Ifwewerehonestmakingplans Teacherguide

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TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2022. For use only with license.

If We Were Honest Making Plans (B1 - B2)

Part 1. Comparing the types of social gatherings. Answers will vary.
Part 2. Discussion about the man inviting his colleagues to his party.
(1) This invitation is more informal due to the tone and word choice. For example, "booze"
is slang and he addresses his colleagues as "guys". He also uses short sentence fragments
instead of talking in a full sentence, which is also a bit more informal.
(2) In this invitation, "my place" refers to his home, and "booze" refers to alcohol.
Part 3. Students come up with excuses by finishing the sentences for the man's colleagues in
Part 2. Answers will vary.

Viewing Activity
Part 1. Short answers.
(1) There is a group of colleagues and they are in an office cafeteria/lunch room.
(2) One colleague invites his other colleagues to a party at his place, but his colleagues
come up with excuses why they can't attend his party.
(3) Answers will vary.
Part 2. Students check their answers from Question 3, Part 1. Answers will vary.
Part 3. True / False.
(1) True (2) False (3) False (4) False (5) True

Viewing Follow-Up
Part 1. Discussion questions. Answers will vary.
(1) Answers will vary. Teacher's answer: To be brutally honest means to be honest in a way
that might hurt someone emotionally or be unpleasant to hear.
(2) Answers will vary. Teacher's answer: To give someone a lame excuse means to give
someone a poor or weak reason for deciding to do/not do something.
(3) Answers will vary.
Part 2. Reading the excuses out loud and discussing the questions about them. Answers will vary.
Part 3. Expressions for accepting a party invitation and choosing formal (F) or informal (I).
(1) F (2) I (3) I (4) F (5) I

Role Play Tasks

Role Play Task 1 & 2. Take the role of one of the students if necessary.
TEACHER’S GUIDE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2022. For use only with license.
If We Were Honest Making Plans (B1 - B2)

Quiz & Review

Part 1. Questions. Refer to Viewing Activity.
Part 2. Finish writing Justin's colleagues' excuses (lame excuses).
(1) I wish I could go, but my dad is in town and I got to show him around the city.
(2) I can't make it on Friday. I agreed to help a friend move, and I don't know what
time we're going to be done.
Part 3. Finish writing Quinta's excuses (brutally honest reasons).
(1) Sorry, I can't go either because I just don't want to, sorry.
(2) I just would rather not, and will not, be attending your party.
Lesson Reflection. Answers will vary.

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