Stakeholders and Their Roles in The Regent Hospital Scam

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Stakeholders and Their Roles

The unethical activities of the regent hospital, affected the stakeholders of the organization.

People behind the scam as well as the people falling victim of it had face consequences for it. If

we focus on stakeholders the first person would be Md. Shahed. He claimed at the beginning that

the hospital was dedicated in providing services to people battling with covid. Only to be later

tangled up in scam of providing false test reports in exchange of money. Of the entire covid test

done by the patients, around 6300 of them was found to be fabricated. that they would provide

false test results without even conducting the test and present a fake result of the test , in

exchange of cash. According to RAB’s Intel, Shahed embezzled around Tk2.50 crore to Tk3

crore, from this scam. After several investigations and interrogations, the court had sentenced

him to 3 years in jail. But later got lifetime imprisonment for his involvement in a separate arms

case. Shahed also tried to contact home minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal as his way out of

capture. He tried to make friends in the higher levels by posing as an ex-army officer. But the

minister denied any help and released a letter unmasking him as a fake army officer and

demanded action from the police headquarters. He insisted that he will not be able to escape the

law. The hospital branches were sealed off and a manhunt for Shahed had begun. After a nine

day manhunt, Shahed was finally caught by the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) team on 15th of

July, 2020 from Shatkhira Komorpur border as he was trying to flee to India. Earlier on that

week, the RAB force had already arrested the managing director of the Regent Hospital Masud

Parvez from Gazipur district. Several employees thought to have been involved in the scam were

also arrested and put in remand.

This incident had worsened the covid situation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh was already going

through a bad time, with reports of hundreds of deaths every week. the hospitals were having a
hard time trying to maintain the patients as the ICU’s were always filled up and there was a

shortage for oxygen cylinders. To handle the situation the government put mask mandates and

lockdown and strictly restricted traveling long distances, as those who have been affected by the

the virus can spread it by traveling. But, The regent hospital had conducted over 10 thousand

covid tests, and falsified every 3 out of 5 test results. This resulted directly in the increase of the

covid virus spreading rapidly across the country. The false detection of covid meant that they

were not following the proper guidelines of lockdown. Thus they affected everyone around them

with the virus and put their lives in harm’s way.

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