Beacon Principal Ad

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Lashibi-Comm.19, Tema- Ghana


About Us
We classify ourselves as one of Ghana’s foremost providers of international education
programs. Accredited by the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), our
school provides quality education for three key stages of every child's development namely the
Early Years stage, Primary and Secondary. In every respect, our expectations of our students
and ourselves as educationists are very high. We are focused on helping our students attain
the highest levels of social behaviour, learning, achievement, personal development, and well-
being. By providing children with a broad and balanced learning experience, our significant
work makes a difference to children, young people, their families, and communities. Our
academic staff are expert classroom practitioners who are able to enthuse their students and
draw the finest qualities out of them.

The Role
The Principal would aspire to reach the highest standards for the school by ensuring that the
quality of teaching and learning is outstanding and drives the school as a world class
institution, which prepares students to compete with counterparts world- wide.

The Primary Objectives of the Role:

To take a strategic overview of the school, and work with the staff and governing body to
further develop the school in line with the School Development Plan
To provide academic vision, strong leadership, and direction.
To ensure that improving learning is the basis for all decisions.
To raise further the standards of teaching, learning and achievement.

At the Strategic level the Principal will :

To take a strategic overview of the school, and work with the staff and governing body to
Effectively lead and manage teaching and learning, demonstrating inspirational and
outstanding teaching skills
Promote a positive ethos of excellence, and high expectations for all students.
Design and implement a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on students’ skills,
knowledge and understanding year on year
Evaluate School performance, both educational and operational, and identify priorities for
continuous improvement.
Engage the School community in the systematic and rigorous self-evaluation of the work of
the School, to ensure that effective School self-evaluation informs School development
Deploy resources to maximize teaching and learning.
Create a safe and productive learning environment which is engaging and fulfilling for
students and also makes the best use of 21st century skills, technology, data and
Work effectively with the school's governing body, staff, parents to improve learning and
maintain standards of achievement.
Lead learning and teaching responsibility for raising the quality of teaching and learning
and for pupils’ achievements within a successful learning culture.

These will be operationalized as specified in the following details:

Ensure standards in students’ achievement and examination results meet international
Ensure that vision, principles and practices of effective teaching and learning are shared,
articulated, understood, and demonstrated by staff and students.
Ensure students develop study skills to increase independence.
Access, analyse, interpret, and respond to data and information to set challenging targets
to improve standards and achievement in all aspects of learning.
Organise and manage staff performance.
Set termly timetables for monitoring and evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning.
Organise pupil progress review meetings to track the attainment and progress of all
Lead and deliver continuous professional development for staff

Managing the Organisation:

Establish and sustain appropriate structures and systems.

Manage the school efficiently and effectively on a day-to-day basis.
Delegate management tasks and monitor their implementation.
Make professional, managerial and organisational decisions based on informed
Think creatively to anticipate and solve problems.
Lead and manage all teaching and non-teaching staff in a positive, fair and consistent
Carry out annual performance reviews in line with the Performance Cycle, ensuring
individual and collective targets are in line with the School Development Plan
Manage any conflict situation arising in a timely and effective manner.
Carry out any reasonable duties and roles as required by the Governing Body
The Successful Candidate must:
Be an outstanding classroom practitioner
Have international educational experience with a strong international outlook for what
comprises the best education for the students in the school.
Be a visionary leader who can articulate his/her vision to drive the school’s development
Demonstrate enthusiasm for a holistic approach to education in which the emotional and
physical aspects of student development of our students are met.
Possess the leadership and management skills necessary to direct and motivate a
forward-looking international educational institution.
Demonstrate understanding of how students learn.
Demonstrate the principles and practice of effective teaching and learning.


Age Range: 40 – 49 yrs


A recent CV
Copies of Educational Qualifications
Summary list of Professional Trainings obtained •
A two (2) page Evaluative Response document (this should be the applicant’s own
assessment on how he/she is suitable for the position). The responses should address
suitability of: Education and Qualification, Job Knowledge, Competencies and skills, and


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday January 31,2024@23:59pm

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