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9 клас
One day last summer, I was lying in my hammock, drinking a beer and relaxing.
I was starting to nod off, when I heard a quiet "ahem".
I opened my eyes and spotted my young neighbor, Jeremy, who had just started
the 6th grade a couple weeks earlier.
"Hey, Mr. Deckers", he said. "Taking a nap, huh?"
I congratulated the lad on his keen powers of observation, although I wished he
had a better sense of timing.
"What services may I bestow upon you, young Jeremy?" I inquired.
"What do you want?"
"I need some advice. Mrs. Deckers said you were pathetic with girls when you
were my age".
"Oh she did, did she?"
"Yeah. She said you were pretty hopeless until you met her. I figured that if you
were as dorky as she said, but you still got married, you must have done something
right. So I thought you were probably the best person to help me".
I couldn't fault the little blighter for his logic, but felt I should have a word with
Mrs. Deckers later.
"So what do you need?"
"I need some help with a love letter. I'm trying to get Susie Capstone to like me".
He held out a neatly folded piece of paper. I looked it over and immediately identified
his problem. It looked like what I would have written when I was his age: "Dear
Susie, I like you. Do you like me? Sincerely, Jeremy".
I turned it over. "Where's the rest of it?"
"That's it. It's short and to the point".
"It needs serious help. It needs the delicate touch of a marketer".
I grabbed a pen from my pencase we writers are always prepared — and started
scribbling notes on his paper.
"First you need a U.S.P."
"What's that?"
"Universal Selling Proposition. It's what sets you apart from your competitors".
"Му what?"
"Your competitors. Let me ask you this, is Susie pretty?"
"Yeah, I guess".
"Do other boys like her too?"
"Yes, lad, say yes. Speak clearly. Now, these other boys are your competitors.
Your U.S.P. tells Susie why she should pick you over them". I scribbled a few more
"Now what about an Attention Getter and Benefit Statement?"
Jeremy's glazed look told me he had no clue what this was.
"What's one positive thing that Susie would get by choosing you?"
"I have my own bike. It's a ten speed".
"Good, but that's a feature. A benefit is what she gets. So how does your
bike I help her?"
"I could give her a ride somewhere".
"Excellent". I scribbled a few more notes. "Now we need a call to action,
something for her to do. Research shows that giving a respondent a call to action
increases your response rate".
Jeremy could only nod silently. I wrote down one last thing:
"What do you think of this? "
"Dearest Susie, You have captivated my heart with your eyes that sparkle like
dew on a red rose in the early dawn. Come be my love and we can fly anywhere your
heart desires. If you will be mine, please respond with a resounding yes, and pass this
note back to Gretchen. I yearn for you, Jeremy"'.
He looked at me suspiciously. "Are you sure about this?"
"Is this how you got Mrs. Deckers?"
"No, that's a whole different story. Now rewrite this in your own handwriting
and give it to Susie".
Jeremy still looked unsure, so I started, to launch into a lecture about the
importance of word of mouth marketing when he said he heard his mother calling and
ran off.
A few days later, Jeremy interrupted another nap.
"So what was the final return?" I asked. "Did it work?"
"Well, yes and no. No, Susie is already going with Tyler Marlowe and he nearly
beat me up".
I started to offer my condolences, but he held up his hand.
"But", he continued, "she showed it to her friends, and now three girls like me".
"Wow, Referral Marketing. That's really great. I'll bet you're pretty excited about
that, huh?"
Jeremy whipped out a pair of sunglasses and stuck them on his face. "You bet.
Now I want to create a few different versions of the letter so I can start testing them
on different markets. I figure I can improve my customer retention rate by 20%. if I
pump up the copy and leverage my brand buzz in other schools. Do you know any
good freelance copywriters?"
I think I've created a monster.

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to a text. After listening
look at the questions 1—10, decide, which of them are true (T) and which are false
(F) according to the text you have heard and mark the letter you have chosen by
encircling it.

Remember that you are not allowed to take any notes while the text is being read
out to you.

1. The story may be taking place during holidays. T F

2. The boy must have had a heart disease. T F
3. The author was very popular with girls when a boy. T F
4. Mr. Decker's wife did not have a very positive opinion about T F
her husband.
5. The boy's letter seemed to be very laconic. T F
6. The author suggested some marketing strategies. T F
7. The boy knew how to write love notes really well. T F
8. Mr. Deckers did not attract his wife by writing love letters. T F
9. Jeremy got what he initially wanted. T F
10.The boy turned out to be much smarter than expected. T F

Directions: in this part of the section you will listen to the text for the second
time. After listening look at the questions 11-20, decide, which of the given answers
(А, В, С or D) best corresponds to what was stated or implied in the text you have
heard and mark your answer by encircling the letter of your choice.
Remember that you are not allowed to take any notes while the text is being read
out to you.

11. When Mr. Deckers is telling the story, Jeremy is most probably the student
a) the fifth grade;
b) the sixth grade;
c) the seventh grade;
d) the eighth grade.
12. Jeremy asked Mr. Deckers for help because the latter long ago had been:
a) an expert about girls;
b) absolutely unaware how to deal with girls;
c) married to Jeremy's mother;
d) a well-known writer.
13. Jeremy had a wish:
a) to have someone fall in love with
b). to have love with somebody;
c) to fall in love with somebody;
d) to fail in love with somebody.
14. What was wrong with Jeremy's letter is that it was:
a) too brief;
b) too emotional;
c) too extended;
d) too unusual.
15. It can be inferred that in his hammock the author kept something like:
a) a bureau;
b) a pencil-case;
c) a notebook;
d) a briefcase.
16. The author suggested making Jeremy somewhat:
a) outrageous;
b) outspoken;
c) outstanding;
d) outlaw.
17. The benefit that Jeremy could offer his girl was more of:
a) giving advice;
b) giving a bike;
c) giving a lift;
d) giving a light.
18. As a result Jeremy:
a) got beaten;
b) got the girl he had been longing for;
c) got his expectations tripled;
d) got to develop a different plan.
19. The author must have been:
a) sorry about what he'd done;
b) proud for Jeremy;
c) looking for a different market;
d) eager to help Jeremy more.
20. At the end, Jeremy wanted to find some:
a) copyrights;
b) advertising writers;
c) copiers;
d) free people who write on human rights.
Reading Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students
Read through the text. Decide if each of the 5 statements is true or false and
mark one.
Text 1
The Gyrfalcon
One of Scotland’s rarest visitors, a white gyrfalcon, flew in recently. However,
it did not fly in under its own wing power. The gyrfalcon travelled to Aberdeen
airport by helicopter.
Two days ago the gyrfalcon, whose natural home is in Greenland or Canadian
Arctic, landed exhausted on the oil rig “Ocean Rover”, almost 140 miles off
Aberdeen. The crew thought it was an osprey, and fed it five pounds of trout while it
was waiting for its flight to the mainland. It was not until it arrived in Aberdeen that
zoo manager George Leslie and head keeper John Buchan identified it.
Underwater engineer Bob Baxter, 24, from Ellon, Aberdeenshire, who helped
to trap the gyrfalcon on the rig, returned on the same flight. He said: “The bird was
exhausted when it landed on the rig, and we had no trouble catching it. It was herded
into the television room, then we turned a cardboard box on its side and the bird just
walked into it.”
Mr Leslie said: “The bird is still exhausted, but we will take it to the zoo and
nurse it back to health, then release it in Orkney or Shetland.”
Gyrfalcon – кречет; osprey – скопа (хижий птах родини скопових)

1. Gyrfalcons are typically found in Greenland and Canadian Arctic.

2. The bird landed on the oil rig.
3. The crew fed the bird.
4. The crew had difficulty in catching the bird because it was exhausted.
5. It will be kept at the zoo.
Text 2
Read through the text and choose one answer for each question. Mark the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Sleep well!
Some people who have difficulties in sleeping automatically turn to sleeping
pills. But before even thinking about them, it’s a good idea to try and prepare yourself
for sleep. Here’s some advice.
Before going to sleep, don’t discuss exciting problems, quarrel with your
family or watch a murder mystery on TV. Sleep can be completely destroyed by too
much excitement or worry. Also exercise before sleep is not a good idea. You can
open the door to let out your dog, but don’t take him for a long walk.
The old advice to read in bed before sleep has now changed into a new one: be
careful what you read before sleep. An interesting detective story can keep you awake
till the morning comes. It’s better to count sheep, or listen to the news on the radio –
many people find it more effective than any sleeping pill!

6. How do some people deal with their sleeplessness?

A They count sheep.
B They take pills.
C They go for a walk.
D They invite guests.
7. What sleep killer is NOT mentioned in the text?
A Murder mystery.
B Physical exercise.
C Long walks before going to bed.
D Drinking too much coffee.
8. How has the old advice ‘to read in bed before sleep’ changed?
A Be careful about what you read.
B Be excited about what you read.
C Read scary stories.
D Read detective stories.
9. Before going to sleep _____.
A quarrel with your family
B don’t listen to the radio
C don’t read an interesting detective story
D go for a long walk with your dog
10. What is more effective than any sleeping pill?
A Listening to cheerful music.
B Listening to the news.
C Playing exciting games.
D Watching horror movies.

Text 3
Read through the text and choose one answer for each question. Mark the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Food, dangerous food

Tired? Want something to drink?
Get a Coke or another fizzy drink and feel the effect on your mind and body.
We all do it, but for many English school kids, this is breakfast. More than
50,000 children who are 8-10 years old don’t eat anything in the morning and come
to school tired, empty and irritable. And what are the hopes for healthy eating at
school? Many schools now have a canteen where kids have a choice. And so they
decide to take pizza and chips instead of salad and fish. When you are young, you
think you will never die and don’t care about ‘adult’ problems like obesity (being
extremely fat) and heart disease. The Heart Foundation has just started a campaign to
show that bad eating habits from our childhood are often the most important causes of
heart problems when we are older.
Modern eating habits are very destructive. Today’s children are in more danger
of heart diseases and some forms of cancer than their parents and grandparents. They
also have to decide which food to choose, genetically modified or organic. In Britain
today, the second option is becoming more and more popular.
So where do we start if we want to eat in a healthy way? First, we should eat
normally but do a lot of physical exercises. It is very hard to keep to a diet, and it’s all
too easy to start getting fat again. The best idea is to exercise it the morning and not
to eat snacks, especially late at night!
Second, if you eat meat, chicken and fish are much better than red meat. They
are good for your body and mind, too.
Third, we should remember that fizzy drinks, tea and coffee are all ‘diuretics’,
which means that they take water away from the body. Fizzy drinks also reduce the
amount of healthy substances which the body can take from food. So if you suffer
from headaches or a general lack of energy, try putting away all those drinks and
having lots of water instead. Sometimes your skin gets clearer and your eyes start
shining – so healthy lifestyle means prettier looks, too.

11. What do more than 50,000 children in Britain do?

A Eat red meat.
B Get a Coke for breakfast.
C Don’t eat anything at school.
D Drink a lot of water.
12. Why is eating in school canteen unhealthy?
A Only fast food is sold there.
B There is no information which food is good.
C Children can choose what they want to eat.
D Food is cooked improperly.
13. Why did the Heart Foundation start a campaign?
A To show the problems of old age.
B To show the consequences of the children’s behavior.
C To show the importance of physical training.
D To show the consequences of the bad eating habits from the childhood.
14. If we want to eat in a healthy way, we should _____.
A change all our eating habits
B go on a diet
C stop drinking coffee
D give up snacks
15. For people who eat meat, it is best to _____ .
A eat nothing but meat
B eat only certain kind of meat
C choose red meat
D do some exercise
Writing Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students

Choose one of the three suggested topics and comment on it.

1. Imagine you have just come back from your beach holiday and have
found a blog about holiday destinations. Write a message to post on the blog
describing the place you visited.

2. The magazine “Psychology” has invited its readers to write about

unpleasant experiences. Write a text to be published in the magazine describing your
worst day at school.

3. Imagine that your American friend, Nick, uses his mobile phone very
frequently. Send him an e-mail message and give him tips about how he should use
his mobile phone to avoid health problems. Do NOT use your real name.
Speaking Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students

Students should select a topic, take a short time to prepare and then present an unmemorized speech
which fully covers all aspects of the topic.

1. Having a helpful and supportive family is a great privilege nowadays. Which

of the members of your family do you appreciate most and why?
2. Do you agree with the statement “Traveling broadens your mind”? What places
would you like to visit?
3. A good book is a good friend. Do you think that book characters are good
examples for you to follow?
4. The role of TV in modern society. What is your favourite TV programme?
5. What is the dearest place on the Earth for you? How would you present your
home town?
6. Everyone should know a foreign language. Do you agree with it?
7. Your English friend is going to come to Ukraine. What places are worth
visiting in your country?
8. If you are asked to make a list of the most outstanding Ukrainians, what names
will you include in it?
9. Sport unites people and makes them good friends. What do you personally do
to keep fit?
10. Some people want apartments, while others want private homes. What about
11. What English-speaking country would you choose for visiting if you had a
chance? Why?
12. They say ”Good health is a great blessing.” What is your opinion?
13. Many young people feel closer to their friends than to their families. Why?
What about you?
14. If you went on a very short tour to London, what places of interest would you
like to see?
15. Speak about your school traditions. Are you proud of your school? Which of
the school subjects will be the most useful in your future career?
16. Talk about hobbies which are popular with children and adults. Which hobbies
are the most expensive? Which hobbies are the cheapest? Which hobbies cost nothing
at all?
17. People should keep up the traditions of their nation. Do you consider traditions
to be important in your family?
18. It is not easy to choose an occupation for the whole lifetime. Have you made
up your choice about your future career?
19. We need to beautify our land instead of destroying it. Are you environment
20. You were told to make a report about your favourite British writer.

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