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Time Allotted : ONE HOUR

English : Core (Flamingo)-Prose for Class 12

XII - English -The Last Lesson


Maximum Marks :20


1. All questions are compulsary.

2. Please give the explanation for the answer where applicable.

Q1 – Write a note on the character of M.Hamel as a teacher.? (5 Marks)

Q2 - What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day? (2 Marks)

Q3 - What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day? (2 Marks)

Q4 - What had been put up on the bulletin board? (2 Marks)

Q5 - Why were Mr. M. Hamel’s words like a thunderclap to Franz? (2 Marks)

Q6 - Why were the old men of the village present in the classroom? (2 Marks)

Q7 - ‘The Last Lesson’ teaches us very important lessons of life. Discuss.

Discuss the theme of the lesson. (5 Marks)

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