QGIS - Instructions

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QGIS | Software download and installation



Step 1 3
Step 2 4
Step 3 5
Step 4 6
Step 5 6
Step 6 7
Step 7 7
Step 8 8
Step 9 8
Step 10 9
Step 1 10
Step 2 10
Step 3 11
Step 4 12

QGIS | Software Download and Installation1

QGIS is an open source GIS program distributed under the GNU (General Public License)
license and can work with vector data, raster data, databases and other types of data


To install QGIS we will go to the website: https://qgis.org/es/site/forusers/download.html

where in addition to being able to download the application, you will find all the information
about the project, including the features, latest news and case studies.

QGIS | Software Download and Installation2

Step 1

As of the date of writing this document (10/11/2023), the most updated version is QGIS 3.34,
and the most stable is 3.28. The images shown in this document belong to the installation of
3.34, the download process and installation of the program is similar.
When using Python 3.9 or later, QGIS requires at least Windows 8 64-bit.
From this same download page you can access the versions for mobile devices and the
example data sets that are cited in the official documentation:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation3

Step 2

The repository of examples, with translations in several languages, which can be consulted
through to follow these exercises, it is necessary to download the sample data set, called
“Alaska dataset”, available under:


By clicking on the 'Download QGIS 3.34' button, we get to the download confirmation page:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation4

Step 3

The download starts in a few seconds:

The QGIS project maintains an excellent user manual that covers the main points of interest
for new users:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation5

Step 4

When running the installation file, the wizard guides us through the process:

Step 5

Installation terms must be accepted:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation6

Step 6

In the next step, the QGIS installation folder and the creation of shortcuts must be confirmed:

Step 7

The wizard asks us to confirm the installation of the program:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation7

Step 8

After this, the installation process starts:

Step 9

The installation then completes:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation8

Step 10

If everything has worked correctly, we will have a shortcut on our computer's desktop, as well
as a shortcut in the start menu.

By running QGIS we would be ready to start the application:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation9


Step 1

When the program loads, it will direct us to the main menu:

Step 2

To change the default language of QGIS you have to go to Settings>Options

QGIS | Software Download and Installation10

Step 3

General>Override System Locale>User interface translation and choose the option that best
suits our needs:

QGIS | Software Download and Installation11

Step 4

Accept the changes, close the program for the changes to take effect and start again.

Note: Not all menus may be available in the chosen language,by default they will appear in
English. When using QGIS in a local installation, the student may have problems following
help materials they can find; it is best to keep the default installation.

On the other hand, QGIS is in continuous evolution; the images shown here may differ from
those that appeared during the installation of the most recent version.

If you have any questions please contact with : licenses@e-zigurat.com

QGIS | Software Download and Installation12

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