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The people working for Marico are some of the most skillful workers out there. Marico is known

for hiring the best and most skillful employees. They are capable enough to tackle any

challenging situation and the work place is absolutely worker friendly which is some of the key

concerns of Marico.

Overall Marico has been ruling the fmcg market of Bangladesh for a long time. However the

company still has room for growth, which we have mentioned above. As for the ethical values, it

is important for any company to practice strong ethical values. The employees play a key role in

the success of a company. All the strategies we have mentioned, as well as the threats and risks

surrounding the company, it is impossible to implement those strategies and mitigate risk without

employee support. Every employee should be loyal to Organization. They should work for the

benefit of the organization. All the business records and transaction records should be recorded

on time and with absolute fairness. Managers should recognize the employees giving extra to the

company through incentives. The employees must be encouraged to act in a way that is fruitful

for the company. As well as maintain secrecy so that any confidential and sensitive information

does not reach the rivals.

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