Inter Region Transfer 27 04 2017

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MOST IMMEDIATE By Fax No.9/1/2017-EC-IV (SC) Government of India Directorate General Central Public Works Department EC-IV (SC) Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110011. Dated the.2¢"April, 2017. (Through CPWD website) . DDG (HQ) (Coord.), NR, CPWD DDG (HQ) (Coord.), ER, CPWD . DDG (HQ) (Coord), WR, CPWD . DDG (HQ) (Coord), SR, CPWD RYO Subject: Inter Region Transfer of Stenographer/UDC/LDC/MTS of Subordinate Cadre of CPWD- regarding Ref: (i) This Directorate’s O.M. No.9/2/2015-EC.IV(SC) dated 22.01.2016 (ii) This Directorate’s O.M. No.9/2/2016-EC.1V(SC) dated 09.06.2016 (copy enclosed) Sir, 1 am directed to say that requests for region change in respect of Stenographer/UDC/LDC/MTS of Subordinate Cadre of CPWD will be considered in the Inter Region Transfer Committee meeting. 2. Yoware therefore requested to furnish the category wise vacancy position in the above grades in your region to this Directorate latest by 05" May, 2017 by fax/speed post/e-mail. Yours faithfully, Enel: As above Groudy _ (Mahesh Chandra) Deputy Director (Admn.II1) Fax:- 011-23063841 E-mail ID :- MOST IMMEDIATE F.No. 9/2/2015-EC.1V(SC) Government of India Directorate General Cental Public Works Department EC.IM(SC) Section Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi Dated: 22% January, 2016. OFFICE MEMORANOUM Subject- Change of region in respect of Lower Division Cleck, Upper Division Cleck, Draughtsman, Stenographers and regular MTS (including Peon, Daftary, Barkandaz, Sweeper, Regular Chowkidar and Farash)-Reg. The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to say that this Directorate, vide O.M. No. 28/1/A/2011-EC.V dated 17% October, 2013 (No. DG/RE/ManualQ), has outined and circulated the ‘Policy of change of region in respect of Upper Division Clecks and Lower Division Clecks. Further, vide OM. No. DGIRE/Manual/10 dated 7® August, 2014, it has been clarified that the said policy will also be applicable in the Draughtsman, Stenographers and regular MTS (including Peon, Daftary, Barkandaz, Sweeper, Regular Chowkidar and Farash), 2. The policy as outlined and circulated, vide O.M. No. 28/1//2011-EC.V dated 17 October, 2013 (No. DGIRE/Manual/9), is reproduced below’ 2.1 The staffs recruited in one region are not entitld to opt for chang in other region. However, ‘on a very valid medical or compassionate ground, the Special Director General (HO) may consider the request of an employee for change of region only when the circumstances of an employee are substantially changes since time of his/ her recruitment. While considering such request, following guidelines wil be kept in view: (a) Any representation for change of region will be considered only after completion of minimum of § years’ service in the region of recruitment (6) The employee has to forego his! her seniority in the region where he was recruited and will not be entitled to claim TA/DA/ joining time in respect of journey to be performed by them; (o) The pay during the period of journey for taking up new posting, unless the same is covered by leave due and granted by the competent authority, cannot be claimed by the employees seeking change of region. ze (@) Request for change of region will also be considered on mutual exchange basis from ‘one region to other after completion of three years of service. (e) In case of women employee, the minimum tenure in the region of recruitment will be 3 years. However, in case of marriage taking place subsequent to her appointment transfer to another region can be considered on her request. Bransly “2s 2.2 The application can be forwarded through the Spl. DG/DDG(HQ) of the region to the Directorate General, CPWD bringing the detail of up-to-date service rendered by such employee. 23. Director General CPWD may, in special circumstances of compassionate and life threating medical ground, consider the request of such transfer at any stage’. 3. All Spsecial Directors General (SDGs), Additional Directors General (ADGs) and Engineer- in-Chief, PWD, GNCTD are requested to:- (a) Circulate a copy of this O.M. to all CEs, SEs, Directors(Hort.) & EEs with the directions that they should bring the said ‘policy of change of region’ to the notice of all the concerned, (b) The applications of wilingleligible candidates may be forwarded to this Directorate with the suitable recommendations for placing before the Committee constituted forthe purpose and final decision of the Special Director General(HQ), (c) The vacancy for the purpose in respect of the above postsigrades (Upper Division Clecks, Lower Division Clecks, Draughtsman, Stenographers and regular MTS (including Peon Daftary, Barkandaz, Sweeper, Regular Chowkidar and Farash) in the respective Region Zone, Circle & Division may also be furnished while recommending change cf region. (Mahesh ct indra) Deputy Director (Admn.)i Tel, No. 011-2306 1317 4. This issues with the approval of the DDG(HQ). To 4. All Special Directors General, CPWO. 2. Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, GNCTD. 3. All Additional Directors General, CPWD. (Through CPW website) MOST IMMEDIATE No. 9/2/2016-EC-IV(SC) Government of India Directorate General Central Public Works Department Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Dated : 09" June, 2016. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Reg. - Change of Region cases of MTS/LDC/UDC/Stenographers. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Directorate’s O.M. No DGIRE/Manual/10 dated 07" August, 2014 on the subject cited above and to request to all concerned Controlling Officers to forward the applications of wiling Gfficials, on compassionate/medical grounds of concerned officials/their_ family members, through concerned Coordination Units, for placing before the Change of Region Committee, latest by 24” June, 2016. 2 All Controlling Officers are requested to obtain an undertaking from all the Such MTS/LDC/UDC/Stenographers that for Change of their Region they, including their family members, are never made any political/VIP influence 3. All the Coordination Units are also requested to furnish latest Sanctioned Strength’ In position status/ Vacancy Position, category wise, of MTS/LDC/Steno. Gr.-II latest by 20" June, 2016. (Mahesh Chandra) Dy. Director (Admn.)-l To (Through website of CPWD) 1 DDG (Goord,)NR/DDG (HQ)ERWRYSR, 2. Allconcerned Controlling Officers. 3. All concerned officials.

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