Global and Multicultural Literacy 1

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Macaraeg, Arabela D.
Magtibay, Therisse Joy B.
What is Global
Global Literacy aims to address issues of
globalization, racism, diversity and social
justice (Guo, 2014). It requires awareness and
action, consistent with a broad understanding
of humanity, the planet, and the impact of
human decision on both.
According to the Ontario Ministry of
Education (2015) A global
citizen should display most or all of the
following characteristics:

1. Respect for humans no matter their race, gender,

religion or political perspectives.
2. Respect for diversity and various perspectives.
3. Promoting sustainable patterns of living,
consumption, and production.
4. Appreciate the natural world and demonstrate
respectful towards the rights of all living things.
refers to the skills involved

Multicultural when uncovering bias in

regards to culture, as well as

Literacy the ability to take different

perspectives to gain a more
humane perspective.
Why is multicultural literacy
Enabling students to gain a better understanding of both their own culture and the
cultures of others.
Students may develop greater cognitive skills
It promotes cultural sensitivity.
Increased students’ awareness of the various social practices, values and belief
systems of other cultures.
It promotes empathy and unity
It promotes cross-cultural friendship
Helps students look critically at the world
Encourages identity formation
Why is there a need for us to study
multicultural and global literacy?
Making small changes within the classrooms, can create
big changes globally (Boutte, 2008).
A need to develop deeper understanding of others and
appreciation of different cultures (Banks, 2003).
In order for students to develop these attitudes and skills,
it requires basic knowledge prior to teaching students how
to question assumptions about cultural knowledge and how
to critique and critically think about these important
cultural issues.
Why is there a need for us to study
multicultural and global literacy?
brings attention to diversity, equity and social justice
to foster cultural awareness
education for multicultural literacy should help
students to develop the 21st century skills and attitudes
that are needed to become active citizens who will
work towards achieving social justice within our
How are Multicultural and
Global Literacy Interconnected?
Every classroom contains students of different race,
religion, and cultural groups. Students embrace
diverse behaviors, cultural values, patterns of
practice, and communication. Yet they all share one
commonality: their educational opportunity.
Thank you for

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