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TËp hîp c¸c khiÕm khuyÕt th êng gÆp nhÊt

trong c¸c ®ît kiÓm tra cña chÝnh quyÒn c¶ng



Tµi liÖu nµy, bao gåm mét sè h×nh ¶nh, c¸c m« t¶ ng¾n gän vÒ c¸c thiÕt bÞ liªn
quan vµ c¸c qui ®Þnh ¸p dông, cïng víi ®Ò xuÊt c¸ch thøc kiÓm tra vµ thö mµ
theo quan ®iÓm cña VR, nÕu ®4îc tiÕn hµnh th4êng xuyªn, sÏ gióp duy tr× tÝnh
hiÖu qu¶ cña thiÕt bÞ.
Each card, which includes some photographic material, contains a
short description ofthe relevant equipment and applicable
rules and regulations, together with some suggested tests and checks
which, in the VR view could, if regularly applied, help
maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the equipment

Mét c«ng cô ®¬n gi¶n vµ th©n thiÖn ®Ó trî

gióp c¸c chñ tµu ®Þnh kú kiÓm tra
t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng cña tµu



01 C¬ cÊu chÆn löa (buång m¸y)

02 b¬m cøu háa chÝnh
03 b¬m cøu háa sù cè
04 ® êng èng cøu háa
05 thiÕt bÞ ®ãng khÈn cÊp
06 thiÕt bÞ ng¾t sù cè
07 nguån ®iÖn sù cè
08 thiÕt bÞ ph©n ly dÇu n íc
09 kÐt dÇu cÆn (® êng èng x¶ ra ngoµi m¹n sai qui ®Þnh)
10 xuång cøu sinh
11 bÌ cøu sinh
12 thiÕt bÞ h¹
13 thiÕt bÞ m¹n kh«
14 sù s¹ch sÏ cña buång m¸y vµ khoang m¸y l¸i
15 Ên phÈm hµng h¶i, h¶i ®å vµ c¸c tµi liÖu kh¸c
C¬ cÊu chÆn löa
1. giíi thiÖu chung
Trong tr êng hîp ch¸y trong buång m¸y, In the event of an engine room fire, it is
kh¶ n¨ng ng¾t viÖc cÊp nhiªn liÖu vµ obviously important to be able to shut off
kh«ng khÝ vµo buång m¸y lµ rÊt quan both air and fuel. The air is shut off by
träng. Kh«ng khÝ ® îc ng¾t b»ng c¬ cÊu means of dampers located in engine room
chÆn löa trong èng th«ng giã buång ventilators.
m¸y. Ventilators may either be (Fig.1):
- free-standing on the
èng th«ng giã cã thÓ (H×nh 1): deck/superstructure; or
- an integral part of the ship’s
Fire dampers may consist of a:
- fire flap inside the ventilator, which
may be either manually operated locally
by means of a lever (Fig. 1, Fig. 2), or
remotely operated (Fig. 3);
- multiple fin flap on the air inlet, which
may be either manually operated locally
by means of a lever or remotely operated;
- manual hinged cover with sealing
gasket and dogs (Fig. 1, Fig. 4).

- ®øng ®éc lËp trªn boong/th îng tÇng
- mét phÇn kÕt cÊu th îng tÇng
H×nh 2/Fig.2
C¬ cÊu chÆn löa cã thÓ gåm: c¸nh chÆn
löa bªn trong èng th«ng giã, ® îc ®iÒu
khiÓn t¹i chç b»ng tay (H×nh 1, H×nh 2),
hoÆc ®iÒu khiÓn tõ xa (H×nh 3)
- c¸nh chÆn löa nhiÒu tÊm ®Æt ë cöa
lÊy kh«ng khÝ vµo buång m¸y, cã thÓ
®iÒu khiÓn t¹i chç b»ng tay quay, hoÆc
®iÒu khiÓn tõ xa;


- n¾p kiÓu b¶n lÒ ®ãng b»ng tay cã 2. CHECKS AND TESTS
®Öm lµm kÝn vµ chèt cµi (H×nh 1, H×nh 2.1 Hinged covers
Check the condition of the cover and
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö
gasket (wastage and damage).
1.1 N¾p kiÓu b¶n lÒ Check the condition of hinges (free to
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng cña n¾p vµ ®Öm lµm rotate) and dogs (all available and well
kÝn (mßn vµ h h¹i). lubricated).

KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶n lÒ (quay dÔ dµng) 2.2 Fire flaps and multiple fin flaps
vµ chèt cµi (cßn ®ñ vµ ® îc b«i tr¬n tèt). Check that the "open" and "closed"
1.2 C¸nh chÆn löa position are clearly marked
Check the condition of the flaps and their
C¸c vÞ trÝ "§ãng" vµ "Më" ® îc ®¸nh dÊu capability to provide the required seal.
râ rµng. Operate the closing device and move the
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¸c c¸nh chÆn löa vµ damper to the “Closed” position.
kh¶ n¨ng lµm kÝn cña chóng.
Thö ho¹t ®éng thiÕt bÞ ®ãng vµ ® a c¬
cÊu chÆn löa vµo vÞ trÝ ®ãng.

B¬m cøu háa chÝnh MAIN FIRE PUMPS
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
Tµu ® îc trang bÞ b¬m cøu háa chÝnh vµ Ships are provided with main and
b¬m cøu háa sù cè vµ chóng ®Æc biÖt emergency fire pumps and they are
quan träng ®èi víi an toµn cña tµu. essential for the safety of the ship.
KhiÕm khuyÕt b¬m cøu háa, dï lµ b¬m Defective fire pumps, either main or
chÝnh hay b¬m sù cè, ®Òu bÞ coi lµ emergency, are considered a major
khiÕm khuyÕt nghiªm träng vµ c¸c söa deficiency. All necessary repairs must
ch÷a cÇn thiÕt ph¶i ® îc thùc hiÖn tr íc be carried out before the ship sails.
khi tµu tiÕp tôc hµnh tr×nh. Usually, two main electric fire pumps
Th«ng th êng trªn tµu trang bÞ 02 b¬m (SOLAS Reg. II-2/4) are provided,
cøu háa chÝnh ® îc lai b»ng ®éng c¬ located in the engine room (Fig. 1, Fig.
®iÖn (SOLAS Reg. II-2/4), ® îc ®Æt 2). The second fire pump will often be
trong buång m¸y (H×nh 1, H×nh 2). Mét the general service (GS) pump.
trong hai b¬m th êng còng lµ b¬m dïng

H×nh1/Fig.1 H×nh2/Fig.2
2 kiÓm tra vµ thö 2. CHECKS AND TESTS
KiÓm tra b»ng m¾t bªn ngoµi cña b¬m, Make an external visual examination of
®éng c¬ lai b¬m, ® êng èng, van vµ the pumps, motors, pipes, valves and
®ång hå ¸p suÊt, t×m c¸c h h¹i, mßn, rß pressure gauges, looking for damage,
rØ hoÆc c¸c trôc trÆc kh¸c. corrosion, leakage or malfunctioning.
Nèi häng cøu háa xa nhÊt vµ häng cøu Connect the foremost and the highest
háa cao nhÊt víi vßi rång vµ l¨ng phun hydrants with the relevant fire hoses and
vµ më chóng (c¸c häng kh¸c ®ãng). nozzles and open them (all other
hydrants remain closed).
TiÕn hµnh thö ho¹t ®éng cña c¶ hai b¬m Carry out a running test of both main
cøu háa chÝnh mét c¸ch riªng rÏ. Trong fire pumps separately. On the occasion
mçi lÇn thö ho¹t ®éng (chØ mét b¬m lµm of each running test (one pump working)
viÖc) kiÓm tra kh¶ n¨ng t¹o ® îc ¸p suÊt check that the system is capable of
yªu cÇu (1) vµ 02 tia n íc phun ®ñ xa producing the required pressure(1)and
theo ph ¬ng ngang (H×nh 3). that the two jets of water reach a
Trong khi thö, ®ãng ® êng èng röa xÝch sufficient horizontal distance (Fig. 3).
neo. During the test, the line for anchor chain
washing should be kept closed.
Although the SOLAS Convention requires
the following
minimum pressures:
- 0.27 N/mm for ships with GT>6000; and
- 0.25 N/mm for ships with 1000<GT<6000,
to be reached with both pumps working,
usually modern
systems can achieve the required pressure with
only one pump working.

H×nh 3/Fig.3
mÆc dï SOLAS yªu cÇu ph¶i ®¹t ® îc ¸p
suÊt tèi thiÓu:
- 0,27 N/mm2 ®èi víi tµu GT>6000; vµ
- 0,25 N/mm2 ®èi víi tµu 1000<GT<6000,
khi c¶ hai b¬m ho¹t ®éng, nh ng th«ng th êng
c¸c hÖ thèng hiÖn ®¹i cã thÓ ®¹t ® îc ¸p suÊt
nµy chØ víi mét b¬m ho¹t ®éng.
b¬m cøu háa sù cè EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
Tµu ® îc trang bÞ b¬m cøu háa chÝnh vµ Ships are provided with main and
b¬m cøu háa sù cè vµ chóng ®Æc biÖt mergency fire pumps and they are
quan träng ®èi víi an toµn cña tµu. essential for the safety of the ship.
KhiÕm khuyÕt b¬m cøu háa, dï lµ b¬m Defective fire pumps, either main or
chÝnh hay b¬m sù cè, ®Òu bÞ coi lµ emergency, are considered a major
khiÕm khuyÕt nghiªm träng vµ c¸c söa deficiency. All necessary repairs must
ch÷a cÇn thiÕt ph¶i ® îc thùc hiÖn tr íc be carried out before the ship sails.
khi tµu tiÕp tôc hµnh tr×nh. The emergency fire pump (SOLAS Reg.
B¬m cøu háa sù cè (SOLAS Reg. II- II-2/4) must always be located in a
2/4) ph¶i ® îc ®Æt trong mét khoang compartment separated from the engine
c¸ch ly víi buång m¸y: th êng lµ trong room: this is often in the forecastle or aft
th îng tÇng mòi hoÆc ë phÝa sau trong in the steering flat.
buång m¸y l¸i. The emergency fire pump may be either
driven by an electric motor (Fig. 1), fed
B¬m cøu háa sù cè cã thÓ ® îc lai b»ng from the emergency switchboard, or by
®éng c¬ ®iÖn (H×nh 1), ® îc cung cÊp a small auxiliary diesel engine (Fig. 2).
n¨ng l îng tõ b¶ng ®iÖn sù cè, hoÆc
b»ng mét ®éng c¬ diesel ®éc lËp (H×nh

Make an external visual examination of
H×nh1/ Fig.1
the pumps, prime movers, pipes, valves
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö and pressure gauges, looking for
KiÓm tra b»ng m¾t bªn ngoµi cña b¬m, damage, corrosion, leakage or
®éng c¬ lai b¬m, ® êng èng, van vµ malfunctioning.
®ång hå ¸p suÊt, t×m c¸c h h¹i, mßn, rß If the prime mover is a diesel engine,
rØ hoÆc c¸c trôc trÆc kh¸c. check the engine and the associated
equipment, the starting system
NÕu ®éng c¬ lai lµ diesel, kiÓm tra ®éng (including a battery, if fitted), the fuel
c¬ vµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ phô trî, hÖ thèng khëi tank and piping and the exhaust system.
®éng (kÓ c¶ ¾c qui, nÕu cã), kÐt ®©u ®èt,
® êng èng vµ hÖ thèng khÝ x¶.
Nèi häng cøu háa xa nhÊt vµ cao nhÊt
víi vßi rång vµ l¨ng phun. Më hai häng
cøu háa nµy vµ kiÓm tra kh¶ n¨ng t¹o ®ñ
¸p suÊt yªu cÇu (1) vµ c¶ hai tia n íc
phun ®ñ xa theo ph ¬ng ngang (H×nh 3).

Connect the foremost and the highest
hydrants with the relevant fire hoses and
nozzles. Open the two hydrants
H×nh3/Fig.3 mentioned above, check that the system
Cho b¬m ho¹t ®éng tèi thiÓu 30 phót. is capable of producing the required
pressure and that both jets reach a
Trong khi thö b¬m cøu háa sù cè, ph¶i sufficient horizontal distance (Fig. 3).
®ãng van c¸ch ly víi buång m¸y ®Ó thö Keep the pump functioning for at least
ho¹t ®éng cña van vµ tr¸nh viÖc dïng 30 minutes.
c¸c b¬m trong buång m¸y ®Ó n©ng ¸p During the test of the emergency fire
suÊt. pump, the isolating valve from the
Trong khi thö, ®ãng ® êng èng röa xÝch engine room is to be closed, both to test
neo. its operation and to avoid pumps in the
B¬m cøu háa sù cè ph¶i cã kh¶ n¨ng engine room being used to raise the
ho¹t ®éng tháa m·n kh«ng kÓ ®Õn chiÒu ressure.
ch×m hay ®é chói cña tµu (H×nh 4). During the test the line for anchor chain
washing should be kept closed.
Khi ®¸nh gi¸ ho¹t ®éng cña b¬m cøu The emergency fire pump must be able
háa sù cè ë tr¹ng th¸i tµu ®Çy t¶i, cÇn to operate satisfactorily regardless of the
ph¶i l u ý r»ng b¬m cã thÓ ® îc PSC thö draft or trim of the ship (Fig. 4).
khi tµu ë tr¹ng th¸i nhÑ t¶i. When assessing the performance of an
SOLAS yªu cÇu ph¶i ®¹t ® îc ¸p suÊt tèi emergency fire pump in full load
thiÓu: condition, consider that it could be
- 0,27 N/mm2 ®èi víi tµu GT>6000; vµ tested in lightship condition during a
- 0,25 N/mm2 ®èi víi tµu 1000<GT<6000, port State control inspection.
(1) The SOLAS Convention requires the
*** following minimum
pressures to be reached:
- 0.27 N/mm2for ships with GT>6000; and
- 0.25 N/mm2for ships with1000<GT<6000,
® êng èng cøu háa Fire main
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
TÝnh nguyªn vÑn cña hÖ thèng cøu háa Integrity of the fire main (SOLAS Reg.
chÝnh (SOLAS Reg. II-2/4) rÊt quan II-2/4) is essential for the ship’s safety.
träng ®èi víi an toµn cña tµu. § êng èng A leaking or excessively corroded fire
cøu háa bÞ rß rØ hoÆc ¨n mßn nÆng lµ main is a major deficiency and all
mét khiÕm khuyÕt nghiªm träng vµ tÊt necessary repairs are to be carried out
c¶ c¸c söa ch÷a cÇn thiÕt ph¶i ® îc thùc before the ship leaves the port.
hiÖn tr íc khi tµu rêi c¶ng. The test is to be carried out in
Thö hÖ thèng ® êng èng cøu háa ph¶i conjunction with the test of the main fire
® îc thùc hiÖn cïng víi thö b¬m cøu pump(s) and of the emergency fire
háa chÝnh vµ thö b¬m cøu háa sù cè. pump.
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö Visually inspect the fire main: cement
KiÓm tra b»ng m¾t hÖ thèng ®?êng èng boxes (Fig. 1) and other varieties of
cøu háa: hép xi m¨ng (H×nh 1) vµ c¸c temporary repair are not acceptable,
söa ch÷a t¹m thêi kh¸c kh«ng ® îc chÊp except as emergency repairs at sea and
nhËn, trõ khi lµ söa ch÷a khÈn cÊp trªn only until the next port of call.
biÓn vµ chØ cho ®Õn khi tíi c¶ng. Check and hammer test the fire main
and hydrants under pressure and ask for
any leak to be immediately and
permanently repaired (Fig. 2).

KiÓm tra vµ thö b»ng c¸ch gâ bóa
®?êng èng vµ häng cøu háa khi cã ¸p H×nh2/Fig.2
suÊt, nÕu cã rß rØ ph¶i söa ch÷a triÖt ®Ó The hydrants must be complete and
ngay (H×nh 2). operational (Fig.3). Missing or damaged
hand-wheels, valves, etc.must be
Häng cøu háa ph¶i ®ñ vµ ho¹t ®éng
® îc (H×nh 3). C¸c van, tay van, ... bÞ All the fire stations (or “red boxes”) are
mÊt hoÆc h háng ph¶i ® îc thay thÕ.
marked on theship’s fire control plan
TÊt c¶ c¸c hép cøu háa (hoÆc "hép mµu and are normally positioned inthe
®á") ph¶i ® îc ®¸nh dÊu râ trªn s¬ ®å proximity of hydrants (Fig. 4).
cøu háa cña tµu vµ th êng ® îc ®Æt ë vÞ They should be painted red for easy
trÝ gÇn c¸c häng cøu háa (H×nh 4) dentification and be capable of
protecting their content from the marine

H×nh3/Fig.3 H×nh4/Fig.4
Chóng ph¶i ® îc s¬n ®á ®Ó dÔ nhËn biÕt Check the integrity of the box. If the
vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng b¶o vÖ c¸c vËt dông bªn doors are roped shut or hanging off, ask
trong kh«ng bÞ h h¹i do m«i tr êng for them to be repaired. Check that the
biÓn. KiÓm tra tÝnh nguyªn vÑn cña hép. arrangement of the boxes is the same as
NÕu cöa buéc b»ng d©y hoÆc kh«ng on the plan and for each box. Each box
®ãng ® îc, ph¶i söa ch÷a ngay. KiÓm tra should contain a hose, a nozzle (of “dual
hép ® îc bè trÝ nh trong s¬ ®å cøu háa. type” where required) and a spanner
Mçi hép ph¶i cã mét vßi rång, mét l¨ng (Fig. 5).
phun (kiÓu t¸c dông kÐp nÕu yªu cÇu)
vµ mét khíp nèi (H×nh 5). KiÓm tra
trang bÞ trong c¸c hép ®Çy ®ñ.
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¸c vßi rång, chóng
th êng dÔ bÞ háng, ®Æc biÖt trong buång
m¸y do m«i tr êng nãng vµ dÇu. Vßi
rång bÞ háng hoÆc h h¹i ph¶i ® îc thay
thÕ. KiÓm tra kiÓu vµ kÝch th íc cña
khíp nèi vßi rång phï hîp víi nhau vµ
víi c¸c l¨ng phun vµ häng cøu háa. CÇn
®Æc biÖt chó ý t×nh tr¹ng cña khãa nèi H×nh5/Fig.5
vßi rång vµ khíp nèi. Check that the inventory is complete.
Check the condition of the hoses, which
§¶m b¶o r»ng tµu ® îc trang bÞ bÝch nèi can easily deteriorate, particularly in the
bê quèc tÕ (SOLAS reg. II-2/19) vµ engine room, in the presence of heat and
® îc ®¸nh dÊu râ rµng. oil. Deteriorated or damaged hoses must
*** be re placed. Check that the coupling
type and size of the hoses match each
other and that they are the same as the
nozzles and the hydrants.
Particular attention is to be paid to the
condition of the clamps used to connect
the hose with the coupling.
Make sure that the international
shore connection flange (SOLAS Reg.
II-2/19) is available and clearly marked.
ThiÕt bÞ ®ãng khÈn cÊp Quick close devices
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
Trong tr êng hîp ch¸y trong buång In the event of an engine room fire, it is
m¸y, mét ®iÒu rÊt quan träng lµ ph¶i cã obviously important to be able to shut
kh¶ n¨ng ng¾t c¶ kh«ng khÝ vµ nhiªn off both air and fuel.
liÖu cÊp vµo buång m¸y. The fuel is shut off by means of quick
Nhiªn liÖu ® îc ng¾t b»ng c¸c van ®ãng closing valves fitted directly on the fuel
nhanh ® îc l¾p trùc tiÕp trªn kÐt nhiªn tanks (SOLAS Reg. II-2/15), capable of
liÖu (SOLAS reg. II-2/15), cã kh¶ n¨ng being closed from a control station
®ãng tõ mét tr¹m ®iÒu khiÓn ®Æt bªn located outside the engine room (Fig. 1).
ngoµi buång m¸y (H×nh 1). There are three basic types of quick
closing valves andthe only difference is
the operating system which maybe:
- Mechanical, using steel wires &
pulleys to route the wires to the control
- Pneumatic, using compressed air to
activate a small piston to trip the valve
(Fig. 2),
- Hydraulic, as for pneumatic but using
H×nh1/Fig.1 hydraulic fluid (Fig. 3).
Van ®ãng nhanh cã 3 kiÓu chÝnh vµ kh¸c
biÖt duy nhÊt lµ hÖ thèng ®iÒu khiÓn
- C¬ khÝ: sö dông d©y c¸p vµ puly dÉn
c¸p tíi tr¹m ®iÒu khiÓn,
- KhÝ nÐn: sö dông khÝ nÐn ®Èy mét
piston nhá ®Ó nh¶ van (H×nh 2),
- Thñy lùc: còng t ¬ng tù nh hÖ thèng
khÝ nÐn nh ng sö dông chÊt láng thñy
lùc (H×nh 3). H×nh3/Fig.3
2.1 General checks applicable to all
Check the proper marking and prompt
access to the release control station.
Check the labelling in a suitable
language of each operating handle.
Check for absence of wired/wedged
open valves (if a valve is wired because
it closes due to vibrations, proper repairs
are to be carried out).
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö 2.2 Additional checks applicable to
2.1 KiÓm tra chung ¸p dông cho mäi the mechanical type
kiÓu van Check that the wires are satisfactorily
maintained without deterioration and
KiÓm tra viÖc ®¸nh dÊu vµ kh¶ n¨ng tiÕp loosening, check that relevant pulleys
cËn nhanh tíi tr¹m ®iÒu khiÓn. are free to rotate.
KiÓm tra viÖc ghi nh·n cho mçi tay ®iÒu Test that each valve (where possible)
khiÓn van b»ng ng«n ng÷ thÝch hîp. closes properly by pulling the wire by
means of the relevant handle.
KiÓm tra xem cã van nµo ph¶i buéc 2.3 Additional checks applicable to
d©y/chªm (nÕu mét van ph¶i buéc d©y v×
the pneumatic type
nã sÏ ®ãng l¹i do sù rung ®éng th× ph¶i
Check that the system is satisfactorily
tiÕn hµnh söa ch÷a thÝch hîp).
2.2 KiÓm tra bæ sung cho van kiÓu c¬ without leakages, check the proper
khÝ availability and indication of air
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng d©y c¸p: kh«ng bÞ h pressure.
h¹i vµ chïng, kiÓm tra c¸c puly: ph¶i Test that each valve (where possible)
quay dÔ dµng. works properly by actuating the system.
2.4 Additional checks applicable to
KiÓm tra mçi van (nÕu cã thÓ): ph¶i the hydraulic type
®ãng kÝn tháa m·n khi kÐo c¸p b»ng tay Check that the system is properly filled
®iÒu khiÓn t ¬ng øng. with oil and without leakages.
2.3 KiÓm tra bæ sung cho van kiÓu Test that each valve (where possible)
khÝ nÐn closes properly by actuating the relevant
HÖ thèng ph¶i ® îc b¶o d ìng tháa m-n,
kh«ng cã rß rØ; kiÓm tra tÝnh s½n sµng
cña khÝ nÐn vµ chØ b¸o ¸p suÊt.
KiÓm tra mçi van (nÕu cã thÓ): ph¶i lµm
viÖc tháa m·n khi hÖ thèng ho¹t ®éng.
2.4 KiÓm tra bæ sung cho van kiÓu
thñy lùc
KiÓm tra dÇu: hÖ thèng ph¶i cã ®ñ dÇu
vµ kh«ng rß rØ.
KiÓm tra mçi van (nÕu cã thÓ): ph¶i
®ãng kÝn tháa m·n khi kÐo tay ®iÒu
khiÓn t ¬ng øng.
ThiÕt bÞ ng¾t sù cè Emergency stops
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
Trong tr êng hîp ch¸y buång m¸y, ph¶i In the event of an engine room fire, the
ng¾t nguån n¨ng l îng cÊp cho qu¹t giã power of the ventilation fans and of the
vµ b¬m nhiªn liÖu. Do ®ã, thiÕt bÞ ng¾t fuel oil pumps is to be cut.
sù cè tõ xa ph¶i ® îc trang bÞ cho qu¹t For this purpose, remote emergency
giã buång m¸y, c¸c b¬m nhiªn liÖu, b¬m stops are provided for the engine room
dÇu nhên vµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ läc (SOLAS ventilator fans, the fuel, diesel &
Reg. II-2/11). lubricating oil pumps and the purifiers
(SOLAS Reg. II-2/11).
C¸c c«ng t¾c sù cè th êng ® îc ®Æt
trong mét tñ mµu ®á ë gÇn tr¹m ®iÒu The emergency switches are usually
khiÓn van ®ãng nhanh (H×nh 1). contained in a red painted cabinet close
to that of the quick closing valves (Fig.


Check that the cabinet is conspicuously
marked and that switches are labelled in
a suitable language indicating the
equipment concerned.
Test that the power is cut to each piece
of equipment by operating the relevant
H×nh1/Fig.1 ***
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö
KiÓm tra tñ ® îc ®¸nh dÊu dÔ nhËn biÕt
vµ c¸c c«ng t¾c ® îc ghi nh·n râ rµng
b»ng ng«n ng÷ thÝch hîp.
KiÓm tra ng¾t nguån tíi mçi thiÕt bÞ
b»ng c¸ch bËt c«ng t¾c t ¬ng øng.
Nguån ®iÖn sù cè Emergency source of
1. giíi thiÖu chung electrical power
§Ó ®Ò phßng tr êng hîp mÊt nguån ®iÖn 1. GENERAL
chÝnh, tµu ® îc trang bÞ nguån ®iÖn sù In the event of main electrical power
cè ®Ó phôc vô cho c¸c ho¹t ®éng quan failure, ships are fitted with an
träng ®èi víi an toµn cña tµu khi gÆp sù emergency source of electrical power in
cè nh : order to supply all those services that are
- chiÕu s¸ng sù cè ë nh÷ng n¬i SOLAS essential for safety in an emergency,
yªu cÇu (c¸c kh«ng gian phôc vô vµ sinh such as:
ho¹t, buång m¸y, tr¹m ®iÒu khiÓn, m¸y - emergency lighting in all places where
l¸i, tr¹m tËp trung vµ ® a ng êi xuèng required by the SOLAS Convention (i.e.
ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh, ...); service and accomodation spaces,
machinery spaces, control stations,
- ®Ìn hµnh h¶i
steering gear, muster and embarkation
- thiÕt bÞ v« tuyÕn ®iÖn; stations, etc.)
- hÖ thèng liªn l¹c néi bé; - navigation lights;
- radio installations;
- hÖ thèng ph¸t hiÖn vµ b¸o ®éng ch¸y; - internal communication system;
- thiÕt bÞ hµng h¶i trªn tµu theo yªu cÇu - fire detection and fire alarm system;
cña SOLAS Reg. V/12; - the shipborne navigational equipment
- tÊt c¶ c¸c tÝn hiÖu néi bé ® îc yªu cÇu as required by Solas Reg. V/12
trong tr êng hîp sù cè; - all internal signals that are required in
an emergency;
- b¬m cøu háa sù cè (nÕu ® îc lai b»ng
- the emergency fire pump (if driven by
®éng c¬ ®iÖn);
an electric motor)
- m¸y l¸i - the steering gear, where applicable
Nguån ®iÖn sù cè cã thÓ lµ: The emergency source of electrical
power may be:
- m¸y ph¸t ®?îc lai b»ng ®éng c¬ - a generator driven by a diesel engine
diesel (H×nh 1); hoÆc (Fig. 1);
- ¾c qui - an accumulator battery.
2.1 Compartment where the
generator is located: Check that the to
the compartment is marked and access
doors are in good working order.
- Check the cleanliness of the
(absence of oil, fuel or water on the
floor; compartment not to be used for
H×nh1/Fig.1 any improper storage).
2. M¸y ph¸t lai b»ng ®éng c¬ - Check that lighting, ventilation and
diesel relevant means of closure are in good
2.1 Khoang ®Æt m¸y ph¸t
- KiÓm tra khoang ® îc ®¸nh dÊu vµ cöa - Check that instructions for
vµo ë t×nh tr¹ng lµm viÖc tèt. emergency
- KiÓm tra sù s¹ch sÏ cña khoang (dÇu, generator operation and testing are duly
nhiªn liÖu hoÆc n íc trªn sµn; kh«ng cÊt posted.
gi÷ c¸c vËt dông kh¸c). - Check that the required fire
extinguishers are fitted and duly
- KiÓm tra chiÕu s¸ng, th«ng giã vµ c¸c serviced.
biÖn ph¸p ®ãng kÝn: ph¶i ho¹t ®éng tèt. 2.2 Fuel tank and fuel line
- KiÓm tra h íng dÉn vËn hµnh vµ thö - Check that the tank is properly filled,
m¸y ph¸t sù cè ® îc ®Æt thÝch hîp. provided with well-maintained means to
- KiÓm tra c¸c b×nh cøu háa yªu cÇu check the level content (sight level to be
® îc trang bÞ ®ñ vµ b¶o d ìng thÝch hîp. fitted with automatic self-closing
2.2 KÐt vµ ®?êng èng nhiªn liÖu - Check the proper working of the fuel
- KiÓm tra kÐt cã ®ñ nhiªn liÖu, ® îc supply valve fitted on the tank (if a
trang bÞ thiÕt bÞ ®o møc nhiªn liÖu (thiÕt quick closing valve is required, check
bÞ ®o kiÓu thÞ gi¸c ph¶i ® îc trang bÞ c¬ remote control proper functioning).
cÊu tù ®ãng tù ®éng). - Check the good condition of the fuel
- KiÓm tra ho¹t ®éng cña van cÊp nhiªn line (clamped and without leakage).
liÖu g¾n trªn kÐt (nÕu yªu cÇu van ®ãng 2.3 Emergency switchboard
nhanh, kiÓm tra ho¹t ®éng cña thiÕt bÞ - Check the good condition of
®iÒu khiÓn tõ xa). maintenance and cleanliness.
- Check the presence of a suitable
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng ® êng èng nhiªn insulating mat in front of the
liÖu (® îc gi÷ chÆt vµ kh«ng rß rØ). switchboard.
2.3 B¶ng ®iÖn sù cè - Check the proper working of lighting
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng vµ sù in front of the switchboard.
s¹ch sÏ. 2.4 Diesel engine
- KiÓm tra th¶m c¸ch ®iÖn phÝa tr íc - Check the absence of leakage (oil, fuel
b¶ng ®iÖn. and water).
- KiÓm tra chiÕu s¸ng phÝa tr íc b¶ng - Check proper insulation of the exhaust
®iÖn. gas line.
- Check the good condition and proper
2.4 §éng c¬ diesel lai m¸y ph¸t maintenance of means for starting the
- KiÓm tra rß rØ (dÇu, nhiªn liÖu vµ generator (in the case of batteries, they
n íc). are to be properly secured in a
- KiÓm tra c¸ch ly cña ® êng khÝ x¶. containment box).
- Carry out a starting and running test
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng vµ b¶o d ìng cña according to the instruction procedures,
thiÕt bÞ khëi ®éng m¸y ph¸t (nÕu lµ ¾c checking in particular the absence of
qui, chóng ph¶i ® îc cÊt gi÷ thÝch hîp leakage from the exhaust gas line.
trong hép).
- TiÕn hµnh thö khëi ®éng vµ ho¹t ®éng
phï hîp víi h íng dÉn, ®Æc biÖt kiÓm tra
rß rØ tõ ® êng khÝ x¶.
3. ¾c qui 3. BATTERIES
3.1 Khoang ¾c qui 3.1 Batteries compartment
- KiÓm tra lèi vµo khoang ® îc ®¸nh dÊu - Check that access doors are in good
vµ c¸c dÊu hiÖu c¶nh b¸o ® îc ®Æt thÝch working order.
hîp. - Check the cleanliness of the
compartment and that batteries are
- KiÓm tra cöa vµo lµm viÖc tèt. properly stowed and fixed.
- KiÓm tra sù s¹ch sÏ cña khoang vµ ¾c - Check the proper maintenance and
qui ® îc cÊt gi÷ vµ cè ®Þnh thÝch hîp. working condition of lighting and
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng vµ ho¹t ventilation.
®éng cña hÖ thèng chiÕu s¸ng vµ th«ng - Check that instructions for
giã. maintenance and testing are duly posted.
- KiÓm tra h íng dÉn b¶o d ìng vµ thö - Check that access to the compartment
® îc ®Æt thÝch hîp. is marked and appropriate warning signs
3.2 ¾c qui
3.2 Batteries
- KiÓm tra ¾c qui ® îc b¶o d ìng thÝch
hîp. - Check that batteries are properly
- KiÓm tra c¸c d©y ® îc nèi vµ cè ®Þnh
thÝch hîp (kh«ng cã d©y tù do). - Check that wires are properly
connected and fixed (no adrift wires).
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng vµ ho¹t - Check the proper maintenance and
®éng cña thiÕt bÞ n¹p ¾c qui. good working condition of charging
- Thö t×nh tr¹ng ho¹t ®éng cña ¾c qui devices.
theo h íng dÉn. - Test the proper working condition of
*** batteries according to the instruction
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL

ThiÕt bÞ ph©n ly dÇu n?íc (MARPOL Bilge oily water separators

Reg.I/16) sö dông nhiÒu ph ¬ng ph¸p (MARPOL Reg. I/16) use a variety of
kh¸c nhau ®Ó lo¹i bá dÇu khái n íc ®Ó different methods to remove the oil from
sau ®ã cã thÓ b¬m ra ngoµi m¹n, nh ng the water so that it can be pumped
tÊt c¶ chóng ®Òu dùa trªn 2 nguyªn lý c¬ overboard, but they all rely on two
b¶n: dÇu cã xu h íng kÕt hîp víi nhau, fundamental principles: the tendency of
tøc lµ c¸c h¹t dÇu thu hót lÉn nhau, vµ tØ oil to “coalesce”, that is to say droplets
träng cña dÇu thÊp h¬n cña n íc (do ®ã of oil are mutually attracted, and the
dÇu næi trong n íc). lower density of oil with respect to either
fresh or salt water (hence oil will float
Tµu cã 400<GT<9999 yªu cÇu tèi thiÓu on water).
ph¶i cã trang bÞ thiÕt bÞ läc (H×nh 2), For vessels with 400<GT<9999, the
lµm nhiÖm vô gi¶m hµm l îng dÇu trong minimum required equipment consists
n íc la canh xuèng d íi 15 ppm. ThiÕt of a filtering unit (Fig. 1), which reduces
bÞ läc dÇu cã thÓ lÊy hçn hîp n íc lÉn the oil content of the bilge water to
dÇu trùc tiÕp tõ la canh hoÆc tõ kÐt chøa below 15 ppm. The filter unit draws the
b»ng mét b¬m thÓ tÝch. ThiÕt bÞ läc sÏ oily-water mixture either direct from the
th¶i dÇu ®· ® îc ph©n ly vµo kÐt dÇu bilge or from a holding tank by means of
cÆn, cßn n íc s¹ch ® îc th¶i ra ngoµi a positive displacement pump. The filter
m¹n. unit discharges the separated
(“coalesced”) oil into the sludge tanks
and the clean water goes overboard.
The oil sludge collected in the sludge
tank may be pumped ashore when the
vessel is in port via the standard
discharge connection or, if the ship is
fitted with an incinerator, it can be
For vessels with GT>10000, the
Fig.1 arrangement is essentially the same. In
dÇu cÆn ® îc thu thËp trong kÐt dÇu cÆn addition, the system must incorporate an
cã thÓ ® îc b¬m lªn bê khi tµu trong oil content meter, with a 15 ppm
c¶ng qua bÝch th¶i tiªu chuÈn hoÆc® îc alarm, and an automatic stopping
®èt nÕu tµu trang bÞ m¸y ®èt r¸c. device (Fig. 2).
Tµu cã GT>10000 nãi chung ® îc trang
bÞ t ¬ng tù, ngoµi ra hÖ thèng ph¶i cã
thiÕt bÞ ®o hµm l îng dÇu víi b¸o ®éng
15 ppm vµ mét thiÕt bÞ ngõng th¶i tù
®éng (H×nh 2). Dßng th¶i ®i qua mét
thiÕt bÞ lÊy mÉu ®Ó ®o hµm l îng dÇu
trong n íc. NÕu hµm l îng dÇu v ît qu¸
15 ppm th× b¸o ®éng sÏ ho¹t ®éng vµ hÖ
thèng ph¶i tù ®éng ng¾t. H×nh2/Fig.2
1. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö The water effluent passes through a
- KiÓm tra thiÕt bÞ ph©n ly dÇu n íc lµ sampling apparatus, which measures the
kiÓu ® îc phª duyÖt. ppm of oil in the water.
If the ppm of oil rises to 15 or more, the
- KiÓm tra b»ng m¾t thiÕt bÞ ph©n ly alarm sounds and the system shuts off
dÇu n íc (sù s¹ch sÏ, vá ngoµi, automatically.
® êng èng th¶i, ...).
- Thö ho¹t ®éng thiÕt bÞ ph©n ly dÇu
- Verify that the oily water separator is
n íc vµ kiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng ho¹t ®éng
cña c¸c van vµ ®ång hå ®o. type approved or EC marked
(wheelmark), as applicable.
- Thö ho¹t ®éng cña b¸o ®éng vµ thiÕt - Visually inspect the oily water
bÞ ng¾t tù tù ®éng (nÕu cã) b»ng c¸ch separator (cleanliness, outer casing,
gi¶ cho hµm l îng dÇu v ît 15 ppm. discharge piping, etc).
- KiÓm tra l îng dÇu cÆn vµ l îng - Run a test of the oily water separator
n íc lÉn dÇu hiÖn cã trong c¸c kÐt cã and check the operating condition of
phï hîp víi NhËt ký dÇu. valves and pressure gauges.
- Working test of the alarm and
- KiÓm tra NhËt ký dÇu: ® îc ghi chÐp automatic stopping device (where fitted)
®Çy ®ñ. §Æc biÖt quan t©m ®Õn m· through simulation of oil content in
(ch÷ c¸i) vµ kho¶n (ch÷ sè) ® îc ® a excess of 15 ppm.
vµo ghi trong phÇn I cña nhËt ký dÇu. - Check that the present quantity of
*** sludge and oily water in tanks is
consistent with the amount indicated in
the Oil Record Book
- Check that the Oil Record Book is
correctly filled in. Particular attention is
to be paid to the code (letter) and item
(number) to be included in the Table of
Part I.
th¶i ra ngoµi sai qui ®Þnh) OVERBOARD CONNECTIONS)

1.giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL

TÊt c¶ c¸c tµu cã GT b»ng hoÆc lín h¬n Every ship of 400 GT and above must
400 ph¶i cã kÐt hoÆc c¸c kÐt víi dung have a tank or tanks of adequate
tÝch thÝch hîp ®Ó chøa dÇu cÆn capacity for the sludge (MARPOL
(MARPOL Reg. I/17) th¶i ra tõ c¸c Reg.I/17) generated by the fuel or
thiÕt bÞ läc dÇu ®èt hoÆc dÇu b«i tr¬n vµ lubricating oil purifiers and the engine
tõ thiÕt bÞ ph©n ly n íc la canh buång room bilge separator. The required
m¸y. Dung tÝch thÝch hîp cña kÐt ® îc capacity of the tank is calculated
tÝnh theo kiÓu ®éng c¬, lo¹i nhiªn liÖu vµ according to the type of machinery, the
chiÒu dµi tuyÕn hµnh tr×nh. fuel used and the likely length of any
PhÇn lín c¸c tµu gi÷ dÇu cÆn trong kÐt
Most ships retain the sludge in the tanks
vµ th¶i ra qua bÝch th¶i tiªu chuÈn
and discharge it via the standard
(MARPOL Reg.I/19) tíi thiÕt bÞ tiÕp
discharge connection (MARPOL
nhËn trªn bê. KÝch th íc cña kÐt dÇu cÆn
Reg.I/19) to reception facilities ashore.
cã thÓ ® îc gi¶m nÕu tµu ® îc trang bÞ
The size of the sludge tank can be
thiÕt bÞ ®èt dÇu cÆn.
reduced if the ship is fitted with a sludge
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö incinerator, for burning the sludge.
KiÓm tra bªn ngoµi cña kÐt dÇu cÆn vµ 2. CHECKS AND TESTS
t×nh tr¹ng chung cña ® êng èng liªn
Check the external boundaries of the
quan vµ, nÕu cã thÓ, thö ho¹t ®éng b¬m
sludge tank and the general condition of
dÇu cÆn.
the associated piping and, if possible,
NÕu kh«ng cã b¬m dÇu cÆn riªng biÖt vµ make a running test of the sludge pump.
b¬m hót kh« ® îc dïng ®Ó b¬m dÇu cÆn If there is no dedicated sludge pump on
lªn bê, kiÓm tra hÖ thèng ® êng èng ®Ó board and a bilge pump is used for
®¶m b¶o kh«ng cã kh¶ n¨ng dÇu cÆn pumping sludge ashore, check the piping
® îc th¶i trùc tiÕp ra ngoµi m¹n. arrangement to ensure that there is no
Hai kiÓu hÖ thèng th¶i dÇu cÆn qua m¹n possibility of a direct overboard
tµu sai qui ®Þnh th êng gÆp ph¶i ® îc discharge of sludge.
nªu ë H×nh 1 vµ H×nh 2. Two typical illegal arrangements
providing direct sludge connection
overboard found during port State
control inspections are shown in Fig. 1
and Fig. 2.

xuång cøu sinh LIFEBOATS
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
Xuång cøu sinh (SOLAS reg. III/31.1 Lifeboats (SOLAS Reg. III/31.1 and
vµ LSA Code) cã thÓ lµ: LSA Code) may
- Xuång hë: cã ®éng c¬ hoÆc chÌo be:
(H×nh 1) - Open boats: motor or oar propelled
(Fig. 1)
- Xuång kÝn mét phÇn: cã ®éng c¬ - Partially enclosed boats: motor
(H×nh 2) propelled (Fig. 2)
- Xuång kÝn hoµn toµn: cã ®éng c¬. - Totally enclosed boats: motor
Còng cã thÓ lµ lo¹i chèng ch¸y (H×nh propelled. They may also be fire
3 vµ H×nh 4). protected (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4)


H×nh2/Fig.2 H×nh4/Fig.4
The construction material for the
VËt liÖu kÕt cÊu xuång cã thÓ lµ: lifeboats may be:
- gç; - wood;
- glass reinforced plastic (GRP). GRP
- chÊt dÎo cèt sîi thñy tinh (GRP). boats are normally made of single skin
Xuång GRP th êng cã kÕt cÊu vá construction, with the exception of some
®¬n, trõ mét sè xuång r¬i tù do cì of the larger sizes of free-fall boats,
lín cã kÕt cÊu 2 líp GRP ® îc ph©n which may use "sandwich" construction,
c¸ch b»ng 1 líp lâi bät hoÆc gç balsa; i.e. 2 smaller layers of GRP separated by
- thÐp hoÆc nh«m. a core of foam or balsa wood;
- steel or aluminium.
2. Vá
2.1 T×nh tr¹ng kÕt cÊu
2.1 Structural condition of the hull
KiÓm tra kÕt cÊu, phÝa trong vµ phÝa Check that the structure, inboard and
ngoµi, kh«ng bÞ h h¹i hoÆc xuèng cÊp. outboard, has not suffered any damage
NÕu cã h h¹i ph¶i söa ch÷a ngay. or deterioration. If damage has occurred,
2.2 Mãc immediate repair is to be requested.

Mét khu vùc th êng bÞ bá sãt khi b¶o 2.2 Hooks

d ìng lµ liªn kÕt gi÷a xuång vµ vßng One particular area often neglected
hay mãc dïng ®Ó nèi xuång vµ c¸p. Liªn during
kÕt nµy th êng ® îc lµm b»ng thÐp vµ maintenance is the connection between
th êng ® îc ® îc b¾t bu l«ng víi khu the keel and the eyes or hooks, which
vùc ® îc gia c êng cña sèng xuång, t¹i attach the boat to the falls. These
vïng khã kiÓm tra (H×nh 5 vµ 6). KiÓm connections are often made of steel and
tra kü l ìng t×nh tr¹ng liªn kÕt vµ yªu are usually bolted to a reinforced area of
cÇu söa ch÷a ngay nÕu ph¸t hiÖn t×nh the keel, in a difficult area to inspect
tr¹ng kÐm. (Figs. 5 and 6). Thoroughly check the
condition of the connections and ask for
immediate repair if they are found in
bad condition.

2.3 C¬ cÊu nh¶
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng cña c¬ H×nh6/Fig.6
cÊu nh¶, th«ng th êng bao gåm mét tay 2.3 Release mechanism
nh¶ ë gÇn vÞ trÝ ®iÒu khiÓn, ® îc kÕt hîp Check the maintenance condition of the
víi khãa an toµn ®Ó ng¨n ngõa viÖc nh¶ release mechanism, usually consisting of
bÊt ngê. a single release lever, located near the
helm position, which incorporates a
Khi thùc tËp rêi tµu theo yªu cÇu cña
"safety-catch" to prevent accidental
SOLAS, xuång ph¶i ® îc h¹ xuèng n íc
(tèi thiÓu 3 th¸ng 1 lÇn ®èi víi xuång h¹
On the occasion of abandon ship drills
b»ng cÇn), xuång ph¶i ® îc th¸o khái
requested by SOLAS during which
mãc vµ ®iÒu ®éng trªn mÆt n íc.
lifeboats are to be lowered to the water
2.4 Van x¶ (at least once every three months for
Khi kiÓm tra th©n vá, cÇn kiÓm tra van davit launched lifeboats) the lifeboat is
x¶ tù ®éng cã thÓ dÔ dµng x¶ n íc khái to be released from the lifting hooks and
xuång khi xuång kh«ng ë trong n íc vµ manoeuvred in the water.
® îc trang bÞ c¬ cÊu thÝch hîp (th êng 2.4 Drain valves
lµ bãng) ®Ó ng¨n n íc vµo xuång khi During the hull inspection, check that
xuång ë d íi n íc. KiÓm tra mçi van the automatic drain valves are free to
® îc trang bÞ nót hoÆc mò, g¾n víi drain water out of the hull when the
xuång b»ng xÝch hoÆc d©y, ®Ó ®ãng kÝn lifeboat is not waterborne and are
van khi xuång ë d íi n íc. provided with the proper device (usually
2.5 Thanh b¸m a ball) to prevent ingress of water when
the lifeboat is waterborne. Check that
KiÓm tra thanh b¸m phÝa d íi xuång each valve is provided with a cap or
® îc g¾n thÝch hîp. Lo¹i b»ng gç cã plug, attached to the boat by a chain or
h×nh d¹ng gièng v©y nhá (H×nh 7). lanyard, to seal the valve when the
Thanh b¸m còng cã thÓ lµ c¸c èng thÐp lifeboat is waterborne.
tr¸ng kÏm cã c¸c kÑp b»ng èng hoÆc 2.5 Handholds
d¹ng t ¬ng tù. Check that handholds on the underside
of the hull are adequately fastened. The
wooden ones look like small bilge keels
(Fig.7). They can also consist of
galvanised steel tubes, fixed at intervals
with pipe clips or similar.

2.6 D©y b¸m
TÊt c¶ c¸c xuång ph¶i cã d©y an toµn
gåm mét d©y næi ® îc g¾n tõng ®o¹n
vµo xuång ë gÇn mÐp xuång trõ khu vùc
ch©n vÞt (H×nh 8). KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng.
2.7 B¨ng ph¶n quang
Khi kiÓm tra bªn ngoµi, KiÓm tra b¨ng H×nh8/Fig.8
ph¶n quang ® îc g¾n vµo xuång vµ ë 2.6 Lifeline
t×nh tr¹ng tháa m·n (H×nh 8). All lifeboats should have a lifeline,
consisting of a buoyant line, fixed at
SOLAS yªu cÇu b¨ng ph¶n quang ® îc intervals around the hull near the
g¾n ë c¶ 2 phÝa cña sèng ®¸y ®Ó ®Ò gunwhale, except in the area of the
phßng tr êng hîp xuång lËt, däc 2 m¹n propeller (Fig. 8). Check the condition.
gÇn mÐp, trªn 2 m¹n vµ phÇn trªn cña 2.7 Retro-reflective tapes
m¸i che, cã thÓ lµ lo¹i cøng hoÆc b¹t. When inspecting the outside of the hull,
2.8 Ghi nh·n check that retro-reflective tapes are
fitted and in satisfactory condition (Fig.
Khi kiÓm tra bªn ngoµi, cÇn kiÓm tra
viÖc ghi nh·n. Ph¶i thÓ hiÖn:
- tªn vµ c¶ng ®¨ng ký cña tµu mµ xuång SOLAS requires reflective tapes to be
thuéc vÒ tµu ®ã, trªn mçi m¹n ë mòi fixed either side of the keel on the
xuång. bottom, just in case it floats upside
- tªn tµu vµ sè xuång ph¶i nh×n thÊy down, along the side, close to the
® îc tõ trªn cao gunwhale, on both sides and on the
upper sides of the canopy, which may be
- kÝch th íc xuång either rigid or canvas.
- sè l îng ng êi mµ xuång chë ® îc. 2.8 Marking
When inspecting the outside of the hull,
3. ThiÕt bÞ ®Èy vµ thiÕt bÞ l¸i
check the markings of the boat. The
3.1 §éng c¬ markings should show:
- name and port of registry of the ship to
which the lifeboat belongs on each side
of the lifeboat’s bow
- name of the ship and number of the
lifeboat to be visible from above
- dimensions of the boat.
- maximum number of persons
3.1 Engine
H×nh9/Fig.9 The engines are usually hand started,
except in totally enclosed lifeboats.
§éng c¬ th«ng th êng ® îc khëi ®éng
Check the condition of the fire-retardant
b»ng tay, trõ lo¹i xuång kÝn hoµn toµn.
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng vá chèng ch¸y (H×nh The following checks are to be carried
9). out:
- Prompt starting of the engine using
separately every means of starting
- Verify that the gearbox operates ahead
and astern (Fig. 10).

Ph¶i thùc hiÖn c¸c h¹ng môc sau:
- khëi ®éng nhanh ®éng c¬, sö dông
riªng rÏ tõng biÖn ph¸p khëi ®éng
- kiÓm tra hép sè cã thÓ vËn hµnh tiÕn vµ
lïi (H×nh 10)
- kiÓm tra nhiªn liÖu, dÇu b«i tr¬n vµ sù
rß khÝ x¶. H×nh11/Fig.11
- kiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng kÐt nhiªn liÖu. - Verify the absence of fuel,
3.2 ThiÕt bÞ l¸i lubricating oil and exhaust gas leaks.
- Check the condition of the fuel tank.
C¬ cÊu l¸i cã thÓ gåm mét b¸nh l¸i ®¬n
gi¶n vµ cÇn l¸i (xuång hë) hoÆc lµ mét 3.2 Steering gear
hÖ thèng víi v« l¨ng (xuång kÝn). Víi c¶ The steering mechanism may consist
2 lo¹i, kiÓm tra b¸nh l¸i vµ c¸c chèt either of a simple rudder and tiller
(H×nh 11). §èi víi lo¹i xuång kÝn, thö arrangement (open boat) or a system
hÖ thèng l¸i vµ ®¶m b¶o trªn xuång cã with a wheel (enclosed boat). For both
cÇn l¸i sù cè. types, check the rudder and the pintles
(Fig. 11).
3.3 Ch©n vÞt vµ èng ®u«i
For the latter, test the steering and make
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng ch©n vÞt vµ khe hë sure that the emergency tiller is on
b¹c èng ®u«i. board.
4. ThiÕt bÞ vµ c¸c vËt dông 3.3 Propeller and stern tube
4.1 Trang bÞ thiÕt bÞ Check the condition of the propeller and
clearance of the stern tube bush.
§¶m b¶o cã B¶n ghi trang bÞ an toµn ®Ó 4. EQUIPMENT AND INVENTORY
tra cøu, kiÓm tra c¸c thiÕt bÞ ® îc yªu 4.1 Equipment inventory
cÇu cho xuång vµ x¸c nhËn chóng cã Ensure that the Record of Safety
trªn xuång vµ cßn tèt. Equipment is readily available for
4.2 B¬m hót kh« consultation, check the required lifeboat
For the latter, test the steering and make
Thö b¬m hót kh« tay, cã thÓ lµ cè ®Þnh
sure that the emergency tiller is on
hoÆc x¸ch tay (H×nh 12).
3.3 Propeller and stern tube
Check the condition of the propeller and
clearance of the stern tube bush.
4.1 Equipment inventory
Ensure that the Record of Safety
Equipment is readily available for
consultation, check the required lifeboat
equipment and verify that it is all in
place and valid
4.2 Bilge pump
Test the hand operated bilge pump,
H×nh12/Fig.12 which. May either be fixed in the boat or
4.3 M¸i che b»ng b¹t portable (Fig. 12).

Trªn xuång hë, ng êi trªn xuång ® îc 4.3 Canvas cover

b¶o vÖ khái t¸c ®éng cña m«i tr êng In open lifeboats, the occupants are
b»ng mét m¸i che b¹t, ® îc ®ì b»ng c¸c protected from the elements by a canvas
cover, supported by a structure of steel.
kÕt cÊu èng thÐp. KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng tubes. Check the condition of the
m¸i che vµ c¸c èng thÐp. canopy and its supports.
4.4 Sèng/tÊm b¶o vÖ 4.4 Skates/fenders
KiÓm tra sèng hoÆc tÊm b¶o vÖ ®Ó ng¨n Check that skates or fenders fitted to
h h¹i khi h¹ vµ kÐo xuång ® îc l¾p prevent damage during launching and
®óng vµ ë t×nh tr¹ng tháa m·n. recovery are fitted properly and in
5. Ghi chÐp thùc tËp, kiÓm tra vµ satisfactory working order.
b¶o d ìng trªn tµu 5. RECORDING OF DRILLS, ON-BOARD
§¶m b¶o c¸c cuéc thùc tËp rêi tµu, thùc INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE
tËp cøu sinh vµ huÊn luyÖn trªn tµu ® îc Ensure that abandon ship drills, drills of
ghi chÐp ®óng trong nhËt ký. life-saving appliances and on-board
§¶m b¶o b¸o c¸o cña c¸c ®ît kiÓm tra training are properly recorded in the log-
hµng th¸ng trang bÞ cøu sinh nãi trªn book.
® îc ghi chÐp trong nhËt ký. Ensure that the reports of the prescribed
*** monthly inspections of life-saving
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
BÌ cøu sinh (SOLAS Reg.III/31 vµ Bé Liferafts (SOLAS Reg. III/31.1 and
luËt LSA) cã thÓ ph©n thµnh 2 lo¹i LSA Code) can be subdivided into two
chÝnh: cøng vµ b¬m h¬i. Lo¹i cøng hiÖn basic types, i.e. rigid and inflatable.
nay rÊt hiÕm dïng. C¶ 2 lo¹i ®Òu cã thÓ The rigid type is very rare nowadays.
h¹ b»ng tay hoÆc b»ng cÇn. Both rigid and inflatable liferafts are
C¸c tµu cã mòi hoÆc ®u«i c¸ch ph ¬ng either manually or davit launched.
tiÖn cøu sinh, xuång vµ bÌ, qu¸ 100 mÐt Ships, where the bow or stern is more
ph¶i trang bÞ mét bÌ bæ sung cho 6 than 100 metres from the survival craft,
ng êi, ë phÝa tr íc hoÆc sau theo yªu lifeboats and liferafts, must carry an
cÇu nÕu cã thuyÒn viªn lµm viÖc ë khu additional 6-man liferaft, forward or aft
vùc ®ã. as required, in case there are crew
working in that area.
Trõ bÌ bæ sung cho 6 ng êi nªu trªn, With the exception of the additional 6-
nÕu cã, tÊt c¶ c¸c bÌ ®Òu ph¶i cã thiÕt bÞ man liferaft, if fitted, all liferafts must
nh¶ thñy tÜnh (SOLAS Reg.III/13), be secured with a hydrostatic release
ho¹t ®éng tù ®éng khi tµu ch×m (H1). unit (SOLAS Reg. III/13) that will
automatically release if the ship sinks
(Fig. 1).
Inflatable liferafts and hydrostatic
release units must be serviced every 12
months by a servicing station approved
in compliance with the “RINA Rules for
the certification of Service Suppliers”.
Disposable hydrostatic release units in
lieu of servicing are to be replaced every
H×nh1/Fig.1 2 years (Fig.2).
BÌ b¬m h¬i vµ thiÕt bÞ nh¶ thñy tÜnh ph¶i 2. CHECKS AND TESTS
® îc b¶o d ìng 12 th¸ng 1 lÇn bëi 1
- Check the validity of the certificates
tr¹m b¶o d ìng ® îc c«ng nhËn. ThiÕt
issued by the last approved servicing
station (SOLAS Reg.III/20.8.1).

bÞ nh¶ thñy tÜnh lo¹i dïng 1 lÇn ph¶i - Check the general condition of the
® îc thay sau 2 n¨m (H×nh 2).2. KIÓm containers (Fig. 3), particularly in the
TRA Vµ THö area where the containers lean on the
- KiÓm tra hiÖu lùc cña giÊy chøng nhËn supports.
do tr¹m b¶o d ìng ® îc c«ng nhËn lÇn - Check the condition of the stowage and
cuèi cÊp. (SOLAS Reg.III/20.8.1). securing arrangements (Fig. 4)
- Check the condition and connection of
- KiÓm tra t×nh trang chung cña hép
the hydrostatic release unit.
®ùng (H×nh 3), ®Æc biÖt lµ khu vùc hép t×
- Check the condition and connection of
vµo gi¸ ®ì.
the slip hook (Fig. 5).
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng cÊt gi÷ vµ ch»ng - Check that the liferaft painter is
buéc (H×nh 4) attached to the ship by means of a weak
link (Fig. 5).
- Check that nothing prevents the liferaft
from floating free if the ship sinks.

- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng vµ liªn kÕt cña c¬
cÊu nh¶ thñy tÜnh.
- KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng vµ liªn kÕt cña mãc H×nh5/Fig.5
tr ît (H×nh 5).
- KiÓm tra d©y buéc bÌ cøu sinh ® îc
g¾n víi tµu b»ng mét m¾t yÕu (H×nh 5)
- KiÓm tra bÌ næi kh«ng bÞ c¶n trë khi
tµu ch×m.
1. giíi thiÖu chung 1. GENERAL
HÖ thèng h¹ ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh (bé Launching arrangements for survival
luËt LSA) cã thÓ lµ: craft (LSA Code)
- hÖ thèng cÇn ®«i cho xuång h¹ tõ m¹n may be:
(H×nh 1). - twin davit systems for side launched
lifeboats (Fig. 1).
- single davit systems for rescue boats or
davit launched liferafts (Fig. 2).
- the "structure" required for launching a
free-fall lifeboat.
The primary requirement of all these
systems is to provide a safe means of
launching the survival craft in all
conditions; the secondary requirement is
to provide a means of recovery, when
they are used for drills.
2.1 Davit structure and foundations
- HÖ thèng cÇn ®¬n cho xuång cÊp cøu Check the davit structure, its
hoÆc bÌ cøu sinh h¹ b»ng cÇn (H×nh 2) foundations, the arms (Fig. 3), the
mechanism to move the boat outboard
from the stowage position (Fig. 4):
visual examination, hammer testing and,
if deemed necessary, ultrasonic gauging.

- KÕt cÊu yªu cÇu cho xuång h¹ r¬i tù
Yªu cÇu chÝnh ®èi víi tÊt c¶ c¸c hÖ
thèng nµy lµ ph¶i ®¶m b¶o viÖc h¹ an H×nh3/Fig.3
toµn cho ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh trong mäi
®iÒu kiÖn; yªu cÇu thø hai lµ viÖc thu håi Particular attention is to be paid to the
ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh, khi chóng ® îc area of the davit behind the sheaves
dïng cho môc ®Ých thùc tËp. (Fig. 5).
2.2 Sheaves
2. KIÓm TRA Vµ THö
Check that the sheaves are well-
2.1 KÕt cÊu vµ ch©n cÇn maintained,
KiÓm tra kÕt cÊu cÇn, ch©n cña cÇn, tay greased, free to rotate (Fig. 6) and not
2.3 Falls
(H×nh 3), c¬ cÊu ® a xuång tõ vÞ trÝ cÊt
gi÷ ra ngoµi m¹n (H×nh 4): kiÓm tra
b»ng m¾t, b»ng bóa vµ, nÕu cÇn, siªu
CÇn quan t©m ®Æc biÖt ®Õn phÇn cÇn ë
sau b¸nh r¨ng (H×nh 5).
2.2 B¹c
KiÓm tra c¸c b¸nh r¨ng b¶o d ìng tèt,
tra mì, quay dÔ dµng (H×nh 6) vµ kh«ng H×nh5/Fig.5
bÞ mßn.

H×nh4/Fig.4 H×nh6/Fig.6
2.3 C¸p The falls of any survival craft must be
changed at least every 5 years, or sooner
C¸p cña ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh bÊt kú if they show signs of deterioration, and
ph¶i ® îc thay sau 5 n¨m, hoÆc sím h¬n must be turned “end for end” every 2
nÕu cã dÊu hiÖu xuèng cÊp, vµ ph¶i ®¶o 1/2years (30 months). Some flag states
chiÒu sau 2,5 n¨m (30 th¸ng). Mét sè may accept that the falls are changed at
chÝnh quyÒn cã thÓ yªu cÇu thay c¸p sau least every 4 years or sooner, without the
4 n¨m hoÆc sím h¬n mµ kh«ng cÇn ®¶o need to turn them “end for end” every 2
chiÒu sau 2,5 n¨m. 1/2 years.
KiÓm tra ngµy ®¶o chiÒu/thay lÇn cuèi. Check the date of the last
KiÓm tra c¸p ® îc b¶o d ìng tháa m·n reversal/renewal.
vµ kh«ng bÞ xuèng cÊp. Check that the falls are satisfactorily
2.4 Rßng räc maintained and without deterioration.
§¶m b¶o c¸c rßng räc, m¾t, nèi vµ d©y
buéc ® îc b¶o d ìng ë t×nh tr¹ng tèt
(H×nh 7 vµ 8).
2.5 Têi vµ phanh
ViÖc h¹ ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh ® îc thùc
hiÖn b»ng têi (H×nh 9) vµ phanh tay
(H×nh 10) ® îc ®iÒu khiÓn tõ boong
vµ/hoÆc thö tõ trong ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu
sinh. KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng têi vµ thö
phanh tay khi h¹.cÊp cho m« t¬ tr íc
khi tay cÇn tíi vÞ trÝ dõng nh»m tr¸nh
øng suÊt qu¸ lín xuÊt hiÖn trong c¸p
hoÆc cÇn.b»ng têi ®iÒu khiÓn b»ng tay,
nh ng c¸c hÖ thèng hiÖn ®¹i h¬n kÕt hîp
mét têi ® îc lai b»ng ®éng c¬ hoÆc ®éng
c¬ dïng khÝ nÐn. HÖ thèng ph¶i cã ng¾t
cuèi ®Ó ng¾t nguån n¨ng l îngKhi thu
håi nªn t¾t têi tr íc khi tay cÇm vÒ tíi vÞ
trÝ nghØ vµ hoµn thµnh c«ng viÖc b»ng 2.4 Blocks
tay. Ensure that all blocks, padeyes, links
fastenings are maintained in good
(Figs. 7 and 8).
2.5 Winch and brakes
The launching of davit-launched survival
craft is controlled through a winch (Fig.
H×nh9/Fig9 9) and a manual brake (Fig. 10) operated
from the deck and/or from the survival
craft. Check the condition of the winch
and test the manual brake during the
2.6 Recovery arrangement
In addition to lowering the survival craft
the launching devices must incorporate a
means of recovery. On older ships this
may be a manually operated winch, but
more modern installations incorporate a
powered winch. The power may be
H×nh10/Fig.10 supplied either by an electric motor or
2.7 C¸c vÊn ®Ò kh¸c an air motor. The system must
incorporate limit switches, which cut-
- Thang xuèng ph?¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh: off the power supply to the motor before
kiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng chung cña thang the davit arms reach the stops in order to
(H×nh 11), liªn kÕt víi boong vµ thang avoid overstressing falls or davits.
®ñ dµi tíi n íc khi tµu ë tr¹ng th¸i nhÑ During recovery operations it is
t¶i nhÊt. §Æc biÖt chó ý t×nh tr¹ng d©y advisable to stop the powered winch
cña thang. before the davit arms reach their rest
position and complete the operation
Test proper working of the limit
2.7 Miscellaneous
- Embarkation ladders: check the
overall condition of the ladders (Fig.
11), their connection to the deck and that
they are long enough to reach the water
when the ship is in light condition.
Particular attention is to be paid to the
condition of the ropes.
- Check the maintenance condition and
H×nh11/Fig.11 functioning of the emergency lighting
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng b¶o d ìng vµ ho¹t for the stowage and launching positions
®éng cÈu chiÕu s¸ng sù cè khu vùc cÊt of survival craft.
gi÷ vµ h¹ ph ¬ng tiÖn cøu sinh. - Check the availability of launching
KiÓm tra h íng dÉn h¹ xuång vµ bÌ, instructions for lifeboats and liferafts,
th êng lµ ë d¹ng c¸c b¶ng g¾n gÇn vÞ trÝ usually in the form of posters affixed
cÊt gi÷ ® îc chiÕu s¸ng b»ng c¸c ®Ìn sù near the stowage positions and under the
cè. emergency lighting.
ThiÕt bÞ m¹n kh« H×nh2/Fig.2
1. giíi thiÖu chung
C¸c thiÕt bÞ m¹n kh« sau cÇn ® îc xem
- DÊu m¹n kh« The following load line appliances are
- N¾p hÇm hµng considered:
- Load line marks
- èng th«ng h¬i - Cargo hatch covers
- Qu¹t giã - Air pipes
- Ventilators
- Lan can vµ m¹n gi¶
- Bulwarks and guardrails.
- Cöa - Doors
- èng ®o - Sounding pipes
2. dÊu m¹n kh« Check that the load line marks are
KiÓm tra dÊu m¹n kh« ® îc g¾n cè ®Þnh, permanently marked, duly painted and
s¬n ®óng vµ dÔ nh×n thÊy ë c¶ 2 m¹n tµu plainly visible on both sides of the ship
(H×nh 1). (Fig.1).
Check the structural condition of the
covers, coamings and relevant stiffeners
v r
(corrosion, wastage or damage) (Fig. 2
and Fig. 3).

3. n¾p vµ thµnh qu©y miÖng hÇm
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng kÕt cÊu cña n¾p hÇm
hµng, thµnh qu©y vµ c¸c nÑp liªn quan
(¨n mßn, h h¹i) (H×nh 2 vµ 3).
Check the condition of compression
bars, gaskets and relevant retaining
channels (Fig. 4).
Check the condition of cleats (Fig. 5)
and cross joint wedges (all available and
Test the opening/closing system. For the
hydraulic system particular attention is
to be paid to oil leakages

KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng tÊm ®Öm, ®Öm lµm 4. AIR PIPES
kÝn vµ c¸c r·nh gi÷ (H×nh 4). Check the structural condition of air
pipes (corrosion, wastage or damage).
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¸c cäc thao t¸c Check the condition of closing devices
nhanh (H×nh 5) vµ c¸c mèi hµn ch÷ thËp which may consist of:
(ph¶i cã ®ñ vµ b¶o d ìng tèt). - plug (rubber or wood) attached to the
pipe by chain;
- flaps with seals and dogs (Fig. 7);
- float ball type (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). For
this type dismantling may be necessary
to check both the float ball and the
condition of the float chamber.

Thö hÖ thèng ®ãng/më. Víi hÖ thèng
thñy lùc cÇn ®Æc biÖt quan t©m ®Õn rß rØ H×nh6/ Fig.6
dÇu (H×nh 6).

Check that each air pipe is properly
labelled with the indication of the tank it
serves (Fig. 10).
Check the condition of the flame screen
H×nh5/ Fig.5 (corrosion, damage, obstructions) where
required to be fitted.
4. èng th«ng h¬i
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng kÕt cÊu cña èng Check the structural condition of
th«ng h¬i (mßn, h h¹i).
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¬ cÊu ®ãng, bao coamings (corrosion, wastage or
gåm: damage). Check the condition of closing
- n¾p chÆn víi c¬ cÊu ®ãng kÝn vµ chèt devices (covers, hinges, gaskets and
(h×nh 7); dogs) (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12).
- kiÓu bãng hoÆc ®Üa næi (H×nh 8 vµ 9).


H×nh9/Fig.9 H×nh12/ Fig.12

Check the structural condition of
bulwarks and relevant stanchions
(corrosion, wastage, damage) (Fig. 13).
Check the condition of guardrails
(corrosion, wastage, damage) (Fig. 14)
Check the condition of doors and
relevant sills (corrosion, damage).
Check the condition of gaskets and
relevant retaining channels. Check the
condition of closing devices (toggles,
dogs, hinges), all available and well-
lubricated (Fig. 15).
Cã thÓ cÇn ph¶i th¸o ra ®Ó kiÓm tra bãng
hoÆc ®Üa næi.
KiÓm tra mçi èng th«ng h¬i ® îc ®¸nh
dÊu ®óng cïng víi tªn kÐt mµ nè phôc
vô (H×nh 10).
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng l íi chÆn löa (mßn,
h h¹i, kÑt) nÕu yªu cÇu ph¶i trang bÞ
(®èi víi kÐt dÇu)
5. qu¹t giã
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng kÕt cÊu cña thµnh H×nh14/Fig.14
qu©y (mßn, h h¹i). KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng
cña c¬ cÊu ®ãng (n¾p, b¶n lÒ, ®Öm vµ 8. SOUNDING PIPES
chèt) (H×nh 11 vµ 12). Sounding pipes are to be fitted with
closing devices, which consist of:
6. lan can vµ m¹n gi¶
- self-closing devices (usually operated
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng kÕt cÊu c¶u m¹n gi¶ by counterweight) for sounding pipes
vµ c¸c cét chèng (mßn, h h¹i) (H×nh located in the engine room (Fig. 16);
13). and
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng lan can (mßn, h
h¹i) (H×nh 14).
7. cöa
KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¸c cöa vµ ng ìng
cöa (mßn, h h¹i).
kiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng ®Öm kÝn vµ c¸c r·nh
tr ît. KiÓm tra t×nh tr¹ng c¬ cÊu ®ãng
(then, b¶n lÒ, chèt) ph¶i cã ®ñ vµ ® îc
b«i tr¬n tèt (H×nh 15).
8. èng ®o

èng ®o ph¶i cã c¬ cÊu ®ãng, bao gåm: - threaded plug for sounding pipes
outside the engine room.
- c¬ cÊu tù ®ãng (th êng ho¹t ®éng nhê
®èi träng) cho èng ®o trong buång m¸y Check that self-closing devices are fitted
(H×nh 16); vµ and properly working (not seized) and
that plugs are in place.
- nót d©y víi èng ®o ngoµi buång m¸y.
KiÓm tra c¬ cÊu tù ®ãng ® îc trang bÞ vµ
ho¹t ®éng tèt (kh«ng kÑt) va cã nót.
sù s¹ch sÏ cña buång CLEANLINESS OF ENGINE
m¸y vµ khoang m¸y l¸i. ROOM AND STEERING GEAR
1. giíi thiÖu chung
Khu vùc buång m¸y vµ sµn buång m¸y
Poor cleanliness of machinery spaces
(H1 vµ H2) kh«ng ® îc s¹ch sÏ theo
and relevant bilge (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) is
thanh tra C¶ng vô cã nguy c¬ ch¸y
associated by port State control officers
trong mét sè tr êng hîp nghiªm träng
to fire hazards and in some serious cases
cã thÓ dÉn tíi viÖc l u gi÷ tµu.
it can lead to ship detention.

2. buång m¸y 2. ENGINE ROOM
- M¸y chÝnh vµ m¸y phô; kh«ng rß rØ - Main & auxiliary engines: no leakage
nhiªn liÖu, dÇu b«i tr¬n, n íc lµm m¸t) (fuel oil, lubricating oil, cooling water).
- Drip trays around fuel oil tanks: dry
- Khay høng xung quanh c¸c kÐt nhiªn
liÖu; kh« vµ s¹ch and clean.
- Floor plates: fixed in place and not
- T«n sµn; ® îc cè ®Þnh vµ kh«ng dÝnh oily.
dÇu. - Spare parts and consumables: rigged
- Phô tïng vµ vËt t : s¾p ®Æt vµ cÊt gi÷ and stored in dedicated spaces.
t¹i c¸c n¬i chuyªn dông. - Bilge: dry and clean.
- §¸y: kh« vµ s¹ch. 3. STEERING GEAR ROOM
3. Buång m¸y l¸i - No oil leakage.
- Kh«ng cã dÇu bÞ rß rØ. - No improper storage (drums, oxygen
- Kh«ng cã sù bè trÝ bÊt hîp lý (c¸c èng, acetylene bottles, etc.)
c¸c b×nh «xy vµ acetylene v.v) - Floor not oily.
- Sµn buång m¸y kh«ng dÝnh dÇu. ***
Ên phÈm hµng h¶i, h¶i ®å NAUTICAL
vµ c¸c tµi liÖu kh¸c PUBLICATIONS,CHARTS
1. Ên phÈm hµng h¶i
C¸c Ên phÈm hµng h¶i (H×nh1) ph¶i cho
biÕt c¸c th«ng tin hµng h¶i ®- ® îc cËp Nautical publications (Fig.1) are
nhËt. Theo SOLAS Reg.V20, tÊt c¶ c¸c intended to provide
tµu ph¶i cã ®Çy ®ñ vµ ® îc cËp nhËt: up-to-date navigational information.
According to
- h¶i ®å SOLAS Reg. V/20, all ships are to carry
- h íng dÉn hµng h¶i adequate and
- danh môc ®Ìn biÓn
- charts
- th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i biÓn - sailing directions
- b¶ng thñy triÒu - lists of lights
- notices to mariners
vµ c¸c Ên phÈm hµng h¶i cÇn thiÕt kh¸c - tide tables
cho chuyÕn ®i, nh danh môc c¸c ®µi v« and all other nautical publications
tuyÕn ®iÖn, lÞch thiªn v¨n hµng h¶i. necessary for the intended voyage, such
§¶m b¶o r»ng c¸c Ên phÈm hµng h¶i cÇn as lists of radio signals, nautical almanac
thiÕt/yªu cÇu cã trªn tµu ph¶i ®ñ cho and sight reduction tables.
hµnh tr×nh ® îc cËp nhËt vµ/trang bÞ míi Ensure that the required/necessary
phï hîp. nautical publications carried on board
are adequate for the intended voyage
and updated/renewed as appropriate.
According to SOLAS Reg. V/20, all
ships must carry updated charts
necessary for the intended voyage

2. H¶i ®å
Theo SOLAS Reg V/20, tÊt c¶ c¸c tµu
ph¶i cã h¶i ®å cÇn thiÕt ® îc cËp nhËt
cho hµnh tr×nh (H×nh 2) H×nh2/ Fig.2
Revisions are contained in the “Notices
C¸c söa ®æi trong "th«ng b¸o cho ng êi to Mariners'”, published weekly (Fig.3).
®i biÓn" ® îc xuÊt b¶n ®Þnh kú (H×nh 3) A “Cumulative list of Notices to
"Danh môc th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i biÓn" Mariners” is published annually,
® îc xuÊt b¶n hµng n¨m, kÌm theo mçi providing for each chart the relevant
h¶i ®å lµ ngµy ph¸t hµnh vµ thø tù c¸c bæ date of issue and subsequent
sung söa ®æi (H×nh 4). amendments (Fig.4).
Corrections are made by hand or
through the use of small “tracings”
provided together with the “Notices to
The following verifications are to be
carried out:
- check that the “Notices to Mariners”
published the previous year are available
on board;
H×nh3/Fig.3 - check that the “Cumulative list of
C¸c söa ch÷a b»ng tay hoÆc "d¸n" trong Notices to Mariners” is available on
"Th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i biÓn" board;
- consult the “Notices to Mariners” and
TiÕn hµnh thÈm tra c¸c tµi liÖu sau ®©y: the
- kiÓm tra c¸c "Th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i “Cumulative list of Notices to Mariners”
biÓn" xuÊt b¶n c¸c n¨m tr íc trªn tµu; to ensure that the charts have been
- kiÓm tra "Danh môc th«ng b¸o cho correctly and regularly updated or
ng êi ®i biÓn" trªn tµu; renewed when the new edition becomes
- so s¸nh "Th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i biÓn"
vµ "Danh môc th«ng b¸o cho ng êi ®i
biÓn" ®¶m b¶o r»ng c¸c h¶i ®å ®- ® îc
cËp nhËt th êng xuyªn chÝnh x¸c vµ
trang bÞ khi Ên phÈm míi ban hµnh.
3. tµi liÖu kh¸c
C¸c tµi liÖu sau ®©y (giÊy chøng nhËn,
sæ tay, sæ nhËt ký v.v.) lu«n ® îc cÊt gi÷
vµ s½n sµng cho c¸c thanh tra C¶ng vô vµ H×nh3/Fig.3
c¸c c¬ quan Chøc n¨ng kh¸c kiÓm tra
- GiÊy chøng nhËn cho thuyÒn viªn (vÒ 3. OTHER DOCUMENTATION
chuyªn m«n, y tÕ ...) The following documentation
- NhËt ký boong, m¸y, v« tuyÕn ®iÖn v.v (certificates, manuals, booklets, etc) is
always to be kept readily available and
- Sæ tay huÊn luyÖn cøu sinh (SOLAS updated for verification by port State
III/51), bao gåm h íng dÉn vµ th«ng control officers and other authorities (the
tin trang bÞ cøu sinh l¾p ®Æt trªn tµu vµ list is not exhaustive):
c¸c biÖn ph¸p cøu sinh tèi u. - Crew certificates (of competency,
- H íng dÉn b¶o d íng thiÕt bÞ cøu sinh medical, etc).
trªn tµu (SOLAS II/52) - Log book.
- B¶ng ph©n c«ng tr¸ch nhiÖm thuyÒn - Training Manual (SOLAS III/51),
viªn (SOLAS III/53) containing instructions and information
on the life-saving appliances provided in
- Biªn b¶n kiÓm tra an toµn trang thiÕt the ship and on the best methods of
bÞ. survival.
- SOPEP (Marpol I/26) ®Æc biÖt l u ý tíi
danh s¸ch nhµ chøc tr¸ch hoÆc c¸ nh©n - Instructions for on-board
® îc lªn tµu trong tr êng hîp x¶y ra tai maintenance of life-saving appliances
n¹n (ph¶i ® îc cËp nhËt th êng xuyªn). (SOLAS III/52).
- Sæ tay huÊn luyÖn cøu háa - Muster list (SOLAS III/53).
- Record of Safety Equipment.
- Danh môc b¶o d ìng trang bÞ cøu háa
- Class and statutory certificates.
- Sæ tay h íng dÉn khai th¸c chèng ch¸y - SOPE Plan (MARPOL I/26):
næ particular attention is to be paid to the
- GiÊy chøng nhËn B¶o hiÓm (th©n vµ list of authorities or persons to be
m¸y tµu, P&I). contacted in case of accident (to be kept
continuously updated).
*** - Fire training manual
- Fire maitainance plan
- Fire safety operational booklet
- Insurance certificates (hull &
machinery, P&I).

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