Level 5 - Question Tips For Each Unit

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OCCUPATION: Application Development

Web Developer
Facilitator Guide
About This Guide
The Facilitator Guide is designed for the Trainers to enable training for a specific job role and enhance the quality of
executing the training program. This particular Facilitator Guide is designed for enabling thetraining program for the
job role of " Web Developer" in the IT-ITeS Sector.

This course is aligned to Qualification Pack, Web Developer, Reference ID: SSC/Q0503.

This Qualification pack is developed by IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM. This course encompasses all 7 National
Occupational Standards (NOS).

Each unit starts with learning objectives, followed by relevant activities and corresponding training methodology.
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

1. SSC/N0501: Contribute to the design of software products and applications

2. SSC/N0503 Develop media content and graphic designs for software products and applications
3. SSC/N9001: Manage your work to meet requirements
4. SSC/N9002: Work effectively with colleagues
5. SSC/N9003: Maintain a healthy, safe, and securing working environment
6. SSC/N9004: Provide data/information in standard formats
7. SSC/N9014: Maintain an inclusive, environmentally sustainable workplace

Besides, it has been endeavored to follow the facilitator guide guidelines prescribed by the National Skill
Development Corporation.
Table of Contents
SI. No Modules and Units Page No.
1. IT-ITeS/Application development industry – An Introduction
Unit 1.1 IT-ITeS/Application Development Industry
Unit 1.2 Career Path of a Web Developer

2. Programming for the Web – SSC/N0501

Unit 2.1 Web Designing and Development

3. Contribute to the Design of Software Products and Applications - SSC/N0501

Unit 3.1 Design Defects and Its Solution

4. Technical skills for software design - SSC/N0501

Unit 4.1 Technical specifications for coding
Unit 4.2 Designing of software products

5. Analysis and Design of Web Based Applications - SSC/N0503

Unit 5.1 Process of conversions and testing new products and applications

6. Develop Media Content and Graphic Designs for Software Products and
Application - SSC/N0503
Unit 6.1 Selection of Components and Tools for Web/Media Content
Unit 6.2 Verification and Validation of Media and Graphics

7. Interpret Design Specification - SSC/N0503

Unit 7.1 Implementation of Web Design
Unit 7.2 Technical Validation of a Web’s HTML Implementation

8. Manage Your Work to Meet Requirements - SSC/N9001

Unit 8.1 Importance of Following Work Instruction and Complying with
Company Policies

9. Work effectively with colleagues - SSC/N9002

Unit 9.1 Team Work and Communication
Unit 9.2 Team work

10. Managing Health and Safety – SSC/N9003

Unit 10.1 Occupational Health and Safety

11. Workplace Data Management - SSC/ N9004

Unit 11.1 Data Management

12. Implement & Improve the Gender Sensitivity, PWD (Person/People with
Disability) Sensitivity and Greening – SSC/N9014
Unit 12.1 Sustainable Practices
Bridge Module
Module 1
IT-ITeS/Application development industry – An Introduction

Unit1.1 IT-ITeS/Application Development Industry

Unit1.2 Career Path of a Web Developer
Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Comprehend various delivery models used in the IT-Application development industry

2. Examine the current growth and development standards of web development application
Unit 1.1 IT-ITeS/Application Development Industry
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss the relevance of the IT-ITeS sector
2. List the various sub-sectors of the Application development industry

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbook
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

• Start the class by saying, "This training program is developed to impart specific knowledge and skills relevant to
the job required to be performed as a "Web Developer", in the "IT-ITeS Sector/Industry."
• Talk about the Qualification Pack (QP), and National Occupational Standards (NOS).
• List the compulsory NOSs to the QP "Web Developer".
• Say, "Before we start the program let's play a small game".

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to gain participants’ attention
Materials required N/A
1. This is an ice-breaker activity.
2. Ask the participants to gather in a circle.
3. Inform them that they all will play together to create a story.
4. One of the participants will start the game by narrating the first
three lines of an imaginary story.
5. The next adjacent participant will say 'suddenly.'
6. Then, the participant next to him continues the story by stating
the new three lines.
7. Whoever does not respond will be considered out of the game.
8. After this, the Facilitation will sum up the whole story quickly.

Conclusion / what has This activity will assist participants to pay attention in the class and
been achieved also help them to connect.

• Explain the meaning of information technology and its important features.
• Explain different segments of IT industry with the help of Fig. 1.1 in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the relevance of IT/ITeS industry.
• Explain the IT application development industry and its types.
• Explain the sub-sectors of the application development industry with the help of Fig. 1.2 in the Participant
• Explain the emerging trends in application development industry with the help of Fig 1.3 in the Participant

• Elaborate the various delivery models used in the IT application development industry:
o Waterfall model (Fig 1.5)
o Iterative model (Fig 1.6)
o Agile Model (Fig 1.6)
o DevOps (Fig 1.7)
• Elaborate web development standards. (Table 1.1)

• What do you understand by IT/ITeS sector?
• How waterfall model is different from Iterative model in IT sector?
• Name any two sub-sectors of the application development industry.

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

Notes for Facilitation.

• Examine participants about their expectations from this program.
• Inquire participants if they have any doubts. Then, encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
Unit 1.2 Career Path for a Web Developer
Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, the trainees will be able to:
1. Identify the career path for a web developer

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbook
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

• Start the class by asking a few questions on IT sector and its sub-sector and give participants the chance to guess
before revealing the correct answer.

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• “The work of a web developer is to build websites. Many web developers are in charge of the website's
performance and capacity in addition to making sure it is aesthetically pleasing and simple to navigate.”
• "This unit will help you understand the key responsibilities and career path of web developer.”

• Explain roles and responsibilities of a web developer.
• Explain required skills in a web developer with the help of figure (Fig 1.9) given in Participant Handbook.
• Explain various job roles and career opportunities available for a web developer in IT/ITeS sector. (Fig 1.10 and
Fig 1.11).

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 1.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:

Answer to Question I:
1. Reference given in 1.1.3
2. Reference given in 1.1.6

Answer to Question II:

1. Waterfall model
2. Web application development
SSC/N0501 Contribute to the design of software products and applications
Module 2
Programming for the Web

Unit2.1 Web Designing and Development

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Evaluate the functioning of Business Requirement Specification, User Requirements Specification, Software
Requirements Specification and Low-Level Design in the web development domain
2. Examine how assumptions, constraints, interfaces determine the process of web designing
Unit 2.1 Web Designing and Development
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:

1. Evaluate the use of the Business Requirements Specification (BRS)/User Requirements Specification (URS)
2. Identify the Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbook
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Welcome and greet the students.
 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

• Start the class by asking a few questions on ITeS sector/Sub-sectors and give participants the chance to guess
before revealing the correct answer.
• Ask them about roles and responsibilities of a web developer.

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

“Start the class by saying, "This unit will help you to understand websites and its different types. Further, we will
discuss the coding and specifications for web designing.”

• Explain website and its types with the help of Table 2.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the difference between static & dynamic website with the help of Fig 2.1 given in the Participant
• Explain coding and programming language.
• Explain different types of web development programming languages website with the help of Fig 2.4 given in the
Participant Handbook.
• Explain basic elements of web designing with the help of Fig 2.11 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Business requirement specifications (BRS) and its features (Fig 2.12)
o Elements of Business requirement document (BRD)
o Benefits of BRD (Fig 2.13)
o Steps to create BRD

• What are websites?
• Can you tell me difference between static and dynamic website?
• How front-end development is different from back-end development?
• List few basic elements required in web designing.
• What is Business requirement specifications (BRS)?

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Explain the User requirement specification (URS) and its major elements.
• Explain steps to create a URS.
• Explain software requirement specification (SRS) and its key features with the help of Fig 2.18 given in the
Participant Handbook.
• Explain various elements of SRS documents with the help of Fig 2.29 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the importance of SRS documents.
• Explain the guidelines for writing software use cases in an SRS with the help of Fig 2.20 given in the Participant

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Six stages for creating SRS document in software engineering
o Various Constraints in web design
o Key assumptions for creating websites
o Interfaces of web designing process

• What is the six stages for producing an SRS document in software engineering?
• What is the difference between functional constraints and non-functional constraints?
• Can anyone tell me about low-level and high-level design for programming?
Notes for Facilitation
• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Explain low-level design and its key features with the help of Fig 2.25 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain object-oriented design in LLD with the help of Fig 2.27 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain database design in LLD with the help of Fig 2.28 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain API design in LLD.
• Explain the process of creating low level design with the help of Fig 2.29 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain high-level design and its key features with the help of Fig 2.30 given in the Participant Handbook.

• What is the purpose of sequence diagram?

Notes for facilitation

• Write down the response on the board.

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Components of HLD (Fig 2.31)
o Purpose and scope of HLD
o Characteristics of HLD (Fig 2.32)
o Requirements of HD
o Construction steps of HLD

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 2.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
o Answers to Questions I.
1. Reference given in 2.1.1
2. Reference given in 2.1.1
3. Reference given in 2.1.2
4. Reference given in 2.1.3

o Answers to Questions II.

1. To speed up
2. Programing languages
3. Coding
4. IP address
SSC/N0501 Contribute to the design of software products and applications
Module 3
Contribute to the Design of Software Products and Applications

Unit 3.1 Design Defects and Its Solution

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Collate basic programming structures related to High Level design/Low Level Design and monitor the same
2. Examine how to create software code that is efficient, readable, and maintainable
Unit 3.1 Design Defects and Its Solution
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Collate inputs from design experts to identify, resolve and record design defects
2. Discuss conclusions from defects for improving future designs
3. Discuss how to use various ranges of coding tools

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

 ” In the last unit, we gained an understanding of Business Requirements Specification (BRS)/User Requirements
Specification (URS) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in web development.”
 “In today’s session, we will discuss about design defects and its solution.”
 “When a software product does not live up to the standards or expectations set forth for it, it is said to have a

• What do you understand by term ‘defect’?
• Did you discover any issues/defects while designing web pages?

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the response of the students on the board.

• Explain design defects.
• Explain the primary cause of design defects.
• Explain the categories of design defects.
• Explain the stages of the software development life cycle with the help of Fig 2.29 given in the Participant
• Explain different types of testing for software defects.

• Demonstrate the following topics with the help of following video links-
o White-box testing - YouTube link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-nn_lXf1uA
o Black-box testing - YouTube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxarWh-JsiQ

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Unit testing
o Importance of unit testing (Fig 3.6)
o Advantages and disadvantages of unit testing (Fig 3.7)
o Unit Testing Techniques (Fig 3.2)
o Unit testing tools

• What are the various stages of software testing?
• What is the difference between black box testing and white box testing?
• List any three tools of unit testing.

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Explain integration testing and its importance with the help of Fig 3.10 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain different types of integration testing with the help of Fig 3.11 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the procedure for conducting integration testing.
• Explain best integration testing tools.
• Explain system testing and its process with the help of Fig 3.12 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain different kinds of system testing with the help of Fig 3.13 given in the Participant Handbook.

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Acceptance testing
o Need For User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
o Checklist for user acceptance testing
o Process to conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

• What do you understand by smart integration test accelerator (SITA)?
• Can anyone list few checklists of user acceptance testing?

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Explain procedure of defect resolution with the help of Fig 3.15 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain scope of improvement for future design.
• Explain different types of coding Tool and their uses.
• Explain recording and documentation of design defects.

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Checklist of defect report
o Format of defect text (Fig 3.16)

• Summarize the session by explaining purpose and features of various tools used in technical processes.
• Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 3.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
Answers to Questions I.
1. Reference given in 3.1.1
2. Reference given in 3.1.4
3. Reference given in 3.1.6
4. Reference given in 3.1.3
5. Reference given in 3.1.7
6. Reference given in 3.1.5
7. Reference given in 3.1.3

Answers to Questions II.

1. System testing
2. defect resolution
3. code and verify whether the unit functions as designed
SSC/N0501 Contribute to the design of software products and applications
Module 4
Technical skills for software design

Unit 4.1 Technical specifications for coding

Unit 4.2 Designing of software products

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Utilize the codes constructed to meet technical specifications

2. Practice hands-on experience on various software for designing
Unit 4.1 Technical Specifications for Coding
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. List the functional and non-functional requirements in software application for web development

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Welcome and greet the students.
 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

 “In the previous session, we have gained knowledge related to programming structures, tools required for coding
and documentation of designs.”
 “In today’s session, we will discuss functional and non-functional requirements in software application for web

• Demonstrate functional and non-functional requirements in software application with the help of YouTube link –

• Explain the meaning of functional and non-functional specifications for web development.
• Explain features and benefits of functional requirement (Fig 4.1).
• Explain features and benefits of non-functional requirement (Fig 4.2).
• Explain categories of non-functional requirements (Fig 4.3).

• Can you tell me difference between functional and non-functional requirements in web development?

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Elaborate on the following topics:
o Specification document
o User stories
o User cases

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Unit 4.1.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
Answers to Questions I.
1. Reference given in 4.1.1
2. Reference given in 4.1.1
3. Reference given in 4.1.1
4. Reference given in 4.1.1 (Fig 4.4)
5. a) Reference given in 4.1.1
b) Reference given in 4.1.1
c) Reference given in 4.1.1
d) Reference given in 4.1.1
UNIT 4.2 Designing of Software Products
Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, the trainees will be able to:
1. Discuss the current practice in the design of software products

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

• “We have discussed the functional and non-functional requirements in software application for web
development in previous unit. Let’s understand current practices in software product design in today’s session.”

• Explain the current practices in software product design with the help of figure given in the participant
handbook (fig 4.6)

• Elaborate the following platform for web designing:
o WordPress
o Joomla
o Magento
o Active Server Pages (ASP)
o Java Server Pages (JSP) technology


• Which platform of web designing is widely used for blogging?

• What is the difference between ASP and JSP?

Notes for facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Unit 4.2.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:

Answer to Question I:

1. Reference given in 4.2.1

2. Reference given in 4.2.2
3. Reference given in 4.2.2
4. Reference given in 4.2.2
5. Reference given in 4.2.2
SSC/N0503 Develop media content and graphic designs for software products and
Module 5
Analysis and Design of Web Based Applications

Unit 5.1 Process of conversions and testing new products and applications
Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Evaluate the process for converting designs into media and graphic content
2. Examine how to test new products and applications
Unit 5.1 Process of Conversions and Testing New Products and Applications
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss the implications that new products and applications may have on business processes.
2. Identify the sources of information to design software products and specifications.
3. List range of equipment used to design software products and applications.

 Welcome and greet the students.
 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

 ” In the previous unit, we discussed current practice in the design of software products.”
 ” Today, we are going to cover elements of graphic design.”
 “Also, we will learn about sources of information and equipment used to design software products and

• What do you understand by graphic?
• Can you tell me about graphic design?

Notes for facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Demonstrate elements and principle of graphic design with the help of YouTube link –
• Explain the elements of graphic design with help of Fig. 5.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain sources of information and their platform for web designing.
• Explain software for conversion of web designing.
• Explain the process for conversion with help of Fig. 5.11 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain various equipment for web designing.

• Elaborate the following topics:
o Testing of new products and applications (Fig 5.12)
o Implications of New Products and Applications on Business Processes (Fig 5.13)

• What do you understand by GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)?
• How smartphone is used as an equipment of web designing?
• What is testing of new products and applications?

Notes for facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

o Summarize the session.
o Prepare a list of participant's doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
o Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 5.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
Answers to Questions I.
1. Reference given in 5.1.1
2. Reference given in 5.1.1 (Fig 5.1)
3. Reference given in 5.1.6
4. Reference given in 5.1.4
5. Reference given in 5.1.4
6. Reference given in 5.1.4
7. Reference given in 5.1.3

Answers to Questions II.

1. DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
2. Adobe photoshop
3. media and techniques
SSC/N0503 Develop media content and graphic designs for software products and
Module 6
Develop Media Content and Graphic Designs for Software Products and Application

Unit6.1 Selection of Components and Tools for Web/Media Content Development

Unit6.2 Verification and Validation of Media and Graphics

Key Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:
1. Illustrate the various forms of coding tools required for software applications and web designs
2. Convert requirements into web content and graphic designs, leveraging reusable components
Unit 6.1 Selection of Components and Tools for Web/Media Content Development
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Select reusable components, media and graphical packages and tools to develop media content

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

 Welcome and greet the students.
 Discuss the important topics from the previous two modules.

• Say that, "So, let’s start today’s session. In this module, we are going to discuss reusable components, media and
graphical packages and tools for developing web/media content.”
• “Do you know what is reusable components?”
• “Let’s find it in detail.”

• Explain reusable components, media and graphical packages.
• Explain the characteristics of reusable components with help of Fig.6.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain benefits and drawbacks of reusable components, media and graphical packages with help of Fig.6.2 and
6.3 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the guidelines to create reusable components with help of Fig.6.4 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain various tools used for reusing media content.

• Elaborate the following topics:
o Designing skills required for creating templates and reusable designs (Fig 6.5)
o Technical tasks performed using fireworks and Dreamweaver (Fig 6.6)

• List few tools used for reusing media content.
• What are the characteristics of reusable components?
Notes for facilitation
• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participant’s doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
Unit 6.2 Verification and Validation of Media and Graphics
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Identify any defects and corrective actions taken to improve media and graphics

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

• Explain the verification of media and graphics.
• Explain the validation of media and graphics.
• Explain phases for design validation with help of Fig.6.7 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain details required for design validation with help of Fig.6.8 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain steps for validation process with help of Fig.6.9 given in the Participant Handbook.

• What are the phases of design validation?
• Can anyone tell me steps of validation process?

Notes for facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Summarize the session with the roleplay activity.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 6.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:

Answers to Questions I.

1. Reference given in 6.1.2 and 6.1.3

2. Reference given in 6.1.4
3. Reference given in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2

Answers to Questions II.

1. Reusable components
2. Chunking and assembling
3. Design validation
SSC/N0503 Develop media content and graphic designs for software products and
Module 7

Interpret Design Specification

Unit7.1 Implementation of Web Design

Unit7.2 Technical Validation of a Web’s HTML Implementation

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, the trainee will be able to:

1. Check the technical implementation of the web design with validation tools.
2. Discuss the technical validation of a web's HTML implementation
Unit 7.1 Implementation of Web Design
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Identify the current practice in developing media content and graphic designs.

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

 “We have covered the concept of graphic design, the different elements, and the tools used in the earlier
modules. Here, we look into the web design standards.”
 “The best practices for web design consider mainly three categories of standards, namely, brand
standards, coding standards and accessibility standards.”
 “Let’s understand these standards in details.”

• Explain web design standards with the help of Table 7.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain positioning of web design elements with the help of Fig 7.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain web implementation with the help of Fig 7.2 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain procedure of web implementation.
• Explain key of web implementation practices with the help of Fig 7.3 given in the Participant Handbook.

• Elaborate the topics below:
o Testing and its types (Fig 7.4)
o Validation
o Rework to incorporate feedback

• What do you understand by brand web standards?
• Can anyone list any four types of web testing?
• How is customer’s feedback important for the websites?

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.
• Summarize the session with an emphasis on various checkpoints of a project/product deployment.
• Prepare list of participant’s doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
Unit 7.2 Technical Validation of a Web’s HTML Implementation
At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss the technical validation of a web's HTML implementation

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

 “In our previous unit, we have learned about web design standards. Today, we will discuss technical validation of
a web's HTML implementation.”
 “Validating a website is the process of ensuring that the web pages on a website conform to the norms or
standards defined by different organizations. The importance of validation lies in the fact that all web pages have
to be interpreted in an expected way by various devices, search engines, users and visitors to the web page.”
 “Let’s understand more about validation of a web's HTML implementation”

• Explain validation of websites and its importance.
• Explain validation scope and objects of websites with the help of Fig 7.5 in Participant Handbook.
• Explain different validation tools with the help of Fig 7.6 in Participant Handbook.
• Explain categories of validation tools with the help of Fig 7.7 in Participant Handbook.

• Elaborate the topics below:
o HTML validation methods by W3C’s markup validation service
o CSS HTML validator
o Checklist Items for website implementation (Fig 7.9)

• Demonstrate how to validate a website using youtube link –

• What is the importance of website validation?
• List any three validation tools.
• Can anyone list two checkpoints for website implementation?

Notes for Facilitation

• Allow one or two students to answer the questions.
• Write down the correct answer on the board.

• Summarize the session by asking questions on the topics covered in the class.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 7.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. Reference given in 7.1.1
2. Reference given in 7.1.2
3. Reference given in 7.1.1
4. Reference given in 7.1.3
5. Reference given in 7.2.1
6. Reference given in 7.2.1
7. Reference given in 7.2.1
8. a) Reference given in 7.2.3
b) Reference given in 7.2.3
c) Reference given in 7.2.3
9. Reference given in 7.2.4
10. Reference given in 7.2.5
SSC/N9001 Manage your Work to meet Requirements
Module 8
Manage your work to meet requirements

Unit 8.1 Importance of Following Work Instruction and Complying with Company Policies
Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define the scope of work

2. Demonstrate effective work planning principles.
3. Recognize the importance of using time and resources effectively.
Unit 8.1 Importance of Following Work Instruction and Complying with Company Policies
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss the role, responsibilities, and limits of the responsibilities
2. Discuss the importance of gathering detailed work requirements and prioritizing work areas
3. Identify commonly made mistakes in the prioritized work areas
4. Explain the importance of completing work accurately

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

• Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

• “In the previous session, we learned how to maintain liaison with stakeholders. Next, we shall
understand how to manage your work to meet requirements.”

• What would happen if you don’t complete your given task on your designated timeline?
• How can you find resources for your work?

Notes for facilitation

 Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard. Take appropriate cues from the answers and start teaching
the lesson.
• “For an executive, it is important to meet the work requirements in the given timeline. The work
requirements include the followings:
o Activities (what you are required to do)
o Deliverables (the outputs of your work)
o Quantity (the volume of work you are expected to complete)
o Standards (what is acceptable performance, including compliance with service level agreements)
o Timing (when your work needs to be completed).”

• “Service level agreement is a vital component of the service contract.”

• “In practice, SLA refers to the time considered to finish a job as per the contract. As an example, internet
service providers will commonly include service level agreements where the timeframe of the net-service
will be considered.”

• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better.”

Objective The purpose of this activity is to give the CRMs in-depth information
Materials required Whiteboard to note the responses
Steps/procedure • This is a group discussion activity
• In this activity, invite a Senior Voice associate of a renowned
company to give the CRMs in-depth information related to
this module.

• The renowned guest(Senior Voice associate) will share

important pointers on areas during the seminar/discussion:

o The importance of accurate work completion

o The method of completing work accurately

o Instructions during OJT period

o Implications for not meeting the dedicated timeline

of work delivery

• Ask the students to raise hands for any query or confusion

during the discussion.
• On availing permission from the facilitator, the students can
ask questions.
• After the doubts are cleared, the Senior Voice associate or
the trainer may add a few points in relation to meeting the
• Conclude the activity with few extra points that may find
reliable to the topic and beneficial for the students.

Conclusion / what has This activity will help the participants to have in-depth
been achieved understanding the importance of completing work accurately.

• Explain how to establish and agree work requirements with appropriate people.
• Explain how to obtain guidance from appropriate people, where necessary.
• Explain Dos and Don’ts while obtaining guidance from appropriate people.
• Explain various methods adopted to gather requirements and analyze data.
• Explain the requirements of decision making.
• Elaborate the topics below:
o Roles & Responsibilities of Web Designer
o Steps involved in the Decision-Making Process
o Tips for effective time management
o Basic Work Ethics to be followed in an organization
o Brainstorming
o Standard procedure to close the call
o SMART Goals in an organization

• Conduct an activity to understand the appropriate manner of seeking assistance from people.

Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn the appropriate manner of
seeking assistance from people.
Materials required Whiteboard to note the responses
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “Role Play”
• The facilitator will divide the class in pairs (in case of odd
man out, make a group of 3 to adjust)
• In this activity, one from each player will play the role of a
supervisor from whom the other partner of the pair will seek
• Follow the protocol and maintain professionalism while
seeking assistance from the supervisor
• The trainer will ask the trainees to swap their role after 30
• This implies that the participants who played the role of a
supervisor in the first round will play the role of a voice
associate who seeks assistance and vice versa
• The second round will be of 30 minutes
• The facilitator will observe the participant approach and will
evaluate their performance
• If the participant make mistake, the trainer will rectify them

Conclusion / what has This activity will help the participants to understand the appropriate
been achieved manner of seeking assistance from people.

• Jot down the crucial points on the whiteboard as the students speak.
• Share your inputs and insight, to encourage the students and add onto what they talk about.
• Ensure that all students participate in the class.
• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 8.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
8. Answers to Questions II.
1. Hint - Refer to section 8.1.1
2. Hint - Refer to section 8.1.2
3. Hint - Refer to section Fig. 8.4
SSC/N9002 Work Effectively with Colleagues
Module 9
Work Effectively with Colleagues

Unit 9.1 Team Work and Communication

Unit 9.2 Team Work

Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain the methods and mechanisms for effective communication.

2. Explain the importance of effective collaboration in the workplace.
Unit 9.1 Team Work and Communication
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Explain the principles of clear communication
2. Outline the importance of being a good listener and adhering to the commitments

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

 “In the previous session we discussed how to manage work and meet the requirements at work place.
Let us now understand the importance of effective communication.”

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to help the trainees understand the
need for effective communication
Materials required Paper, Pen
Steps/procedure ▪ Divide the class into teams of 4 or 5.
▪ Participants in each team should sit in a circle, facing each
▪ A member from each team is given the folded sheet with a
message written on it.
▪ The member with the sheet is asked to whisper and pass the
message written on the sheet into the person's ear on their
▪ This process is repeated, and the last person in the circle has
to write down what he has heard on the blank piece of paper,
fold it and hold on to it.
▪ At the end of the activity, the last person will say it loud, and
the final message is compared to the original.

Conclusion / what has This activity will highlight how communication can be distorted, or
been achieved some elements can be lost in the process of communication.

• How accurate was the final message in the end?
• Did you confirm before whispering and check the accuracy of the message?
• How easy is it to misinterpret or change the meaning of a piece of information?

Notes for Facilitation

• Note down the responses on the whiteboard given by the students.

• “It is equally important to keep a healthy relationship with colleagues and co-workers. A relationship built on
trust, excellent, clear communication, polite language, and appropriate behavior helps you succeed at work.”
• “Today, we will discuss effective ways of communicating with colleagues.”
• “Let start with a group activity.”

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to understand the need for effective
communication with colleagues
Materials required Ball, bag, or any object and cloth to blindfold
Steps/procedure • Divide the participants into groups of 2.
• Place objects like balls or bags on the ground and then have
one person in each pair put on a blindfold.
• The other person must lead their partner to the object using
only verbal instructions.
• The person who is blindfolded isn’t allowed to speak.
• To make it even more complicated, the number of
instructions should be limited to four or five.

Conclusion / what has This activity will highlight the need for clarity, listening capability,
been achieved and interpreting what is said, trusting a colleague, and following
instructions properly in the process of communication.

• “To work effectively and efficiently, building trust with colleagues is essential.”
• “Correct communication and following rules always help to maintain a healthy relationship with co-workers.”
• “A trustworthy relationship can be built on good and clear communication, polite language, appropriate

• Explain different types of information at workplace and its significance.
• Explain how to communicate with colleagues and superiors.
• Explain how to communicate effectively with clients.
• Explain the parameters of review.
• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
Unit 9.2 Team Work
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Identify challenges and pain points related to working distribution while working in a team.
2. Explain the importance of distributing and sharing workloads.

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

• “In the previous session, we learned about the importance of effective communication at work place.”
• “Let’s discuss the importance of understanding problems at workplace and providing support in detail.”

• Explain how to carry out commitments with colleagues.
• Explain the stages of problem identification and solving with the help of the Fig. 9.1 given in the Participant
• Explain how to ensure health and safety at workplace.
• Explain the steps to coordinate and cooperate with colleagues to achieve work objectives with help of Fig. 9.3
given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the steps to follow escalation matrix in case of grievance.

• Elaborate the topics below:
o Addressing Worker’s Grievance
o Addressing Client’s Grievance

• What is grievance?
• What do you understand by escalation matrix?
• Why coordination among the colleagues is important?
• Summarize the session with a brief of ways to build effective relationships.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 9.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. Clear
2. Outsourcing
3. Feedback
4. Unexpected
5. Communication
9. Answers to Questions II.
1. Hint - Refer to section 9.1.1
2. Hint - Refer to section 9.1.1
SSC/N9003 Managing Health and Safety
Module 10
Manage Health and Safety
Unit 10.1 Occupational Health and Safety
Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Describe how to maintain a healthy, safe, and secure environment at the workplace.
Unit 10.1 Occupational health and safety
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of complying with organizational health, safety, and security policies and
2. Discuss possible roles and responsibilities that an employee can take up concerning workplace
safety management
3. Evaluate sample organizational emergency procedures
4. Identify mechanisms to improve workplace health, safety, and security
5. Label appropriate personal protective equipment needed for a job role

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

• “In the previous session, we discussed the importance of understanding problems at workplace and
providing support at work place.”
• “Today, we will talk about the how crucial is occupational health and safety at workplace in detail.”

Notes for Facilitation

• Conduct a team activity to let the participants identify hazards at the workplace and prepare a safety checklist

Team Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to identify different workplace hazards
and prepare a safety checklist
Materials required Cards/Thick paper, pencil, pen, Whiteboard, Exhibits on workplace
Steps/procedure • Divide the participants into groups of two.
• Ask the participants to refer to exhibits on workplace hazards and
develop a safety checklist to prevent those hazards.
• Give them enough time to come up with a list.
• Instruct the groups to choose one representative to come to the
board and present the list.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand the different
been achieved hazards and their safety measures.
• Explain the key points related to reporting and response to safety breach.
• Explain the common format of the incident report with the help of Fig. 10.1 and 10.2 given in the Participant
• Explain the steps and sequence to perform fire evacuation.
• Explain fire escape plan with the help of Fig 10.2 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain the steps to carry out evacuation of casualty and premises tasks.

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn how to respond and report the
safety breaches in the designated premises.
Materials required N/A
Steps/procedure • This activity will be in the form of “Role Play”.
• The trainer will ask the trainees to form pairs.
• Each pair will take part in the role play.
• One participant of the pair should enact the role of a
supervisor and the other participant will play the role of a voice
• The associate should prepare a mock document on the safety
and security at the workplace.
• He/she will also prepare a mock accident report.
• The supervisor will check the documents and in case of
discrepancies, he/she will rectify the reports.
• In the next round, the roles of the participants will be swapped.
• The participant who played the role of a supervisor, will play
the role of a Voice associate and vice versa.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand concept of safety
been achieved breach and help them to take correct measures/steps during such

• What do you understand by the term ‘safety breach’?
• What precaution need to be taken during fire evacuation?
• What is fire escape plan?
• How will you respond to an emergency situation?
• “We all should know the basic drills during emergency. For example, if there is a fire outbreak in the office, would
you like to sit helpless and wait for someone else to rescue you?
• “Or would you prefer to be able to get out of the risk by knowing some basic evacuation drills? Of course, the
second option sounds agreeable. In this unit we will discuss the evacuation procedures for workers and visitors.”

• What will you do if fire breaks out in the workplace?
• What are the emergency situations?

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard. Take appropriate cues from the answers and start
teaching the lesson.

• Elaborate the following topics:
1. Precautions during bomb threats
2. Evacuation procedures for fire outbreak and accidents
3. Rescue techniques applied during fire hazard
4. Evacuation process during natural calamities/disasters
5. Responding emergency situation

• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better.”

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn the concept of evacuation drill
during emergency situations.
Materials required Whiteboard, Marker for scores
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “Evacuation Drill and Quiz
• The trainer will ask the trainees to practice evacuation drills.
The trainer should guide them.
• After the evacuation drill is complete, there will be a quiz
contest on the evacuation procedure.
• The trainer will conduct the quiz contest.
• The trainer will divide the entire class into two group.
• One group will be Team A and the other will be Team B.
• There should be a scorer to write points on the board.
• The trainer will ask questions from the book related to the
topic discussed.
• For each correct answer, there will be 10 points however, for
wrong answers there will be deduction of 10 marks.
• There will be 5 marks for each right answer given on a pass
and 15 marks will be deducted in case the pass answer is
• There is no negative marking if a question is passed without
any answer given.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand concept of safety
been achieved evacuation drill during emergency situations.

• Explain the method of using fire extinguisher using PASS method with the help of Fig. 10.4 given in the
Participant Handbook.
• Explain how to raise an alarm and do the roll call during emergency situations.

• Demonstrate how to free a person from electrocution with the help of steps/information mentioned in the
Participant Handbook.

• “Let us now participate in another activity to understand the concept of first aid and medical assistance.”

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn the concept of first aid and
medical assistance.
Materials required Whiteboard, Marker for scores
Steps/procedure • This activity will be in the form of “Role Play”.
• The trainer will ask the trainees to form pairs.
• Each pair will take part in the role play.
• In the first round, one participant from each group will play the
role of an injured worker and the other participant will help
him/ her with medical assistance.
• The person playing the role of the medical assistant will follow
the proper procedure of summoning medical help and applying
first aid. He/ she should document the incident and prepare a
report to produce to the supervisor.
• In the next round, the roles of the participants will be swapped.
• The participant who played the patient will become an
employee who will provide medical assistance.
• The other set of participants will become the injured in need of
medical assistances.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to perform first-aid and medical
been achieved assistance during emergency situations.

Notes for Facilitation

• Jot down the crucial points on the whiteboard as the students speak.
• Share your inputs and insight, to encourage the students and add onto what they talk about.
• Ensure that all students participate in the class.

• Elaborate the following topics:
o Emergency Procedure and Reporting Accident
o Step-by-step evaluation and implication of SHE aspects
o Government Agencies for Safety at Workplace
o Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study
o Log-book for Health and Safety

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 10.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. Felicitation
2. Unexpected
3. Occupational Health and Safety Committee
4. 10-20 seconds
5. Shot
6. Environmental Health and Safety
7. Natural phenomenon
8. Assembly area
9. Elevator
10. Safety
SSC/N9004 Workplace Data Management
Module 11
Workplace Data Management
Unit 11.1 Data Management
Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Describe how data/information can be managed effectively.

Unit 11.1 Data Management
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Discuss data privacy in terms of sharing and retrieving data from different sources.
2. Discuss the significance of providing accurate and up-to-date information on time.
3. Identify the database management tools and the importance of a CRM database.

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

• “In the previous session, we discussed the importance of occupational health and safety at workplace.”
• “Today, we will talk about workplace data management in detail.”
• “. Basic data and information management is one of the fundamental tasks that an employee must be
competent to perform. In this unit, we shall discuss the procedure of the same.”

• Can anyone tell how to manage data?
• What could be the result if data is not managed properly?

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard.
• Take appropriate cues from the answers and start teaching the lesson.

• Explain how to obtain the data/ information from reliable sources and check for accuracy.
• Explain the templates and formats used for data/information & their purpose.
• Explain various techniques to obtain the data.

• “Data analysis is one of the key responsibilities of employee, especially working in IT-ITeS sector. This unit
unravels the methods of analysing data. “
• Why do you think organizations stick to a particular process flow? Is it important to device such a flow?
• What could be the possible parameters on which a Tech. Executive can be judged? (Technical aspects)

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard.
• Take appropriate cues from the answers and start teaching the lesson.

• Explain the process of carrying out rule-based analysis on data/ information.

• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better. “

Group Activity
Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn typical anomalies that may
occur in data/information.
Materials required Pen, Paper, Whiteboard & Marker
Steps/procedure • In this activity, the trainer will divide the class into 3 groups.
• Each group will be given 3 different topics on which they have
to provide a broad explanation.
• Group A will require writing on reporting method of inaccurate
data/information and whom to report
• Group B will require writing on anomalies that may occur in
• Group C will require writing on different techniques used to
obtain data/information
• It is important that the trainees present their answers not only
rich in information but also supported by hand-drawn
• The group which can present their answers in the best way
within 30 minutes will be awarded appreciation and accolades.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to identify typical anomalies that
been achieved may occur in data/information.
• “Every project has a pre-defined timeline.”
• “The first stage of a project is setting a goal -
o Accurate insertion of data in this template enables to have a clear view of the timeline, financial
aspects, quality assurance and manpower required to complete the project within time.
o It also helps to presume the project scopes and the profit margin.
o The most significant contribution of this template is that it helps to estimate the budget of the
• “In Resource Planning and technical resolution phase, the organization prepares a plan involving available
resource and work requirement.”
• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better.”

Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn how to provide accurate
process flow to analyze data.
Materials required Pen, Paper, Whiteboard & Marker
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “Report Generation”
• The trainer will show the trainees how to generate report right
from setting a goal to deployment.
• The trainees should understand each stage of the process and
how to work in coordination.
• After the session, the trainer will divide the class into 5 groups
• Each group will represent one specific stage of the report as
discussed in the unit.
• For example, trainees in group 1 will work on setting goal of
the project.
• The 2nd group will be associated with designing the software
and so on.
• Every group should work in perfect coordination so that there
is no confusion among the trainees of different group.
• The trainer will supervise the activity and will check the data
put by the trainees in the table.
• After the entire activity is over, the trainer will assess individual
• The trainees who lack the quality of coordination will be taught
how to be more interactive and how to be a good team player,
contributing to the cause of the company.
• At the end, everyone will be appreciated by the trainer for
their effort.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand the significance of
been achieved providing accurate and up-to-date information on time.
• Explain the significance of providing accurate and up-to-date information on time.

• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.

• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 11.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. Implementation
2. Software Architecture Design
3. Discussion
4. Focus group
5. Conditional branching
SSC/N9014 Implement & Improve the Gender Sensitivity, PWD
(Person/People with Disability) Sensitivity and Greening
Module 12
Implement & Improve the Gender Sensitivity, PWD (Person/People with Disability) Sensitivity and Greening

Unit 12.1 Sustainable Practices

Unit 12.2 Respect Diversity and Strengthen Practices to Promote Equality

Key Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Illustrate sustainable practices in the workplace for energy efficiency and waste management
2. Apply different approaches to maintain gender equality and increase inclusiveness for PwD
Unit 12.1 Sustainable Practices
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Describe different approaches for efficient energy resource utilization and waste management
2. Describe the importance of following diversity policies

Resources to be Used
• Participant Handbooks
• Paper, Pens, Notepad, Chart paper
• Computer, Projector
• Whiteboard, Marker, and Duster

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

 “In the previous module, we gain an understanding on workplace data management.”
 “We will now discuss the sustainable practices in workplace that optimize usage of material and energy.
Moreover, waste management is a significant aspect of every organization. We will also discuss proper
waste management and recycling processes here.”

• Why do you think promoting greenery is important?
• How should an organization manage its waste products?

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard.
• Take appropriate cues from the answers and start teaching the lesson.

• “Plants in workplaces purify the air; they reduce the concentration of CO2 (Carbon dioxide gas) and other
volatile organic compounds, keeping the air fresh and healthy.”
• “External vegetation moderates heat in and around office block in the summertime, pulling down heat
stress and decreasing the necessity for air-conditioning”.
• “Green roofs and facades proliferate insulation or the absorption capacity of heat, plummeting heating and
cooling expenses”.
• “Green environments encourage people to undertake activities such as a lunchtime walk, keeping staff alert
and healthy. Long periods of sitting adversely affect health.”
• “Renewable Energy is an eternal energy source that does not get depleted on exploitation and fetch nil or
minimal waste product”.
• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better.”
Objective The purpose of this activity is to prepare a sample checklist and
monitor energy usage.
Materials required Pen, Paper
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “Prepare a sample checklist and
monitor energy usage”.
• This activity targets to make the trainees understand the
optimization of energy in the workplace.
• The trainer will divide the class into three groups.
• The trainer will distinguish one particular room for the case
• Each group will be assigned with the following tasks.
• Count the number of lights, fans and ACs in the case study
• Note down the duration of their usage.
• Assess the proper usage and wastage.
• Prepare a checklist to evaluate how to optimize the energy
• Submit a document furnishing observations.
• The trainer will check the documents and declare the best

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand the optimization of
been achieved energy in the workplace.

• Explain how to optimize the usage of electricity/energy, materials and water.
• Explain the significance of greening.
• Explain the initiative towards efficient use of natural resources and energy, reduction and prevention of
pollution with help of Table 12.1 given in the Participant Handbook.
• Explain various energy options including renewable and non-renewable.

• Elaborate the following topics:
o Electricity first aid emergency procedures
o Steps to free a person from electrocution
o Segregate Recyclable, Non-Recyclable and Hazardous Waste
o Process of reporting potential hazard
o Hazard Identification
o Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study
o 3Rs of waste optimization
Objective The purpose of this activity is to prepare a sample hazard
measurement checklist.
Materials required Pen, Paper
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “Waste management”.
• The trainer will ask every trainee to prepare a sample hazard
measurement checklist.
• The trainees should assess the waste management system of
the building.
• They should prepare a document on the existing waste
management system and propose systems to enhance it.
• They must be able to segregate between different types of
waste and their treatment.
• On the merit of the document submitted by the trainees, the
trainer will announce the best reports.
• The trainees who furnished best reports will be appreciated by
the class.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to recognize potential hazards at
been achieved workplace.

• Summarize the session using roleplay on the techniques of telecalling.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
Unit 12.2 Respect Diversity and Strengthen Practices to Promote Equality
At the end of the unit, the trainee will be able to:
1. Identify stereotypes and prejudices associated with people with disabilities and the negative
consequences of prejudice and stereotypes.
2. Discuss the importance of promoting, sharing, and implementing gender equality and PwD sensitivity
guidelines at the organizational level.

Notes for facilitation

 Begin the session with a brief recapitulation of the previous session.

 “In the previous unit, we discussed the sustainable practices in workplace that optimize usage of material
and energy. Moreover, waste management is a significant aspect of every organization.”
 We also discussed proper waste management and recycling processes.”
 “Today we will talk about gender sensitivity at workplace and PWD related policies to strengthen and
promote equality.”

• Why do you think promoting gender equality at workplace is important?

Notes for Facilitation

• Write down the participants' answers on whiteboard.
• Take appropriate cues from the answers and start teaching the lesson.

• “The Constitution of India applies uniformly to equality of opportunity for all citizens (including every legal citizen
of India, whether they are the disabled) in matters relating to employment or healthy or disabled.”
• “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 prescribes a
system for investigating and redressing complaints against sexual harassment of women at the workplace.”
• “The definition of a ‘disabled person’ is broadened under the 2016 Act: it covers persons with disability, persons
with benchmark disability, and persons with disability having high support needs
• The Indian Government respects the equality and therefore no discrimination should be made on the ground of
• “The definition of a ‘disabled person’ is broadened under the 2016 Act: it covers persons with disability, persons
with benchmark disability, and persons with disability having high support needs.”
• “Let us now participate in an activity to understand the concept better.”

Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn the laws and regulations
related to PWD issued by the government.
Materials required N/A
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of “elocution session.”
• The Trainer will divide the class into 4 groups.
• Each group will be assigned with one law related to PWD
compliance issued by the government of India (as discussed in
the unit).
• The groups will come in front of the class one by one and
explain the key features and advantages of the law assigned to
• The Trainer will supervise the session.
• The best group will be appreciated by the class.

Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to understand the laws and
been achieved regulations related to PWD compliance issued by the government of

• Explain the concept of Gender, Gender Equality and Gender discrimination.
• Explain the policies and procedures about gender inclusivity, equality and sustainability while

working with colleagues.

• Explain the organization's Redressal Mechanisms.

o Elaborate the following topic - Comply to PWD Inclusive Policies.

Objective The purpose of this activity is to learn the importance of gender
equality at workplace.
Materials required Pen, Paper
Steps/procedure • This activity is in the form of ‘written test”
• Each Trainee will be provided with blank sheets and pen
• The Trainer will read out the following question to the
• What is gender equality and workplace and how that can be
implemented and strengthened?
• The Trainees will get 15 minutes to answer the above
• They should write the answer in the stipulated time
• The Trainer will check the answers
Trainees with best answers will be appreciated by the class.
Conclusion / what has This activity helps the participants to implement gender equality at
been achieved workplace.
• Summarize the session.
• Prepare a list of participants’ doubts if they have any. Encourage them to ask questions.
• Answer their queries.
• Instruct the trainees to open their Participant Handbook and complete the exercise given in Module 12.
• Ensure that the participants have opened the correct page for the activity.
• Give them 20 minutes to complete the exercise.
• Exercise Hints:
I. Answers to Questions I.
1. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act - 2013
2. The Person with Disabilities Act - 1995
3. The Mental Health Act - 1987
4. The Rehabilitation Council of India - 1992
5. The National Trust Act - 1999

o Answers to Questions II
1. 1. (b)
2. 2. (c)
3. 3. (a)

o Answers to Questions III

1. Identifying hazards, assessing the risks, controlling and mitigating risks
2. Wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, bio energy, hydropower energy
3. In order to ensure speedy justice, special courts are instituted in each district to deal with cases
pertaining to the violation of the rights of disabled persons. Penalties for the violation of rights
of disabled persons can extend to a monetary fine of US$7,750 (Rs 500,000) and imprisonment
for up to five years.
4. Switch off the main power, don’t touch the person who is electrocuted, try to remove the
person from the electrical source with the help of non-conducting objects like stick, cardboard,
bamboo, etc. , lay the person in this position.
Annexure I
Training Delivery Plan

Training Delivery Plan

Program Name Web Developer

Qualification Pack, Web Developer

Name and Reference ID SSC/Q0503, v2.0
Version No. 2.0 Version Update Date 27/01/2022

Pre-requisites to Training Relevant animation and graphics courses/Certifications/training

(If any)
Training Outcome After completing this programme, trainee will be able to:
1. Evaluate the functioning of Business Requirement Specification, User
Requirements Specification, Software Requirements Specification and
Low-Level Design in the web development domain.
2. Examine how assumptions, constraints, interfaces determine the
process of web designing.
3. Collate basic programming structures related to High Level design/Low
Level Design and monitor the same.
4. Examine how to create software code that is efficient, readable, and
5. Evaluate the process for converting designs into media and graphic
6. Examine how to test new products and applications.
7. Illustrate the various forms of coding tools required for software
applications and web designs.
8. Convert requirements into web content and graphic designs, leveraging
reusable components.
9. Discuss the technical validation of a web's HTML implementation.
10. Demonstrate effective communication and collaboration with
11. Apply measures to maintain standards of health and safety at the
12. Use different approaches to effectively manage and share data and

13. Develop strong relationships at the workplace through effective

communication and conflict management.
14. Identify best practices to maintain an inclusive, environmentally
sustainable workplace.
Sl. Module Name Session Name Session Objectives NOS Methodology Training Duration
No. Ref. Tools/Aids in Hours
1. IT- IT- 1. Discuss the N/A Interactive Participant T: 1
ITeS/Application ITeS/Application relevance of the Bridge Lecture in handbook, P: 1
development Development IT-ITeS sector Module the Class, Projector,
industry – An Industry 2. List the various Team Activity Whiteboard,
Introduction sub-sectors of Marker, and
the Application Duster

Career Path for a 1. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 1

Web Developer career path for Lecture in handbook, P: 1
a web developer the Class Projector,
Marker, and
2. Programming for Web Designing 1. Evaluate the use SSC/N0501 Interactive Participant T: 6
the Web and Development of the Business Lecture in handbook, P: 2
Requirements the Class, Projector,
Specification Activity Whiteboard,
(BRS)/User Marker, and
Requirements Duster
Web Designing 1. Evaluate the use Interactive Participant T: 0
and Development of the Business Lecture in handbook, P: 8
(Contd….) Requirements the Class Projector,
Specification Whiteboard,
(BRS)/User Marker, and
Requirements Duster
Web Designing 1. Evaluate the use Interactive Participant T: 3
and Development of the Business Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd….) Requirements the Class, Projector,
Specification Activity Whiteboard,
(BRS)/User Marker, and
Requirements Duster
2. Identify the
Web Designing 1. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 2
and Development Software Lecture in handbook, P: 6
(Contd….) Requirements the Class Projector,
Specification Whiteboard,
(SRS) Marker, and
Web Designing 1. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 0
and Development Software Lecture in handbook, P: 8
(Contd….) Requirements the Class Projector,
Specification Whiteboard,
(SRS) Marker, and
Web Designing 1. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 0
and Development Software Lecture in handbook, P: 1
(Contd….) Requirements the Class Projector,
Specification Whiteboard,
(SRS) Marker, and
3. Contribute to the Design Defects 1. Collate inputs SSC/N0501 Interactive Participant T: 5
Design of and Its Solution from design Lecture in handbook, P: 3
Software experts to the Class Projector,
Products and identify, resolve Whiteboard,
Applications and record Marker, and
design defects Duster
Design Defects 1. Collate inputs T: 1
and Its Solution from design P: 7
(Contd….) experts to
identify, resolve
and record
design defects
2. Discuss
from defects for
future designs
Design Defects 2. Discuss T: 4
and Its Solution conclusions P: 4
(Contd….) from defects for
future designs
Design Defects 2. Discuss Interactive Participant T: 3
and Its Solution conclusions Lecture in handbook, P: 6
(Contd….) from defects for the Class Projector,
Marker, and
future designs Duster
3. Discuss how to
use various
ranges of coding
Design Defects 3. Discuss how to Interactive Participant T: 2
and Its Solution use various Lecture in handbook, P: 6
(Contd….) ranges of coding the Class Projector,
tools Whiteboard,
Marker, and
Design Defects 3. Discuss how to Duster T: 0
and Its Solution use various P: 4
(Contd….) ranges of coding

4. Technical skills Technical 1. List the SSC/N0501 Interactive Participant T: 3

for software specifications for functional and Lecture in handbook, P: 5
design coding non-functional the Class, Projector,
requirements in demonstrate Whiteboard,
software Marker, and
application for Duster

Technical 1. List the Interactive Participant T: 0

specifications for functional and Lecture in handbook, P: 5
coding (Contd….) non-functional the Class, Projector,
requirements in Demonstrate Whiteboard,
software Marker, and
application for Duster

Designing of 1. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 2

software products current practice Lecture in handbook, P: 6
in the design of the Class Projector,
software Whiteboard,
products Marker, and
Designing of 1. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 0
software products current practice Lecture in handbook, P: 4
(Contd….) in the design of the Class Projector,
software Whiteboard,
products Marker, and
5. Analysis and Process of 1. Discuss the SSC/N0503 Interactive Participant T: 7
Design of Web conversions and implications Lecture in handbook, P: 1
Based testing new that new the Class Projector,
Applications products and products and Whiteboard,
applications applications Marker, and
may have on Duster

Software Products 1. Discuss the T: 0

and Applications implications P: 8
(Contd….) that new
products and
may have on
Process of 2. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 7
conversions and sources of Lecture in handbook, P: 1
testing new information to the Class Projector,
products and design software Whiteboard,
applications products and Marker, and
(Contd….) specifications. Duster
Process of 2. Identify the T: 0
conversions and sources of P: 8
testing new information to
products and design software
applications products and
(Contd….) specifications.
Process of 2. Identify the T: 7
conversions and sources of P: 1
testing new information to
products and design software
applications products and
(Contd….) specifications.
3. List range of
equipment used
to design
products and
Process of 3. List range of Interactive Participant T: 0
conversions and equipment used Lecture in handbook, P: 8
testing new to design the Class Projector,
products and software Whiteboard,
applications products and Marker, and
(Contd….) applications. Duster
Process of 3. List range of T: 0
conversions and equipment used P: 2
testing new to design
products and software
applications products and
(Contd….) applications.
6. Develop Media Selection of 1. Select reusable SSC/N0503 Interactive Participant T: 8
Content and Components and components, Lecture in handbook, P: 0
Graphic Designs Tools for media and the Class Projector,
for Software Web/Media graphical Whiteboard,
Products and Content packages and Marker, and
Application Development tools to develop Duster
media content
Selection of Interactive Participant T: 0
Components and Lecture in handbook, P: 8
Tools for the Class Projector,
Web/Media Whiteboard,
Content Marker, and
Development Duster
Selection of Interactive Participant T: 0
Components and Lecture in handbook, P: 7
Tools for the Class Projector,
Web/Media Whiteboard,
Content Marker, and
Development Duster
Verification and 1. Identify any Interactive Participant T: 7
Validation of defects and Lecture in handbook, P: 1
Media and corrective the Class Projector,
Graphics actions taken to Whiteboard,
improve media Marker, and
and graphics Duster
Verification and Interactive Participant T: 0
Validation of Lecture in handbook, P: 8
Media and the Class Projector,
Graphics (Contd…) Whiteboard,
Marker, and
Verification and Interactive Participant T: 0
Validation of Lecture in handbook, P: 6
Media and the Class Projector,
Graphics (Contd…) Whiteboard,
Marker, and

7. Interpret Design Implementation of 1. Identify the SSC/N0503 Interactive Participant T: 8

Specification Web Design current practice Lecture in handbook, P: 0
in developing the Class, Projector,
media content Activity Whiteboard,
and graphic Marker, and
designs. Duster
Implementation of 1. Identify the T: 2
Web Design current practice P: 6
(Contd…) in developing
media content
and graphic
Implementation of 1. Identify the T: 0
Web Design current practice P: 7
(Contd…) in developing
media content
and graphic
Technical 1. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 8
Validation of a technical Lecture in handbook, P: 0
Web’s HTML validation of a the Class, Projector,
Implementation web's HTML Demonstrate Whiteboard,
implementation. Marker, and
Technical 1. Discuss the Duster T: 2
Validation of a technical P: 6
Web’s HTML validation of a
Implementation web's HTML
(Contd…) implementation.
Technical 1. Discuss the T: 0
Validation of a technical P: 6
Web’s HTML validation of a
Implementation web's HTML
(Contd…) implementation.
8. Manage your Importance of 1. Discuss the role, SSC/N9001 Interactive Participant T: 1
work to meet Following Work responsibilities, Lecture in handbook, P: 3
requirements Instruction and and limits of the the Class, Projector,
Complying with responsibilities. Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies Marker, and
Importance of 2. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 1
Following Work importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 3
Instruction and gathering the Class, Projector,
Complying with detailed work Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies requirements Marker, and
(Contd…) and prioritizing Duster
work areas.

Importance of 3. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 2

Following Work importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 6
Instruction and gathering the Class, Projector,
Complying with detailed work Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies requirements Marker, and
(Contd…) and prioritizing Duster
work areas.
Importance of 4. 2. Identify Interactive Participant T: 2
Following Work commonly Lecture in handbook, P: 6
Instruction and made mistakes the Class, Projector,
Complying with in the prioritized Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies work areas. Marker, and
(Contd…) Duster
Importance of 5. Explain the Interactive Participant T: 1
Following Work importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 7
Instruction and completing the Class, Projector,
Complying with work accurately Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies Marker, and
(Contd…) Duster
Importance of 6. Explain the Interactive Participant T: 1
Following Work importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 7
Instruction and completing the Class, Projector,
Complying with work accurately Activity Whiteboard,
Company Policies Marker, and
(Contd…) Duster
9. Work effectively Team Work and 1. Explain the SSC/N9002 Interactive Participant T: 1
with colleagues Communication principles of Lecture in handbook, P: 3
clear the Class, Projector,
communication Activity Whiteboard,
Marker, and
Team Work and 2. Outline the Interactive Participant T: 1
Communication importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 3
(Contd…) being a good the Class, Projector,
listener and Activity Whiteboard,
adhering to the Marker, and
commitments Duster
Team Work and 3. Identify Interactive Participant T: 2
Communication challenges and Lecture in handbook, P: 6
(Contd…) pain points the Class, Projector,
related to work Activity Whiteboard,
distribution Marker, and
while working in Duster
a team.
Team Work and 4. Identify Interactive Participant T: 2
Communication challenges and Lecture in handbook, P: 6
(Contd…) pain points the Class, Projector,
related to work Activity Whiteboard,
distribution Marker, and
while working in Duster
a team.
Team Work 5. Explain the Interactive Participant T: 1
(Contd…) importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 7
distributing and the Class, Projector,
sharing Activity Whiteboard,
workloads. Marker, and
Team Work 6. Explain the Interactive Participant T: 1
(Contd…) importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 7
distributing and the Class, Projector,
sharing Activity Whiteboard,
workloads. Marker, and
10. Managing Occupational 1. Discuss the SSC/N9003 Interactive Participant T: 1
Health and Health and Safety importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 5
Safety complying with the Class, Projector,
organizational Activity Whiteboard,
health, safety Marker, and
and security Duster
policies and

Occupational 2. Discuss possible Interactive Participant T: 1

Health and Safety roles and Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) responsibilities the Class, Projector,
that an Activity Whiteboard,
employee can Marker, and
take up with Duster
respect to

Occupational 3. Evaluate sample Interactive Participant T: 1

Health and Safety organizational Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) emergency the Class, Projector,
procedures. Activity Whiteboard,
Marker, and
Occupational 4. Identify Interactive Participant T: 1
Health and Safety mechanisms to Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) improve the Class, Projector,
workplace Activity Whiteboard,
health, safety, Marker, and
and security. Duster

Occupational 5. Label Interactive Participant T: 1

Health and Safety appropriate Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) personal the Class, Projector,
protective Activity Whiteboard,
equipment Marker, and
needed for a job Duster
11. Workplace Data Management 1. Discuss data SSC/N9004 Interactive Participant T: 1
Data privacy in terms Lecture in handbook, P: 5
Management of sharing and the Class, Projector,
retrieving data Activity Whiteboard,
from different Marker, and
sources. Duster
Data Management 2. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 1
(Contd…) significance of Lecture in handbook, P: 5
providing the Class, Projector,
accurate and Activity Whiteboard,
up-to-date Marker, and
information on Duster

Data Management 3. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 1

(Contd…) significance of Lecture in handbook, P: 5
providing the Class, Projector,
accurate and Activity Whiteboard,
up-to-date Marker, and
information on Duster
Data Management 4. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 1
(Contd…) database Lecture in handbook, P: 5
management the Class, Projector,
tools and Activity Whiteboard,
importance of Marker, and
CRM database. Duster
Data Management 5. Identify the Interactive Participant T: 1
(Contd…) database Lecture in handbook, P: 5
management the Class, Projector,
tools and Activity Whiteboard,
importance of Marker, and
CRM database. Duster
12. Implement & Sustainable 1. Describe SSC/N9014 Interactive Participant T: 1
Improve the Practices different Lecture in handbook, P: 5
Gender approaches for the Class, Projector,
Sensitivity, PWD efficient energy Activity Whiteboard,
(Person/People resource Marker, and
with utilization and Duster
Disability) waste
Sensitivity and management.
Sustainable 2. Describe the Interactive Participant T: 1
Practices importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) following the the Class, Projector,
diversity Activity Whiteboard,
policies. Marker, and
Sustainable 3. Identify Interactive Participant T: 1
Practices stereotypes and Lecture in handbook, P: 5
(Contd…) prejudices the Class, Projector,
associated with Activity Whiteboard,
people with Marker, and
disabilities and Duster
the negative
of prejudice and

Respect Diversity 4. Discuss the Interactive Participant T: 2

and Strengthen importance of Lecture in handbook, P: 5
Practices to promoting, the Class, Projector,
Promote Equality sharing and Activity Whiteboard,
implementing Marker, and
gender equality Duster
and PwD
guidelines at
Total (In Hours) Theory 120
Practical 300
*Grand Total (in Hours) 420 hours
Annexure II

Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria for Web Developer

Job Role Web Developer

Qualification Pack SSC/Q0503, v2.0
Sector Skill Council IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council NASSCOM

Sr. No. Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualifications File will be approved by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will
also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.

2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the

3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/ option NOS/ Set of NOS.

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each
candidate at each examination/training centre (as per assessment criteria below).

5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at
each examination/training centre based on this criterion.

6. To pass the Qualifications File, every trainee should score a minimum of 70 % of aggregate marks.

In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification File.
Compulsory NOS
Total Marks: 700

Assessable Assessment criteria for outcomes Total Theory Practical Viva

Outcomes Marks Marks Marks Marks
Outcomes to be
Assessment criteria for the Total Skills
assessed/NOSs Out of Theory
outcome Marks Practical
to be assessed
SSC/N0501 PC1. understand Business
Contribute to the Requirements Specification
design of (BRS)/User Requirements
10 10 -
software Specification (URS), and Software
products and Requirements Specification (SRS)
applications with appropriate people
PC2. check the understanding of
High-Level Design (HLD) concept 5 5 -
with appropriate people
PC3. design basic programming
structures to implement
functionality in line with 40 40
requirements defined in BRS/URS,
SRS and HLD 100
PC4. review the designs with
10 10 -
industry experts
PC5. analyse inputs from superiors
to identify, resolve and record
15 15 -
design defects and inform future
PC6. document the details of
designs using standard templates 10 - 10
and tools
PC7. comply with organizational
policies, procedures and guidelines
10 - 10
when contributing to the design of
software products and applications

Total 100 40 60

SSC/N0503: PC1. verify Business Requirements

Develop media Specification (BRS), Software 100 10 10 -
content and Requirements Specification (SRS),
graphic designs High Level Design (HLD) and Low-
for software Level Design (LLD)
products and PC2. access reusable components,
applications media and graphical packages and
10 - 10
tools from the organization’s
knowledge base
PC3. convert requirements into
media content and graphic designs,
20 - 20
leveraging reusable components
where available
PC4. review media content and
graphic designs with superiors and 10 5 5
analyse their feedback
PC5. record any defects and
corrective actions taken to inform 10 - 10
future work
PC6. rework media content and
graphic designs, incorporating 25 5 5
PC7. submit media content and
graphic designs for approval to 10 - 10
PC8. update the organization’s
knowledge base with the
10 - 10
experiences of the media content
and graphic designs developed
PC9. comply with organizational
policies, procedures and guidelines
10 - 10
when developing media content
and graphic designs developed

Total 100 20 80

SSC/N9001: PC1. establish and agree your work

Manage your requirements with appropriate
6.25 - 6.25
work to meet people
PC2. keep your immediate work
12.50 6.25 6.25
area clean and tidy

PC3. utilize your time effectively 12.50 6.25 6.25

PC4. use resources correctly and
18.75 6.25 12.5
PC5. treat confidential information
6.25 - 6.25
PC6. work in line with the
organization’s policies and 12.50 - 12.5
PC7. work within the limits of your
6.25 - 6.25
job role
PC8. obtain guidance from
appropriate people, where 6.25 - 6.25
PC9. ensure your work meets the
18.75 6.25 12.5
agreed requirements

Total 100 25 75

SSC/N9002: PC1. communicate with colleagues

20 - 20
Work effectively clearly, concisely, and accurately
with colleagues PC2. work with colleagues to
integrate your work effectively with 10 - 10
PC3. pass on essential information
to colleagues in line with
20 20 -
PC4. work in ways that show
100 20 - 20
respect for colleagues
PC5. carry out commitments you
10 - 10
have made to colleagues
PC6. identify any problems you
have working with colleagues and
10 - 10
take the initiative to solve these
PC7. follow the organization’s
policies and procedures for working 10 - 10
with colleagues

Total 100 20 80

SSC/N9003: PC1. comply with the

100 20 10 10
Maintain a organization’s current health,
healthy, safe, safety and security policies and
and secure procedures
working PC2. report any identified breaches -
environment in health, safety, and security
10 10
policies and procedures to the
designated person
PC3. identify and correct any
hazards that you can deal with
20 10 10
safely, competently and within the
limits of your authority
PC4. report any hazards that you
are not competent to deal with to
the relevant person in line with
10 - 10
organizational procedures and
warn other people who may be
PC5. follow the organization’s
emergency procedures promptly, 20 10 10
calmly, and efficiently
PC6. identify and recommend
opportunities for improving health,
10 - 10
safety, and security to the
designated person
PC7. complete any health and
safety records legibly and 10 - 10

Total 100 30 70

SSC/N9004: PC1. establish and agree with

Provide appropriate people the
data/information data/information you need to
12.50 12.5 -
in standard provide, the formats in which you
formats need to provide it, and when you
need to provide it
PC2. obtain the data/information 100
12.50 - 12.5
from reliable sources
PC3. check that the obtained
data/information is accurate, 12.50 6.25 6.25
complete, and up to date
PC4. obtain advice or guidance
12.50 - 12.5
from appropriate people where
there are problems with the
PC5. carry out rule-based analysis
25 - 25
of the data/information, if required
PC6. insert the data/information
12.50 - 12.5
into the agreed formats
PC7. report any unresolved
anomalies in the data/information 6.25 6.25 -
to appropriate people
PC8. provide complete, accurate
and up-to-date data/information to
6.25 - 6.25
the appropriate people in the
required formats on time

Total 100 25 75

SSC/N9014: PC1. optimize usage of

Maintain an electricity/energy, materials, and
inclusive, water in various tasks/activities
20 5 15
environmentally /processes and plan the
sustainable implementation of energy efficient
workplace systems in a phased manner
PC2. segregate recyclable, non-
recyclable and hazardous waste
20 5 15
generated for disposal or efficient
waste management
PC3. understand the diversity
policy of the organization and use
15 5 10
internal & external communication 100
to colleagues to improve
PC4. comply with PwD inclusive
policies for an adaptable and 10 - 10
equitable work environment
PC5. improve through specifically
designed recruitment practices,
20 - 20
PwD friendly infrastructure, job
roles, etc.
PC6. improve through specifically
designed recruitment practices,
15 5 10
PwD friendly infrastructure, job
roles, etc.
Total 100 20 80
 Sector: Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar business and
interests. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the economy whose components share similar
characteristics and interests.
 Sub-sector: Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics and
interests of its components.
 Occupation: Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/ related set of functions in an
industry. Job role: Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique employment
opportunity in an organization.
 Occupational Standards (OS): OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve
when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
they need to meet that standard consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the
Indian and global contexts.
 Performance Criteria (PC): Performance Criteria (PC) are statements that together specify the
standard of performance required when carrying out a task.
 National Occupational Standards (NOS): NOS are occupational standards which apply uniquely in
the Indian context.
 Qualifications Pack (QP): QP comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training and
other criteria required to perform a job role. A QP is assigned a unique qualifications pack code.
 Unit Code: Unit code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard, which is denoted by an ‘N’
 Unit Title: Unit title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be able to do.
 Description: Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to anyone
searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they are looking for.
 Scope: Scope is a set of statements specifying the range of variables that an individual may have to
deal with in carrying out the function which have a critical impact on quality of performance required.
 Knowledge and Understanding (KU): Knowledge and Understanding (KU) are statements which
together specify the technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an
individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
 Organizational Context: Organizational context includes the way the organization is structured and
how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their relevant areas
of responsibility.
 Technical Knowledge: Technical knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific
designated responsibilities.
 Core Skills/ Generic Skills (GS): Core skills or Generic Skills (GS) are a group of skills that are the key to
learning and working in today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment in
today’s world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment. In the context of the OS,
these include communication related skills that are applicable to most job roles.
 Electives: Electives are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as contributive to
specialization in a job role. There may be multiple electives within a QP for each specialized job role.
Trainees must select at least one elective for the successful completion of a QP with Electives.
 Options: Options are NOS/set of NOS that are identified by the sector as additional skills. There may
be multiple options within a QP. It is not mandatory to select any of the options to complete a QP with

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