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The ancestries presented below are balanced to 4 points of positive abilities.

■ Change Appearance (+3): As an action, changelings can alter physical features
to appear as another humanoid form up to one Size larger or smaller but cannot
alter their clothing or gear. This ability does not have a limited duration. The
change of appearance grants changelings a +4 to Performance rolls when
attempting to impersonate another individual they’ve observed. If killed, they
automatically return to their natural form.
■ Changeling Instincts (+2): Changelings are socially and psychologically
intuitive due to their adoption and understanding of different personas. They
add +1 to Intimidation and Persuasion rolls.
■ Outsider (−1): Changelings have the Outsider (Minor) Hindrance. If identified
as a changeling, they have −1 to Persuasion as other races tend to distrust them,
but their changeling instincts still give them some advantage.

■ Darkvision (+1): Dwarven eyes are accustomed to the dark of the underearth.
They can see in Pitch Darkness up to 10” (20 yards), ignoring all Illumination
penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers.
■ Reduced Pace (−1): Dwarves have short legs compared to human-sized
ancestries. Decrease their Pace by 1 and their running die one die type.
■ Stonecunning (+1): Generations of delving into the depths of the Mror Holds
has taught the Dwarves how to identify unusual stonework, granting them the
Stonecunning Edge.
■ Tough (+3): Dwarves are genetically stout and tough. They start with a d6 in
Vigor instead of a d4. This increases their maximum Vigor to d12+1. They also
have a +1 bonus to resist poisons, powers, and supernatural abilities that behave
similarly to powers.

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