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Tell a partner about a situation in which somone’s feelings were accidentally hurt.

How were the

situation resolve? Use the vocabulary from page 14 and spotlight expression.

- Voc:
1. Admit making an mistake
2. Make up an excuse
3. Shift the blame
4. Keep a promise
5. Tell a lie/ Tell the truth

- Spotlight:

1. Making fun of

2. Couldn’t help myself

3. Got carried away

4. That’s not the worst of it

5. Cut it out

6. Own up to

7. Letting things get out of hands

8. Make it up to her

Hello sir, my name’s Tuong Vi and I’m from class 18503. So today, I want to share with you about a
story in which I accidentally hurt one of my friend’s feelings. You see, it all start in a normal
highschool morning, my close friend- Tam said that He’s gonna had a guitar performance that
weekend and invited me to come. I, of course, instanly say yes, I will definitely come and cheer for
him. But the thing is, I forgot to set an alarm clock and overslept on his performance’s day. On the
other side, despite of his performance turn is near, Tam still tried to contact me. But he can’t. So he
had to go perfom without me there. The show is an success but it’s not the problem. Tam is very
mad at me because I don’t keep my promise and I know that he is totally right. He texted me that
I’m an untrusted friend and looked down on his effort. I shouldn’t have took my words soo lightly
and disappoint my friend’s expectation. To resolve the issue, I bring him a late congratrulations cake
and told him the truth of that day. Luckily, he give me a secound chance since I don’t make up any
excuses and just admit my own mistake. From that day on, I became very careful with all my promise
that I made because it can harm my relationship with others. And that is the end of my story, thanks
for your listening.
Hello sir, my name’s Tuong Vi and I’m from class 18503. So today, I want to share with you a story in
which I accidentally hurt one of my friend’s feelings. You see, it all starts on a normal high school
morning, my close friend- Tam said that He was gonna had a guitar performance that weekend and
invited me to come. I, of course, instantly say yes, I will definitely come and cheer for him. But the
thing is, I forgot to set an alarm clock and overslept on his performance day. On the other side,
despite his performance turn being near, Tam still tried to contact me. But he can’t. So he had to go
perform without me there. The show is a success but it’s not the problem. Tam is very mad at me
because I don’t keep my promise and I know that he is totally right. He texted me that I’m an
untrusted friend and looked down on his effort. I shouldn’t have taken my words soo lightly and
disappointed my friend’s expectations. To resolve the issue, I bring him a late congratulations cake
and told him the truth about that day. Luckily, he gives me a second chance since I don’t make up
any excuses and just admit my own mistake. From that day on, I became very careful with all the
promises that I made because they can harm my relationship with others. And that is the end of my
story, thanks for your listening.

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