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GRADE SCHOOL Angel Florence V. Villare

SY 2023-2024 4th Quarter, Week 1 (October 16-20)

Time is a special treasure, so let's learn to measure it. With every tick
and every tock, we'll grow smarter, step by step, on the clock.

At the end of the lesson,
Knowledge: I can identify the parts of the analog clock.
I can tell the time in minutes using an analog clock.
Performance: I can read and write time as shown on the clock.
Formation: I can practice the habit of coming on time.

a. notebook, pad paper, pen, whiteboard and marker,
b. PowerPoint Presentation, videos:
c. Number Smart 1 Textbook (pp.93 – 103)

Timeliness and Active Participation

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Draw the hands of the clock to show the given time.

Last time we learned about telling time by hours and today we will learn
how to tell and write time in minutes. This is a very important skill because it can
help us determine whether we’re running late or whether we have plenty of
time to spare. But what device do we use to tell time?

A clock tells us the time, which helps us to perform our activities on time.
We often encounter clocks at many places in our daily life, like in our homes,
offices, schools, shopping malls, etc. There are various types of clocks, one of
them is an analog clock.

What is an Analog Clock?

An analog clock is one of the tools

we use to tell and read time every day. It
is a device that displays the current time
using moving hands marked with hours,
minutes, and seconds.

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Short hand - The shorter hand on the clock points to the
number that tells us the hour.

Long hand - the long hand on the clock points to the

number that tells us the minute.

Let’s try this!

Geraldine and Raymond set their alarm clocks before going to bed to
avoid coming later to school. Now, draw the hands of the clock to show the
given time.

The two children sleep at 8:30 o’clock.

They wake up at 5:30


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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
They go to school at 7:30 o’clock.

Guide questions:
● Did you correctly draw the hands of the clock to show the given time?
● To what number do the clock's short and long hands point when the
two children go to sleep?
● What does the long hand tell?

A Minute Hand on a Clock

The minute hand is the long hand. We often use it to indicate the time spent
doing a short activity. For example, we use minutes to indicate the time we
spend eating breakfast or watering our plants.

There are 60 minutes in an hour so there

are 60 ticks around the edge of the clock
face to represent those minutes. The
number or tick this hand points at tells us
what minute we are in.

How to Read Time to the Minute?

● First, look at the position of the hour hand. The hour hand is the shorter of
the two hands.
● Next, we look at the number to which the minute hand points.
● Then, use skip counting by 5 to read the position of the minute hand on
the clock face. For example: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and so on.
● Finally, combine the information from the hour and minute hands.

The figure below shows the minute count corresponding to each of the 12
divisions on a clock face. What is the time on this clock? _____________

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
● In reading the time, we always read first the short hand (hour
hand), followed by reading the long hand (minute hand).
● We say o’clock if the minute hand is pointing at 12.

Let’s try this!

Example 1: What is the time on this clock?
a. 5:00
b. 12:00
c. 1:00
d. 10:00

Explanation: The time indicated on this

clock is _____. As the hour hand points to
the number 5 and the minute hand points
to 12.

Example 2: What is the time on this clock? _______

a. 8:20
b. 9:10
c. 11:25
d. 10:15

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Explanation: The time is ______. The minute hand points to 2, which indicates
10 minutes, and the hour hand points to 9.

Example 3: What is the time on this clock? _______

a. 6:00
b. 6:35
c. 7:20
d. 4:35

Let’s have more examples! Take a look at the clock below.

Example 4: What time is shown on the clock below? _________________

● The hour hand is between 10 and 11. The

minute hand is at 4.
● We skip count by 5 to determine the
minutes that have passed in that hour 4
times. Example: 5, 10, 15, 20.
● This means 20 minutes have passed after
10 o’clock. Therefore, we write this time as

Example 5: What time is shown on the clock below? ______

● The hour hand is between 12 and 1,
and the minute hand on the clock
points towards 6.
● We skip count by 5, 6 times. Example:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.
● This means that when the minute hand
points to 6, it is 30 minutes past the
current hour.

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Example 6: Tell the time as seen on the given clock. _________

● The hour hand is between 7 and 8,

and the minute hand one the clock
points at 3.
● We skip count by 5 times to
determine the minute count 3 times.
Example: 5, 10, 15.
● This means it is 15 minutes past the
current hour.

Now, some of you get confused when figuring out the time of the day
as AM and PM. How many hours do we have in 1 day? ________

The 24 hours of the day are divided into two

periods: Each period consists of 12 hours.

The 24-hour a day cycle starts at 12 midnight

(usually indicated as 12:00 am), runs through 12
noon (usually indicated as 12:00 pm), and continues just before
midnight at the end of the day. Let’s have some examples! Write the
time shown by the clock below. Identify if the time is a.m. or p.m.

It’s six thirty in the morning. Let’s go to school.

It is twelve o’clock noon. It’s time to eat lunch.

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
It is ten forty-five in the morning. I feel the heat of the sun.

It is nine thirty in the evening. It is time to go to


To summarize what you have learned, answer the following questions:

1. What do we use in telling time?



2. What do we call the hands of the clock?



3. How do we tell time?



4. Why is it important to know how to tell time?



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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
The ability to tell and write time impacts our lives
at home, at school, and in interacting with
others. It can help us catch a train, bus, or plane
on time and allow us to know if we're going to
make it to an important get-together early or

In your daily life, how does knowing the time help

you with your daily activities, like getting ready
for school or bedtime? Share a short story about
the time you used the clock to help you with something.

Christmas is fast approaching. Assume that you and

your family are spending Christmas break in Manila
and that they are planning on traveling there by

The bus will leave at 6:00 in the morning for your trip
to Manila. You want to arrive on time and avoid
being late for the bus. What are the things you will

Check (/) the things that you should do.

_____ 1. I will prepare my clothes and pack my bag before I sleep.
_____ 2. I will wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
_____ 3. I will ask my parents about the bus schedule.
_____ 4. I will put my shoes and jacket in a special place so I can find them
_____ 5. I will check our clock to see what time it is.

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
A. Write the time as shown by each clock.

1. _____________ 3.) _____________

2.) ______________ 4.) ______________

5.) ______________

Pictures taken from:

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Answers may vary.

1. 5:00/ 5 o’clock
2. 8: 30 1. /
3. 3:45 2.
4. 6:55 3. /
5. 12:50 4. /
5. /

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
Ateneo de Naga University Answer Sheet
Grade School Mathematics 2
Fourth Quarter, S/Y 2022 -2023 Ms. Angel Florence V. Villare
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
[First Name, M.I., Family Name]

LG Number______ Section ____________________ Date ___________________

FOR MODULAR LEARNERS ONLY: Write your answers below and submit it to the
respective teacher.

Draw the hands of the clock to show the given time.

To summarize what you have learned, answer the following questions:

1. What do we use in telling time?



12 | Page
MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
2. What do we call the hands of the clock?


3. How do we tell time?



4. Why is it important to know how to tell time?



The bus will leave at 6:00 in the morning for your trip to Manila. You want to
arrive on time and avoid being late for the bus. What are the things you will

Check (/) the things that you should do.

_____ 1. I will prepare my clothes and pack my bag before I sleep.
_____ 2. I will wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
_____ 3. I will ask my parents about the bus schedule.
_____ 4. I will put my shoes and jacket in a special place so I can find them

B. Write the time as shown by each clock.

1. _____________ 3.) _____________

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]
2.) ______________ 4.) ______________

5.) ______________

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MATH 3 Ignatian Learning Guide SY 2023-2024
(Gives the Place Value and Value of a Digit in 4-5 Digit Number)
[This module is exclusively for the use of ADNU GRADE SCHOOL.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this material is strictly prohibited.]

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