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Sure, here's a poem for you:

The sun sets in the west,
The moon rises in the east,
The stars twinkle in the sky,
As the world goes to sleep.

The night is dark and quiet,

The air is cool and still,
The crickets chirp in the distance,
As the world goes to sleep.

The trees sway in the breeze,

The leaves rustle in the wind,
The flowers close their petals,
As the world goes to sleep.

The world is peaceful and calm,

As it rests for the night,
And when the morning comes,
It will wake up to a new light.

I hope you enjoy it!

Source: Conversation with Bing, 1/16/2024

(1) Poem Generator.
(2) Random poems | Academy of American Poets.
(3) 62 Short Poems - Short and Simple Poems to Memorize or Share.

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