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Accredited Level IV – ACSCU-ACI
Roxas City, Capiz

Lesson Plan in Science III

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. differentiate living things and non-living things

2. classify objects into living and non-living things

3. value the existence of living and non-living things

II. Learning Content

Topic: Living and Non-Living things

Audio Materials: Laptop Projector, and Power point Presentation

Visual Materials: Activity Sheets

References: Science and Health III

Value Integration: Value the existence of living and non-living things in our
III. Teaching Strategies

A. Preliminary Activities
a) Review
Importance of plants to human being.
Direction. Raise your Red paper if the statement is correct and White paper if it’s not
1. Plant is used for shelter.
2. Plants do not help animals
3. Plant is used for medicine.
4. Plant is used for food.
5. Plants do not help people
b) Motivation
(Group Activity)
I will group you into 3, I have here 3 envelopes, inside the envelope is puzzled picture,
all you have to do is to solve the picture and identify what thing is it. Understand?
Do the activity in 5 minutes.
Group 1 kindly name the picture that you were formed?

 It’s a stone.
How about group 2?

 It’s a snake.
How about group 3?

 It’s a horse.

Very good! You were able to finish the task on time!

B. Development of the Lesson

a. Presentation
The activity that you had done has something to do with our topic for today.
I have here different pictures that we can see in our surroundings
What things is this?

 It’s a cat
How about this?

 It’s a Bird
And this?

 It’s a Dog
b. Discussion
i. Experiential Learning

What I think I know? What do I want to find out?

ii. Inquiry-Based Learning

(show a piece of pen)

What thing is this?
 It’s a pen.
(show one bag)
What thing is this?
 It’s a bag.
(show a chair)
What thing is this?
 It’s a chair.
Very good! Does cat, dog and bird move by itself?
 Yes ma’am!
Does cat, dog and bird grow and change?
 Yes ma’am!
Alright! Does it need food, water and air?
 Yes ma’am!
All these things are called living things.
Living things are things that can grow, change and reproduce. Also, need food, water and
air. Living things have life

Kindly read this?

 Living things are things that can grow, change and reproduce. Also, need food,
water and air. Living things have life

How about pen, chair and bag, does it move by itself?

 No ma’am!
Does pen, chair and bag grow and change?
 No ma’am!
Does it need food, water and air?
 No ma’am!
These things are called non-living things
Non-living things are things that cannot grow, change and reproduce. Does not need
food, water and air. Non-living things has no life.

Kindly read this?

 Non-living things are things that cannot grow, change and reproduce. Does not
need food, water and air. Non-living things has no life.

Based on your answers, what can you say about living things? non-living things?
What are the characteristics of living things?

1. Grow
2. Change
3. Reproduce

Characteristics of non-living organism

1. Do not grow
2. Do not change
3. Do not reproduce

iii. Reflective Learning

 Why is the living and non-living things important in our life?

C. Post Activities
a. Generalization
If you really understand our topic for today, can you tell me the difference of living
things to a non -living things?
 Living things are the things that can grow, change and reproduce and has life
while non-living things cannot grow, change and reproduce and has no life
All things around us whether living things and non-living things must take care and love
the creation of God.
b. Application
iv. Collaborative Learning

Group 1
Identify and classify the living and non-living things.
Living Things Non-Living Things
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.


Camera Ring

Stone Baby
Group 2
Group the living things and non-living things using pictures

Living Things Non-living Things

Group 3
Give an example of living and non-living things that you see in our surroundings.
Living Things Non-Living Things
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

IV. Evaluation
Classify if the object is living and non-living things.
Living Things Non-living Things
1. 3.
2. 4.

Butterfly Ball

Cake Lion

V. Assignment
Draw at least two (2) living things and non-living things that are important/useful
to us humans.

Prepared by:
Felliah Jane S. Ebon

Checked and Approved by:

Jonathan P. Leal, PhD

Dean, CTE

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