imprisonment. On being aggrieved by that decision, the appellant filed his appeal before this Court.

The Court of Appeal held that although mens rea was not proved, PW4 was seriously injured by the
appellant. What then is the lesser offence of attempted murder is the issue which exercised our minds
to a great deal. There is however, sufficient evidence that the appellant seriously injured PW4. The
appellant’s act of attacking PW4 with a stick, a club and a machete thereby causing him serious injuries
was an unlawful act. We find, therefore, that in so doing the appellant committed the offence of causing
grievous harm contrary to section 225 of the Code.4


Finally,the relation between Jurisprudence and Psychology is a complex one, characterized by both
similarities and differences in their goals, methods, and insights. By recognizing the interconnectedness
of these two fields, researchers and practitioners can benefit from the insights each offers and work
towards a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior and cognition.

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