New Declaration (FMD) Supplier Guide

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How to

Create a New Full Material Declaration

Step 1: Log in into Bomcheck –

Step 2: Click on “Enter Data” on the

left side, and then “Add declaration”
Step 3: Choose “Full Material
Declaration” at the top of the page

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Step 3: Choose one way of declaring the part(s):

a) All part at once (with Excel, see next slide)

b) Each part one by one (skip next slide)
Step 3a.1: Create an Excel File (without headers)
Column A: Part number
Column B: Part Description
Column C: Part Weight (without units)

Step 3a.2: Save it in a Unicode Text (.txt) format

Step 4:
a) Specify the use/location of the materials
used in the part
b) Specify material group that describes the
individual material
c) Put the percentage weight of the substance
which is intentionally added into the part
d) Choose out of the list shown by bomcheck
whether substance exempt in the part.
If you selects a valid exemption for a
restricted substance then the substance
will show in orange, if not restricted
substances will be shown in red.

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Step 5: Choose a declaration title and date of creation

*Please note that attaching evidences is preferred, but

not a mandatory requirement.
Step 6: Select “only for following
manufacturers” and select Philips from the
list of the suppliers.

After this, click on “Preview Declaration”.

Step 7: Review all of the information, click on
“approve declaration”, put password at the
bottom of the page and submit declaration.

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