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sources, and the ecological, socioeconomic, and

IN HANDLING WASTE PLASTIChealth impacts on Barangay Dayap.

Froilan D. Ocubillo Christian Ditan Russel B. Navaja

Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo
San Pablo City, Philippines San Pablo City, Philippines San Pablo City, Philippines

Michael Joshua T. Tayam Jenny Rose C. Casabuena Mark Jaycee G. Reyes

Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo
San Pablo City, Philippines San Pablo City, Philippines San Pablo City, Philippines

Plastic bottles are still useful and practical for
preserving liquids such as water, milk, oil, and many
others, however even this practical usage of plastic
bottles can have negative environmental effects.
Plastic bottles pose a significant pollution problem in
Barangay Dayap, Calauan Laguna, Philippines, and
beyond. Their slow degradation rate of approximately Based on the findings and conclusion of the
450 years leads to long-term persistence in the study, hereby are the recommendations:
environment, including landfills, water bodies, and
1. Improve infrastructure by establish
natural ecosystems. This pollution damages the local
designated disposal areas and increase the
environment, exacerbating the situation in Barangay
number of garbage containers in the
Dayap where plastic bottles often end up in open
barangay to encourage proper disposal of
landfills, waterways, and streets. The ease of
plastic bottles.
manufacturing and availability of plastic bottles has
2. Implement segregation policies by introduce
made them an indispensable part of our daily lives,
and enforce segregation policies to
but their widespread use has negative consequences
encourage residents to separate plastic
for the environment. Plastic bottle production and
bottles from other waste streams. Raise
disposal contribute to greenhouse gas emissions,
awareness about the benefits of segregation
water scarcity, and resource depletion. Animals and
and provide guidelines for effective waste
marine life in Barangay Dayap are particularly
vulnerable to the hazards posed by plastic bottles, as
3. Develop a device to help the residents of
they mistakenly ingest or become entangled in them,
barangay Dayap, Calauan, Laguna to
leading to harm and death. The socioeconomic
improve the collection of handling waste
consequences are also significant, as plastic bottle
plastic bottles and proper disposal.
pollution negatively affects tourism, agriculture, and
the local economy, while leaking toxic chemicals
pose health risks to the community. To address this
problem, a comprehensive investigation is needed to
understand the extent of plastic bottle pollution, its
Given the magnitude of the problem, a
thorough investigation of the impact of plastic bottles
on the ecosystem of Barangay Dayap, Calauan
Laguna, is required. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the degree of plastic bottle pollution, identify
I. INTRODUCTION the major sources and channels of contamination, and
assess the community's ecological, socioeconomic,
Plastic bottles are a major cause of pollution and health effects. Understanding the unique
in the environment due to their inability to degrade. difficulties encountered by Barangay Dayap allows
Plastic bottles' sluggish breakdown rate is estimated for the development of effective strategies and
to be approximately 450 years, resulting in their long- interventions to reduce plastic bottle pollution and
term persistence in landfills, bodies of water, and promote sustainable behaviors.
other natural ecosystems. Plastic bottle waste
exacerbates the situation in Barangay Dayap since it This research provide significant insights to
frequently ends up in open landfills, waterways, and increase awareness, engage stakeholders, and
even on the streets, leading to environmental damage. implement evidence-based solutions to the plastic
Because of their ease and ubiquitous availability, bottle pollution situation in Barangay Dayap.
plastic bottles have become an indispensible part of Collective action can conserve the environment,
our everyday lives. However, the rapid growth in protect species, maintain local resources, and ensure
their manufacture and use has had a negative impact a sustainable future for the community.
on the environment. This developing worry is not
limited to Barangay Dayap in Calauan, Laguna, Plastic bottles made of polyethylene
Philippines. The extensive prevalence of plastic terephthalate (PET), a common type of plastic, are
bottles in this town has sparked concerns about their projected to take around 450 years to totally degrade,
influence on the local environment and the urgency according to Chariot Energy (2021). However, the
with which this issue must be addressed. improper disposal can result significant impact on
environment. Our people care about the environment.
Plastic bottles have an environmental impact We want to see it clean, with no litter, and so on.
that extends beyond their physical existence. Plastic Others, on the other hand, are unconcerned about the
bottle manufacture requires the extraction of fossil environment. Some people burn items that affect the
fuels, such as crude oil, as well as energy-intensive environment, such as plastic bottles.
manufacturing processes. These activities produce
considerable greenhouse gas emissions, which The researchers aimed to provide findings
contribute to climate change and its repercussions. that would contribute to broader knowledge on
Furthermore, the manufacture and disposal of plastic plastic pollution and provide valuable insights into
bottles require massive volumes of water, further the impact of plastic bottles on the environment. The
taxing local resources. objective of this study is to raise awareness among
the residents of the Barangay Dayap, Calauan Laguna
Furthermore, plastic bottles endanger and recommending a recovery plan for the impact of
animals in Barangay Dayap. Plastic bottles are plastic bottle on their environment.
frequently mistaken for food by animals and marine
life, resulting in ingestion and entanglement. These Background of the study
occurrences cause harm, asphyxia, and sometimes
death, disrupting the local environment. Plastic bottle A study by Eunice Dela Cruz (2023), plastic
pollution pollutes water bodies, affecting aquatic bottles are the third most collected plastic rubbish
species and disrupting the delicate balance of marine item in more than 100 nations during the annual
ecosystems. The socioeconomic consequences of Coastal Cleanup Day. Furthermore, according to the
plastic bottle pollution in Barangay Dayap must also World Wide Fund for Nature (2020), the overall
be considered. Plastic bottle pollution degrades the quantity of plastic consumed is 2,150k tonnes of
scenic attractiveness and natural resources of the plastic that are available for local consumption, 760k
area, which have tourism and agricultural potential. tonnes or 35% of which are leaked into the open
As a result, the local economy and lives reliant on environment, and 706k tonnes or 33% of which are
these sectors suffer. Furthermore, the health hazards disposed of in landfills and dumpsites.
linked with the leaking of toxic chemicals from Approximately 345k tonnes (16% of total) are stored
plastic bottles are a major source of concern for the and in use, 108k tonnes (5% of total) are exported,
community. and approximately 183k tonnes (9% of total) are
recycled. Since their commercial introduction in the
1930s and 1940s, plastics have been increasingly
prominent in the consumer sector. In 2012, global 2.3 Segregation
plastic resin output reached 288 million MT, a 620% 3. What are the challenges encountered by the
increase since 1975. Packaging (3), or products resident of Brgy, Dayap, Calauan, Laguna in
designed for immediate disposal, is the largest market handling used plastic bottles?
segment for plastic resins. In 1960, plastics accounted 4. What are the recommended recovery plan
for less than 1% of municipal solid garbage by mass can be proposed for the waste plastic bottles
in the United States; by 2000, this proportion had of Barangay Dayap?
risen by an order of magnitude.
Theoretical Framework
According to Laura Parker (2023), due to
the world's inability to keep up with the globally The Life Cycle Assessment approach is
rapidly rising demand for disposable plastic goods, frequently used to assess the environmental
plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most implications of plastic waste management strategies.
important environmental challenges. Plastic pollution To identify hotspots and potential environmental
is most visible in Asian countries, where garbage burdens, LCA examines the whole life cycle of
collection services are sometimes ineffective or plastic products, including extraction, production,
nonexistent and have difficulty effectively collecting use, and disposal. LCA is important in directing
waste plastics. Half of all plastics ever manufactured successful plastic waste management decisions,
have been produced in the last 15 years. The World according to studies such as Jambeck et al. (2018)
Health Organization has been trying to create global and Geyer et al. (2019). Ellen MacArthur Foundation
standards because plastic waste has become so (2022), The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is leading
ubiquitous. the Global Commitment in conjunction with the
United Nations Environment Programme. Businesses
According to the article from Nolledo et al. and governments commit to changing how we create,
(2010), "Barangay Dayap NHA, Calauan, Laguna, is use, and recycle plastic through the Global
a relocation site with the partnership of the Commitment. They will work to remove unnecessary
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources plastic things, innovate so that everything plastic we
and ABS-CBN Foundation Incorporated (AFI) that do need may be safely reused, repurposed, or
aims to provide shelter and livelihood to the informal composted, and circulate everything we use to keep it
settlers of Ilog Pasig". The NHA, Southville 7, in the economy and out of the environment.
Housing Project consists of three sites: Site 1, Site 2,
and Site 3. Chairman Fermin Agonia said in the
interview that "The barangay garbage truck collected
2,400 kilograms of waste per day and the common
challenges are floods, lack of knowledge about
segregation of waste, and lack of discipline of the
residents about solid waste."

The study only focused on the current

condition and challenges of the residents in handling Figure 1.1 Theoretical Framework
plastic bottles in Site 1, which consists of SMC,
Apama-ville, Mepat, First-ville, and Star-ville. The
goal of the study is to provide a set of actionable
measures and strategies that can effectively address
the negative effects caused by plastic bottles in
Barangay Dayap, NHA Site 1, Calauan, Laguna.

Statement of the problem

1. What is the Demographic Profile of

Respondents in terms of:
1.1 Sex
1.2 Length of residency in household?
2. What is the current condition of Barangay
Dayap in handling used plastic bottles in
terms of:
2.1 Waste Collection system
2.2 Disposal of plastic bottles
Conceptual Framework government officials and policymakers in developing
effective strategies and policies to address the plastic
waste problem in barangay Dayap NHA Site 1
Calauan Laguna. The study can help in formulating
waste management regulations and guidelines that
promote proper disposal, recycling, and collection of
plastic bottles.
Environmental organizations. The findings
of this study can be valuable for environmental
organizations working towards promoting
environmental conservation and sustainable practices.
The study can provide them with scientific data and
evidence on the negative impact of plastic bottles on
the environment, specifically in barangay Dayap
NHA Site 1 Calauan Laguna. This information can be
utilized by these organizations to raise awareness
among the general public, advocate for policy
changes, and develop targeted campaigns or
initiatives to reduce plastic waste and promote
responsible waste management practices.
Figure 1.2 Conceptual Paradigm Educational institutions and schools. The
study can be significant for educational institutions
In this Figure, it illustrates the flow of the and schools in terms of incorporating environmental
study wherein the researchers used the Input-Process- education and awareness into their curriculum. The
Output Model. The input consists of Demographic findings can serve as a valuable resource for teachers
Profile of Respondents in terms of: 1.1 Gender and and educators to educate students about the negative
1.2 Length of residency. The current condition of impacts of plastic bottles on the environment and the
Barangay Dayap in handling used plastic bottles in importance of proper waste management.
terms of: 2.1 Waste Collection system, 2.2 Disposal Future researcher. This study can serve as a
of plastic bottles and 2.3 Segregation. The basis for further research on the impact of plastic
challenges encountered by the resident of Brgy, bottles on the environment and can lead to innovation
Dayap, Calauan, Laguna in handling used plastic using waste plastic bottles.
bottles. The processes include the Collection of Data,
interviews, Survey questionnaires, Data Analysis, Scope and delimitation
and Interpretation. On the other hand, the output is
the recommended recovery plan that can be proposed The study focused on the challenges of used
for the waste plastic bottle in Barangay Dayap. plastic bottles on the environment of the barangay. It
also focuses on the current condition and
environmental consequences associated with plastic
Significances of the study
bottle usage. Additionally, the study investigate the
behavior and practices of residents related to the use,
The research is about the Challenges of
disposal, and recycling of plastic bottles. This study
handling waste plastic bottles on the Environment of
is conducted in the barangay of Dayap, which is
Barangay Dayap. From conducting this research,
gathered by cluster sampling technique under the
these were the people who benefit from the study.
probability method. The researchers used a survey
Resident. This study can help the resident of
questionnaire to gather quantitative data to provide
barangay Dayap to raise awareness about the
invaluable insights into the specific context of the
negative impact of plastic bottles on the environment
impact of plastic bottles. The time frame of this study
and to provide insights into the best waste
was the second semester of the academic year 2022–
management to reduce the plastic waste in the
barangay Dayap. The results of this study can be used
The study focuses on the challenges of used
to develop the behavior of every resident in the
plastic bottles on the environment specifically in the
barangay such as proper disposal and recycling of
five selected puroks (SMC, Apama, Mepat, Firstville,
plastic bottles.
and Starville) within the Dayap area in Calauan
Researcher. The results of this study can
contribute to the knowledge of waste management
and environmental health.
Government and policymakers. The findings
of this study can provide valuable insights for
Definition of terms the conceptual framework. Thus, information has
been found essential to the research design and was
The following terms were defined presented in order to establish the reliability of the
conceptually and operationally to further understand researchers which has an important bearing on this
the study. study.

Plastic Bottles. A type of plastic bottle used Related Litirature

for consuming soft drinks, water, milk, and other Solid waste is one of the main problems that
beverages that been already used. are encountered in our country. As defined by
Plastic Bottle Pollution. A environmental environmental science, solid waste is a disposed
challenges face by the residents of Barangay Dayap, material that is not a gas or liquid. It also refers to the
Calauan, Laguna such us flooding, overflowing of extent of garbage arising from animal and human
drainage system, Increasing risk of bacterial and activities. According to the UNEP report (2018),
disease-carrying insects, and Exposure to toxic "plastic constitutes about 50% of global waste
chemicals. generated. Furthermore, it is noted to last about 300
Waste Collection System. The processes and years before decaying". It stated that it is sustainable,
infrastructure in place to collect and manage waste which required much attention due to its side effects
materials, including plastic bottles. It encompasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from heating
activities such as garbage collection, recycling and burning contributing to global warming, being
programs, and waste disposal facilities. toxic to humans and aquaculture, polluting cities and
Disposal. Refers to the act of discarding or water bodies due to its lightweight, hence easily
getting rid of waste materials, including plastic carried by air, and running the water, choking drains,
bottles. It includes various methods such as throwing causing stagnate water, which ends up breeding
them in trash bins, landfills, or burning them. mosquitoes. To lessen or remove these burdens from
Examining the disposal practices of plastic bottles in plastic trash, efforts are being made to pursue
Barangay Dayap provides insights into their sustainable disposal techniques, with recycling
environmental impact. plastic garbage into other uses being stated to be the
Environmental Challenges. Refers to the best choice for the time being. The construction
negative effects or consequences that an object or industry has taken a particular interest in the much-
action, in this case, plastic bottle waste, has on the reported benefits of the current condition of plastic
environment. It includes pollution, flooding, and trash, which is lighter in weight, readily available,
health hazards. Assessing the environmental impact inexpensive to produce, has a longer lifespan than
helps understand the significance of addressing most building materials, and so on.
plastic bottle waste in Barangay Dayap.
Recovery Plan. A set of strategies and One of the most common types of plastic is
actions aimed at mitigating or addressing the negative polyethylene terephthalate (PET). It’s used to make
impacts of plastic bottle waste. It involves initiatives water bottles, food containers, and packaging for
focused on reducing, recycling, or properly disposing many other products. Another type of plastic is
of plastic bottles to minimize environmental harm. polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is used to make
Developing a recovery plan is essential to effectively pipes, flooring, and packaging for some products.
manage plastic bottle waste in Barangay Dayap. Both PET and PVC are made of petroleum, so
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). A they’re not renewable sources, and since they don’t
common type of plastic used in the production of break down easily, they can stay in the environment
plastic bottles. PET is lightweight, transparent, and for a long time and cause problems. There are
has good barrier properties, making it suitable for negative impacts that affect the environment, such as
packaging liquids and beverages. Knowing the pollution, deforestation, climate change, and human
material composition of plastic bottles helps assess health. (The Valley Group, 2022)
their environmental impact and potential for
recycling. In the Philippines, plastic bottles are widely
used and considered essential for various reasons
such as convenience, durability, affordability, and
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES preservation, but there is a side effect when they are
used improperly. There are several negative effects
This chapter reviews the discussion of on the environment, human health, and wildlife that
related literature and studies which includes data and have an impact on our daily lives. According to
relevant findings of published and unpublished GAIA (2020), "Philippines is one of the world’s
research that had been collected to conceptualize the worst offenders of marine plastic pollution, with
study. The gathered information served as a basis for 0.28–0.75 million tons per year of plastic entering the
oceans from the coastal area in Manila Bay". Most of study by Geyer et al. (2017) estimated that 8.3 billion
the solid waste collected is plastic, plastic bottles, and metric tons of plastic had been produced globally
other waste. There are companies that produce the since the 1950s, with 6.3 billion metric tons of that
most plastic bottles. According to the report of becoming plastic waste. The study also found that
Mongabay (2019), "Coca-Cola, Nestle, and PepsiCo only 9% of plastic waste had been recycled, with the
are the main contributors to the world’s plastic waste. majority ending up in landfills, oceans, and other
Coca-Cola was found to be a prolific source of plastic environments. It is important to promote recycling
waste, accounting for more than 2,800 pieces out of and waste management practices, support the
the 11,700 Coke-branded pieces of trash collected development of alternative packaging materials, and
during the clean-up. More than 50 percent of the raise awareness about the environmental impacts of
waste generated in the Philippines is residual or plastic bottle usage.
unrecyclable waste, which poses a challenge for the
country’s still-developing waste management Related Studies
system" Addressing a challenge will require the Local Studies
collaboration and engagement of various
stakeholders, including government authorities, local As mentioned in study of Buenviaje et al. Al
communities, industries, and civil society, to promote (2018), about the "Solid Waste Management Plan of
a more sustainable and environmentally responsible Julian Pastor Memorial Market, Batangas City", that
approach to waste management in the Philippines. "solid waste, over the past thirty years, has remained
the most visible and silently dangerous
The disposal of plastic bottles is a environmental problem in the country. Solid waste
significant environmental concern in the Philippines, has been the product of every human activity. The
where waste management infrastructure and practices study focuses on the current waste management
are inadequate. According to a study reported by the practices in Julian Pastor Memorial Public Market in
World Wildlife Fund Philippines (2019), the terms of generation, transportation, collection, and
Philippines is the third-largest contributor of plastic disposal. There is recyclable waste of 6% and 2% of
waste in the world, with around 2.7 million metric compostable waste that represent the great
tons of plastic waste generated annually. The opportunity for source reduction, recycling and
majority of this waste ends up in landfills, which are composting. There are significant percentage of
often overfilled and poorly managed, leading to biodegradable wastes that are subjected to
environmental and health hazards. decomposition that may release harmful effect and
As stated in the study by Kaza et al. (2018), foul odor. There are many possible solutions to solve
plastic bottles are one of the top 10 items found in the increasing problem in solid waste generation. In
ocean debris, and they can take hundreds of years to fact, some provinces in the country are creating and
decompose. In the Philippines, plastic bottles are a enforcing a law such as the RA 9003 to minimize the
significant contributor to the country's marine waste and diminish the adverse effect it may cause 2
pollution problem. to the environment. As solid waste remains one of the
most challenging problems in the country, it is
A study conducted by Mendoza et al. critical to evaluate the level of generation at the
(2018), on waste management in barangays in the source to provide appropriate management strategies
Philippines found that plastic bottles were one of the in reducing solid wastes.
most common types of waste found in these areas.
The study noted that while some barangays have As explained by Molina (2019), about the
implemented waste management programs, many of "Solid Waste Management Awareness and Practices
them lack the resources and infrastructure to among Senior High School Students in a State
effectively manage plastic bottle waste. College in Zamboanga City, Philippines", poor solid
waste management will lead to various problems in
As indicated in the study of Lebreton et al. health, the environment, and socio-economic aspects.
(2017), the distribution and abundance of plastic The result stated shows that students have enough
debris in the ocean were studied. The study found knowledge in terms of the definition of solid waste,
that the highest concentrations of plastic waste were the effect of improper solid waste disposal,
found in the waters surrounding the Philippines. prohibited solid waste activities, school initiatives
Another study by Schmidt et al. (2017) examined the towards solid waste, the importance of solid waste
production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made, management, and students’ responsibilities.
including plastic bottles. The study found that while However, students have little knowledge of the
plastic bottles are often seen as a convenient and low- different laws relevant to solid waste management.
cost packaging option, they have significant Television or radio, parents, and social media are the
environmental impacts throughout their lifecycle. A sources of this awareness. The result also shows that
students have good solid waste management practices Synthesis
in terms of segregation, reduction, reuse, recycling,
and disposal. This study aims to gather information about
the impact of plastic bottles on human health, the
As explained in the study by Lecera et. al environment, and the local community of Barangay
(2020), talks about the "Effectiveness of Making an Dayap, NHA Site 1, Calauan, Laguna. Plastic bottles
Eco-Friendly Chair by Using Recyclable Plastic are essential and widely used in our country but there
Bottles", Plastic bottles are constructed from high- has a significant concern due to their negative
density plastic. Plastic bottles are now one of the top consequences that stated by Kaza et. Al (2018)
problems not only in the country but also worldwide. “Plastic bottles are one of the top 10 items found in
The result of their study stated that it is strongly ocean debris, and they can take hundreds of years to
agreed that making an eco-friendly chair by using decompose”. More than 50 percent of the waste
recyclable bottles is effective because it turns plastic generated in the Philippines is residual or
bottles into useful things in our community and helps unrecyclable waste, which poses a challenge for the
the students to be more creative and disciplined. country’s still-developing waste-management system.
As solid waste remains one of the most challenging
Foreign Studies problems in the country, it is critical to evaluate the
As mentioned by Praveena (2023), the level of generation at the source to provide
studies also provide evidence that microplastic in appropriate management strategies for reducing solid
bottled water is due to multiple factors such as waste.
physical stress during transport, bottle shaking, and The study focuses on the current conditions,
high-pressure water injection into the bottles at the behavior, and practices of residents related to the use,
production plants. Reusable PET water bottles have disposal, and collection of the plastic bottles. This
higher microplastic particles than single-use PET study highlights the basis for a recovery plan to
bottles. Frequent opening and closing of the bottles provide potential strategies to address the challenges
also causes more particles to be formed due to associated with plastic bottle usage.
friction. The accumulation of these particles in
human tissues has been linked to chemical toxicity. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND
Compounds such as plasticizers, stabilizers, and DESIGN
pigments used in the production can be released by
microplastics and travel through our bodies in the This chapter present and discuss the research
bloodstream. These chemicals have been linked to design, sampling design, respondents of the study,
health problems such as inflammation, genotoxicity, the research locale, and data gathering procedure,
oxidative stress, and damage to the gastrointestinal statistical treatment and analysis of data.
tract. Chemicals released from bottled water Research Design
packaging materials are now known as emerging
pollutants and endocrine-disrupting chemicals The researchers utilized a quantitative
(EDCs) that can cause serious health problems, research design with a descriptive research approach
including cancer and developmental defects. for the data to be analyzed systematically. Bandhari
(2022) defines quantitative research as the process of
In the study of Dadzie et al. (2020), about collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can also
the "Exploration of Plastic Bottles Use in be used to search for patterns and averages, form
Construction", plastic wastes are discarded randomly hypotheses, test causal relationships, and extrapolate
after usage, hence scattering around in cities, choking results to larger populations.
drains, and end up threatening our ecosystem. These In addition, Descriptive research, according
predominant effects of plastic waste have to Shona McCombes (2022), tries to precisely and
necessitated the need for countries, specifically systematically describe a population, circumstance,
developing countries, including Ghana, to seek more or phenomena. It can answer the questions what,
sustainable methods to reduce the drastic amount of where, when, and how, but not why. To explore one
plastic waste in the environment. It was concluded or more variables, a descriptive research design
from the results of the study that the use of plastic might employ a wide range of research methods.
waste bottles in construction contributes to Specifically, the researchers utilized this
environmental friendliness and energy savings. In research design because it was best suited in knowing
addition, plastic waste bottles are cheaper to acquire the answers to problem and to the purpose of the
than most conventional construction materials. study. Also, it identifies the impact of plastic bottles
on the environment.
Population and Sampling Techniques Figure 3.1 Barangay Dayap NHA Site 1 Calauan,
The researchers used a Cluster sampling
method for selecting the respondents in this study.
This method was used to ensure that the population
for the study was equally represented.
Cluster sampling, as defined by Lauren
Thomas (2023), divides a population into smaller
groupings known as clusters. They then draw a
sample at random from these clusters. It is a
probability sampling technique that is frequently used
to research large populations, particularly those that
are geographically distributed. As clusters,
researchers typically use pre-existing units such as
schools or cities. A sample size of 200 to 300
respondents provides a sufficient margin of error
while falling short of the point of diminishing returns, Figure 3.2 Via Google Map of Barangay Dayap
according to Lyons, K. and Hearne, L. (2022). NHA Site 1 Calauan, Laguna
The study will be clustered by picking a Research Instrument
subset of all Site 1 residents to create a smaller
sample, with each sample separated by district. The The researchers used a self-made
researcher's target sample size is 382, with 103 questionnaire to be answered by the selected
respondents in SMC, 74 respondents in Apama ville, respondents at Barangay Dayap NHA Site 1. The
47 in Mepat ville , 85 in First ville and 73 respondents were asked for their permission to
respondents in Star ville. cooperate in the study. The researchers prepared
informed and explained the procedures to the
Research Locale respondents. For the preparation of the instrument,
The respondents of the study are from the status of data collection is needed. The data that
Barangay Dayap NHA Site 1, Calauan, Laguna to were collated, were analyzed, tallied and enumerated
determine the perception of impact of plastic bottles. statistically.
The study was conducted at NHA Site 1 found at The researchers used Slovins Formula to
Barangay Dayap. It is located at Calauan Laguna. determined the sample size for this study, which
The Site 1 composed of 5 Purok which are the San considers the total population size and desired level
Miguel Compound with 2,249 residents, Apama with of precision.
1,614 residents, Mepat with 1,015, First Ville with Researchers can
1,849 residents and Star Ville with 1,599 residents. It efficiently capture
is a perfect location for the interview since the and analyze
researchers will be able to obtain lots of important quantitative
information, different thoughts, and distinct opinions information about
from its the residents. the residents of Brgy
Dayap, Calauan,
Laguna by
employing a nominal
scale for the survey questionnaire. The information
gathered can be used to better understand the current
condition and challenges encountered of the
population to the impact of plastic bottles, as well as
to support decision-making processes in areas such as
policy creation and basis for recovery plan in
Validation of Research Instrument
To confirm the questionnaire's legitimacy
and dependability. The researchers sent their
instruments to their thesis adviser, subject specialists,
and a research language teacher for corrections and
feedback, during which time the thesis adviser and
other panel members certify the test instrument and
offer guidance and possible revisions on the content IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND
of the research instrument. Also, the validation INTERPRETATION OF DATA
process for the research instrument was completed by
the researchers, verifying its reliability and validity
by Mr. Jaime Goyena, The Head of Municipal of
Environment and Natural Resources in Calauan,
Laguna. The validator's comments and suggestions V. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION
on the research instrument were used to improve the AND RECOMMENDATIONS
This chapter presents the summary of the
Data Gathering Procedures study pointing out the important findings with its
conclusions and recommendation made as an
The entire data collection technique was outgrowth of this study. This study is on the impact
carried out via face-to-face interaction using mobile of plastic bottles on the environment of barangay
phones given by the researchers. The technique and dayap, calauan, laguna.
goal of the study were described to ensure that the
respondents understand what the study is about, what Summary of Findings
possible information they may provide, and that they
willingly consented to what the researchers wrote in 1. Based on the survey questionnaire conducted in
the consent form. The researchers also notified the Barangay Dayap, Calauan, Laguna, the
respondents that they had the option to withdraw following findings were obtained. In terms of the
from the study and that all information provided demographic profile, the majority of the
would be kept anonymous. respondents came from SMC, which is the ville
The completed survey questions that were with the highest number of registered residents.
gathered will assure the correctness of the responses In terms of gender, there was a nearly equal
and make accurate recommended recovery plan. The distribution between male and female
information gathered will be examined and processed respondents. Most of the respondents had been
professionally. living in barangay dayap for seven years or
Statistical Treatment of Data
2. The current conditions of the residents of
The data to be gathered in this study will be barangay dayap in handling plastic bottles was
subjected to the following statistical Treatment: rough. It was found that the majority of
Cronbach - As a measure of how closely respondents used 2-3 kilograms of plastic bottles
connected a group of objects are to one another, it is on a daily basis and garbage collectors collected
used to determine internal consistency. It is regarded plastic bottles once a week. However, there was
as a measure for the dependability of scales. It is not a lack of availability of a specific disposal area
necessary for the measure to have a high value for for plastic bottles in the barangay. The most
alpha for it to be one-dimensional. common method of disposal by the respondents
was selling the plastic bottles to junkshops.
Percentage- The percentage format is one of the most 3. The challenges encountered in handling used
used ways to display data. The symbol used to plastic bottles of barangay dayap. In terms of the
represent percentage is %, where percent simply availability of garbage containers and separate
means "per hundred". One percent (or 1%) is equal to containers for different types of waste was
one hundredth of the whole or total, and is calculated limited. Furthermore, there was a lack of policies
by multiplying the entire or total by 100. and programs in place to address the proper
disposal and management of plastic bottles in the
barangay. The main risk factor associated with
improper disposal of plastic bottles reported by
the respondents was the flooding and
overflowing of the drainage system in the
Based on the study, the following conclusions
are drawn:
1. The study included slightly more males Recommendations
(50.52%) than females (49.48%). Most of the
respondents (75.92%) had been living in their The following recommendations are
households for seven years or more. About suggested in light of the findings and conclusions
15.18% had lived there for 5-6 years, and 8.90% reached:
had a residency of 3-4 years. Surprisingly, none 1. Improve infrastructure by establish designated
of the respondents reported living in their disposal areas and increase the number of
households for 1-2 years. garbage containers in the barangay to encourage
2. The current condition of Barangay Dayap in proper disposal of plastic bottles.
handling used plastic bottles shows statistics. 2. Implement segregation policies by introduce and
In terms of the waste collection system, a survey enforce segregation policies to encourage
reveals that 41.36% of respondents use 2-3 kg of residents to separate plastic bottles from other
plastic bottles daily, while 37.70% use less than waste streams. Raise awareness about the
1 kg daily. On the other hand, 13.09% of benefits of segregation and provide guidelines
respondents use 5 kg and above, and 7.85% use for effective waste management.
3-4 kg of plastic bottles daily. When it 3. Develop a device to help the residents of
comes to the disposal of plastic bottles, 39.27% barangay dayap, calauan, laaguna to improve the
of respondents sell their bottles to junkshops, collection of used plastic bottles and proper
while 23.30% have their bottles picked up by the disposal.
garbage collector. Surprisingly, 22.25% simply
throw their plastic bottles away, while only References
15.18% take the effort to recycle them.
Furthermore, in terms of segregation, 52.36% of
respondents mix their plastic bottles with
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