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A society that is civilized have 5 major factors, and these are consist of it's government, economy,
religion, writing system and advance level of technology.

. Government-A governmen provide's the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protect them
from outside interference, and often provide for their well-being and happiness.

.Economy- Economy embodies institutions, goals, relationships, business organiza- tions, and other
formal and informal arrangements that cannot exist or func- tion without people. People, at the same
time, cannot survive and find real meaning in life without being involved in the economic activities of
their society.

.Religion-Religion impacted the civilizations of the ancient world by greatly influencing how peoples of
ancient civilizations acted, how they thought about the world around them, how civilizations were
organized and maintained, and how they interacted with civilizations of another religion.

.Writing system-Writing made it easier for people to transfer knowledge and various information. These
are information like marriages, prayers, descriptions of rituals, tax rolls, laws, business contracts. Writing
also enabled and facilitated communication between villages, and later cities, city-states and empires.

. Advance level of technology- It changed the way people lived, how they lived, how they worked, and
where they worked. It changed the way wars were fought by introducing new weapons and counter
weapons. Technology changed civilization and history in many ways.

2. A quote of Roger Osborne "Civilization is a reflection of what are and what we value" means that
civilization shows what kind of people are present in one's society. People are the main factor of why
there is a civilization so therefore civilization determines what kind of life or living present in a particular
country or area.

3. The way of live of early humans develop through their adaptations for survival. Many of their
adaptations for survival—an appetite for a varied diet, making tools to gather food, caring for each
other, and using fire for heat and cooking—make up the foundation of our modern survival mechanisms
and are among the defining characteristics of our species.

4. The large land was isolated from much of the rest of the world by dry deserts to the north and west,
the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south. This enabled the Chinese to
develop independently from other world civilizations.The surrounding desert, mountains, and seas
created natural barriers which protected the Ancient Chinese civilization from outside
invaders.Geographic barriers kept China isolated, allowing it to develop without interference from
foreign invasion. At the same time, fertile river valleys allowed farmers to grow enough food to feed
growing populations, increase trade, and expand their economy.
5. Mesopotamia, centered in modern-day Iraq, is regarded as the birthplace of civilization. The region
was widely occupied by humans as early as 12,000 B.C.E. Mesopotamia's development in this period was
supported by a series of geographical factors. Causes of the development of the Mesopotamian
civilization are :

. As early as 5,800 B.C., people were living in the area known as the "Fertile Crescent" Mesopotamia's
unique fertility allowed humans to settle in one place to farm. This region stretched from modern-day
Kuwait and Iraq northward to Turkey.

.Mesopotamia's location in central Asia and rivers supported extensive trade routes that allowed it to
access resources not native to its region, like timber and precious metals. Mesopotamia developed key
aspects of civilization, like a token system to keep trading records. It also traded with smaller civilizations
to the west in Europe and North Africa and east in India.

. Two major rivers in the region -- the Tigris and Euphrates -- provided a source of water that enabled
wide-scale farming. Irrigation provided Mesopotamian civilization with the ability to stretch the river's
waters into farm lands. One of the prime duties of the king was to maintain these essential waterways.

. The Mesopotamian region is relatively flat with few mountains and few forests. This made the people
who lived there vulnerable to foreign invasion and conquest. By the first millennium B.C.E., the region
was home to the world's first multinational empire, the Assyrian Empire.

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