Cerita FI

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Assalamualaikum WBT.

Hi Everyone.

My name is
Falisha Irdina Binti Yusri.
I am from SK Iboi Pelanduk
I am six years old.
Today, I want to tell you all a story.
My story is…

The Greedy Dog

Once, there lived a greedy dog.

He was hungry and was looking for
something to eat.
He walked across a bridge.
He sniffed and spotted a bone.

‘Ah, this looks like a delicious bone’.

He picked up the bone with his mouth
and walked towards his house.
While crossing the bridge, he looked
down the water.
He saw another dog on the water with
a bone too.
He thought.
“Hmm… That dog has a bone too. If I
take his bone, I will have two bones.”
Then, he barked to the other dog on the
“Woof! Woof!”
As he opened his mouth, the bone fell
into the water.

The water splashed and then the dog

realised that the other dog was his own
But, it was too late.
He lost his bone because of his greed.

Now, there was no bone for him to eat

Remember my friend, greed will
always make we lose.

That’s all. Thank You.. Byeeee

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