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According to the Vedic Scriptures, there are three stages of spiritual advancement,
namely, sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana.

1. Sambandha :- Sambandha means to establish one’s original relationship with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. How can we understand this knowledge? This is only possible to attain
this knowledge form a bona spiritual master or a pure devotee of the Lord, when we hear from
them carefully and submissively we can understand that we are not this body, but the soul who
is the eternal servant of the Lord “Jivera ‘svarupa’ haya krsnera ‘nitya-dasa” So first one is
understand who is GOD? What are we? Where are we? Why are we here? And thus understand
our lost relationship with the God.
One has to awaken a relationship with the lord which can be
 Santa
 Dasya
 Sakhya
 Vatsalya
 Madhurya

Arjuna was a friend of he lord, due to which it was easy for him to accept Gita as it is

One should not be simply waste his time upon hearing this, rather should act upon what we heard, that
is abhidheya

2. Abhidheya:- This is the most important occupation of us. And this is the next step, acting upon
this knowledge or activity in relationship with the Lord and His devotees, engaging the in the
devotional service to Krishna. Regular activities performed in devotional service are called
sadhana-bhakti, there are nine processes “ Sravanam Kirtanam…” One can directly approach the
Supreme Personality of Godhead simply by executing these nine kinds of devotional service.
Hearing about the Lord is the most important of the nine aspects of devotional service, for if we
are simply given a chance to hear about Krishna, our devotion will surely develop. It is
emphasized by our gurus that all success in devotional life is guaranteed if we can regularly
chant this mantra carefully. When one regularly chants and hears about the supreme lord he
becomes free from the material contaminations and becomes pure. One should therefore
worship the Lord in his full feature sat-cit- Ananda fearture.

Thus, if we can understand our relationship with the Lord and act accordingly,
our mission in life will be fulfilled.

3. Prayojana:- The ultimate goal of life is pure love of God. After properly executing our duties,
when we attain the highest goal of life, pure love of God, we are said to have achieved
prayojana, or the fulfillment of the ultimate goal of life. One who is a pure devotee doesn’t have
any desire of liberation, but he is happy in the loving devotional service to the Lord. Even if he
doesn’t wish for anything else, he is sure to reach the abode of Krishna. This is because of his
act. A devotee by rendering loving service thought out his life is sure to remember lord at his
last time, which will take him back.

If one adopts this teaching in BG and practice devotional service as per the instruction of spiritual
master, he is sure to attain complete perfection of life

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