Andiswa POLS101

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Name: Andiswa

Surname: Mhlongo

Student number: 223068538

Module name: Political Sciences

Module code: POLS101

Date: 26/04/2023

Politics is such a complicated topic with a lot of content that raises conflicts as well as debates on
what is right and wrong. Looking into the systems under the government, regimes and political
systems which contain a lot on exactly how politics go about and how the systems of politics function
to create a conducive state creating a clear typology in relation to the study of understanding the
major regimes of the modern world, one may hold a very sensible debate as to what is right and
what’s not and also look into how to go about differentiating on these interesting topic.

Difference between Government, Political systems and Regimes.

To begin with, there is such a close relationship between government, political systems, and regimes
and without proper research one may even argue that there is no difference between these three of
which would be just fable thinking. According to Heywood(2013), government is the institutional
processes through which collective and usual binding decisions are made while the political system is
a network of relationships through which government generates policies in response to demands or
support from general public, regimes on the other hand, regime is a system of rule that carry on
regardless the fact that government come and go and it can only be changed by military intervention
or revolution. So, you see there is a difference among them as they all work under their own system
that is made just suitable for their method of action. For example, in South Africa there is a
government with three branches on which includes the legislature with the Parliament having the
power to make laws for the country, in accordance with the constitution and the it also runs under a
democracy which is a political system on which South Africa is a parliamentary representative
democratic republic where there is a president of South Africa elected by parliament is the head of
government and lastly in the Nazi rea in Germany whereby Adolf Hitler uses his political power via
violence to colonise over countries or states. So, in all, there are deeper lens in describing the
differences between these three distinctive features of politics.

Three worlds’ typologies.

Secondly, moving towards the three worlds’ typologies which exploring a much neutral and
ideological impartial system of classification which led to the belief that the political world could be
divided into three as the term states: a capitalist which is the first world, a communist the second
world as well as developing which is the third world in the typologies. A capitalist simply relates to a
well-developed state that view economic action as a special case of social action that needs to be
governed by institutional arrangements as (Hollingworth et al. 1994, p4 was quoted by R Derg and G
Jackson). New Zealand is a perfect example as as it does not only define as a capitalist, but it is
seemingly changing its nature of politics to become more capitalised. A communist focus more on
social equality and collective indevoured (Dreg R and G Jackson), South Africa has its most system for
the benefits of the citizens of SA for examples the social grant for the elderly, disabled and the
children under the age of 18, this ensures that even the most struggling households do not starve to
death when poverty strikes. At the 3rd level, the developing 3rd world which relates to the worlds that
are mostly under a certain of monarchy or dictatorship or rather the army. United Kingdom has a
constitutional monarchy in which Queen Elizabeth holds a limited amount of power of this English
monarchy. The three worlds typology are unfairly a good system of classification of how the kind of
world one lives in.
Major Regimes of Modern World.

Moreover, in also discussing politics, one looks at the major regimes of the modern world which are
the: western polyarchies, new democracies, East Asian Regimes, Military regimes, as well as Islamic
regimes. Under the western polyarchies, we have a system that enables citizens to be involved in
decision making processes which is basically liberal democracy with South Africa as an examples
because it holds elections when a new national leader needs to be appointed, then follows the new
democracies which is a third wave of democratization in 1974 says Heywood which referees to the
broadness of the democracy beyond human societies for example courts serving as a downstream
guarantor is from South Africa in which the National Party negotiated an extensive set of judicially
enforceable rights as a condition of turning over power to the black majority and the ANC (Ginsburg
T 2012). The East Asian regimes on the other hand are economic driven and work together as one
disciplined region because they work towards achieving the same economic goals, this is best shown
on the studies of Western migrants in South-East Asia which raises more importance and value of
work with the limited financial resources and also looking at the Indian cultures that believe in both
a democratic and theological society on which they believe that their methods of theology can help
in developing the democracy .Military regimes works under military chain of command and the
leading posts in the government are allocated on the bases of it. According to Lt M Japhet 1978,
Nigeria provides a typical example of the part tribalism and factionalism and goes some way in
explaining the violent post-independence years. There were times whereby there would be coup to
overthrow the ruling government, and lastly the Islamic regimes which focuses more on the idea of
‘theocracy’ which the combination of both beliefs and democracy, the Islamic legitimization of all
three types , looking at the Middle Eastern and other Islamic societies, Muhammad and the caliphate
and of Muslim juristic, political, literary, and philosophical theory have reinforced the notion that
Islam encompasses of that the state has religious authority are embodied in the same person
(Lapidus I M, 1996). So basically, Islamic regimes acknowledges both the importance of government
and the theology in development of its religious society.


In all, government, political systems, and regimes are classified systems describing difference
governance systems while the three worlds’ typology referees to the classified degrees that describe
the world division on mostly the economic and ideological sides. The major regimes are more
specifically on how the power is distributed in a particular state/regime and lastly the great political
scientist who argued that liberal democracy was the last form of democracy one would be exposed.
This indeed shows the broadness of politics and the excitement within it.
Reference list:

Fenger H.J.M 2007. Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences. Welfare regimes in central and
Eastern Europe: Incorporating post-communist countries in welfare regime typology.

Deeg R and Jackson G 2006. Socio-Economic Review. The state of the art: Towards a more dynamic
theory of a capitalist variety.

Heywood A 2013 The Palgrave Macmillan Politics: Fourth Edition. Chapter 12, systems, and regimes

Heywood P 1997 Political Studies. Political Corruption: Problems and Perspectives. Fourth edition.

Kamarck C 2003. Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation John Kennedy School of
Government; Government Innovation around the world

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