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Educator Curriculum
Fall 2022
Table of Contents
Program Description:____________________________________________________________2
General Schedule_______________________________________________________________3
Prep for the Day________________________________________________________________4
HILL  STREAM_____________________________________________________________________________9
RETENTION POND__________________________________________________________________________14
Appendix I: The Landforms Science Unit____________________________________________20
Appendix II: Next Generation Science Standards_____________________________________21
Science and Engineering Practices_____________________________________________________________21
Crosscutting Concepts_______________________________________________________________________22
Disciplinary Core Ideas______________________________________________________________________23
Engineering Design_________________________________________________________________________24
NGSS Performance Expectations_______________________________________________________________25
Program Materials and Equipment _______________________________________________27
Program Description:
What Teachers read on our Website:
In this field program, students actively engage in the engineering design process to tackle stormwater engineering
problems. Students will use models of the landscape to identify stormwater problems, research the innovative work that
engineers did around the treatment plant and then return to their models to test possible solutions. This program is
designed for classes that are studying erosion, deposition, stormwater, and environmental engineering.
During the day, students will use an Engineering Design Process to:
 Define a stormwater problem using a model in the lab.
 Investigate the design of Brightwater’s streams, ponds, and wetlands to gather data that will help them develop
a solution for their stormwater problem.
 Apply their knowledge back in the lab to design solutions, test them in their models, and optimize their designs.
As a result of this program, students will be able to:
 Explain how an Engineering Design Process can help them develop solutions to problems.
 Make connections between a stormwater model and stormwater in the real world.
 Gather and record data on data tables and maps.
 Recognize ways that engineers build features to slow down water and reduce erosion.
 Design and defend a solution to an engineering problem using their observations and data;
 Understand the effects of human decisions on the land, both positive and negative.
 Understand the effects of fast-moving water, erosion, and flooding on living things and property;
 Identify the ways they could positively affect stormwater systems in their own communities.
(Please note: This program DOES NOT include a treatment plant tour.)


Students will leave the program with the capacity to:
 Identify how what they have learned during the program connects to their personal experiences, prior content
knowledge, and community.
Ask students to relate their experiences with engineering and water, connect the program to the landforms unit, and use stormwater
examples (when possible) from their local community.
 Recognize their use of NGSS practice(s) and/or crosscutting concepts.
Making our use of NGSS practices and the concept of Structure and Function explicit during the program.
 Describe how stormwater is affected by other parts of an urban system.
Students are examining this in each location they visit during the field study.
 Analyze a variety of solutions people have engineered to solve the problem of too much stormwater in an urban
Students should be doing this at each location and as a part of designing their stormwater solution.

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General Schedule
Although there are 3 sites, groups will only visit 2 during the day. Before the day begins, look to the table below and
decide where each group is going.

9:00 Educators Arrive and Set up Classrooms

10:00 School Arrives
Split into Field groups, Field group introductions, Split into Engineering Teams
10:05 Whole Group introduction in the Lab
Introduction to Stormwater
Stormwater Runoff Model
Intro to the Day’s Field Work
10:45 First Field Site
11:45 Lunch
12:15 Second Field Site
1:15 Conclusion in the Lab
2:00 Bus Departs
2:00 Clean Up
2:30 Post Program Debrief Discussion
3:00 Educators Depart

Flow for 4 Field Groups

First Field Site Second Field Site

Group A Hill  Stream Wetland

Class 1

Group B Pond Wetland

Group C Wetland HillStream

Class 2
Group D Wetland Pond

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Prep for the Day
Prep for each group:

- 3 soil corers
- Backpack with 1st aid kit & Radio
- Laminated journal with wet erase marker
- 1 example pack of engineering solutions
- 1 filled water bottle

Classroom Prep (see list of materials)

- 6 landform models, each including:

o Landform model
o Bucket
o 3 collection cups (“Before,” “After,” and “Redesign)
o 1 rain cup set (1 cup with holes, 1 without)
- Clipboards with student field journals.
- Document camera
- Pictures of the development of Brightwater
- Engineering materials for the end of day design
- Whiteboard easel with learning target

Detention Pond Model Setup outside along edge of rocks (x3):

- 2 streambed models with gravel and sand, wetted in advance

- 1 detention pond model
- 1 piece of piping
- 2 pitchers
- 6 filled water bottles for testing runoff on the parking lot

Models for the field:

- 3 wetland models left at the path to the wetlands.

- 1 stream velocity kit, left at the clearing before the stream.

Decisions to Make:

- Which sites will each educator visit?

- How will the introduction be split up?
- How will the conclusion be split up?
- Make a plan for resetting any models during the day so they’re ready for other groups.

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Learning Target: “I can use an engineering design process to solve a stormwater runoff problem.”
Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
 Asking Questions and Defining Problems.  Defining and Delimiting Engineering  Structure and Function
 Developing and Using Models Problems
 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations  Natural Hazards

Coming off the bus, each class is split into two field groups.


1. Introductions of field group members

2. Share with students that they will be solving an engineering problem today. Give an example of a
simple engineering problem (a sandcastle built to stop the waves, a Lego spaceship tough enough to
not break when dropped, etc.) that you’ve solved and have them discuss with a partner when they’ve
engineered something.
3. Divide field group into three “engineering teams” with an adult in charge of each. Make clear that it
will be important to pay attention to the adult in their team as the adult will have specific instructions
to lead them through.
4. The two field groups then meet back up in the lab. Have engineering groups sit together.

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In The Lab

1. As one instructor begins the program intro, the other Write ahead of time on the board:
instructor should pull chaperones outside to give quick
Learning Target: I can use an engineering
chaperone orientation. Teachers can stay in the classroom. design process to solve a stormwater
2. Orient students to the classroom, the bathroom, their runoff problem.
instructors, and their schedule for the day.
3. Before beginning the program, share an acknowledgement
Stormwater Model Investigation
of the native history of this region and land: Procedure:
4. “Today we’re going to talk and think a lot about how 1. Make sure your whole team is ready.
people are using this place, how they’ve changed it, and 2. Pour all the water into your cup.
3. Collect the runoff in the sample
what it looks like now. It’s important for us to acknowledge container until the instructor says
that the history and changes we’re talking about are really “Stop” (remaining water can empty into
recent; most of them have happened in our own lifetimes. the bucket).
4. Record observations in your journal.
This land and place that we call Brightwater was cared for 5. Save sample for later comparison.
and occupied by the Snohomish people since time
immemorial; tens of thousands of years before any
Europeans arrived. Many Snohomish people were removed Hang the Engineering Design Process
from their homelands to the Tulalip Reservation after the Poster on the white board
Treaty of Point Elliott was signed in 1855. We honor and
respect that long history and acknowledge the fact that the descendants of those people still maintain
spiritual and cultural ties to these lands and waters that we're exploring and learning about today. We
encourage all of you to learn about the pre-colonization history of your own places, whether that’s your
school, your neighborhood, or somewhere else that’s important to you.”
5. Student volunteer reads aloud the learning target: “I can use an engineering design process to solve a
stormwater runoff problem.”
6. They will be examining a stormwater problem, investigating what engineers have done here at
Brightwater to help with stormwater, and then coming up with a plan to solve the problem.
7. Underline “stormwater runoff” and “engineering design process.” Explain that you want to make sure
everyone understands these two ideas before we begin.
8. First, define storm water runoff. When a big storm happens, the water must go somewhere. Begin by
having students discuss two questions at their tables:
 Where does water in your neighborhood go when it rains?
 Students first discuss at their tables.
 If someone mentions a storm drain, pry further to see if they know where it goes after that.
 Do you have any streams, lakes, or beaches in your community where the water is likely to
end up? [you may be given this information beforehand by the Lead Educator]
 All of this water that continues to travel after it lands on the ground is defined as
stormwater runoff.

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 What problems related to water occur in your neighborhood when there’s a big storm?
Students first discuss at their tables
Have students share some of these problems.
Record these problems on the board. You’ll want to make sure that some mention of dirty
water and flooding comes up in your list of examples.
9. Engineers use an engineering design process to solve problems (share the three steps on the board).
They also use certain practices as they go through the process (point out the Science and Engineering
Practices cards). Today we will be using an engineering design process and pointing out some of these
practices as we use them to go through that process.

Stormwater Runoff Model

1. We can’t go out and test all of these problems in the real world today, so instead we’re going to use a
2. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Show the students the Stormwater Runoff model they will be using.
a. Prompt students to share what they think of when they hear the word “model“ in science class.
b. We’re going to use this model two times today. First we’ll see what problems we can find, like
the examples you all shared. At the end of the day, we’ll
get to test our engineering solutions in our models to see A similar model is used by many
if we can solve those problems. classes in several science units (you
may hear teachers refer to Land and
3. Have you worked with a model like this in your classroom?  
Water, Landforms, or Community
4. Explain that parts of the model represent the real world: Waters).
 Dirt = Land in a community.
 Aluminum foil = surfaces like sidewalks and roads that don’t absorb water
 The water we add to the model is going to represent stormwater from a big storm.
 The water that flows out is water that ends up in streams and lakes, where we have people’s
houses, salmon eggs and other animals, or a beach where families like to swim.
5. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: The students will be “carrying out an investigation” to help define the problem
that is being modeled. They will follow a procedure that they will repeat at the end of the day to test
their solution.
Explain the Investigation Procedure:
1) Make sure your whole team is ready.
2) Pour all the water into your cup.
3) Collect the runoff in the sample container.
4) When the instructor says “Stop”, pull your cup away from the drain (let the remaining water empty into the
5) Record observations in your journal.
6) Save sample for later comparison.

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6. Once everyone is clear on the procedure, send engineering teams to different stations. Make sure they
are only picking roles, not starting the model yet. When everyone is ready, start as a group.
7. Students will be collecting water in the cup labelled “Before”.
8. After they have collected their runoff, have students record their observations on Page 8 of their
9. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Define the Problem as a group (back at their seats):
 Which of the problems that we wrote up on the board earlier appeared in your model?
 Which one’s didn’t? (Erase or cross out any problems that weren’t represented by the models).
o Guide students to narrow down to two problems: (1) Too much water (flooding) and (2)
Dirty water (“stuff” in the water)
 What are our criteria for success? = What should our sample cup look like in the afternoon if we
were successful at solving these two problems?
o It helps to hold up a sample cup from one table, as well as an empty sample cup.
o (1) Too much water (flooding)  Less water
o (2) Dirty water  cleaner/clearer water
10. At the end of the day today, we are going to come back to these models to try out solutions to our
problem. But first we need to research possible solutions ….
11. Make sure to have a plan of when you will reset the models before the afternoon test. This can be
easily done during lunch.

Introduction to the Day’s Field Work

1. We’re going to research possible solutions here at Brightwater. The outside area we will be exploring
today used to be very different. There was an auto-wrecking yard, a baseball field, some muddy ditches,
and all of it was running into a Little Bear Creek across the highway. The engineers here encountered
some of the same problems you did: flooding and dirty water, which were causing problems in Little
Bear Creek for salmon and other wildlife.
2. Show Brightwater construction pictures as you share.
3. We are going to explore this engineered site to help us research possible solutions for the problems in
our models. We will visit three different areas and your teams will be carrying out investigations at
each. At the end of the day we will meet back. Each engineering team will develop a solution to add to
their model and test with the same procedure we just used.

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Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations  Developing Possible Solutions  Structure and Function
 Biogeology

Big Ideas at the Hill

1) Plants store and slow down stormwater and retain soil. This helps Teaching Considerations at the Hill
keep sediment out of streams and reduces the amount of water
 Grass on the hillside can be
moving quickly into them.
slippery, both in wet and
2) Plants also provide habitat for other creatures. dry conditions.
3) Humans can reduce runoff by planting plants and not trampling


1. Once circled up on the hill, set some boundaries. Let students free explore for several minutes, and ask
them to come back with an observation about this space.
2. Gather students and pull out the picture of what the hill used to look
How do plants help control
like. Explain to students that when they built the treatment plant,
the dug up a lot of dirt. The engineers had to figure out what to do
If students need help visualizing
with all of that dirt. why plants help control runoff
a. What would happen to this big pile of dirt in the picture if focus on the plant’s roots:
there was a big storm? 1) The roots are like tiny fingers
i. The hill would turn into a mudslide. holding onto the soil
ii. The dirt would end up in the creek or in Otter Pond. 2) Plants keep some of the water
b. They could have moved all of the dirt away in dump trucks, from getting to the soil below
but that would have been really expensive and burned a lot of (like an umbrella).
fuel. Instead, they came up with a much simpler solution. 3) The roots are also like straws
c. Demonstrate how to use a soil corer. sucking up some of the water
i. In you engineering teams, I want you to go take a soil for the plant to use.
sample, and figure out what is holding this dirt hill
ii. Hand a soil corer to an adult chaperone in each engineering team.
d. Soil coring should only take a minute or two, Don’t spend too much time on this. It should be
fairly quick for them to realize that roots are holding the soil together. You can even take your
own sample and hold it up to demonstrate the structure.
3. Following the water
a. When it rains, water falls on top of this hill. Where does it go after that? Downhill right? Let’s
follow this water on its path downhill.

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b. At the bottom of the hill ask students what the water encountered during the ride down the
hill. Most will share plants and rocks.
4. Modeling plants
a. Slowing water down is really important to stop erosion. Slower water erodes less.
b. Holding a clipboard at a 45 degree angle, pour some water on the back to show how quickly
water moves when there’s nothing blocking it.
c. Plants can be really helpful for slowing down water. To show how this works, half of us are
going to become plants, the other half will be water droplets.
i. Set some boundaries on a section of trail.
ii. Place half of the students standing as plants in the middle of the trail.
iii. The remaining students have to trickle their way towards you, navigating around the
plants to demonstrate how plants can impede the path of water.
d. We’re going to keep following this water downhill. While we’re walking, keep looking for plants
or other objects that might slow down the water on its path.
5. Walk back across the bridge to the stream site.
6. After heading down hill, the water falls into this stream, which was also engineered by humans. Now
those engineers did a lot more than grow plants here. Once the water is in the stream, they had to find
other ways to slow it down.


1. Once circled up in the clearing before the stream, pull out the picture of the stream during
2. Have students turn to Stream Map on page 4.
a. If this is the first site you’ve visited, take time to explain what a
bird’s-eye-view map is. Teaching Considerations at the
b. First, we’ll want to explore this area, and start making Stream
observations to help us understand what the engineers did  There are many sections of
here. stream to explore, encourage
c. Demonstrate to students to illustrate their stream map with a groups to spread out.
left-to-right orientation (not top-to-bottom).  Students should stay on the
d. Explain the Key to the map, and help students place trail side of the stream.
themselves on it.  Logs at the stream can be
e. Give students 5 minutes to explore the area and make as many exceptionally slippery when
detailed observations as possible. wet! Exercise caution.
3. Gather the group back together
a. Where did you find slow water? What was it near? Where did you find fast water? What was it
b. Where did you find clues that engineers did something here?
c. Tease out some ideas about the engineering elements at the stream
i. Bolts in the logs to hold them in place
ii. Rocks and logs appearing to be placed by humans
iii. Green netting to minimize erosion

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d. It seems like a lot of the engineering clues you found were also at spots where the water slowed
down. We need to figure out why the engineers went through so much trouble to slow this
stream down.
4. Have students turn to “Stream Questions” on page 5.
5. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Students will carry out an investigation in their engineering groups:
a. Pass out tools. Each team gets a large and small rock tied to a string. Make sure to emphasize
how these tools will get used (NO swinging the rocks).
b. Go through questions 1-5 with students.
i. Emphasize lowering the rocks just below the surface of the water.
ii. Make sure to differentiate between “STILL” and “RUSHING” water. They should be
picking the absolute slowest spot and the fastest spot in the stream.
2. With chaperones leading their engineering teams, groups will answer 1-5 together.


1. Gather back in the big group:

a. What differences did you observe between the two rocks?
b. Where would the small rock go if it hadn’t been tied to the string?
c. What would this stream look like if there were no structures to slow down the water?
d. How do the structures in and around this stream help with the problems of dirty water and
2. Explicitly tie the learning from the stream back to the problems identified in the morning.
a. From your kit of sample solutions, remove the rock, log, petri dish, and netting to show the
students. This afternoon you’ll be able to choose from some of these solutions we just learned
b. On our walk back, start strategizing with your engineering team on how you might use some of
these to solve the problems of dirty water and flooding.

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Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
 Developing and Using Models  Developing Possible Solutions  Structure and Function
 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations  Biogeology
 Earth Materials and Systems

Big Ideas
1) Wetlands are like big sponges; they slow the water down and hold it in place so it can soak in slowly
through the ground. This keeps water from moving
quickly into streams, which then results in less Teaching Considerations at the Wetland
erosion and less flooding.
 It is helpful to use the map to illustrate what “In
2) Water in wetlands is still, providing habitat for plants between the two ponds” means. We want
and animals that need still and shallow water. them to measure somewhere in the middle.
3) Humans can create wetlands or similar water-storing  In the Fall, students should stay out of the pond
areas by building rain gardens, restoring natural areas, even if dry. These are sensitive areas and
we want to minimize our impact.
wetland areas, and creating ponds with wetland


1. Once circled up in the wetland, set some boundaries. Let students free explore for several minutes,
and ask them to come back with an observation about this space.
2. Gather the students and pull out the picture of the wetland during construction.
a. Explain that the wetland site used to be a baseball field before they began building Brightwater.
b. It was a lot of work to build these wetlands. We have to figure why the engineers would spend
the time to put this wetland here.
3. Exploring the wetlands
a. First, we’ll want to explore this area, and start making observations to help us understand what
the engineers did here.
b. Point out their boundaries for exploration.
c. Let students know what to be looking for:
i. Where is the ground soft?
ii. Where is the ground hard?
iii. Is there anything here you find interesting?
d. Give students 5 minutes to explore the area and begin making observations.
4. Gather the group back together
a. Where did you find soft ground? Where did you find hard ground? Why do you think that is?

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b. Most students will point out that the soft ground was downhill while the hard ground was at
the top. The main idea is that water is traveling downhill and soaking into the soil.
c. We need to take a closer look at the soil of the wetland, and see if we can figure out what
happens to this water once it soaks in.


1. Have students turn to “Wetland Questions” on page 3.

2. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Students will carry out an investigation in their engineering groups:
a. Students will be taking two soil samples, one upland and one lowland, from a soft areas in the
wetland to observe where water goes under the surface.
b. Explain to students that they will be working in their engineering groups to answer questions 1
and 2.
c. Demonstrate how to use a soil corer. Hand the tool to the adult from each group, and send
them off to collect their data.
3. Gather back in the big group:
a. Allow students to share some observations they made about their soil sample. Make sure to pry
into not just what the sample looked like, but what was in it.
b. Begin directing the conversation towards the moisture of their samples
c. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Engineers shaped these wetlands into this hill to catch and slow down
some of the water. We’re going to use a model to understand how the structure of a wetland
might help with our problems of too much water and dirty water.
4. Wetland Sponge Model investigation
a. Introduce the wetland sponge model kit to the group. If conditions are too wet, this can be
done back up on the path or bridge.
b. Direct students to questions 3-4 on the Wetland Questions page of their journal.
c. Each engineering team will get to work with a wetland model. Each model has a laminated
piece of paper, a water bottle, and a sponge. The laminate represents impermeable or
compacted surfaces (like the baseball field that used to be on this site). The sponge represents
a wetland because of its ability to hold onto and filter water.
d. Show students how to add water to their models.
e. Pass the models to each engineering team and ask chaperones to help them walk through the
steps in their journals.


1. As a group, answer question number 5, “How does a wetland help with problems of dirty water or
a. They hold water for wildlife year-round so water doesn’t drain out.
b. They slow down water, decreasing erosion and flooding elsewhere.
c. The plants can catch and hold onto dirt and pollution.
2. Explicitly tie the learning from the wetland back to the problems identified in the morning.

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a. From your kit of sample solutions, remove the sponge to show the students. This afternoon
you’ll be able to choose from some of these solutions we just learned about.
b. On our walk back, start strategizing with your engineering team on how you might use some of
these to solve the problems of dirty water and flooding.

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Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
 Asking Questions and Defining Problems.  Developing Possible Solutions  Structure and Function
 Developing and Using Models  Earth Materials and Systems  Cause and Effect
 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
 Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Big Ideas
Logistical Considerations for this site
1) Surfaces where water doesn’t soak in increase 1) Part of this exploration takes place in a road.
stormwater runoff problems. Position chaperones in the middle of the road
to look out for oncoming vehicles.
2) Drains can keep an area from flooding, but move the
2) If it’s raining that day, you may not need to
problem (stormwater) elsewhere. use water bottles as the curriculum describes.
3) A retention pond is a great way to hold onto water 3) Bring a flashlight to look in the drains!
after it’s been diverted from another area. Holding
onto the water and slowing it down reduces erosion downstream. The retention pond also helps to
collect sediment.


1. Once circled up near the pond, set some boundaries. Let students free explore for several minutes, and
ask them to come back with an observation about this space
2. Circle up in the field outside the classrooms, close to the road.
3. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Have students turn to Retention Pond Map on page 6. Students will carry out an
investigation to learn about how the water moves over surfaces like roads, lawns, and parking lots at
Brightwater and how the retention helps control flooding and reduce erosion.
a. Explain to students that pavement can have a big effect on where water ends up and how clean
it is.
b. First, we’ll want to explore this area, and start making observations to help us understand what
the engineers did here.
c. Introduce students to the key.
i. They should mark dots on their maps to show where the water soaks in and arrows to
show where water travels after they pour it
ii. Provide each team water bottles and point out they can pour them on various surfaces
to investigate where water soaks in and where it moves.

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iii. Set up boundaries and safety parameters, since some of the time will be spent in the
d. While students are exploring, they’ll discover that the water runs downhill towards the storm
i. Encourage them to look in the storm drains, and see if there clues as to where it travels
next. If they can see the pipes in the storm drains, have them add them to their map,
showing which direction they take the water.
ii. One of the storm drains has a visible pipe leading towards Storm Pond.

4. Gather the group back together

a. When water couldn’t soak into the earth, where did it go?
b. After the water enters the drain, where does it go?
5. Explain that all of the water that falls on the parking lot, driveway, and roof of the building gets piped
into Storm Pond.
6. Take time to show pictures of storm pond during construction. Pipes leading out of Storm Pond lead to
Little Bear Creek across the highway.
7. After Storm Pond, the water goes through a pipe, under the highway, and into Little Bear Creek. We
need to figure out why the engineers would bother building an entire pond, instead of making these
pipes just go straight to the creek.


1. Retention Pond Models

a. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Engineers built the pipes from the storm drains to direct water into this
human-made pond called a “retention pond”. We’re going to use a model to understand how
the structure of a retention pond might help with our problems of too much water and dirty
b. Each engineering team will get to work with a set of two models. Each model has one box filled
with sand and gravel. This represents a streambed. Each model also has a piece of piping where
water is added, representing a storm drain. One of the models has a model of a retention pond
between the pipe and stream, while the other only has piping leading directly to the stream.
c. Show students how to add water to their models.
2. Students will use the questions on page 8 to guide their investigation.
3. When they get to question 4, come around to teach group and sprinkle some coffee into their pitchers.


1. Gather students back together to discuss what they discovered in their investigation.
a. In which model did you observe more erosion?
b. How did the pond change the amount of erosion in the streambed? What was happening to the
water in the pond?

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c. Why would engineers use a retention pond to collect stormwater?
i. A retention pond creates usable habitat for plants and animals.
ii. It also holds onto large amounts of water and releases it slowly, cause less erosion and
flooding downstream.
d. How would a retention pond help with our problems of dirty water and too much water?
2. Explicitly tie the learning from the pond back to the problems identified in the morning.
a. How does this help with our problems with dirty water and too much flooding?
b. From your kit of sample solutions, remove the petri dish to show the students. This afternoon
you’ll be able to choose this solution we just learned about.
c. On our walk back, start strategizing with your engineering team on how you might use some of
these to solve the problems of dirty water and flooding.

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Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
 Asking Questions and Defining Problems.  Defining and Delimiting  Structure and Function
 Developing and Using Models Engineering Problems
 Planning and Carrying Out Investigations  Developing Possible Solutions
 Constructing Explanations and Designing  Optimizing the Design Solution
Solutions  Natural Hazards
 Engaging in Argument from Evidence  Earth Materials and Systems

Learning Target: “I can use the engineering design process to solve a stormwater runoff problem.”

Stormwater Runoff Model

1. Make sure you’ve reset all of the models for the afternoon test.
2. Each group will have available the following “engineering Evaluating possible solutions is an
features” in their model to design a solution that meets the important part of the engineering
criteria for success decided on at the start of the day [ (1) less design process. As you circulate,
water and (2) cleaner water]. encourage the students to really talk
through why they are proposing
a. 2 large rocks
certain solutions. Why do they think
b. Petri dishes to be buried to create “pools” their idea would meet the criteria for
c. Shovel to alter stream channel success? See the list of engineering
d. Sponge (represents wetland) “talk moves” in Appendix for good
e. Sticks (large woody debris) questions to ask of students in their
f. Cheesecloth (represents roots and plants)
3. If time allows, let students share about what they learned at the Pond and the HillStream sites,
because some students experienced one or the other.
4. Because of “budgetary considerations” a limitation (or “constraint”) on their project is that they will only
be able to use three of the items available.
5. They will have 5 minutes at their table to brainstorm as a team which of the things they observed in
the field they feel would be most effective and choose three to test in their model (could be three
different things or three of the same thing) as their design solution.
6. One instructor is in charge of passing out features. Each group must explain to their chaperone what
features they are testing and how they are going to model the features with the items provided before
they “purchase” the items from the front of the room.
7. Students add features to their stream tables (5 min). Where could they place their designs to maximize
their effectiveness?
8. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: Follow the same procedure they used to carry out an investigation at the start
of the day, this time collecting in the cup labeled “After”:
a. Make sure your whole team is ready.
b. Pour all of the water into your cup.

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c. Collect the runoff in the sample container until the instructor says “Stop” (remaining water can empty into the
d. Record observations in your journal.
9. Groups compare their runoff from the engineered model to that of unaltered model from the morning
and record results on page 9 of their journal.

Stormwater Model Redesign

1. Gather the group’s attention, having students stay at their models.
2. Check on the Criteria for Success: How many groups had less water? How many groups had cleaner
water? How many groups had both? How many groups had neither?
3. Pointing to the Engineering Design Process, note that it’s a circular process:
a. It’s ok if we didn’t meet our criteria for success. Engineers don’t always get something perfect
on the first try. Luckily, we have this engineering design process to guide our thinking and help
us redesign our solutions to see if we can improve our results.
b. Did anybody find any problems with their models? Maybe you identified new problems, so
we’re going to research possible solutions by learning from other engineering teams.
4. PRACTICE HIGHLIGHT: 2 Stay 2 Stray activity
a. Half of each engineering team will be experts. They will stay at their station, and explain their
solutions to visiting teams, making sure to use specific evidence to argue for what worked or
didn’t work.
b. Half of the engineering team will act as researchers, visiting other tables to see what solutions
other groups came up with. Hand the researchers a small card with some sentence stems to
help them gather information.
c. Allow 1-2 rotations depending on time.
5. Using evidence from your own investigation, along with anything you learned at other engineering
teams, take 5 minutes to come up to us and trade out any items you need to redesign your model.
6. After passing out new collection cups, have students carry out a 3rd and final test of their model.

Final Wrap-Up
1. Remind students about the problems they identified in the morning
2. We’ve spent most of our day thinking about stormwater here at Brightwater. I’m curious are there any
stormwater problems that you notice at your school?
3. After hearing a few examples, decide one for the class to work on.
a. Have you learned any solutions today that could help with this stormwater problem at your
b. Have students discuss at their tables.
4. If a class has signed up for a post lesson, let them know that several IslandWood educators will be
coming to visit them, and they’ll get to dig into a stormwater problem at their school.

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5. Thank students and chaperones for joining us, and help the teacher get students ready to head back to
the bus.

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Appendix I: The Landforms Science Unit
The Landforms Science Unit is a FOSS kit taught to many (but not all) of the students that do this program. Teachers do
not always do every lesson in the unit. Here is a synopsis of the lessons:

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Appendix II: Next Generation Science Standards
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are made up of Performance Expectations that incorporate three
dimensions: the science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. For more in
depth information on the NGSS, visit the Equip or NSTA websites.
All three dimensions are used during the course of this program. To help educators recognize where we are using them,
the relevant dimensions are listed at the beginning of each lesson. In addition, the dimensions are color coded when
they show up in the text of the lesson. To keep it simple, full descriptions are not provided during the lesson, but below
you can find specifics for each category including where it is used. We do not list all the parts of each dimension; just
the specific bullets relevant to this lesson.
The program also supports (but does not replace), specific NGSS performance standards that should be a part of 4 th
grader’s science units in the classroom. These can be found listed at the end of this section.

Science and Engineering Practices

There are eight key “practices” that are essential to the work of scientists
and engineers. They are not used in any specific sequence, being applied
as needed to build understanding (science) or solve problems
(engineering). By reinforcing these practices and making our use of them
explicit during this program we help students see that THEY can be
engineers and to see how the practices can be applied towards building
understanding and solving problems in the real world.
In this program: the students define the problem (including criteria for
success) when using the model in the lab. They research the problem by
visiting various field sites and looking for possible solutions at each of them
and do some listing of possible solutions as they go. At the end of the day,
they return to the lab to (quickly) brainstorm and choose a solution. Then
they use their model to build and test a prototype. Finally they
communicate to the rest of the class how the solution they tested did.
Science and Engineering Practices Where it is used in our program?

Asking Questions and Defining Problems  The criteria for success (less water and
 Define a simple design problem that can be solved through cleaner water) are laid out during the
the development of an object, tool, process, or system and introduction and constraints on materials
includes several criteria for success and constraints on are added at the end of the day.
materials, time, or cost. (3-5-ETS1-1)
Developing and Using Models  The landform models are used at the
 Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict beginning of the day to better understand
phenomena. the cause of the problem.
 Develop a diagram or simple physical prototype to convey a  At the end of the day prototypes of
proposed object, tool, or process. solutions are added to the models.

Planning and Carrying Out Investigations  Students conduct (but do not design) a fair

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 Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce test investigation on their landform models
data to serve as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in and when measuring stream speed at the
which variables are controlled and the number of trials stream.
considered. (3-5-ETS1-3)  Students make observations and
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce data measurements at each of the field sites to
to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a better understand and compare the
phenomenon or test a design solution. locations. Their work with the landform
models lets them test a design solution.
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions  Each team tries only one solution out, but
 Generate and compare multiple solutions to a problem with multiple teams creating solutions they
based on how well they meet the criteria and constraints of have an opportunity to compare them.
the design problem. (3-5-ETS1-2)  Understanding of how water moves over
 Apply scientific ideas to solve design problems. (4-PS3-4) the land is applied as the students design
and place their proposed solutions.
Engaging in Argument from Evidence  Students should be doing this when they
 Respectfully provide and receive critiques from peers about are discussing possible solutions for the
a proposed procedure, explanation or model by citing groups to add to their model.
relevant evidence and posing specific questions.  After students finish testing their proposed
 Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem by solution, the have an opportunity to share
citing relevant evidence about how it meets the criteria and with others how well it met the criteria for
constraints of the problem. success.

Crosscutting Concepts
“Crosscutting concepts have value because they provide students with connections and intellectual tools that are related
across the differing areas of disciplinary content and can enrich their application of practices and their understanding of
core ideas.” — Framework p. 233
Crosscutting Concepts Where it is used in our program?

Structure and Function  This concept is used throughout the program as students
 Substructures have shapes and parts that serve look at various structures that have been built on site by
functions. engineers and figure out how their structure helps serve
the function of slowing down stormwater.

Cause and Effect  At the stream and/or the retention pond students
 Cause and effect relationships are routinely discuss the effect of too much stormwater on stream
identified, tested, and used to explain change. speed and erosion. Cause and effect is also a part of
(4-ESS2-1) thinking about what solutions do and which will work in
their model.

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Disciplinary Core Ideas
The Disciplinary Core Ideas we are teaching most clearly in this lesson are the ones related directly to engineering
(ETS1.A-C). See the “3-5 Engineering Design” section below for more information about the Engineering Design Process.
The remaining core ideas listed below are used during the lesson but only briefly. They are not taught in a deep way.
Disciplinary Core Ideas Where it is used in our program?

ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering  Students Define the problem through discussions
Problems and observations of their models at the
 Possible solutions to a problem are limited by available materials beginning of the program. They add a bit more
and resources (constraints). The success of a designed solution is to their understanding of the problem at the
determined by considering the desired features of a solution
stream and bring in constraints (on amount of
(criteria). (3-5-ETS1-1)
materials to use) when designing their solution.
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions  Research is occurring as the students look at
 Research on a problem should be carried out before beginning to possible solutions at each site they visit. They
design a solution. Testing a solution involves investigating how test their solutions in their models (but do not
well it performs under a range of likely conditions. (3-5-ETS1-2)
test a range of possible solutions).
 At whatever stage, communicating with peers about proposed
solutions is an important part of the design process, and shared
 Student teams should be discussing pros and
ideas can lead to improved designs. (3-5-ETS1-2) cons of possible solutions before they decide on
what they want to model.
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution  Student sharing about how their solutions did at
Different solutions need to be tested in order to determine which of the end of the program is an opportunity to
them best solves the problem, given the criteria and the constraints.
compare how well various solutions met the
critieria. If they have time to improve their
solutions they are putting the idea into action.
ESS3.B: Natural Hazards  This comes up at the start of the program:
A variety of hazards result from natural processes (e.g., Floods are a natural hazard that we make worse
earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions). Humans cannot
in an urban setting. When possible we connect it
eliminate the hazards but can take steps to reduce their impacts. (4-
ESS3-2) to flooding in the student’s own communities.

ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems  The landforms unit spends a lot of time with this
Rainfall helps to shape the land and affects the types of living things core idea. We reinforce it when we are talking
found in a region. Water, ice, wind, living organisms, and gravity about stormwater and the resulting fast water
break rocks, soils, and sediments into smaller particles and move
them around. (4-ESS2-1) affecting the land and causing erosion. It also
relates to sediments being carried by the water.
ESS2.E: Biogeology  At the hill, we talk about how the roots of plants
Living things affect the physical characteristics of their regions. (4- help keep soil from being washed away. At the
ESS2-1) wetland, plants are helping filter the water and
make it cleaner. This idea can also be applied to
humans and our effects on increasing and
decreasing stormwater problems.

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Engineering Design
The Engineering Design Process is the focus of the Disciplinary
Core Ideas that focus on engineering (ETS1.A-C). It overlaps with
specific Engineering Practices designed to reflect the skills
engineers use as a part of engineering.
The Engineering Design Process is integral to this unit as students
define the stormwater runoff problem they are trying to solve,
look at examples around the Brightwater Campus to research
possible solutions, model and develop their solutions as they
explore their options, and then have a conversation at the end on
how they might optimize a final solution.

In K–2, students learn that situations people wish to change can

be defined as problems than can be solved or goals that can be
achieved through engineering design. 3rd-5th graders are expected
to engage in engineering in ways that are both more systematic and creative. The rest of this section describes the
expectations of what 3-5 graders do with Engineering Design.
Engineering design can be thought of as three phases. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the process of
design does not necessarily follow in that order, as students might think of a new solution during the testing phase, or
even re-define the problem to better meet the original need. Nonetheless, they should develop their capabilities in all
three phases of the engineering design process.
Defining the problem in this grade range involves the additional step of specifying criteria and constraints. Criteria are
requirements for a successful solution and usually specify the function that a design is expected to perform and qualities
that would make it possible to choose one design over another. Constraints are the limitations that must be taken into
account when creating the designed solution. In the classroom constraints are often the materials that are available and
the amount of time students have to work.
Developing possible solutions at this level involves the discipline of generating several alternative solutions and
comparing them systematically to see which best meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Improving designs involves building and testing models or prototypes using controlled experiments or “fair tests” in
which only one variable is changed from trial to trial while all other variables are kept the same. This is the same practice
as in science inquiry, except the goal is to achieve the best possible design rather than to answer a question about the
natural world. The broader message is that “failure” is an essential and even desirable part of the design process, as it
points the way to better solutions.
Engineering Design Vocabulary
 Constraint: a limitation to a possible solution, often related to materials and resources
 Criteria for success: desired features of a solution
 Engineering (design process): engagement in a systematic practice of design to achieve solutions to particular
human problems

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 Optimize: test solutions in order to determine which of them best solves the problem, given the criteria and the
 Solution: a way (object, tool, process, or system) to address or solve a problem; in engineering, solutions take
into account constraints and criteria for success
* Definition based on NGSS – 3-5 ETS-1 Engineering Design, NGSS APPENDIX G – Crosscutting Concepts, or NGSS APPENDIX I –
Engineering Design in the NGSS.

Engineering Design “Talk Moves”

These questions may be used to guide students’ thinking as they work through different aspects of the Engineering
Design Process. Adapted from Kirk Robbins, .

Goal Talk Moves

Initiating Engineering Talk Can you tell me about your design?
What are you working on?
Do you think this will solve the problem?
How did you arrive at this design?
Maintaining focus on the What is the problem we are trying to solve?
Problem What are the criteria (goals)?
What are our constraints (limits)?
Examining Materials and What will you use for __________?
Tools What materials did you pick? Why?
Maintaining Stamina & How could you make this even better?
Sticking with an Idea If you kept working, what would you do next?
What might you change about this design?
Did you fail or did the design fail?
Uncovering Scientific Why do you think that might work?
Thinking What science ideas did you use to figure that out?
How are you using science to solve this problem?
Increasing Effective How did your group decide on this?
Collaboration Have you heard from everyone in your group?
What could you do to work together more successfully?
Does everyone agree with this idea?
Making Sense of Testing What did you notice when you tested this?
What happened when you tested your design?
What did you do to make sure it was a fair test?
What specifically didn’t work?
Considering Trade Offs What do you think is the most important criteria?
What tradeoffs might you need to make?
Pushing for Optimization How could you make this even better?
What do you need in order to improve your design?
What ideas could you borrow to make your design even better?
NGSS Performance Expectations
The following Next Generation Science Standards are supported by this lesson. This lesson reinforces the material in
these standards but does not replace the need for them to be learned and practiced more deeply in a larger curriculum.

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Students who demonstrate understanding can…
3-5-ETS1-1. Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for
success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely
to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
3-5-ETS1-3. Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to
identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.
4-ESS3-2. Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of natural Earth processes on
humans. [Clarification Statement: Examples of solutions could include designing an earthquake resistant building and
improving monitoring of volcanic activity.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to earthquakes, floods, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions.]

4-ESS2-1. Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the
rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation. [Clarification Statement: Examples of variables to test could
include angle of slope in the downhill movement of water, amount of vegetation, speed of wind, relative rate of deposition,
cycles of freezing and thawing of water, cycles of heating and cooling, and volume of water flow.] [Assessment Boundary:
Assessment is limited to a single form of weathering or erosion.]

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Program Materials and Equipment

Instructor backpack with the following:

 Soil Corer x 3
 Kit with engineering solution samples
 First aid kit
 Pencil box with extra pencils

Setup in classroom:

 Landforms student journals

 Clipboards
 Pencils
 Stream tables x 6
 Nalgene bottles x 6

For the field:

 Detention pond kit x3

 Flashlight for storm drains
 Stream velocity kit
 Wetland sponge demo kit x3

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