Speaking Sample Test 1 (Medicine)

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Local Medical Clinic

PATIENT You are 45 years old and recovering from a mild heart attack which you had two
weeks ago. You were discharged from hospital four days ago. You are seeing the
doctor because you are unsure how much physical activity is appropriate; you’re
concerned it might bring on another heart attack.

• When asked, say you’ve felt much weaker and very tired since the heart attack;
you’re worried that any physical activity, such as walking, gardening or
swimming, might bring on another heart attack.

• Say you’d like to know how much physical activity is advisable.

• When asked, say you’re an office worker. You sit at a desk all day; you don’t get
much exercise at work.

• When asked, say you’re worried about having another heart attack so you’d like
to know what you can do to reduce the risk of further attacks.

• Say that information has been very helpful. You’ll try to gradually do more
exercise and you’ll look into the rehabilitation programme.

© Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment SAMPLE TEST



Local Medical Clinic

DOCTOR You see a 45-year-old patient who suffered a mild anterior acute myocardial
infarction two weeks ago. Recovery was uncomplicated and the patient was
discharged from hospital four days ago. He/she is now concerned about how
much physical activity is appropriate during recovery.

• Find out reason for visit.

• Reassure patient about fatigue (e.g., expected: 4–6 weeks for return of full energy
levels, etc.). Remind patient about heart attack recovery (e.g., gradual, lifestyle
changes and medication to help, etc.). Emphasise importance of exercise
(e.g., heart health: strengthening heart; overall health: lowering cholesterol; etc.).
• Give recommendations for exercise (moderate physical activity: patient’s recovery
uncomplicated, already two weeks since hospital admission, etc.). Advise
importance of joining cardiac rehabilitation programme (e.g., increasing exercise
tolerance under supervision, etc.). Explore patient’s job (type of work, etc.).
• Give timescale for return to work (e.g., 4–6 weeks for desk job, etc.). Explain
need to be physically and emotionally ready (e.g., not rushing back, planning
return to work: assistance/support from employer, etc.). Explore any concerns.
• Provide recommendations for prevention of future attacks (diet: vegetables,
whole grains; lifestyle: physically active; etc.). Reassure patient about his/her
concerns (e.g., normal, appropriate, etc.).
© Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment SAMPLE TEST

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