6QQMN971 Module Outline

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Introduction to the course –

Advanced Macroeconomics (6QQMN971)
King’s College London, 2023/24

Michele Piffer and Martin Weale

King’s College London

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Prof. Martin Weale (MW), module leader

email: martin.weale@kcl.ac.uk

Dr. Michele Piffer (MP)

email: michele.piffer@kcl.ac.uk

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Teaching assistants

Tara Hamadi
email: tara.hamadi@kcl.ac.uk
for Michele’s part only, not for Martin’s part

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Lectures in person only, recorded and posted on KEATS

MP week 1 (or 22), starting Jan 15

MP week 2 (or 23), starting Jan 22
MP week 3 (or 24), starting Jan 29
MP week 4 (or 25), starting Feb 5
MP week 5 (or 26), starting Feb 12
reading week starting Feb 19
MW week 6 (or 28), starting Feb 26
MW week 7 (or 29), starting Mar 4
MW week 8 (or 30), starting Mar 11
MW week 9 (or 31), starting Mar 18
MW week 10 (or 32), starting Mar 25

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Tutorials=Workshops: in person only, not recorded

MP week 1 (or 22), starting Jan 15: no tutorials

MP week 2 (or 23), starting Jan 22: tutorial 1 (Michele)
MP week 3 (or 24), starting Jan 29: tutorial 2 (Tara)
MP week 4 (or 25), starting Feb 5: tutorial 3 (Tara)
MP week 5 (or 26), starting Feb 12: tutorial 4 (Tara)
reading week starting Feb 19
MW week 6 (or 28), starting Feb 26: no tutorials
MW week 7 (or 29), starting Mar 4: tutorial 5 (Martin)
MW week 8 (or 30), starting Mar 11: tutorial 6 (Martin)
MW week 9 (or 31), starting Mar 18: tutorial 7 (Martin)
MW week 10 (or 32), starting Mar 25: tutorial 8 (Martin)

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Revision class

MW/MP week starting Apr 22 (week 36): revision week

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The assessment is composed of three parts

15% of the grade:

Midterm exam for Michele’s part

15% of the grade:

Video assignment for Martin’s part

70% of the grade:

Final exam, both parts of the course

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ASSESSMENT (continues)

Midterm exam for Michele’s part

1 takes place online on February 28, 13:30 to 15:00
2 1 hour for the exam + 30 minutes to upload
3 use the additional 30 mins to upload the answers...
4 can either type or hand-write, as you prefer
5 essay questions, no multiple choice. Answer both questions
6 covers material of all first 5 weeks

Video assignment
1 submission deadline March 28, 10:00. More info on KEATS
closer to the time

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ASSESSMENT (continues)

Final exam
70% of the final grade
In person, 1.5h
Covers material from all lectures. Answer all questions

we will distribute last year’s on KEATS/Assessment

exam solutions discussed during revision class
(week 36, starting 22 April)

rely also on the tutorials for an idea of what we can ask in

the exam

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work on the tutorial before your class!

tutorials are not marked

no recording posted on KEATS

solutions posted on KEATS/Tutorials after the tutorial

we are fine if you occasionally need to change tutorial

group, but don’t overdo

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First, check KEATS/Module information or these slides

If question on the admin

contact ug-business@kcl.ac.uk

If question on the material covered by Michele Piffer

get in touch with the teaching assistant (even for tutorial 1)
contact Michele, either before/after the lectures or via
email and/or office hour

If question on the material covered by Martin Weale


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If you want to talk to us: office hour

Tara Hamadi
please contact by email to make an appointment

Michele Piffer
in person or via Teams, as you prefer
book a slot using Calendly (link also available on KEATS)

Martin Weale
please contact by email to make an appointment

Office hour available also during reading week and after end of
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First part of the course (MP)

which tools do people use in modern macroeconomics?
microfounded theoretical vs time series models
Ramsey, General equilibrium, VARs models

Second part of the course (MW)

open economy
monetary policy
(rules/discretion, ZLB, recent monetary policy decisions)
financial stability

Teaching material on KEATS

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Work hard from the beginning

Don’t limit yourself to just taking the exam: ask yourself ‘how
does this help me understand the world we live in?’

If you get lost, ask!

Show original thinking, don’t just repeat lectures and class work

We hope you will enjoy the course!!

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