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Rochelle Cajumnas BSA 1A

The Ecumenism and Salvation illuminates the Church's role as a sacrament of salvation and the
imperative of ecumenical efforts.

The Church, as a sacrament, serves as both a sign and instrument of communion with God and
unity among humanity. It points believers towards a connection with God in this life and the
promise of eternal union. The Church, in this sense, becomes the visible manifestation of
Christ's salvific work, offering doctrine, laws, and sacraments to facilitate communion with God.

Ecumenism, rooted in the Greek term "oikoumene" meaning "the inhabited world," embodies
initiatives for greater religious cooperation, primarily within Christianity. The modern
ecumenical movement seeks to restore fellowship lost through historical Church fragmentation.
It encompasses cooperation among Christian denominations, explores the idea of a single
Christian Church for unity, and extends to interfaith dialogue for mutual respect.

Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism, "Unitatis Redintegratio," aligns with the call for unity
expressed in John 17:20-23. The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes the responsibility
for all faithful to work and pray for unity. This involves continual renewal, conversion, dialogue,
and collaboration among Christians, emphasizing fraternal knowledge and ecumenical
formation.For Catholics, working for Christian unity is not only a Gospel value but also a means
of deepening their Catholic faith. The practical attitudes and approaches recommended include
eliminating divisive language and judgments, engaging in dialogue, cooperating for the common
good, coming together for prayer, and self-examination for renewal.

Furthermore, Vatican II encourages an open and positive attitude towards non-Christian

religions, recognizing elements of truth in their teachings. The Church aims to accept and honor
the good in other religions while proclaiming Jesus Christ as the ultimate truth. This inclusive
stance emphasizes rejecting nothing true and holy in other religions, proclaiming Christ's
uniqueness, and conducting oneself in a manner reflecting Christian values.

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