Mip MCQ 4

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Primary immune response the correct statement is:

A Involves IgG

B. Antibody producing cells. Memory B cell

C. No lag period

D. Slow and sluggish

All of the following viruses are transmitted by respiratory route except:

A influenza virus

B Rota virus

C. Respiratory syncytial virus

D. Rhinovirus

During the window period of patient with AIDS, best diagnostic test is:


B. Western Blot

C. Rapid test


Best indicator of HIV prognosis

A CD4T cell count

B. CD8 T cell count



46- The method of killing of all microorganisms including their spores is known as

A. Sterilization

B. Disinfection

C. incineration

D. Lysis

Which of the following is moist heat method ofsterilization?

A. Boiling

B. Autoclaving

C. Hot air oven

D. Both a &b

Hepatitis virus that spreads by fecal-oral route:

A. Hepatitis A

B. Hepatitis B

C. Hepatitis C

D. Hepatitis D

Which antibody crosses placenta?



C. IgE

D. IgM

The Immunity resulting in the infant, as a result of immunization of a pregnant woman with tetanus
tosold is called

A. innate immunity

B. Natural active immunity

C. Artificial active immunity

D. Natural passive immunity

The organism causing UTI in sexually active women

A. Staphylococcus aureus

B. Staphylococcus epidermidis

C. Staphylococcus saprophyticus

D. Streptococcus viridians

The function of fimbriae and pili is

(a) Motility

(b) Conjugation tube

c) Adhesion

d) All of the above

Tuberculosis is a

a) Water borne disease

b) Air borne disease

c) Food borne disease

d) Atthropod borne disease

Cell wall of gram negative bacteria is

a) Thick

b) Lipids are present

c) Teichoic acids are absent

d) None of these

Thermal death time is

a) Time required to kill all cells at a given temperature

b) Temperature that kills all cells in a given time

c) Time and temperature needed to kill all cells

d) All of the above

Which of the following method of sterilization has no effect on spores?

a) Drying

b) Hot air oven

c) Autoclave

d) None of these

Glassware are sterilized by

a) Autoclaving

b) Hot air over

c) Incineration

d) None of these

Prion has

(a) RNA

(b) DNA

(c) Proteinaceous infectious particle

(d) a & b

Virus contain

(a) DNA

(b) RNA

(c) Either DNA or RNA

(d) a & b

Which of the following types of medical items requires sterilization?

a needles

b bed linens

c respiratory masks

d blood pressure cuffs

Which of the following is suitable for use on tissues for microbial control to prevent infection?

a disinfectant

b antiseptic

c sterilant

d water

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