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Reasons why the ‘Demand for more Food’ affects the biogeochemical cycles:

1. Slaughtering animals

The demand for food is set high as the population increases, meaning more animals will be
killed than the normal amount. Animals play an important role towards the Carbon-oxygen cycle,
they are the ones that consume organic carbon, and they convert it into carbon dioxide. This
returns carbon into the atmosphere where it can again be used as photosynthesis. Animals are
also responsible for helping plants fertilize, through the process of deification, and plants are
well known for being the main source of energy. Not only will this affect the carbon-oxygen cycle,
but it will also affect the food chains, as certain animals are being hunted and killed. This means
that carnivores and other predators can suffer through this act and lesser energy will be
provided. These statements I have explained is why it is important to take care of our planet's

2. Processing of Foods in factories

A lot of factories process food everyday and the factories used to make these foods emit
harmful gasses into the air from the machines and oils. These gasses hold a lot of carbon in
them and then disrupt the oxygen-carbon cycle. When these gasses are sent into the air they tip
the balance of the oxygen and carbon. An effect of excess carbon is the warming of the planet
and the increase in acidity in water. A simple thing such as processing food in factories can
really disrupt the oxygen-carbon cycle, so we should really think about how we treat our planet.

3. Gathering of Food Using Equipment

With this, the demand for food will cause another way of obtaining food but this time with the use
equipment. Equipments assist in the gathering of food, making it easier and more efficient. As
the would be a demand for more food, the use of equipment would be more often. Tractors for
farming and fishing boats are good examples. These equipment use more fossil fuels to
function. However, these fuels emit carbon into the atmosphere that highly affects the
oxygen-carbon cycle. Fossil fuels are needed to be burnt as well in order for these equipment to
function. Burning of fossil fuels aid in climate change, affecting the another cycle, the water

4. Growing Crops using Fertilizers and Manure

Fertilizers and Manure help in giving more nutrients to the plants which helps it grow faster. It
increases the soil fertility and ensures strong vegetative growth which leads to high crop output.
Due to the demand of more food, more fertilizers and manure would be used to aid in the
growing of crops. Fertilizers are usually nitrogen-based, allowing more nitrogen to be emitted
into the environment. Nitrogen from fertilizers sink into the soil, often creating conditions that
favor the growth of weeds rather than native plants, disrupting the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen also
then washes into waterways, causing a surplus of nutrients, a situation called eutrophication.

5. Demand for More Water

The increase in the demand of foods would also lead to an increase of the demand of
water as well. However, the increase in demand for water may also disrupt the water
system. The higher the demand of water, the more water will be stored in reservoirs. If
water is kept in these man-made reservoirs for long periods of time, it can slow down
evaporation and impact how fast water is released back into the atmosphere. This isn't
only the issue though; When water is being taken from lakes, rivers, or groundwater
sources to help fulfill human needs, there is a reduction in the natural flow of water in
these systems. The balance of the water cycle may be thrown off due to these things.

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