2019 Step Up Mock Interview Feedback Form 1

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Mock Interview Feedback Form

Students should keep this form for their records.

Please evaluate the interviewee’s interview on the following items using the scale below:

1 = Needs Improvement | 2 = Below Average | 3 = Average | 4 = Above Average

Category Score Comments

Professionalism 1
- Dressed appropriately 2
- Exhibits professional behavior 3
- Interacts respectfully

Nonverbal Communication 1
- Handshake & eye contact 2
- Facial expressions 3
- Body language and posture

Oral Communication 1
- Clear, audible speech 2
- Word choice 3
- Tone of voice
Interpersonal Skills 1
- Exhibits confidence 2
- Politeness 3

Interview Strategy 1
- Responses referenced Situations, 2
Tasks, Actions and Results (STAR) 3
- Asked questions

Responsibility 1
- Well-prepared 2
- Engaged 3

Overall Rating

Additional Comments

Interviewer Name: _____________________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________

Step Up Mock Interviews

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