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Flame application essays

Prompt 1

I find multiple subjects interesting, economics, business, and finance, as well as areas such as
design and marketing communication. Reading different books like ‘Psychology of Money’ by
Morgan Housel and ‘Build’ by Tony Fadell have given me some idea into these subjects.

From what I have learnt, successful entrepreneurs connect the dots across different areas and
thus create successful enterprises. The liberal arts education at FLAME provides a similar
opportunity to delve, experience and study in a multidisciplinary academic set-up to develop a
holistic perspective. The project-based learning model would be an ideal transition from IBDP,
which emphasises hands-on learning too. I look forward to joining the SIP program so I can
intern in the summer and not only put my learnings from the classroom into practice but also
gain valuable work experience..

I find it encouraging that FLAME has multiple student clubs seeking student involvement and
engagement. My six-week internship at Girik Capital fostered my curiosity into stocks and I
would love to continue working in the financial markets through the Flame Finance and
Investing Club.

I believe college is a place for self-discovery. FLAME to me is the perfect place, where I can
explore my newfound independence and begin a journey of self-discovery, helping me realise
my potential, goals, and purpose in life.
Prompt 2
In the next 5 years, there are various academic and non-academic goals I would want to achieve.

On the academic front, I would like to pursue economics and finance at FLAME University. Then,
I would like to gain work experience in business and finance to be able to put theory into
practice. I hope to work in a large company to learn how a business works at scale and later
work in a start-up, where I can get exposed to multiple dimensions and challenges in an
environment of uncertainty since my long-term goal is to start an enterprise myself.

On the non-academic side, I would want to continue pursuing and continuing my hobby of
playing different sports to keep myself fit and unwind daily. I look forward to continuing to play
chess and cricket.

I would also like to engage in community service, spending my time as a companion to the
elderly. There is an epidemic of loneliness among them and I plan on doing my part to address

If I can accomplish the above over the next five years, I will equip myself for a successful journey
Prompt 3
Creativity, Innovation and Research are driving factors of a student's success. Agree or
disagree? Give your reasons."

I agree that creativity, innovation and research are driving factors for a student’s success.
Innovation and creativity go hand in hand, and both require research. Innovation refers to
thinking of new ideas and ways of looking at things, and developing new products or services,
whereas creativity refers to thinking outside the box to solve certain problems.

When I look at my academic journey, I have now come to realise the importance of these factors
and how often we use these skills. For a math project in school, I was trying to find the optimum
tilt angle to maximize the energy generated by solar panels. To come up with a viable solution I
had to research the normal tilt angle of solar panels and more importantly be creative and open
to new mathematical concepts to find success. In turn, I was able to come up with an innovative
solution to make my solar panels more efficient.

Another instance was when I interned at Girik Capital, PMS firm. I was tasked with researching
companies such as Zomato, Cyient, for data patterns and creating a stock screener. I had to use
my creativity and financial knowledge to create stock screeners to select stocks that fit different
portfolios. It helped me realise how important it is to develop innovative investment strategies
especially when there are so many stocks to choose from.

In conclusion, these factors are not isolated but work in tandem. By unleashing my creativity,
doing more in-depth research and being more innovative, I’ve learnt that I can achieve
remarkable outcomes as a student.

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