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“Rethink, Reclaim, Renew: Ethiopia’s alcohol-free future”

Fight against alcohol addiction plan

Prepared by ID

1. Abdi Tekalign 0062/21

2. Dawit Zerihun 0067/21

3. Getahun Abebe 1030/19

4. Meles Shumye 0010/21

5. Nardos Liul 0082/21

Submitted to: Ins. Jemal

Submitted date: Jan 5
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


First of all, we like to thank God for giving as the wisdom to finish this assignment.
We cannot express enough thank to Our School Admas University Marketing
Management Department for their continued support and encouragement and
again Especially Our Instructor Ins. Jemal, Who gave us the golden opportunity to
do this wonderful assignment. Finally, we will all like to thank all who participate
and support us to this assignment.

Table of content

1. Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………….
2. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..1

3. Situation analysis ………………………………………………………………10

4. Audience barriers, benefits, and competitors ………………...…………………17

5. Target audience ………………………..……………………………………….21
6. Objectives ………………………………….………………………………….22
6.1. Behavior objective ………………………………………………………..22
6.2. Knowledge objective …………………..……………………………...….22
6.3. Belief objective ……………………………………………………………23
7. Positioning statement ………………..………………………….……………..24
8. Social marketing mix...……………………………………….………….…....25
8.1. Product ………………………………………………………………...…25
8.2. Place ……………………………………………………………………..26
8.3. Price ……………………………………………………………………..27
8.4. Promotion ………………………………………………………………. 29
8.5. Public ……………………………………………………………………35
8.6. Policy ……………………………………………………………………37
8.7. Partnership ………………………………………………………………39
8.8. Purse string ………………………………..……………………………40
9. Evaluation plan ……………………………………………………………..42
10. Campaign budget …….………………………………………………………48
11. Implementation plan ………………………………………………………... 49
12. Reference …………………………………………………………………….51


Alcohol consumption has been a long-standing tradition in Ethiopia, with the production and
consumption of traditional alcoholic beverages such as tej (honey wine) and t’ella (beer) dating
back to ancient times. However, in recent years, the country has seen a significant rise in the
consumption of commercial alcoholic beverages, resulting in an increase in alcohol-related
problems and addiction. This paper will discuss the recent trends in alcohol consumption and
addiction in Ethiopia, including the factors contributing to the rise in alcohol consumption and
addiction, the impact of alcohol addiction on the country, and the challenges facing Ethiopia in
addressing this issue.

Alcohol consumption is a significant issue in Ethiopia, with high levels of consumption and
associated harms. According to a 2016 report by the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol
consumption in Ethiopia is among the highest in Africa, with an estimated annual per capita
consumption of 7.1 liters of pure alcohol. This is significantly higher than the global average of
6.4 liters per capita.

The high levels of alcohol consumption in Ethiopia are attributed to a range of factors, including
cultural and social norms, poverty, and inadequate regulation of the alcohol industry. In many
parts of Ethiopia, alcohol is a central part of social and religious events, and drinking is often
seen as a symbol of hospitality and generosity. Additionally, poverty and unemployment are
major issues in Ethiopia, and many people turn to alcohol as a means of coping with stress and

The lack of effective regulation of the alcohol industry in Ethiopia is another significant factor
contributing to high levels of alcohol consumption. The government has been criticized for
failing to enforce existing laws on alcohol sales, leading to widespread availability and
promotion of cheap and often dangerous alcohol products.

The high levels of alcohol consumption in Ethiopia have significant health and social
consequences. Alcohol-related harm includes a range of health problems such as liver disease,
cancer, and mental health disorders. Additionally, alcohol misuse is a major contributor to road
traffic accidents, violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior.

Recent Trends in Alcohol Consumption and Addiction in Ethiopia

Recent trends in alcohol consumption and addiction in Ethiopia continue to be a cause for
concern. According to a 2021 report by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, alcohol
consumption remains high, with an estimated annual per capita consumption of 7.5 liters of pure
alcohol. This is higher than the global average and represents a 5% increase from the 2016 WHO

The report highlights that alcohol consumption is more prevalent among men than women, with
30.8% of men reporting heavy episodic drinking (consuming five or more drinks on one
occasion) compared to 3.9% of women. Additionally, alcohol consumption is highest among
young adults aged 25-34 years.

According to a 2021 report by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), the prevalence of
alcohol use disorders (AUDs) in Ethiopia has increased from 4.6% in 2016 to 7.1% in 2021, with
men being more likely to be affected than women. The report also found that harmful alcohol
consumption was responsible for 2.4% of all deaths in the country, making it a major public
health concern.

The report identified several factors contributing to the rise in alcohol consumption and addiction
in Ethiopia. One of the main factors is the increasing availability of commercial alcoholic
beverages, particularly among young people. The country’s rapidly growing economy has led to
an increase in disposable income, making it easier for people to afford alcohol. In addition, the
marketing and promotion of alcoholic beverages have become more aggressive, with companies
targeting young people through social media and other channels.

Another factor contributing to alcohol addiction in Ethiopia is cultural norms surrounding

drinking. In many parts of the country, drinking is seen as a way to socialize and bond with
others, and excessive drinking is often tolerated or even encouraged. This can lead to a
normalization of heavy drinking and make it difficult for individuals to recognize when their
drinking has become problematic.

The consequences of alcohol addiction continue to be significant in Ethiopia. The report notes
that alcohol-related harm contributes to a range of health problems, including liver disease,
cancer, and mental health disorders. Alcohol misuse also contributes to road traffic accidents,
violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior.

Efforts to address alcohol addiction in Ethiopia have been ongoing. In addition to the measures
introduced by the government, community-based interventions and support groups have been
established to provide support to individuals struggling with addiction. However, challenges
remain in terms of access to treatment and support services, particularly in rural areas.

One recent development has been the establishment of the National Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prevention and Control Council in 2019. The council is tasked with developing and
implementing policies and programs aimed at preventing and reducing alcohol and drug abuse in

Another trend has been the growing interest in traditional Ethiopian alcoholic beverages, such as
tej and t'ella. While these beverages have cultural significance, they can also contribute to
alcohol addiction if consumed in excess. The government has recognized this issue and has
introduced regulations aimed at ensuring the safety and quality of traditional alcoholic

Alcohol consumption and addiction remain significant issues in Ethiopia, with high levels of
consumption and associated harms. While efforts to address the problem are underway, more
needs to be done to ensure access to treatment and support services, particularly in rural areas.
Additionally, addressing the cultural and social factors contributing to alcohol addiction will
require a sustained and multi-faceted approach.

Impact of Alcohol Addiction on Ethiopia

The impact of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia is significant and far-reaching. Alcohol-related

problems range from health issues such as liver disease and cancer to social problems such as
domestic violence and crime. Alcohol addiction also has a negative impact on the economy, with
increased healthcare costs and lost productivity due to absenteeism and decreased job

According to a 2019 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the
economic cost of alcohol-related harm in Ethiopia was estimated at 1.4% of the country’s gross
domestic product (GDP). The report also found that alcohol-related harm disproportionately
affects the poor, who are more likely to suffer from the consequences of heavy drinking.

Alcohol addiction has had a significant impact on Ethiopia, affecting individuals, families, and

Firstly, alcohol addiction has led to a significant increase in health problems in Ethiopia. Alcohol
abuse is a major risk factor for liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In addition, it
can lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. According to a study by the
World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol consumption is responsible for 7.6% of all deaths in

Ethiopia. This has a significant impact on the healthcare system, which is already struggling to
cope with other health challenges such as HIV/AIDS and malaria.

Secondly, alcohol addiction has had a negative impact on the social and economic development
of Ethiopia. Alcohol abuse can lead to domestic violence, crime, and road accidents. It also
contributes to poverty, as people spend money on alcohol instead of basic necessities such as
food and education. According to a report by the Ethiopian government, alcohol consumption
results in an estimated loss of 3.5 billion birr ($126 million) per year due to lost productivity and
healthcare costs.

Thirdly, alcohol addiction has had a cultural impact on Ethiopia. Alcohol has long been a part of
Ethiopian culture, with traditional drinks such as tej and tella being widely consumed. However,
the introduction of commercial alcohol has led to a change in drinking patterns, with people
consuming more alcohol and at younger ages. This has led to concerns about the erosion of
traditional values and the influence of Western culture.

Fourthly, alcohol addiction has had a gendered impact on Ethiopia. Women who drink are often
stigmatized and face social consequences such as ostracism and discrimination. They are also
more vulnerable to violence and sexual assault. Additionally, women who drink during
pregnancy can cause harm to their unborn child, leading to fetal alcohol syndrome.

Fifthly, alcohol addiction has had an impact on the education system in Ethiopia. Students who
drink are more likely to miss classes, perform poorly in exams, and drop out of school. This has
long-term consequences for their future employment prospects and contributes to the cycle of

Sixthly, alcohol addiction has had an impact on the environment in Ethiopia. The production and
distribution of commercial alcohol can have negative environmental impacts such as
deforestation, water pollution, and soil degradation. This can harm the health and livelihoods of
local communities who depend on natural resources for their survival.

Seventhly, addressing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia will require a comprehensive approach that
includes education, regulation, and support for those struggling with addiction. Education
campaigns can raise awareness about the risks of alcohol abuse and promote healthy drinking
habits. Regulation can include measures such as increasing taxes on alcohol, restricting
advertising and marketing, and enforcing laws against underage drinking and drunk driving.
Support for those struggling with addiction can include access to treatment and counseling

In conclusion, alcohol addiction has had a significant impact on Ethiopia, affecting health, social
and economic development, culture, gender, education, and the environment. Addressing this
issue will require a multi-faceted approach that takes into account these various impacts. By
addressing alcohol addiction, Ethiopia can improve the health and well-being of its citizens,
promote sustainable development, and preserve its cultural heritage.

Challenges Facing Ethiopia in Addressing Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a significant problem in Ethiopia, with alcohol consumption being deeply
ingrained in the country's culture and traditions. The problem has been compounded by a lack of
access to addiction treatment programs, stigma associated with alcohol addiction, and poverty.
Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying
causes of addiction and provides support for individuals and their families.

One of the biggest challenges facing Ethiopia in addressing alcohol addiction is the lack of
resources and infrastructure to provide effective treatment and support for those struggling with
addiction. There are only a few specialized treatment centers in the country, and many people do
not have access to affordable or culturally appropriate treatment options.

In addition, there is a lack of political will to address the issue of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia.
The government has been criticized for not doing enough to regulate the availability and
marketing of alcoholic beverages, as well as for not investing enough resources in prevention
and treatment programs.

Limited Access to Addiction Treatment Programs

One of the primary challenges facing Ethiopia in addressing alcohol addiction is limited access
to addiction treatment programs. There are few addiction treatment programs available in
Ethiopia, particularly in rural areas. This makes it difficult for individuals who are struggling
with alcohol addiction to access the help they need. The lack of access to addiction treatment
programs is due to several factors, including a shortage of trained professionals, lack of funding,
and inadequate infrastructure.

Stigma Associated with Alcohol Addiction

Another challenge facing Ethiopia in addressing alcohol addiction is the stigma associated with
alcohol addiction. Many Ethiopians view alcohol addiction as a moral failing rather than a
medical condition. This stigma can make it difficult for individuals to seek help and can lead to
social ostracism and exclusion. The stigma associated with alcohol addiction is deeply ingrained
in Ethiopian culture and traditions, making it difficult to change.

Lack of Awareness and Education

Many Ethiopians are not aware of the risks associated with alcohol consumption or the resources
available for addiction treatment. Additionally, lack of access to education can make it difficult

for individuals to understand the risks associated with alcohol consumption and to access
addiction treatment programs. Lack of awareness and education is a significant challenge facing
Ethiopia in addressing alcohol addiction. Addressing this challenge requires increasing
awareness and education about the risks associated with alcohol consumption and the resources
available for addiction treatment.


Poverty and lack of access to basic necessities such as food and shelter can contribute to the
problem of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. Individuals who are living in poverty may turn to
alcohol as a way to cope with the stress and difficulties of daily life. Poverty is a significant
challenge facing Ethiopia in addressing alcohol addiction. Addressing this challenge requires
addressing the root causes of poverty and providing support for individuals and families living in

Cultural Values and Traditions

Alcohol consumption has been a part of Ethiopian culture for centuries, with traditional drinks
such as tej and tella playing an important role in social gatherings and ceremonies. Changing
cultural values and traditions can be difficult and may require significant effort and resources.
Cultural values and traditions are a significant challenge facing Ethiopia in addressing alcohol
addiction. Addressing this challenge requires engaging with communities and working to change
cultural values and traditions around alcohol consumption.

Lack of Government Support

The Ethiopian government has not prioritized addressing alcohol addiction as a public health
issue. This has led to a lack of funding and resources for addiction treatment programs and
prevention efforts. Lack of government support is a significant challenge facing Ethiopia in
addressing alcohol addiction. Addressing this challenge requires advocacy efforts to raise
awareness about the problem of alcohol addiction and to encourage the government to prioritize
it as a public health issue.

Alcohol addiction is a growing problem in Ethiopia, with significant health, social, and economic
consequences. Addressing this issue will require a comprehensive approach that includes
increasing awareness and education about the risks of excessive drinking, regulating the
availability and marketing of alcoholic beverages, and improving access to effective treatment
and support for those struggling with addiction.

Statement of the Problem

Alcohol addiction in Ethiopia presents a multifaceted challenge, with wide-ranging implications

for public health, societal well-being, and economic stability. From its cultural roots to its impact
on individual and community health, alcohol addiction poses a significant social and public
health concern especially within the urban landscape of Addis Ababa. The statement of the
problem surrounding alcohol addiction in Ethiopia encompasses various interrelated facets:

1. Cultural Norms and Practices

The deeply entrenched cultural significance of traditional alcoholic beverages, communal

gatherings, and societal norms surrounding alcohol consumption contributes to its prevalence
and acceptance within the country.

2. Public Health and Well-Being

Alcohol addiction leads to detrimental health outcomes, including physical, mental, and
emotional health challenges, placing a significant burden on the healthcare system and individual
well-being in Ethiopia.

3. Social and Economic Impact

The economic strain resulting from alcohol addiction, including productivity loss, occupational
hazards, and financial burden on families, affects the broader societal and economic dynamics of

4. Stigma and Support Structures

The presence of social stigma and lack of comprehensive support structures further exacerbates
the challenges associated with seeking help and addressing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia.

5. Community Dynamics and Opportunities

Alcohol addiction impacts communal traditions, family dynamics, and community participation,
leading to missed opportunities for economic and social development within Ethiopia.

6. Socioeconomic Disparities

Alcohol addiction can perpetuate and accentuate existing socioeconomic disparities, hindering
equitable access to resources and impeding community development.

Addressing the problem of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia necessitates a comprehensive

understanding of its multifaceted impact, cultural significance, and intersection with public
health, economic stability, and social dynamics. Crafting effective interventions to combat this
issue requires careful consideration of its implications across these diverse spheres, aiming to
promote holistic well-being, social empowerment, and economic progress within the country.

Factors that led to development of our plan

The development of a social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia is

driven by several factors. Firstly, alcohol addiction is a significant problem in Ethiopia, with
limited access to addiction treatment programs, stigma associated with alcohol addiction, lack of
awareness and education, poverty, cultural values and traditions, and lack of government support
being significant challenges. Secondly, the impact of alcohol addiction on individuals, families,
and communities is significant and requires urgent attention. Thirdly, addressing alcohol
addiction requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of addiction
and provides support for individuals and their families.

Social marketing campaigns have been effective in addressing public health issues in Ethiopia
and can be used to raise awareness about the risks associated with alcohol consumption and the
resources available for addiction treatment. Overall, the development of a social marketing
campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia is necessary and timely, given the significant
challenges facing efforts to address the problem.

Purpose of "Rethink, Reclaim, Renew: Ethiopia’s Alcohol-Free Future".

Our purpose is to create a healthier and more prosperous Ethiopia by reducing the negative
impact of alcohol addiction on individuals, families, and communities. Through education,
awareness campaigns, and access to addiction treatment resources, we aim to empower
Ethiopians to make healthier choices, improve their physical and mental well-being, and increase
their productivity and economic opportunities. By promoting a culture of sobriety and renewal,
we envision a brighter future for Ethiopia, where everyone can thrive and reach their full


One focus of our plan is to increase access to addiction treatment resources for individuals
struggling with alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. We will achieve this by partnering with existing
treatment centers and organizations, as well as establishing new facilities in areas where there is
a high demand for addiction treatment services. Our mechanisms will include providing financial
support for treatment, training healthcare professionals in addiction treatment, and conducting
awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding addiction and encourage individuals to
seek help.

Another focus of our plan is to promote a culture of sobriety and responsible drinking in
Ethiopia. We will achieve this by partnering with government agencies, community
organizations, and businesses to implement policies and programs that discourage excessive
alcohol consumption and promote healthier choices. Our mechanisms will include developing
educational materials, hosting community events, and working with businesses to create alcohol-
free social spaces and events. Additionally, we will advocate for stricter regulations on the sale
and marketing of alcohol to reduce its accessibility and negative impact on individuals and

Situation analysis in reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia

To conduct a situation analysis on reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia, several key factors
need to be considered:

 Prevalence of Alcohol Addiction: Understanding the current prevalence of alcohol addiction

in Addis Ababa through data from healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centers, and surveys.

 Socioeconomic Factors: Analyzing the social and economic factors contributing to alcohol
addiction, such as unemployment, poverty, and lack of access to education and healthcare.

 Cultural and Traditional Influences: Examining the cultural and traditional attitudes towards
alcohol consumption and identifying any cultural barriers to reducing addiction.

 Availability and Marketing of Alcohol: Assessing the availability of alcohol in Addis Ababa,
including the density of alcohol outlets and the impact of marketing and advertising.

 Existing Policies and Programs: Reviewing the current policies and programs aimed at
reducing alcohol addiction, including their effectiveness and areas for improvement.

 Healthcare and Rehabilitation Services: Evaluating the availability and quality of healthcare
and rehabilitation services for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

 Community Support and Awareness: Understanding the level of community support and
awareness regarding alcohol addiction, including stigma, support groups, and educational

 Collaboration with Stakeholders: Identifying key stakeholders, such as government agencies,

non-governmental organizations, healthcare providers, and community leaders, and assessing
their involvement in addressing alcohol addiction.

By conducting a comprehensive situation analysis that considers these factors, stakeholders can
develop targeted interventions and policies to effectively reduce alcohol addiction in Addis
Ababa. This may include implementing public health campaigns, improving access to treatment

and support services, regulating alcohol marketing, and addressing socioeconomic determinants
of addiction.


1. Strong community and family support systems: These can provide a crucial foundation for
individuals seeking to overcome addiction by offering encouragement, understanding, and
practical assistance.

2. Government commitment to addressing public health issues, including addiction: A dedicated

focus from the government can lead to the development of effective policies, programs, and
resources to combat alcohol addiction.

3. Availability of addiction treatment and support services: Access to professional treatment and
support services can significantly aid individuals in their recovery journey.

4. Growing awareness and advocacy for mental health and addiction issues: Increased awareness
can help reduce stigma, promote early intervention, and encourage individuals to seek help for
alcohol addiction.

5. Potential for collaboration with international organizations and NGOs: Partnerships with
international organizations and non-governmental organizations can bring in expertise,
resources, and best practices to address alcohol addiction.


1. Limited resources and funding for addiction treatment and prevention programs: Inadequate
financial resources can hinder the development and implementation of comprehensive programs
to address alcohol addiction.

2. Stigma and discrimination associated with seeking help for addiction: Negative societal
attitudes towards addiction may discourage individuals from seeking help, leading to
underreporting and untreated cases.

3. Lack of comprehensive data on alcohol addiction rates and patterns: Incomplete or outdated
data can impede the ability to fully understand the scope of the problem and tailor effective

4. Limited access to mental health professionals and addiction treatment centers: A shortage of
qualified professionals and treatment facilities can create barriers to receiving timely and
appropriate care for alcohol addiction.

5. Inadequate enforcement of existing regulations on alcohol sales and marketing: Weak

enforcement of regulations related to alcohol sales and marketing can contribute to increased
availability and accessibility of alcohol, exacerbating the issue of addiction.


1. Increasing awareness and recognition of the problem: There is an opportunity to raise

awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol addiction and to mobilize support for prevention
and treatment efforts.

2. Growing interest in mental health and addiction services: The increasing recognition of mental
health issues and addiction as public health priorities may lead to greater investment in services
and resources to address alcohol addiction.

3. Potential for collaboration with international organizations: Partnerships with international

organizations can bring in expertise, funding, and best practices to support efforts in reducing
alcohol addiction.


1. Social and cultural acceptance of alcohol consumption: Social norms and cultural practices
that normalize heavy drinking can pose a significant barrier to reducing alcohol addiction.

2. Economic factors: Economic challenges and poverty can contribute to alcohol addiction as a
coping mechanism, and limited resources may hinder the implementation of effective prevention
and treatment programs.

3. Influence of the alcohol industry: The influence of the alcohol industry in marketing and
promoting alcohol consumption can pose a threat to efforts to reduce addiction rates.

4. Lack of comprehensive policies and regulations: Inadequate policies and regulations related to
alcohol sales, advertising, and availability can hinder efforts to reduce alcohol addiction.

5. Stigma and discrimination: Stigmatization of individuals struggling with alcohol addiction can
lead to reluctance in seeking help and may perpetuate the cycle of addiction.


When referring to "internal environments" in the context of reducing alcohol addiction in

Ethiopia, it typically encompasses the internal factors within organizations, institutions, and
communities that can influence the approach to addressing alcohol addiction. Here are some key
aspects of the internal environment that should be considered:

 Organizational Culture: Understanding the prevailing attitudes, beliefs, and values within
healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centers, and community organizations regarding alcohol
addiction and treatment.

 Resources and Capabilities: Assessing the internal resources, including funding, staff
expertise, and infrastructure, available within healthcare facilities and organizations to
address alcohol addiction.

 Collaboration and Coordination: Evaluating the level of collaboration and coordination

among different stakeholders within the internal environment, such as healthcare providers,
social workers, community leaders, and government agencies.

 Training and Education: Identifying the availability of training programs and educational
initiatives for healthcare professionals, social workers, and community members to enhance
their understanding of alcohol addiction and its treatment.

 Support Systems: Assessing the presence of support systems within organizations, such as
peer support groups, counseling services, and employee assistance programs, to address
alcohol addiction among staff and community members.

By examining these internal environmental factors, stakeholders can identify strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within organizations and communities that can impact
efforts to reduce alcohol addiction in Addis Ababa. This analysis can inform strategies to
leverage internal resources, enhance collaboration, and improve the delivery of services for
individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.


1. Funding: Access to financial resources is crucial for implementing prevention and treatment
programs, as well as for building and maintaining necessary infrastructure and facilities.

2. Human resources: Skilled professionals such as counselors, psychologists, social workers, and
medical personnel are essential for providing effective treatment and support services to
individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

3. Facilities and infrastructure: Access to treatment centers, rehabilitation facilities, and support
services is essential for addressing alcohol addiction. Having adequate physical infrastructure is
important for delivering care and support to those in need.


1. Expertise and knowledge: Building expertise in evidence-based interventions for alcohol

addiction, including counseling, therapy, and harm reduction strategies, is essential for providing
effective support to individuals struggling with addiction.

2. Collaboration and networking: Developing partnerships with local organizations, community

leaders, healthcare providers, and international agencies can enhance the capacity to address
alcohol addiction through shared resources, knowledge exchange, and coordinated efforts.

3. Advocacy and policy influence: Building the capability to advocate for policies that support
prevention, treatment, and harm reduction measures can contribute to a more supportive
environment for addressing alcohol addiction.

4. Research and data analysis: Developing the capability to conduct research on alcohol
addiction patterns, risk factors, and treatment outcomes can help inform evidence-based
interventions and improve the effectiveness of programs.

By leveraging these resources and capabilities effectively, stakeholders in Addis Ababa can work
towards reducing alcohol addiction by implementing comprehensive prevention, treatment, and
support initiatives.


In the context of reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia, understanding the roles of customers,
competitors, channel members, and suppliers is crucial for developing effective strategies and
interventions. Here's an overview of each:


In this context, "customers" refer to individuals who are affected by alcohol addiction or are at
risk of developing alcohol-related problems. Understanding the needs, behaviors, and
experiences of these individuals is essential for tailoring prevention and treatment programs to
effectively address their challenges.

Customers also include families and communities impacted by alcohol addiction. Engaging with
these stakeholders can provide valuable insights into the social and economic impacts of alcohol
addiction, as well as potential avenues for support and intervention.


In the context of addressing alcohol addiction, "competitors" may include other substances or
activities that individuals may turn to as alternatives to alcohol. Understanding these competing
factors can help in designing targeted prevention and harm reduction strategies.

Additionally, in a broader sense, competitors can also include other organizations or initiatives
working in the field of substance abuse prevention and treatment. Collaboration with these
entities can lead to shared resources, knowledge exchange, and coordinated efforts to address
alcohol addiction effectively.

Channel Members:

Channel members in this context may include healthcare providers, social service organizations,
community-based groups, and other entities involved in delivering prevention, treatment, and
support services to individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

Understanding the roles and capabilities of these channel members is critical for creating a
network of care and support that can effectively reach and assist individuals in need.


In the context of reducing alcohol addiction, suppliers may include entities that provide resources
such as medications, counseling materials, educational resources, and infrastructure necessary
for prevention and treatment programs.

Additionally, suppliers may also encompass those involved in providing access to alternative
activities or support services that can help individuals reduce their reliance on alcohol.

Understanding the dynamics and relationships among customers, competitors, channel members,
and suppliers is essential for developing a comprehensive approach to reducing alcohol addiction
in Addis Ababa. By engaging with and leveraging the strengths of these stakeholders, it becomes
possible to create a more effective and integrated system of support for addressing alcohol

Several factors, forces, and variables can influence alcohol addiction

1. Biological Factors

Genetic predisposition: Certain individuals may have a higher susceptibility to alcohol addiction
due to genetic factors.

Neurochemical imbalances: Imbalances in brain chemicals, such as dopamine, can contribute to

addictive behaviors.

2. Psychological Factors

Mental health conditions: Individuals with conditions like depression, anxiety, or trauma may
turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Stress and coping mechanisms: High levels of stress and ineffective coping strategies can
increase the risk of alcohol addiction.

3. Social and Environmental Factors

Peer influence: Social pressure and influence from friends or social groups can contribute to
alcohol consumption and addiction.

Family history and dynamics: Growing up in a family with a history of alcohol addiction or
dysfunctional relationships can increase the risk.

Availability and accessibility: Easy access to alcohol and exposure to alcohol-related

environments can contribute to addiction.

4. Cultural Factors

Cultural norms and attitudes: Societal acceptance or normalization of heavy drinking can
influence alcohol addiction rates.

Cultural rituals and celebrations: Certain cultural practices may involve excessive alcohol
consumption, increasing the risk of addiction.

5. Economic Factors

Socioeconomic status: Lower socioeconomic status can be associated with higher rates of
alcohol addiction due to various stressors and limited resources for treatment.

Alcohol affordability: The cost of alcohol and its availability can impact consumption patterns
and addiction rates.

6. Marketing and Advertising

Alcohol industry marketing strategies: Promotions, advertisements, and branding can influence
perceptions and encourage alcohol consumption.

Targeted marketing: Specific marketing campaigns aimed at vulnerable populations, such as
young adults, can contribute to addiction.

It is important to consider these factors when developing strategies to prevent and address
alcohol addiction, as they can help identify risk factors and inform targeted interventions.

Audience barriers, benefits and competitors

Audience barriers

1. Peer pressure- many individuals face the barriers of peer pressure, where the desire to fit in
society leads to excessive alcohol consumptions. Group dynamics and the fear of missing out
(FOMO) can make it difficult for these individuals to resist the temptation.

 Encouragement to continue drinking- peer pressure often involves pushing someone

to continue drinking, even if they express a desire to quit or cutback. Friend or
acquaintances may exert subtle overt pressure through social situations, such as
parties or gatherings where alcohol is normalized and expected.

 Fear of judgment or rejection- people with alcohol addiction may fear being judged
or rejected by their peers if they attempt to change their behaviour, they may worry
about losing friendship or facing ridicule from their social circle, which can
contribute to a reluctance to seek help

 Normalization of alcohol abuse- when surrounded by others who also engage in

excessive alcohol consumptions, individuals with addiction may perceive their
behaviour as normal or acceptable. This normalization can undermine their
motivation to change and make it challenging to recognize the severity of their

 Limited exposure to alternative social activities- peer pressure can limit the exposure
to alternative social activities that do not revolve around alcohol. This restriction can
make it difficult for individuals to find support systems that promote healthier
choices and a substance free lifestyle.

2. Media influence- Media’s portrayal glamorize drinking culture, making it attractive and
compelling for the target audience. The constant can normalize excessive drinking habits and
act as a barrier to changing behaviour.

 Creating false associations- medias often associates alcohol consumptions with
desirable attributes such as; - attractiveness, popularity, success, and happiness. The
constant exposure to these associations can lead individuals with alcohol addiction to
believe alcohol can bring them the same positive outcomes, causing them to
underestimate the negative consequence of their addiction.

 Misleading health claims- some advertisements may promote misleading health

claims about alcohol such as; - highlighting potential benefits like stress reduction or
heart health improvements. These claims can confuse alcohol addicts, making them
believe that alcohol is not entirely harmful, thus undermining their recovery efforts.

 Reinforcing stigmas- media depictions of alcohol addiction can perpetuate stigmas

and stereotypes leading to further isolations and shame for addicts seeking help this
can hinder their willingness to reach out for supporting treatment.

3. Availability and accessibility- alcohol is often easily accessible and readily available in
supermarkets, bars, and restaurants, the presence of alcohol in various social setting can
create a barrier for alcohol addicts trying to overcome addiction as it highlights constant

 Limited opportunities for recovery support- when alcohol is easily accessible alcohol
addicts may face challenges in seeking professional help or attending recovery
support groups. The constant presence of alcohol may deter them from engaging in
treatment programs, meetings, or seeking necessary support, further hindering their
recovery process.

4. Co-occurring disorders many individuals struggling with alcohol addiction may also have co-
occurring mental health heath disorders, such as depression or anxiety. These disorders can
complicate the recovery process and require a comprehensive treatment approach that
addresses both the addiction and underlying mental health condition.

5. Lack of support and resource- lack of access to treatment facilities, counsellors, support
groups, or financial resources can be significant barrier to recovery, seeking out available
resources, whether through community organizations, helplines, or government programs can
help address these challenges.

Audience benefits

Recovering from alcohol addiction provides numerous benefits to the target audience detailed
explanation key advantages

 Physical health improvement: alcohol abuse can have several physical consequences
including liver damage, cardiovascular issue, weakened immune system, increased
risk of various disease. By the recovery individuals can experience significant
improvements in there over all physical health. Liver function can normalize, blood
pressure can decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke can reduce and the immune
system can regain strength which leads to unenhanced quality of life and life

 Mental and emotional wellbeing: alcohol addiction often takes a toll on mental and
emotional health. Recovering from addiction can significally improve mental health
by reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders that are
commonly associated with abuse increased mental darity, enhanced memory also
reported benefits of sobriety. Individuals in recovery often experience a boost in self-
esteem and self-confidence, leading to a more positive and fulfilling emotional

 Better relationship: alcohol addiction can strain relationship with family members,
friends, and romantic partners. It often leads to conflict, broken trust and damage
connections. Recovery from addiction allows individuals to rebuild and heal these
relationships they can regain the trust and respect of their loved ones, leading to
stronger and more meaningful connections. By being reliable, and emotionally
available, individuals in recovery can establish healthier relationships, fostering a
supportive and nurturing environment

 Financial stability: alcohol addiction can be financially draining, funds that were
previously allocated to supporting the addiction, such as purchasing alcohol or
dealing with legal consequences, become accessible for other purpose when in
recovery. Maintaining sobriety allows individuals to better manage their finance, pay
off debts, and save money for the future

 Employment and carrier advancement: alcohol addictions often has negative effects
on employment and carrier prospects including: frequent absenteeism, decreased
productivity, and impaired decision making, can lead to job less or limited carrier
growth, by recovering from addiction, individuals can regain control of their
professional lives

 Personal growth and fulfilment: recovering from an alcoholic addiction offers a

journey of personal and develop new interest, hobbies, and passions. They can focus
on self-improvement, setting and achieving goals, and finding a sense of purpose and
fulfilment. Sobriety provides the clarity and motivations needed to make positive life
choices and create a happier and more fulfilling future.

In conclusion, the target audience benefits tremendously from recovering from alcoholic
addictions improved physical health and emotional wellbeing, strengthened relationships,
financial stability, improved employment prospects, personal growth are the advantages of
individuals can expect as they embark on a life of sobriety.

Competitors of our desired behaviour

When it comes to addressing alcohol addiction, there are several negative alternative behaviours
that individuals might turn into. These alternatives may provide temporary relief or diversion
from alcohol but ultimately lead their own set of negative consequences. It is important to note
that these alternatives are not recommended as long-term solutions, and seeking professional
help for help for addiction is always the best course of action.

As a matter of fact alcohol addiction is the major competitor of our desired behaviour which
performs against our objective. Another alternative behaviours may contribute to the distraction
of individuals regarding our desired behaviour “reducing alcohol addiction”.

 Substitute addiction- people struggle with alcohol addiction may replace it with another
substance or behaviour, for example; - cigarette, chat…….

 Compulsive gambling- some individuals may develop a compulsive gambling habit as a

way to seek excitement, distract themselves from problems, or chase a similar sense of
euphoria experienced with alcohol use.

 Emotional eating- alcohol addicts may replace their drinking habits with excessive eating
as a form of comfort distraction from their emotional distress.

 Risky behaviours- engaging in risky activities such as; - reckless driving, unsafe sexual
encounter, addicted to fighting

 Self-harm- in some cases struggling with alcohol addiction may engage in self harming
behaviours like, cutting or burning themselves as a maladaptive coping mechanism for
emotional pain.

 Process addiction- also known as behavioural addiction, involves becoming addicted to a

specific behaviour rather than a substance, For example; - sex addiction, compulsive
shopping, gambling.

These addiction can be just as detrimental, emotional, and financial wellbeing.

 Isolation and avoidance- some individuals might choose to isolate themselves to

addressing their alcohol addiction. They may they may withdraw from social activities,
avoid friends and family and isolate themselves from support networks.

Isolation can perpetuate feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety, making it challenging to

break free from addiction in the long-term.
Target audiences

Let's consider two target audiences for our social marketing campaign

A. Segment One: Young Professionals

- Age range: 25-35

- Geographic location: Urban areas

- Income level: Middle to high income

- Lifestyle: Career-oriented, socially active, health-conscious

- Preferences: Trendy, convenient, and high-quality beverages

- Media consumption: Social media, online platforms, and trendy lifestyle


B. Segment Two: Baby Boomers

- Age range: 55-75

- Geographic location: Suburban and rural areas

- Income level: Middle to high income

- Lifestyle: Family-oriented, traditional values, health-conscious

- Preferences: Established brands, classic flavors, and nostalgic


- Media consumption: Traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers),

community events, and word-of-mouth recommendations


Both segments represent different age groups, lifestyles, and media consumption habits. The
young professionals segment is more likely to respond to digital marketing and trendy branding,
while the baby boomers segment may respond better to traditional media and established brand

Choosing one:

The young professionals segment is more favorable due to their active social media presence,
willingness to try new products, and their tendency to engage with trendy lifestyle content. This
segment also represents the future consumer base, making it a good long-term investment for our
social marketing campaign. In addition to that in our country the productive and promised next
generation is included at the first segment so it is worthy to invest regarding this segment with
probability of attractive return on investment (ROI).

Although this segment needs little adjustment to exposures of community events, gatherings and
public gatherings. Which are main tools of our campaign.

Our marketing objectives

Behavior Objective

Desired Behavior: Embracing an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

- Objective: To influence individuals struggling with alcohol addiction to take proactive steps
toward reducing and ultimately abstaining from alcohol consumption, thereby fostering a
healthier and alcohol-free lifestyle.

The behavior objective centers on catalyzing behavioral change among highly addicted
individuals. It seeks to inspire action, encouraging individuals to seek support, engage in
recovery programs, and gradually transition towards an alcohol-free lifestyle. This objective
focuses on driving tangible and measurable shifts in behavior, positioning sobriety and well-
being as aspirational and achievable outcomes.

Knowledge Objectives

1. Awareness of Support Services

- Objective: To make the target audience aware of local support services, treatment options, and
recovery resources available within their community.
This knowledge objective centers on providing individuals struggling with alcohol addiction
with information about the available resources and pathways to recovery. By increasing
awareness of accessible support systems, treatment options, and recovery resources, the
campaign aims to empower individuals to seek help and access professional guidance necessary
for their recovery journey. It sheds light on the support available within the local community,
fostering a sense of hope and encouraging individuals to take the first steps towards recovery.

2. Understanding of Health Implications

- Objective: To educate the target audience about the detrimental health effects of alcohol

This knowledge objective focuses on fostering a deep understanding of the physical and mental
health consequences of alcohol addiction. By communicating factual information about the
adverse health impacts of alcohol abuse, the campaign seeks to provoke individuals to
contemplate and confront the immediate and long-term health implications associated with
alcohol addiction. This understanding can serve as a catalyst for individuals to begin prioritizing
their overall health and well-being and considering behavioral changes to achieve healthier

Belief Objective

1. Shifting Stigma and Seeking Help

Objective: To alter negative societal attitudes and stigma surrounding alcohol addiction.

This belief objective aims to challenge and transform societal attitudes towards alcohol
addiction, fostering an environment where individuals are encouraged to seek help without fear
of judgment or social stigma. By fostering empathy, understanding, and acceptance, the
campaign strives to create an atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable seeking assistance
and support, ultimately reducing barriers and increasing the likelihood of individuals reaching
out for help and resources.

2. Promoting Hope and Empowerment

- Objective: To instill a sense of hope, empowerment, and optimism within the target audience.

This belief objective centers on inspiring individuals to believe in their capacity to overcome
addiction and envision a future of well-being and quality of life without alcohol dependence. By
nurturing a sense of hope, resilience, and empowerment, the campaign aims to instill positive
feelings and attitudes, motivating individuals to pursue behavioral change, seek support, and
begin their journey towards recovery.

Each of these behavioral, knowledge, and belief objectives plays a pivotal role in shaping the
impact and effectiveness of the social marketing campaign. By focusing on influencing behavior,
knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, the campaign seeks to bring about meaningful and sustainable
change in addressing alcohol addiction in Addis Ababa and its surrounding communities.

Our positioning statement

We, as advocates for a healthier and empowered Addis Ababa, spearhead a transformative drive
to conquer alcohol addiction, fostering a resilient, connected, and alcohol-free community. Our
campaign "Rethink, Reclaim, Renew: Addis Ababa's Alcohol-Free Future" champions the
embrace of sober living, empowering individuals to unlock freedom, vitality, and enriched
relationships. By reinvigorating personal well-being and nurturing collective unity, we redraft
the potential of a vibrant Addis Ababa. Together, let's embark on a journey where sobriety
liberates, invigorates, and fosters an exceptional community fabric, promising a future where
sustainability, resilience, and thriving well-being prevail.

Marketing mixes

Our Products

Creating a product and service for alcohol addiction in Ethiopia would involve developing a
comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach to address the specific needs of the local
population. Here are our product and service ideas:

1. Counseling and Support Services: Establishing counseling centers or support groups

specifically tailored to address alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. These services could provide
individual and group therapy, family counseling, and mental health support to help individuals
struggling with alcohol addiction.

2. Community-Based Rehabilitation Programs: Developing community-based rehabilitation

programs that offer holistic support, including detoxification, vocational training, and social
reintegration services. These programs could be designed to address the unique socio-economic
and cultural factors present in Ethiopia.

3. Educational Materials and Workshops: Creating culturally relevant educational materials,

workshops, and seminars to raise awareness about alcohol addiction, its impact on health, and
available treatment options. These resources will be distributed in local communities and

4. Mobile Counseling Units: Implementing mobile counseling units that can travel to different
neighborhoods in Ethiopia to provide on-the-spot counseling, support, and information about
alcohol addiction and available resources.

5. Peer Support Networks: Establishing peer support networks where individuals in recovery
from alcohol addiction can connect with and support each other. This could include mentorship
programs, buddy systems, and social events to foster a sense of community.

It's crucial to conduct thorough research and engage with local stakeholders to understand the
specific needs and preferences of the target population in Ethiopia when developing products and
services for alcohol addiction. This will help ensure that the offerings are relevant, impactful,
and well-received within the local context.

We are preparing a social marketing campaign that deals with reducing alcohol addiction in
Ethiopia. One focus of our plan is to increase access to addiction treatment resources for
individuals struggling with alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. We will achieve this by partnering with
existing treatment centers and organizations, as well as establishing new facilities in areas where
there is a high demand for addiction treatment services. Our mechanisms will include providing
financial support for treatment, training healthcare professionals in addiction treatment, and
conducting awareness campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding addiction and encourage
individuals to seek help. We are planning to use both "Decrease Monetary Costs for the
Desired Behavior" and "Increase Nonmonetary Benefits for the Desired Behavior".

Our social marketing campaign aims to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia by increasing access
to addiction treatment resources for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. We will
achieve this by partnering with existing treatment centers and organizations, as well as
establishing new facilities in areas where there is a high demand for addiction treatment services.
To decrease monetary costs for the desired behavior, we will provide financial support for
treatment, such as subsidies or discounts for treatment services, and free transportation to
treatment centers. To increase nonmonetary benefits for the desired behavior, we will train
healthcare professionals in addiction treatment and conduct awareness campaigns to reduce the
stigma surrounding addiction and encourage individuals to seek help. Our message is one of
empathy and understanding, and we aim to create a comprehensive approach that addresses both
the financial and emotional barriers to seeking addiction treatment.

To further encourage individuals to seek addiction treatment and maintain their commitment to
recovery, we will implement a pledge/commitment program. This program will involve
individuals making a public pledge to seek treatment and commit to their recovery journey. In
return, they will receive recognition and appreciation benefits, such as certificates of completion,
access to support groups, and opportunities to share their success stories with others.

We will also recognize and appreciate the efforts of healthcare professionals who are dedicated
to providing addiction treatment services. This may include awards or certificates of recognition,
as well as professional development opportunities and resources to improve their skills and
knowledge in addiction treatment.

By implementing these recognition and appreciation benefits, we hope to create a supportive
community that values and celebrates the efforts of individuals and healthcare professionals in
the fight against alcohol addiction.

Another focus of our plan is to promote a culture of sobriety and responsible drinking in
Ethiopia. We will achieve this by partnering with government agencies, community
organizations, and businesses to implement policies and programs that discourage excessive
alcohol consumption and promote healthier choices. Our mechanisms will include developing
educational materials, hosting community events, and working with businesses to create alcohol-
free social spaces and events. Additionally, we will advocate for stricter regulations on the sale
and marketing of alcohol to reduce its accessibility and negative impact on individuals and

Our social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia will utilize the strategy of
increasing monetary costs for competing behaviors. By partnering with government agencies and
policy makers, we will advocate for stricter regulations on the sale and marketing of alcohol.
This will include increasing taxes on alcohol products and implementing policies that discourage
excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, we will work with businesses to create alcohol-
free social spaces and events, making responsible drinking a more financially attractive option
for individuals. Through these efforts, we aim to promote a culture of sobriety and responsible
drinking in Ethiopia, reducing the negative impact of alcohol addiction on individuals and

Our objective in increasing the price of alcohol products is to make them less affordable and less
attractive to potential consumers, particularly those who engage in excessive drinking. By
increasing the cost of alcohol, we aim to reduce the demand for these products and encourage
individuals to consider healthier alternatives.

In addition to raising prices, we will advocate for stricter regulations on alcohol production and
sales, including limitations on advertising and marketing tactics that target vulnerable
populations. By imposing higher taxes and input material costs on producers, we aim to
discourage the production and sale of low-quality, cheap alcohol products that contribute to
alcohol addiction and related health problems.

Overall, our goal is to create a culture of responsible drinking in Ethiopia by promoting healthy
behaviors and reducing the negative impact of alcohol addiction on individuals, families, and


1. Where:

- Targeted Regions: Based on research and data analysis, I prioritized regions with high rates
of alcohol addiction, such as Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, and other urban centers. Additionally, we
have identified rural areas where alcohol consumption is prevalent due to cultural practices or
lack of access to addiction support services.

- Community-Level Approach: Within these regions, we will further narrow down the target
areas by focusing on specific communities, neighborhoods, and localities where alcohol
addiction is particularly widespread.

In addition to the general place assumptions we, as social marketers set up a place for our
campaign, namely

Physical locations- medical centers, rehabilitation centers, experience sharing workshops, social

Phone- 24 hour help line

Internet- online treatment options, awareness creating, experience sharing sessions

Where people shop/ where people hangout- we use these places to the preventation mechanisms
such as “alcohol free spaces"

2. When:

- Seasonal Considerations: Considering the seasonal variations in alcohol consumption, we will

time the campaign to coincide with periods of heightened alcohol use, such as during religious
festivals, holidays, and traditional celebrations.

- Ongoing Engagement: Recognizing that alcohol addiction is a year-round issue, we have

ensured that the campaign provides ongoing support and resources to individuals struggling with
addiction throughout the entire year.

- Awareness Events: we planned awareness events, workshops, and outreach activities at

strategic times throughout the year to engage with the community and raise awareness about the
risks of alcohol addiction.

In addition to these specific strategies, we planned to collaborate with local community leaders,
healthcare professionals, and addiction support organizations to gain insights into the unique
cultural and social dynamics related to alcohol consumption in Ethiopia. This collaborative
approach would help tailor the "where and when" aspects of the campaign to effectively address
the country's specific challenges related to alcohol addiction.

Selected Place strategies

Our social marketing campaign aims to increase access to addiction treatment resources for
individuals struggling with alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. To achieve this, we will utilize the
"Make the Location Closer" and "Extend Hours" strategies to ensure that treatment facilities are
easily accessible and available to those in need.

By making the location closer, we will work to establish treatment centers in areas where there is
a high demand for addiction treatment services. This strategy is specifically oriented towards
social marketing as it focuses on reducing the distance and travel time required for individuals to
access the necessary resources. Additionally, we will partner with existing treatment centers and
organizations to expand their reach and ensure that individuals have access to treatment facilities
within a reasonable distance from their communities.

Furthermore, through the "Extend Hours" strategy, we will ensure that treatment facilities have
extended hours of operation to accommodate individuals with busy schedules or those who may
not be able to access the services during regular business hours. This approach aligns with social
marketing principles by prioritizing convenience and accessibility for the target audience,
ultimately making it easier for individuals to engage with addiction treatment resources.

Overall, these strategies are designed to remove barriers and make addiction treatment services
more accessible and convenient for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction in Ethiopia,
ultimately contributing to the success of our social marketing campaign.

The place strategy we decided to use for our second focus is Make Access to the Competition
More Difficult or Unpleasant.

Our selected strategy, focused on making access to alcohol more difficult or unpleasant, is poised
to perform effectively and bring several key benefits to our objective. By advocating for stricter
regulations on the sale and marketing of alcohol, we anticipate a reduction in the accessibility of
alcohol, curbing excessive consumption and its negative impact on individuals and communities.
This approach is expected to foster a cultural shift towards responsible drinking, creating an
environment that encourages healthier choices and sobriety. The collaboration with government
agencies, community organizations, and businesses to establish alcohol-free social spaces and
events will offer supportive alternatives, further incentivizing a positive change in drinking
habits. Ultimately, this strategy not only aims to discourage alcohol addiction but also strives to
lay the foundation for a long-lasting culture of moderation and responsible alcohol consumption
in Ethiopia.

At “Rethink, Reclaim, Renew: Ethiopia’s alcohol-free future” we understand the
complexities of this journey. Our tailored support service and resources are designed to empower
you to embark on a new alcohol free chapter in your life. Fostering a renewed sense of self and
overall wellbeing. The features and benefits that we provide include:

 Personalized treatment plans: tailored solutions and individualized treatment plans

crafted by our expert professionals to address your unique needs and circumstances.

 Holistic recovery approach: integrated support for mind, body, and spirit, encompassing
counselling, therapy, and wellness programs aimed at cultivating recovery

 Local network of care: accessible support service worsen in to the fabric of your local
community, ensuring a comforting and familiar environment as you take your
transformative steps forward.

 Non-judgmental environment: a safe and non-judgemental sanctuary dedicated to your

continued growth and resilience, valuing compassion and understanding at every turn

 Supportive counselling: one on one, confidential sessions that foster personal

exploration, introspection, and break through, under the guidance of compassionate and
experienced counsellors

 Empowerment workshop: participation in empowering workshops designed to unveil the

tools and techniques to approach and surmount the challenges of alcohol addictions

 Community engagement initiatives: engage in community events, mutual support

groups, and meaningful initiatives, fostering camaraderie and support form like- minded
individuals on similar path

Our promotion strategy

Message: we want our target audience (alcohol addicted environment) what to do, what to know,
what to believe

What we want our target audience to do: we want them to participate in community initiatives
focusing on responsible drinking seek support if needed, and promote a safe and conducive to
alcohol consumption. This could also involve promoting awareness events, fundraising campaign
for addictions support, or volunteering for relevant causes.

What we want our target audience to know:

1. Understanding the Risks: The target audience should understand the significant health,
social, and personal risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. This includes

awareness of physical health issues, mental health implications, and the impact on relationships
and social well-being.

2. Effects on Community and Environment: It's important for the target audience to be aware
of how alcohol addiction impacts not only the individual but also the broader community and
environment. This includes understanding the economic costs, strain on public services, and the
social repercussions of addiction within families and communities.

3. Understanding of Triggers and Coping Strategies: The audience should be informed about
common triggers for alcohol consumption and be equipped with strategies to cope with these
triggers in healthier ways. This could include stress management techniques, peer support
options, and alternative social activities.

4. Access to Resources and Support: It's crucial that the target audience knows about available
resources and support systems, including counselling services, recovery programs, and
community-based initiatives. This knowledge empowers individuals to seek help and support
when needed

What we want our target audience to believe: instil the belief that change is possible and that
their actions, no matter how small can positively impact the community foster the belief that
seeking help is assign of strength and they are not alone in their struggles, emphasize the success
of recovery and the importance of a supportive environment.


1. Recovery Advocates and Counsellors: Individuals who have successfully navigated their own
recovery journey or professionals specializing in addiction counselling can serve as credible
messengers. They bring personal experience, expertise, and a deep understanding of the
challenges and triumphs associated with maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle. We will have a
partnership with Mr. Elias Kalayu (recovery coach and author of mekuamiya addiction

2. Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers will serve as
trustworthy messengers. Their authority in matters of health and well-being can lend credibility
to the message. They can provide information about the medical effects of alcohol addiction and
support resources for recovery.

3. Community Organizations: Partnering with local and national non-profit organizations

focused on addiction support and recovery can be valuable. These organizations often have
established trust and authority within the community and can effectively deliver the message.

4. Public Figures and Celebrities: Individuals who have openly shared their personal journeys of
recovery or have supported addiction recovery causes can be influential messengers. Their public
visibility can help DE stigmatize the issue and encourage individuals to seek support.

Creative strategies

Appeal through emotional triggers:

1. Storytelling with Local Faces

Utilize storytelling by showcasing real, local individuals who have successfully overcome
alcohol addiction. Their narratives can be very compelling and relatable for others struggling
with similar issues. By showcasing success stories, you can provide hope and inspiration to those
in need. 2. Personalized Testimonials

Gather personal testimonials from individuals, families, or communities affected by alcohol

addiction. Sharing these experiences will tug at the heartstrings and create a sense of empathy
among the audience.

3. Encouragement and Support

Develop a series of messages that highlight the support available for individuals seeking help.
Showcase local support groups, hotlines, or resources that can provide guidance and assistance to
those struggling with addiction.

4. Positive Lifestyle Portrayal

Display the benefits of a sober lifestyle in a positive light. Showcasing individuals who have
found fulfilment, joy, and improved relationships after overcoming addiction can be an
incredibly powerful emotional appeal.

5. Community Involvement

Encourage community involvement by organizing events, workshops, or campaigns that foster a

sense of togetherness and support for those struggling with alcohol addiction. Creating a sense of
community and belonging is crucial for individuals in recovery.

In terms of emotional appeal and attractiveness, focus on feelings of hope, support, and
empowerment. The content should strive to evoke emotions such as empathy, determination, and
the joy of positive transformation.

 Empathy: Encourage the audience to put themselves in the shoes of those affected by
addiction. Show the impact on individuals, families, and the community as a whole.

 Hope: Highlight the potential for change and the positive outcomes that can result from
seeking help and support.

 Empowerment: Portray individuals who have successfully overcome addiction as

empowered and in control of their lives. This can inspire others to take charge of their
own journey to recovery.

Appeal through moral or ethical triggers:

Attractiveness and Moral Appeal:

To make the content more attractive and to appeal based on moral grounds, consider the

 Emphasize Community Values: Highlight the impact of alcohol addiction on the local
community, family structures, and societal values. Showcasing the ways in which
reducing alcohol addiction can benefit the community as a whole can be very appealing
from a moral standpoint.

 Promote Positive Role Models: Showcase individuals who have embraced a life without
alcohol, highlighting their personal growth and positive contributions to society. This can
inspire others and provide a strong moral appeal.

 Ethical Messaging: Incorporate messaging that appeals to the ethical responsibilities of

individuals towards their families, community, and themselves. This might involve
emphasizing the importance of responsible decision-making and the impact of one's
actions on others.

 Cultural Relevance: Consider incorporating elements of local culture and traditions into
your content. This can help in making the messaging more relatable and appealing to the
target audience.

Appeal through rational triggers:

Content Creation

 Educational Info graphics and Videos: Create visually engaging info graphics and
informative videos that highlight the negative impacts of alcohol addiction on health,
family, and society. Incorporate statistics and facts to add credibility to your message.

 Personal Stories and Testimonials: Feature real-life stories of individuals who have
successfully overcome alcohol addiction. These stories can motivate and inspire those
struggling with addiction to seek help.

 Expert Interviews and Q&A Sessions: Conduct interviews with psychologists,

counsellors, and healthcare professionals to provide rational and evidence-based
information about the effects of alcohol addiction and the benefits of seeking help.


 Factual Messaging: Emphasize the scientific and evidence-based information about the
consequences of alcohol addiction. Use credible sources such as the World Health
Organization (WHO) and local health organizations to back up your claims.

 Comparative Analysis: Highlight the comparison between a life affected by alcohol

addiction and a fulfilling, healthy lifestyle free from addiction. Showcasing the benefits
of sobriety can serve as a strong rational appeal.

 Practical Solutions: Provide actionable steps and resources for individuals to seek help,
such as contact information for local support groups, rehabilitation centres, and
counselling services.

Tools: that we will utilize specially to reach our target audiences

Sales promotion

 Discounts and Coupons: Offering discounts on alcohol-free beverages or providing

coupons for healthy activities and experiences can motivate individuals to engage in a
sober lifestyle. This can help create a positive association with the new behaviour.

 Rewards Program: Implementing a rewards program where individuals earn points for
participating in alcohol-free events, attending support group meetings, or achieving
personal milestones can be a great way to encourage and recognize their efforts.

 Exclusive Access and Experiences: Providing access to exclusive events, workshops, or
experiences focused on health and wellness can be a powerful incentive. This might
include access to fitness classes, meditation sessions, or outdoor adventures.

 Educational Materials and Resources: Offering free educational materials, books, or

subscriptions to resources focused on overcoming alcohol addiction, health and wellness,
and personal development can be highly valuable for individuals looking to embrace

 Community Support: Creating a supportive community where individuals can connect

with others who are also pursuing an alcohol-free lifestyle can be a non-monetary but
highly impactful incentive. This can be in the form of online forums, group meet-ups, or
peer mentorship programs.

 Personalized Support: Providing access to counselling services, life coaching, or

mentorship programs tailored to individuals who are striving for an alcohol-free lifestyle
can be a powerful incentive.


Influencing a target audience, particularly those with alcohol addictions, to embrace an alcohol-
free Environment in Addis Ababa and its surroundings through advertising involves a strategic
and empathetic approach. Considering the gravity of the subject, some important steps and
considerations should be taken into account.

 Understanding the Target Audience Before diving into the promotion, it's crucial to
understand the demographics, behaviours, and motivations of the target audience. For
instance, understanding the triggers of alcohol addiction, the social context, and the
existing perceptions surrounding alcohol consumption will be vital in tailoring the
message effectively.

 Crafting the Message It's important to craft a message that resonates with the audience.
This might include emphasizing the benefits of an alcohol-free lifestyle, the impact on
families and relationships, or the positive aspects of a sober community. The message
should be empathetic, encouraging, and non-judgmental.

 Using Appropriate Channels When it comes to advertising, the choice of channels is

key. In Addis Ababa, this might involve a mix of online, print, and outdoor advertising.
With the rise of digital usage, social media and targeted online advertising can be
particularly effective.

 Social Proof and Testimonials In the advertising message, incorporating real-life stories,
testimonials, and success stories can provide social proof and show that an alcohol-free
lifestyle is attainable and beneficial. People are often influenced by the experiences of
others, especially those who have gone through similar struggles.

 Call to Action The advertising should include a clear and actionable call to action. This
could be visiting a website for resources and support, attending a community event, or
seeking help through established organizations specializing in addiction recovery.

Communications channels

Traditional channels

 Community Events and Workshops: Organizing community events and workshops in

Addis Ababa and its surroundings can help spread awareness about the consequences of
alcohol addiction and the available support resources. These events can involve local
leaders, healthcare professionals, and people who have successfully overcome addiction.

 Print Media: Utilizing newspapers and magazines with a wide readership in Addis Ababa
can help convey information about alcohol addiction and ways to seek help. This could
include articles, opinion pieces, and advertisements promoting support services.

 Radio Broadcasting: Radio is an effective way to reach a diverse audience, including

those in more rural areas. Creating educational segments, interviews with professionals,
and personal stories related to alcohol addiction and recovery can make an impact.

Digital channels

 Social Media Campaigns: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be used
to launch targeted ad campaigns, share engaging content, and start discussions about
alcohol addiction and recovery. These platforms allow for direct interaction with the
audience and sharing of success stories.

 Website and Blog Content: Developing a dedicated website with resources, stories of
recovery, and information about local support groups can serve as a valuable digital
resource. Regularly updated blogs can provide insights, tips, and motivational content for
those dealing with alcohol addiction.

 Email Newsletters: Sending out regular newsletters with updates on local events, success
stories, and informative articles can help maintain engagement with a wider audience.
This can also serve as a channel for sharing relevant resources and tips on managing
alcohol addiction.

Explanation on Each Channel:

 Community Events and Workshops: These allow for direct engagement, personalized
interactions, and the fostering of a supportive environment. It's crucial to encourage open
dialogue and provide useful takeaways for those struggling with alcohol addiction or
seeking to support others.

 Print Media and Radio Broadcasting: These traditional methods are especially effective
in reaching older demographics and those who may have limited access to digital
platforms. The key is to craft compelling narratives and personal stories that can resonate
with the readers or listeners.

 Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging the power of social media allows for targeted
outreach to specific demographics. By creating and promoting relatable content, sharing
success stories, and encouraging conversations, social media can foster a sense of
community and understanding.

 Website and Blog Content: These platforms serve as comprehensive and easily
accessible sources of information. They can offer guidance, resources, and
encouragement for individuals seeking help or looking to support loved ones.

 Email Newsletters: This channel provides a way to maintain regular contact with the
audience, reinforcing key messages, and highlighting positive developments in the fight
against alcohol addiction. It's important to keep the content engaging and relevant to the
readers' needs.

Policy and related aspects

To achieve our objective of reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia, the following policies and
guidelines are highly needed:

1. Licensing and regulation of alcohol sales: The government should implement stricter
regulations on the sale and marketing of alcohol to reduce its accessibility, particularly to minors.
This include requiring licenses for alcohol vendors and enforcing laws against selling alcohol to

2. Taxation on alcohol: The government should impose higher taxes on alcohol to discourage
excessive consumption and generate revenue for addiction treatment and prevention programs.

3. Public awareness campaigns: The government should launch public awareness campaigns to
reduce the stigma surrounding addiction and encourage individuals to seek help. This include
developing educational materials, hosting community events, and partnering with media outlets
to promote responsible drinking.

4. Treatment facilities and resources: The government should allocate resources to establish and
improve addiction treatment facilities and provide financial support for treatment. Additionally,
healthcare professionals will be trained in addiction treatment to increase access to quality care.

5. Workplace policies: Businesses should implement workplace policies that promote

responsible drinking, such as providing non-alcoholic beverages at company events and
encouraging employees to take breaks during local events to avoid excessive drinking.

6. Community programs: Community organizations are encouraged to develop programs that

promote sobriety and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction. This will include
peer support groups, mentoring programs, and community events that provide alcohol-free social

Overall, a comprehensive approach that involves partnerships between government agencies,

community organizations, and businesses is needed to address the issue of alcohol addiction in
Ethiopia. By implementing policies and guidelines that promote responsible drinking, increase
access to addiction treatment resources, and reduce the stigma surrounding addiction, we can
create a healthier and more supportive environment for individuals struggling with alcohol

The above policies will be integrated into our campaign through the use of the following

1. Regulation and Legislation: Introducing and enforcing regulations on alcohol advertising,

sales, and consumption can be a key policy measure. This might include restrictions on alcohol
marketing aimed at youth, limitations on the density of alcohol outlets in communities, and
enforcing drinking age laws. Additionally, policies could focus on regulating the alcohol content
and sale of homemade alcoholic beverages, which are prevalent in many parts of Ethiopia.

2. Taxation: Implementing policies that increase taxes on alcohol products has been shown to be
effective in reducing alcohol consumption. This not only generates revenue for public health
programs but also serves to discourage excessive drinking. The revenue generated from these
taxes can further be channeled into supporting addiction treatment and prevention efforts.

3. Health Education and Awareness: Developing policies that require alcohol manufacturers to
include warning labels about the health risks of alcohol consumption can contribute to public
education. These labels can inform consumers about the risks of alcohol abuse and the
importance of seeking help for addiction.
4. Support for Treatment and Recovery Services: Policy initiatives can focus on allocating
resources and funding for addiction treatment and recovery services, including establishing
counseling centers and support groups. This not only addresses the immediate need for treatment
but also works towards de-stigmatizing addiction and encouraging individuals to seek help.

5. Community Engagement and Intervention: Encouraging policies that support community-

based interventions and programs aimed at preventing alcohol addiction can be highly effective.
This might involve working closely with local leaders, religious organizations, and community
groups to raise awareness, provide support, and create a supportive environment for those
struggling with alcohol addiction.

Implementing these policies involves collaboration across various sectors, including government
agencies, healthcare providers, non-governmental organizations, and community leaders.
Integration with social marketing efforts can further amplify the reach and impact of these


To achieve our objective of reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia through policy

implementations and overall success of our campaign, the following partnership collaborations
are needed:

1. Government agencies: We need to partner with government agencies responsible for health,
education, and regulation of alcohol sales to implement policies that promote responsible
drinking and reduce the negative impact of alcohol addiction. This includes collaborating with
the Ministry of Health to establish addiction treatment facilities and train healthcare
professionals in addiction treatment, as well as working with the Ministry of Education to
develop educational materials and awareness campaigns.

2. Community organizations: We need to collaborate with community organizations such as

religious institutions, youth groups, and women's associations to promote a culture of sobriety
and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction. This includes partnering with peer
support groups, mentoring programs, and community events that provide alcohol-free social

3. Businesses: We need to work with businesses to implement workplace policies that promote
responsible drinking and provide non-alcoholic alternatives at company events. Additionally, we
can partner with businesses to create alcohol-free social spaces and events.

4. International organizations: We can partner with international organizations such as the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to
access resources and expertise in addiction treatment and prevention. This includes collaborating
on awareness campaigns, training programs, and policy implementations.
Overall, by collaborating with a diverse range of partners, we can create a comprehensive
approach that addresses the issue of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. By pooling resources,
expertise, and networks, we can achieve our objective of reducing alcohol addiction and
promoting healthier choices for individuals and communities.

Purse String (budget)

Reducing alcohol addiction requires financial resources to support various interventions and
programs. Here are our anticipated budget allocations and how to utilize them .

1. Funding for Treatment Centers: Allocating funds to establish and maintain treatment
centers specifically dedicated to addressing alcohol addiction. These centers will provide
medical care, counseling, and support services to individuals seeking help for their addiction.

2. Training and Capacity Building: Investing in training programs for healthcare professionals,
counselors, and social workers to enhance their capacity to provide effective treatment and
support for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction.

3. Community Outreach and Education: Allocating resources for community outreach

programs and educational campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the risks of alcohol
addiction and promoting healthy behaviors. This may involve the development and
dissemination of educational materials, as well as organizing community events and workshops

4. Support for Support Groups: Providing financial support to organizations that facilitate
support groups for individuals dealing with alcohol addiction, such as Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA) or similar programs. This may include funding for meeting spaces, materials, and outreach

5. Research and Data Collection: Investing in research initiatives to better understand the
prevalence and impact of alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. This can help inform evidence-based
interventions and policies aimed at reducing alcohol addiction.

6. Infrastructure Development: Allocating resources to improve the healthcare infrastructure,

including the establishment of outpatient clinics, mental health facilities, and rehabilitation
centers tailored to addressing alcohol addiction.

7. Policy Implementation: Supporting the implementation of policies and regulations related to

alcohol sales, advertising, and consumption through financial resources. This may involve
funding for regulatory enforcement, public health campaigns, and monitoring efforts.
8. Collaboration and Partnerships: Providing financial support for collaborative efforts
between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community groups to
address alcohol addiction comprehensively.

9. Economic Opportunities: Investing in programs that create economic opportunities for

individuals struggling with alcohol addiction, such as vocational training, job placement services,
and entrepreneurship initiatives.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation: Allocating funds for monitoring and evaluating the
effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing alcohol addiction to ensure that resources are
being used efficiently and that programs are achieving their intended outcomes.

This approach helps us to address the multifaceted nature of alcohol addiction and promote
healthier behaviors within the community.

Determination on evaluation plan

Evaluation Plan for Inputs:

The inputs allocated for the social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia

1. Financial resources: This includes funding to support the establishment of new addiction
treatment facilities, financial assistance for individuals seeking treatment, and the development
and distribution of educational materials.

2. Human resources: This includes healthcare professionals who will be trained in addiction
treatment, community organizers who will help raise awareness about the campaign, and
volunteers who will help with the implementation of various activities.

3. Technology: This includes the use of social media platforms and other digital tools to reach a
wider audience and disseminate information about the campaign.

4. Partnerships: This includes collaboration with existing treatment centers and organizations,
government agencies, community organizations, and businesses to ensure the success of the

5. Research and data analysis: This includes conducting research to identify areas where there is
a high demand for addiction treatment services and analyzing data to measure the impact of the
campaign over time.

Overall, these inputs will help ensure that the social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol
addiction in Ethiopia is effective in achieving its goals.

The evaluation plan for inputs will focus on assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the
resources and efforts invested in the campaign. The following are the key evaluation questions
for inputs:

1. Were the resources invested in the campaign adequate to achieve the desired outcomes?

2. Were the efforts invested in the campaign effective in reaching the target audience?
3. Were the materials and messages developed for the campaign appropriate and culturally

4. Were the partnerships and collaborations established for the campaign effective in achieving
the desired outcomes?

To answer these questions, the following evaluation methods will be used:

1. Document review: This will involve reviewing all relevant documents related to the campaign,
including budget reports, project plans, and partnership agreements.

2. Survey: A survey will be conducted among the target audience to assess their awareness of the
campaign and their perception of its effectiveness.

3. Key informant interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders involved in the
campaign, including project managers, partners, and community leaders.

Evaluation Plan for Outputs:

The outputs of our social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia include:

1. Increased availability of addiction treatment resources: This output involves establishing new
addiction treatment facilities in areas where there is a high demand for services, as well as
providing financial support for individuals seeking treatment.

2. Trained healthcare professionals: This output involves training healthcare professionals in

addiction treatment to ensure that individuals receive high-quality care.

3. Awareness campaigns: This output involves conducting awareness campaigns to reduce the
stigma surrounding addiction and encourage individuals to seek help.

4. Educational materials: This output involves developing educational materials to promote a

culture of sobriety and responsible drinking in Ethiopia.

5. Community events: This output involves hosting community events to promote healthier
choices and create alcohol-free social spaces.

6. Advocacy efforts: This output involves advocating for stricter regulations on the sale and
marketing of alcohol to reduce its accessibility and negative impact on individuals and

These outputs will help achieve our campaign's goal of reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia by
increasing access to treatment resources and promoting a culture of sobriety and responsible

The evaluation plan for outputs will focus on assessing the extent to which the campaign
achieved its intended outputs. The following are the key evaluation questions for outputs:

1. How many people were reached through the campaign?

2. How many people engaged with the campaign materials and messages?

3. How many people took action as a result of the campaign (e.g., reduced alcohol

4. How many people shared the campaign materials with others?

To answer these questions, the following evaluation methods will be used:

1. Social media analytics: This will involve analyzing social media metrics such as reach,
engagement, and shares.

2. Website analytics: This will involve analyzing website traffic and engagement metrics.

3. Survey: A survey will be conducted among the target audience to assess their engagement
with the campaign materials and messages.

Evaluation Plan for Outcomes:

The expected outcomes include:

1. Increased awareness and understanding of addiction: Through our awareness campaigns and
educational materials, we hope to increase understanding of addiction and reduce the stigma
surrounding it. This will encourage individuals to seek help and support for their addiction.

2. Increased access to addiction treatment resources: By partnering with existing treatment

centers and organizations and establishing new facilities, we aim to increase access to addiction
treatment resources for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. This will help
individuals receive the care they need to overcome their addiction.

3. Reduction in excessive alcohol consumption: Through our advocacy efforts and partnerships
with businesses and community organizations, we hope to promote healthier choices and
discourage excessive alcohol consumption. This will reduce the negative impact of alcohol on
individuals and communities.

4. Improved quality of life for individuals and communities: By reducing alcohol addiction and
promoting a culture of sobriety, we aim to improve the quality of life for individuals and
communities in Ethiopia. This will lead to healthier, happier, and more productive communities.
The evaluation plan for outcomes will focus on assessing the extent to which the campaign
achieved its intended outcomes. The following are the key evaluation questions for outcomes:

1. To what extent did the campaign lead to a reduction in alcohol consumption among the target

2. To what extent did the campaign lead to an increase in knowledge and awareness about the
harms of alcohol addiction?

3. To what extent did the campaign lead to changes in attitudes towards alcohol consumption?

4. To what extent did the campaign lead to changes in social norms related to alcohol

To answer these questions, the following evaluation methods will be used:

1. Survey: A survey will be conducted among the target audience to assess changes in behavior,
attitudes, and knowledge related to alcohol consumption.

2. Focus groups: Focus groups will be conducted with members of the target audience to explore
their perceptions of the campaign's impact on their behavior and attitudes.

3. Key informant interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders involved in the
campaign to assess their perceptions of the campaign's impact on the target audience.

Evaluation Plan for Impacts:

The expected impacts on society from our social marketing campaign include:

1. Improved public health: By reducing alcohol addiction and promoting a culture of sobriety
and responsible drinking, we expect to see improvements in public health. This includes a
reduction in alcohol-related illnesses and injuries, as well as a decrease in the spread of
infectious diseases associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

2. Increased productivity: Addiction to alcohol can have a negative impact on an individual's

ability to work and contribute to society. By reducing alcohol addiction, we expect to see an
increase in productivity and economic growth in Ethiopia.

3. Stronger communities: Addiction can have a ripple effect on families and communities,
leading to social isolation and breakdowns in relationships. By promoting a culture of sobriety
and providing access to addiction treatment resources, we hope to strengthen communities and
improve social connections.

4. Reduced crime and violence: Alcohol addiction can contribute to crime and violence in
communities. By reducing excessive alcohol consumption and addiction, we expect to see a
reduction in crime and violence, leading to safer communities for all Ethiopians.

The evaluation plan for impacts will focus on assessing the extent to which the campaign
achieved its intended impacts. The following are the key evaluation questions for impacts:

1. To what extent did the campaign lead to improvements in health outcomes related to alcohol

2. To what extent did the campaign lead to reductions in social inequalities related to alcohol

3. To what extent did the campaign lead to changes in policy or practice related to alcohol

To answer these questions, the following evaluation methods will be used:

1. Secondary data analysis: This will involve analyzing existing data sources related to health
outcomes and social inequalities related to alcohol addiction.

2. Key informant interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders involved in the
campaign to assess their perceptions of the campaign's impact on policy or practice.

3. Case studies: Case studies will be conducted to explore in-depth the impact of the campaign
on specific communities or populations.

Evaluation Plan for Return on Investment:

The return on investment (ROI) in terms of positive behavioral changes that we expect from our
social marketing campaign to reduce alcohol addiction in Ethiopia are:

1. Increased awareness: Our campaign aims to increase awareness about the negative impacts of
excessive alcohol consumption and addiction. We expect this to lead to positive behavioral
changes such as reduced alcohol consumption and increased knowledge about the risks
associated with alcohol addiction.

2. Improved attitudes: By promoting a culture of sobriety and reducing the stigma associated
with addiction, we hope to improve attitudes towards addiction and encourage individuals to
seek help when needed. This can lead to positive behavioral changes such as increased
willingness to seek treatment and reduced shame or guilt associated with addiction.

3. Increased use of treatment resources: By providing information about addiction treatment

resources and reducing barriers to access, we hope to increase the use of these resources by

individuals struggling with addiction. This can lead to positive behavioral changes such as
increased engagement in treatment and improved outcomes for those seeking help.

4. Increased community support: By promoting a culture of sobriety and reducing the stigma
associated with addiction, we hope to increase community support for individuals struggling
with addiction. This can lead to positive behavioral changes such as increased social support,
reduced isolation, and improved mental health outcomes.

Overall, the ROI in terms of positive behavioral changes that we expect from our social
marketing campaign will be significant, leading to increased awareness, improved attitudes,
increased use of treatment resources, and increased community support for individuals struggling
with addiction.

The evaluation plan for return on investment will focus on assessing the extent to which the
campaign achieved its intended financial outcomes. The following are the key evaluation
questions for return on investment:

1. What was the total cost of the campaign?

2. What was the financial return on investment of the campaign?

3. Was the campaign cost-effective in achieving its intended outcomes?

To answer these questions, the following evaluation methods will be used:

1. Financial analysis: This will involve analyzing the total cost of the campaign and comparing it
to the financial return on investment.

2. Cost-effectiveness analysis: This will involve assessing the cost-effectiveness of the campaign
in achieving its intended outcomes.

3. Stakeholder interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders involved in the
campaign to assess their perceptions of the financial return on investment and cost-effectiveness
of the campaign.


Creating a specific budget for an alcohol addiction campaign in Ethiopia would involve
considering the unique socio-economic and cultural factors of the country. Here's a general
breakdown of potential budget considerations for such a campaign

1. Research and Planning: Allocate funds for conducting local research to understand the
specific needs, behaviors, and attitudes of the target population in Ethiopia regarding alcohol
addiction. This might involve surveys, focus groups, and data analysis.

2. Creative Development: Budget for the creation of culturally relevant campaign materials,
including digital and print advertisements, educational resources, videos, and other content that
will resonate with the local population.

3. Media Placement: Set aside funds for the placement of advertisements and content across
various media channels that are popular and effective in Ethiopia, such as local radio, television,
social media platforms, and outdoor advertising.

4. Outreach and Engagement: Allocate resources for community outreach, events, workshops,
and partnerships with local organizations to engage with the target audience and raise awareness
about alcohol addiction within the context of Ethiopia.

5. Evaluation and Monitoring: Plan for the assessment of the campaign's effectiveness through
data collection, surveys, and other evaluation methods to measure impact and make adjustments
as needed.

Given the specific context of Ethiopia, it would be important to consult with local experts,
community leaders, and public health officials to ensure that the campaign is culturally sensitive
and effective. Additionally, seeking partnerships with local government agencies, nonprofit

organizations, and public health institutions can help leverage resources and maximize the
impact of the campaign within a given budget.

The actual budget amount would depend on the scale and duration of the campaign, as well as
the availability of resources from potential partners and sponsors. It's recommended to work with
local stakeholders to develop a comprehensive budget that aligns with the specific goals and
strategies of the alcohol addiction campaign in Ethiopia.

Implementation plan

This section emphasized on outlining an implementation plan focused on reducing alcohol

addiction in Ethiopia through social marketing. This plan will integrate key strategies, channels,
and initiatives to effectively address this critical issue.

Step 1: Research and Analysis

- Market Research: Conduct comprehensive research to understand the cultural, social, and
economic factors that contribute to alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. This includes analyzing
patterns of alcohol consumption, identifying vulnerable populations, and understanding the
specific challenges that exist within different regions of the country.

- Behavior Analysis: Utilize behavioral insights to understand the motivations behind alcohol
consumption and the barriers to seeking treatment. This will help tailor the messaging and
intervention strategies.

Step 2: Policy Advocacy and Support

- Engage Stakeholders: Collaborate with governmental organizations, NGOs, healthcare

providers, and community leaders to advocate for and support policies aimed at reducing alcohol
addiction. By creating a coalition of stakeholders, it's possible to strengthen the impact of policy
initiatives, leveraging the influence of various groups for broader adoption and enforcement.

- Resource Allocation: Advocate for the allocation of resources to support addiction treatment
and prevention programs, emphasizing the need for funding for social marketing initiatives that
raise awareness and encourage behavioral change.

Step 3: Social Marketing Campaigns

- Targeted Messaging: Develop culturally sensitive and targeted messaging that emphasizes the
negative impacts of alcohol addiction and the benefits of seeking help. Utilize local languages,
imagery, and storytelling to effectively communicate with diverse populations.

- Multi-Channel Approach: Implement a multi-channel approach, utilizing social media, radio,

community events, and public service announcements to disseminate messaging across urban
and rural areas. Partner with local influencers, community leaders, and healthcare professionals
to amplify the reach of the campaigns.

- Behavior Change Initiatives: Create campaigns that promote alternative activities, such as
sports, arts, and community gatherings, as well as highlighting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
These initiatives can be designed to provide positive outlets and opportunities for social
connection beyond alcohol consumption.

Step 4: Community Engagement

- Community Workshops and Events: Organize workshops, seminars, and community events to
provide education about the risks of alcohol addiction and the resources available for support and
treatment. Incorporate interactive activities and storytelling to engage community members.

- Peer Support Programs: Establish peer support groups and networks that provide a platform for
individuals to share their experiences, seek guidance, and find solidarity in their journey towards

Step 5: Monitoring and Evaluation

- Data Collection: Continuously collect data on the effectiveness of the social marketing
campaigns and policy initiatives. This involves tracking changes in alcohol consumption
patterns, treatment-seeking behavior, and public awareness of the risks associated with alcohol

- Feedback Loops: Utilize feedback loops to adapt and refine the social marketing strategies
based on real-time data and community input. This ensures that the campaigns remain relevant
and impactful.

By combining strategic social marketing initiatives with supportive policy advocacy, community
engagement, and ongoing evaluation, it's possible to create a comprehensive approach to
reducing alcohol addiction in Ethiopia. This plan recognizes the complexity of the issue and aims
to create sustainable, long-term change.


EPHI (Ethiopian public health institute), 2021 the prevalence of alcohol use disorders (AUDs)

WHO 2016 report on alcohol addiction

UNODC (United Nations office on drugs and crime) 2019 report


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